Author Topic: Please help us get some sleep  (Read 3345 times)

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Offline mella

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Please help us get some sleep
« on: May 12, 2007, 08:50:18 am »
Our lovely little boy keeps us up, (well mostly me), most of the night. He's almost 5 months. He goes to bed at 7.30 and sleeps wonderfully until about midnight and then starts waking,usually every hour, sometimes every half hour and last night it was every 20 mins or so. He goes to bed with a dummy and the mobile on, and unless he's hungry, all it takes is putting his dummy back in  and mobile on and he's asleep again. His day time naps are usually 1 x 2 hours (9-11) 2 x 1 hours (1-2pm and 4-5pm).  We also think he may have silent reflux and maybe they are due to this? or could he be using the dummy as a prop? or maybe not getting enough sleep in the day? Should we be putting him down later? Your suggestions please!!! Will try anything!!!

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Re: Please help us get some sleep
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2007, 09:01:40 am »

what strikes me is that he's propbably verydependant on his paci and/or mobile to go to aleep and to stay asleep. I believe those have become props for him and you would have to get rid of paci so that he doesn't wake at night if it falls out.

I'm no props expert so that's about all advice I can offer ;)

making his bedtime later won't help. 7:30 is perfect.


Maja - 6 yrs
Nina - 27.11.2012 :)

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Re: Please help us get some sleep
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2007, 09:12:38 am »
i got the same impression. at least until you dont have your lo propfree, you wont know if there is any underlying issues.

good luck!

Offline Zoey

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Re: Please help us get some sleep
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2007, 13:28:23 pm »
In my opinion, since the reflux diagnosis is so new I'd really wait on getting rid of your paci.  Sucking increases saliva production and swallowing - saliva is a natural acid neutralizer.  We often encourage people to keep the paci for reflux babies until meds or change in formulas take effect.  Just my opinion!  ;) :-*


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Re: Please help us get some sleep
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2007, 10:46:41 am »
Thanks, I've decided to keep the dummy until we have seen the ped, but to try to limit it in the daytime, as he's having it far too much. Wonder of all wonders though, last night i did a dream feed at 11pm and he then only woke up once at 2.30 am, put dummy back in and the next thing i know its 4am and he's chatting away to himself.  Left him alone and he got himself back to sleep and didn't hear a peep out of him. I woke up at 6.45. I just laid there listening as it was so quiet, thinking something had happened in his sleep and was about to run into his room when i hear him chatting away again. I haven't so much sleep since,mmmmm...about 7 months ago!!!!!Please let this be the turning point and not a one off. Fingers crossed for tonight.

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Re: Please help us get some sleep
« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2007, 19:13:53 pm »
I hope he sleeps well again tonight. I have to second what Zoey said as my dd had reflux when she was younger ( seems to have out grown it) and her dummy really helped her a lot.

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Re: Please help us get some sleep
« Reply #6 on: May 16, 2007, 09:23:29 am »
Thanks, he woke up 10 times last night.  :o Good job i went to bed REALLY early, and DH did the dream feed. He normally starts waking at around 3am, so i had 5 hours sleep before it started. Hopefully he will outgrow this at some point......

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Re: Please help us get some sleep
« Reply #7 on: May 16, 2007, 15:55:51 pm »
When he woke last night, did the paci do the trick most of the time?  Could he be overtired?  Maybe you could post his sch and we could take a look?
[img width= height=][/img]

Offline mella

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Re: Please help us get some sleep
« Reply #8 on: May 16, 2007, 18:44:08 pm »
Most of the time, as soon as the dummy goes in he goes straight off, its quite comical, one minute he's flailing about and then he just flops asleep th second it goes in ;D (well it would be if i wasn't shattered).
Its really hard to put his schedule, as he is terrible at napping, and even worse at eating. This is what i try to get-
7am wake and bottle (has refused this for weeks)
A 7-7.45 play on our bed
   7.45 -8am banana cereal
   8 - 9 play
S 9 -11, but usually wakes by 10.30

E 11 (will usually take 4 - 5oz)
A 11- 1
S 1-2

A 2 - 3pm (4 -5 oz again if lucky)
E 3pm
A 3 -4pm
S 4 - 5pm

5.30, Rusk

A until 6.30, then bedtime routine starts,
Bath, P.J's and feed at 7 - 7.15 pm. Max 5oz again. Then in bed asleep by 7.30pm. He has been having a dream feed at 11pm, (4-5oz) and has been waking for food by 3pm. Then the fun starts, waking at least every hour, some times 4 times an hour. 
He goes down for his naps OK(ish) but is only having about 30 -45Min's at lunch and afternoon nap, and wont go back down after he's woke.

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Re: Please help us get some sleep
« Reply #9 on: May 16, 2007, 22:05:29 pm »
I am not sure but it sounds like the paci may be or is becoming a prop?  Does he need it for naps? 

He could also be overtired.  Bad naps will cause nightwaking. What have you tried to extend them? 
[img width= height=][/img]

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Re: Please help us get some sleep
« Reply #10 on: May 16, 2007, 23:51:37 pm »
I was also thinking the paci may be a prop.  :-\
Mom to Colin Ronald, August 18, 2005
Spirited + Reflux =  :o

Offline mella

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Re: Please help us get some sleep
« Reply #11 on: May 17, 2007, 07:50:29 am »
I've was thinking the same about the dummy, but a few people advised to keep it as it may be helping the as yet undiagnosed reflux. He will go down in the day without the dummy and at night, it normally falls out soon after he's asleep and he doesn't wake. But don't think he'll go back to sleep without it. As for extending the naps, i just keep going back in, putting mobile on/dummy in and leaving him. If i stay, he just smiles at me and wants to play.

Offline Zoey

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Re: Please help us get some sleep
« Reply #12 on: May 17, 2007, 11:20:45 am »
I think if his pain is controlled and he is drinking better and all that, that it would be safe to wean the paci.  That is what we did, I waited 2-3 weeks after starting new formula and meds and then began sleep training when I knew for sure he wasn't in pain.  You can't sleep train a baby in pain, so it just makes sense to wait and be sure. ;)

Owen was up about 17 times a night with the paci problem so I feel your pain there.  Try to remember this is a tiny part of his life, it will get better. 

Again just my opinion and experience.  If he is better, have at it.  Good Luck.


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Offline mella

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Re: Please help us get some sleep
« Reply #13 on: May 17, 2007, 12:56:27 pm »
thanks Zoey, but since we had to drop the new formula things have started to go downhill again, and he his taking less milk, yesterday was 15 oz, including 2 night feeds, and he started doing the squirming back arching thing in bed. I'm wondering if putting him down earlier may help. He starts rubbing his eyes at about 6.30 so should we bring everything forward so he's in bed at 6.30 instead of 7.30??

Offline Zoey

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Re: Please help us get some sleep
« Reply #14 on: May 17, 2007, 13:23:22 pm »
I would see the doctor about another formula - one that is lactose free and broken down some like Enfamil Nutramigen:  This formula is hypoallergenic, lactose-free, sucrose-free.  I know you live in a place where this sorta thing may be difficult to get but I think it may be possible if you ask the manager of your drug store or market where you buy such things.  You can also order off Ebay.

Anyhow, like I was saying above - its not fair to him to start trying to sleep train him if he is in pain.  His pain could also be what is causing him to wake up, know what I mean?  I am only speaking from experience.  The key will be to keep trying formulas til you find one that works for his tummy AND doesn't cause loose stools.  What meds is he getting again? 

At almost 5m you want to aim for something like this:

E: 7.00 wake up and feed
A: from end of feed til 845 then wind down
S: 9.00 sleep (for 1.5-2hr nap)

E: 11.00 feed
A: and of feed til 1245p then wind down
S: 1.00sleep (1.5-2hr nap)

E: 3.00 feed
A: end of feed til 445p then wind down
S: 5.00 catnap 30-40m

E: 6p feed
A: bath or whatever
S: 645/7pm bed

E: 10 or 11pm dreamfeed (until 7 or 8mths or whenever solid food is firmly established)

This is just what is suggested.  Now, if he does a short nap - you will have to put him down for the next nap earlier then usual to avoid him becoming overtired.  Watch his cues, always put him down if he is showing sleepy cues regardless of what time it is.  His short napping could be from the dummy, or cause he is hungry, or cause he is overtired - its hard to know. 

Also, I think I mentioned before you may have to try small feeds more frequently until his reflux is in better control.  If this is the case, EASY may become EAESY - and that is ok too.

You can use pat/shh (use rub/shh) with a dummy - you can use it to help him settle if he can't by himself.  Stay away from putting him to sleep with it if possible.  I would just stay away from any hardcore sleep training until he isn't hurting and is eating properly.  He was eating 23ish ounces a day, so you know he can/wants to do that.  The mission will be to try and find a formula that works well for him, which Nutramigen seems to be the one, no lactose and hypoallergenic - the two things he needs.  Talk to you doctor about what they think, ask your store if they can order it - and check Ebay for it. 

Im sorry things are hard still.  It takes a while to find the right combo.  After that you can do the sleep training - but even if you were to remove the paci and sleep train now, Im fairly certain it wouldn't work because he will have a need that isn't being met - either pain or hunger.


« Last Edit: May 17, 2007, 13:25:30 pm by Zoey »

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