Oops kind of important!!!!!
Forgot to mention. She is not really having a DF – which is a FF, now but we still give DD her last feed for the night as if it was a DF – in her room in the dark, no chat, burp, nappy change, off to bed – where she falls asleep. For the last 4 weeks DD’s DF has gone from 10:00pm – 8:30pm. The reason for this is b/cos we were going in to give DD her DF, at 10:00pm and she just wasn’t having a bar of it – she would have about 50-60mls if we were lucky (just less than 2oz). My DH and I assumed that her little body clock was changing and she was telling us that she didn’t want to be woken at that time anymore so we just decreased it by 30mins each week. She is now having her final feed, as mentioned at 8:30pm. DD has usually woken at 7:00am over the past 6 weeks. I think the reason for her ‘early morning rises’ and change in routine is that DD is getting too much sleep during the day.
Here is an outline of DD’s E.A.S.Y routine as it stood b4 ‘the change’
E: 7:00am – 7:30am BF (now waking at 3:30am (happended a few times) and 5:30am
A: 7:30 – 8:15/8:30 – bath time, play, nappy change
S: 8:15/8:30 – DD used to take about 20mins to settle down. Would self-sooth
E: 10:00am – 10:30am BF – sometimes leave for an extra 30mins if she has had a fussy morning or taken longer to get to sleep BUT I sometimes have to wake DD as I don’t want her to sleep too long into her next feed. I am guessing I should wake her?
A: 10:30 – 11:15/11:30 – play, nappy change
S: 11:15 - 11:30 – DD used to take about 20mins to settle down. Would self-sooth.
E: 1:00pm – 1:30pm BF
A: 1:30pm – 2:15/2:30pm – play, nappy change
S: 2:15/2:30pm
E: 4:00pm – 4:30pm BF
A: 4:30pm – 5:15/5:30pm – play, nappy change
S: 5:15/5:30pm
DF: 7:30pm – 8:00 - FF
I think this DF is where I am going wrong as it is too much sleep b4 DD’s main night sleep. I have tried to stretch it out and go from 4ish till 6ish and then a DF at8:00 – 8:30pm but she just seems to get grumpy. She is pretty good about showing us her ‘tired signs’ yawning, rubbing eyes, losing interest in activity. And when I catch these signs and pop her to bed she settles down, usually, within her 20mins and is off to ‘Dreamland’. So during the time that I tried to keep her awake between 4 -6ish but she has been showing her tired signs, at about 1:15 – 1:30hrs, and I don’t want and overtired DD!!!!!
I have been increasing her activity time by 15mins every few days and she generally lasts for 1:30mins but sometimes, when she has woken early shows me her ‘tired signs’ earlier and I pop her off to bed.
So there you have it. Hope the length has not put you off…..bit of a novel really but would totally love any advice. All in all I feel really happy about the way things are going. She is such a smiley wee girl and seems really happy and content so not too sure why this 'glitch'. Still happy, even with her change, maybe just me overstressing!!!!! Basically just want to get DD back on track, as b4.
Must away, as I have let DD sleep and extra 30mins, due to her 'early morning', and don’t want her to sleep too much into her next feed.
Cheers and thank you so very much in advance.
Kiwi from NZ