Sorry, I haven't even searched for other posts b/c I cannot think of how to search for this problem.
Over the past month or two, our son has gone from a normal nightime/naptime ritual (story, bottle, bed) to needing us to hold him until he falls asleep, which is now taking up to 45 minutes! It's driving us both mad. From birth, we held him until he was very sleepy/partially asleep, then put him in bed and walked out- 10 minutes tops. Now he gets very upset and wakes himself up if we shift him before he is deeply asleep - and sometimes he will talk in his sleep and tell us not to move him. It's beyond exasperating.We need to be able to put him in his crib awake without a meltdown. We are adamantly against crying it out, but have tried to leave him for 5 or so minutes (occassionally he used to cry for a couple minutes then pop off to sleep- we thought this might be the same thing, but it's not).
He has also stopped waking at 7 (he was a 7 to 7:30 baby), and his naps are often shortened to 1 to 1.5 hours, rather than two, although he clearly needs a nap and is grouchy as heck when he wakes.
Please, any advice/thoughts/etc would be helpful. I don't know if this is a stage, or teething, or something else, but we loved to hear from our fellow experts/sufferers/sympathizers/online friends.
Emotionally drained Elizabeth and Michael