Author Topic: 15 month old suddenly won't go to sleep at bedtime  (Read 12347 times)

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Offline bebeboy106

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15 month old suddenly won't go to sleep at bedtime
« on: May 02, 2007, 01:44:55 am »
Hi, I posted a couple of months back when we were weaning my son from the bottle and rocking at nighttime. You were all so helpful and your ideas worked wonders. He's been doing great, but lately has been not doing so great. We are having such a hard time getting him to go to bed at night. He went from going right to sleep when laid down to throwing an all out angry tantrum. Last night we allowed him to cry for 20 min. and he went to sleep. Now tonight my dh is upstairs rocking him because ds was gagging himself crying so hard.

So, is it time to transition to one nap? He currently takes two, a long morning nap (usually around 1.5 to 2 hrs) and a shorter afternoon nap (around an hour). He usually is in bed by 7:30. I just don't know what to do and this is driving me crazy since he was doing so great. Please, any suggestions......


Offline LeesMom

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Re: 15 month old suddenly won't go to sleep at bedtime
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2007, 02:17:34 am »
Hi Carrie,

We had similar issues when DD was 15 mos. or so. Upon help received on this board, we ended up doing WI/WO  and it really did work, although it did involve quite a bit of crying at first. This might be something to consider because then he won't be crying alone (which could cause a whole heap of other issues) but also won't get you into the trap of accidental parenting like having to rock him to sleep every night (we did that too  ::) ). It could very well be that he's ready to transition to one nap. Could you post his routine? Is he only having trouble going to sleep at nighttime or is it for naps as well?

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Re: 15 month old suddenly won't go to sleep at bedtime
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2007, 02:18:17 am »
I'd go with a transition to one nap.  Shorten his morning nap (and expect him to be a grump when you wake him) and then a longer nap after lunch,

Offline bebeboy106

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Re: 15 month old suddenly won't go to sleep at bedtime
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2007, 02:42:36 am »
He is still doing really well with falling asleep for both of his naps; it is just nighttime that gives us headaches.

His schedule:
7:00-7:30 wake up
Eat breakfast
9:30-10:00 down for morning nap
11:30 or so wake up
Eat lunch
2:00 (or so) down for afternoon nap
3:00-3:30 wake up
play/watch Wiggles :-)
6:00 dinner
7:00 bath
7:30 bed

Our days aren't really dictated by times of the day which is why the times aren't exact. Maybe I should stick to a schedule much more than I have been? I try to just watch and see when he acts tired not overly dependent on the clock to dictate nap times. Would it be better for him to have a more strict schedule?


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Re: 15 month old suddenly won't go to sleep at bedtime
« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2007, 03:22:44 am »
Hi Carrie!!!

If you are having bedtime battles, definitely a sign to transitiont to 1 nap. You could start by pushing the morning nap until you get him taking it at 12ish. Still try and offer a catnap to tie him over till bedtime but if he is refusing it then go for an early bedtime (like 6pm) until his nap is around middle of the day.

Mine would still go easily down as early as 10.30-11am but that would mean a LONG afternoon for us and super cranky by bedtime so I think sometimes you have to ignore cues and try to keep him awake. You could do what previous post suggested and shorten the morning nap right down to 30mins and bring the afternoon nap to 1.30pm. Depends on the temper of your lo. If he is more or less adaptable to changes then push him every 3-4 days in about 15-20min increments until you get to 12ish.

I am also a believer in naps and bedtime being about the same time everyday (within 30mins or so). Of course you cannot have them going to bed every single night at eactly the same time but aim at a 30min time frame. It really helps with setting their body clock.

Ultimately you want to have him take his nap about 5.5hrs from the time he wakes up and going to bed about 5.5hrs from the time nap ended.


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