Is he is his own bed or a crib, I can't remember?
We have coslept from birth, it works wonderfully for us. Riley is such an independent, spirited little boy, but come bedtime, he turns into a complete little snuggle bunny. He loves to lay very close to me, or on top of me on the bed, and will hug me and stroke my face etc. To encourage him to learn to fall asleep independently, I would do his usual winddown, he might lie on me for a little while, and then I would roll him over to his own side of the bed when he was drowsy, and wait for him to fall asleep. Sometimes this worked, sometimes it was really too much for him, and I had to take a step back. Anyway, over time, we have gotten to the stage where I will lie with him for a bit, and then leave the room, and he will fall asleep on his own. Now, this does not happen every time, and some nights he wants me there, and I am fine with that. I just have the one lo, and I don't have another on the way like you do.
I don't think it will be any easier to do this when the baby gets here. I imagine it would only be more stressful on you to start it then too. Now Riley is 21 months, and it hasn't gotten any easier to "reason with him" on nights where he wants me there. All I hear from the bedroom is a pitiful, "Uh-oh, Mama's gone....Dada's gone, uh-oh" That really pulls at my heart strings (I am very soft when it comes to my baby
If you could imagine a dream bedtime scenario, what would it consist of? We are here to support you, you know that.
Your ds is such a cutey, I often look at his avatar and he reminds me a bit of my own son, with that beautiful blond hair, and his lovely skin.