My lo (19months) has had kind of scaly bumps on back of upper arms and side of legs for most of her life (for sometime on face and bad scaly yellow "cradle cap" for over a year, which still her scalp is kind of scaly) I have tried every sensitive skin, no fragrance lotion and baby soap I can get my hands on (which where I live is not that many). I have found, since putting her on the potty at 8 months old, (not very consistently, but enough to see a pattern) that certain foods will make her incontinent (corn, apples, strawberries in any form and old fashioned oatmeal). She is potty trained as far as pee goes, unless she has one of the above mentioned foods, then she has accidents galore. Recently she got a stomach bug and so only ate bananas and rice for a few days and the bumps on her legs started clearing up. It has to be in the food that she eats. I have researched elimination diets, it is overwhelming. I have asked my GP, but they said no it isn't food allergies. When she was a younger if she at any dairy products she would spit up, but no longer does that, although she isn't crazy about milk, will drink chocolate milk, but I don't give her that regularly. Can anyone give me a direction to go?