Author Topic: NOT sleeping after bug  (Read 911 times)

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Offline EdGil

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NOT sleeping after bug
« on: May 13, 2007, 20:29:36 pm »
Hi All, new to this site. My first son (now 3) was text book, no feeding,teething, sleeping problems at all. My second son now 11 months is a mystery to me. He's never been very settled and put on lactose free formula as baby but after 4 months slept through night and mostly good routine during day. He does suffer when getting teeth and just got over a stomach bug about 2 weeks ago but now is waking screaming at least 4 times a night. He won't sleep at all (even during day) unless I stay with him which is obviously impossible all night. I'm not a fan of bringing baby to our bed as think that makes things worse but did try it and that didn't work. For the last week we've been trying the controlled crying and finding it really tough (especially at 3am/4am/5am) but still not working. when I do go into him he's ok and big smiles so I persuming he's not sick. Seems to be an anxiety thing. Any advice... I can't help feeling we're doing something wrong. I know every child is different but after such an easy ride on our 1st child it's extremely tough to have no sleep. I've read some of your messages and know some of you have it harder so hate to moan but would love a full night sleep as find my patience is not the same with both kids and feel so guilty. thx

Offline momofclaire

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Re: NOT sleeping after bug
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2007, 23:44:50 pm »

Is DS2 on Easy?  What is his sch like?  At first glance, it sounds like separation anxiety.  Tracy advised against CC as she believed it broke the trust between mom and baby.  If you are still trying it, I would recommend that you stop as it usually makes things worse, especially separation anxiety. 
Post back and I will try to help.

Oh, and welcome to the site!
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Offline EdGil

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Re: NOT sleeping after bug
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2007, 09:15:19 am »
Many thanks Myia. Not on easy..never heard of it !! He is on a great routine though..and has been fantastic up to 4 weeks ago. (up at 7am,nap of 45 mins every morning, 2 hrs early afternoon, bed at 7.30). Every night same thing, it doesn't matter how many times you go in or pick him up he will always just cry himself to sleep.(last night cried for an hour!!) It's heart breaking listening to him. he's also started the same crying going to bed for nap times.... It's starting to have an effect on my 3 yr old as well so evenings are spent running between 2 bedrooms (on my own as husb works evenings!!) I really can't figure out what it is??  :-\

Offline momofclaire

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Re: NOT sleeping after bug
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2007, 17:28:50 pm »
You could be dealing with a bit of separation anxiety.  It can be tough especially when it only shows up at night?  I would recommend picking up "The Babywhisperer Solves All Your Problems," because it will explain EASY and give some helpful information.   

Does he sleep through the night once he is asleep?  Does he go to sleep independently, without a prop?  (paci, rocking, being fed)  Does he have a lovey? 
It must be hard trying to take care of both at night when your husband is working.  Hang in there. 
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Offline EdGil

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Re: NOT sleeping after bug
« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2007, 21:22:32 pm »
thanks Myia...first week he didn't sleep through but in last 4 nights once he finally falls asleep he sleeps through to about 6am. Although now starting to get upset at day time sleeps which is new !!! he uses a soother but nothing else. I'll get the book recommended and have a read.. thanks again. We had it so easy on our first son, I think Callum's going to keep us on our toes!!!

Offline momofclaire

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Re: NOT sleeping after bug
« Reply #5 on: May 17, 2007, 23:43:22 pm »
It sounds like you might be dealing with separation anxiety.  Have a read and keep me posted.
Hang in there
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