Author Topic: If you're sure you're not sick of me....  (Read 3523 times)

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If you're sure you're not sick of me....
« on: May 12, 2007, 18:34:31 pm »
Starting off with a 'thank u' to Mari (again!)
Just wanted to update:
So , first night (thurs) awful, put DS down after bottle, a lot of crying, standing up etc, needed to rub back, shhh just did anything I could to make him ok with staying in his cot, eventually he was rolling around exhausted and after 1 hr I held him down (arms and legs!) long enough for him to fall asleep (very uncomfortable on HUGE baby bump ::)) Removed grip and he was ok for 5 mins then screamed out and sta up  crying, pinned him down, shh and rubbing back eventually fell asleep again, did this all again then he stayed asleep 8.30pm

second night (yest) better I suppose, 45 mins compare with 1hr altho still quite a bit of crying and fell asleep with hand on back (altho not pinned down) alseep 8.15pm

third night (tonight :)) much better, grizzled fir 5 mins when put down but then happily blabbered in there for 30 mins or so (I was sitting on a chair right next to cot tho and he kept checking on me LOL) when he got really tired he started to fuss but was easily calmed with shhh 'go to sleep' and pd. after 35mins asleep 8.10

whatcha think so far???

I am doing a VERY gradual withdrawal and minimum crying method since I have understood its the crying that make sme give in and get irritated (which he can sense).

TIA :-* :-* :-* :-*

Offline *Natasha*

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Re: If you're sure you're not sick of me....
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2007, 22:13:24 pm »
Sounds like you are making great progress well done love :-*

Natasha proud Mum to:

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Re: If you're sure you're not sick of me....
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2007, 02:45:00 am »
Sounds like your doing very well.....

Layla  :-*

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Offline yaya

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Re: If you're sure you're not sick of me....
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2007, 18:29:44 pm »
thank u for your replies! :-*
fourth night, was pretty content when put down and played around for 25 mins, standing, giggling, running etc :-* when he got tired he cried out to me and tried to reach me, I pd and put my hand on his back and he was asleep in 5 mins so total 30mins asleep by 8.05.
Whatcha think?
My issues at the mo are, what should I do about the crying out when tired? Shall I not pd down? seeing as I'm in the room with him its not CIO. Maybe tomorrow I will try not to pd and see if he'll settle himself down without me? Only go to him if won't calm? How does that sound?

Offline Layla

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Re: If you're sure you're not sick of me....
« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2007, 09:12:36 am »
Its not cio if you are in the same room. It could be mantra cry so see how it goes without doing anything & like you said if its getting worse then help him out (do pd)....

You are doing GREAT!!!!!

20/06/2012 - my angel baby

Offline yaya

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Re: If you're sure you're not sick of me....
« Reply #5 on: May 14, 2007, 10:47:31 am »
i dont think its a mantra cry...he usually rolls around for that but now he stands up an cries for me.
Quick Q: can early awkeups be caused by the sleep training to start with??

Offline yaya

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Re: If you're sure you're not sick of me....
« Reply #6 on: May 14, 2007, 18:53:25 pm »
why oh why???????????????? :'( every b****y time we attempt sleep trainign it goes well for a few days then something he's comign down with a cold!!! I really dont believe's so unfair

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Re: If you're sure you're not sick of me....
« Reply #7 on: May 14, 2007, 19:46:17 pm »
Hang in there Yaya.  You will get through it.  I'm sorry about the cold, but Hope he gets well soon.  :(

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Re: If you're sure you're not sick of me....
« Reply #8 on: May 16, 2007, 15:29:32 pm »
 >:( Isn't that always the case! But it sounds like you're doing a super job! I can't wait til they are 5 years old!
Mom to "Textbook" Jack born Dec 3, 2005
and (?) Rya- Feb 13, 2008

Vancouver, Canada

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Re: If you're sure you're not sick of me....
« Reply #9 on: May 16, 2007, 15:40:04 pm »
Stick at it Yaya, you can do it!! Sounds like you were doing a fab job!!!

I sleep trained Harvey sat by his cot, I only left the room when he was a sleep, then left when he was drifting off then left as soon as I put him down!  He was almost a year and was waking 5 times a night, was being rocked to sleep all the time ended up in our bed EVERY night! Sleep trained him in 2 days and - touch wood - heavne tlooked back since...

If his colds not to bad then Id continue what yor doing, sound like he was really getting the hang of it as long as your there comforting him I dont think it would hurt to continue.  And if you think he cant cope then stop, you know best, you can start again when hes better!!

Good luck xxxx

Offline yaya

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Re: If you're sure you're not sick of me....
« Reply #10 on: May 16, 2007, 18:24:09 pm »
 :'( I really put my heart in it this time! Last night the cold was BAD he was sooo stufffed up and the crying in cot was making him worse so I had to pu and I hate myself for this as tonight he went mental when I tried to pd.... :-\  I'm having a really bad week aswell (exhaustion wise) and now feel like we'll never get to where we were (albeit it wasnt very far!!)
What do you...shall I continue to hold till cold has gone then be brutal ( ;)) and just pd and let him whine? or do u think the pu-ing has set us back badly? :-\
It's so unfair...we were finally doing well, 25min to sleep, independently (with me there) and now we are back to square one...
I hate moaning like this all the time, so sorry please bear with me :(

Offline DavidsMomma

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Re: If you're sure you're not sick of me....
« Reply #11 on: May 16, 2007, 18:41:38 pm »
Yaya, I can totally understand where you are coming from.  The exact same thing happens here.  As soon as ds starts doing a bit better with sleep training, he gets a cold.  He currently has one now, so we are in a holding pattern (I am still WO when I say good night right now, but if DS puts up any fuss, I give to a GW.)  But that is how it has been for us for months now, very, very frustrating!  And I know you also probably have the added stress of more of a time line, which doesn't help.  Just try and be patient. 
One thing I have done that I have seen that helps, if the cold isn't horrible (w/ my DS I think it's actually teeth causing it, so he's just so snotty), instead of taking him from his bed, I stay with him, hold his hand, do everything in my power to make him comfortable there...  it helps in the long run to try and keep them in their bed as much as possible.  Don't get me wrong, I have completely given up and gotten DS out and had to start over.  Of course this is much more tiring for you, so maybe with your exhaustion, it might be good just to hold and start when everyone is fresh and feeling better. 
Just to let you know, it may feel like it will be as hard to start again - to you, always was for me at least, but my DS is always a bit (surprisingly :o ) better the next time around. 
I hope that helps you at least a little.  Looks like our LO's are about the same age, my DS is almost 18 months.

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Offline yaya

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Re: If you're sure you're not sick of me....
« Reply #12 on: May 16, 2007, 18:45:48 pm »
Aww Kris thanx, so good to hear I am not alone, I often feel very alone in the sleep training :'(
I just kept telling myself: you're doign whats right for ur baby-....The crying was just making him more and moer bunged up and then he wouldnt be able to go to sleep himself anyway. I have promised myself as soon as the nose clears a bit, he''s going bac k in LOL!
I do pd evert time and try to get him to relaz and lay down but past 2 nights if I see it 's not working I pu to avoid stuffed up nose.
I really DO feel the time pressure...only 6 wks to new baby :o what the heck am I going to do if i havent go him trained by then????? ok must stop stressing ...

Offline Layla

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Re: If you're sure you're not sick of me....
« Reply #13 on: May 16, 2007, 19:00:15 pm »
Don't put pressure on yourself. Take it one night at a time.


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Offline DavidsMomma

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Re: If you're sure you're not sick of me....
« Reply #14 on: May 17, 2007, 00:25:16 am »
Yaya, you are definitely not alone in this!!!  I have been working on this since January and one thing or another always gets in the way, colds, vacation.  It is always so frustrating to have something stop you, or pause you, rather, esp when you have decided and set in completely determined.  Once you start seeing more progress, it will make you more sure that what you are doing is right for both of you. 
I will be wishing you get well ***vibes*** for your LO, and mine, tonight  ;)

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