Thank you so much for your response! I did realize I was doing the shh/pat incorrectly, as I was letting him get really hysterical in the crib with crying (he rarely cries so that has been SO hard for me!) now I know to get him in a good calm state before laying him down. I was laying him down and he would get all excited and smile and laugh at me, thus eliminating his sleepy feelings! I will try the right way today for naps!
Here is a sample of our schedule. I do worry that he is not getting enough sleep at night, as he is still waking around the 3AM hour to eat, I try to walk with him and calm him when he wakes then, but he gets very upset, and it seems he is hungry, so when I do feed him, he eats and then goes back to sleep...the little guy eats a ton! like 42 oz. a day! My Ped assures me it will taper off as he reaches 6 months!
7AMish-Wakes/Diaper change/Bottle
8:45-9-Calm to get ready to sleep
5-5:30/45-Cat Nap
6:30-8:30-A & Bath + Starting bedtime routine
9:30-10-Walks to sleep
And it begins again. Today was different, he ate at 7AM and fell right asleep and has been asleep for 45 mins, I have no idea when he will wake up. He usually doesn't do that, but I wonder if he was just tired as he didn't get good sleep last night. Usually he is awake and we play until his nap time around 9am.
SOmetimes I feel like we are on a great schedule, and sometimes I feel like its all out of whack. I know that things will change periodically, and I am ok with that. I am a SAHM, so I am committed to making things work for him.
I think my biggest two concerns are that he is not getting enough sleep at night (with the 3AM wake for feeding) and that we still have to walk him to get him to sleep. He doesn't like being rocked either. Just walked and sung to. He is also rather spirited, in that he will get super sleepy and as he nods off, he gets upset, and cries, and straightens his body out kind of having a fit like he doesn't want to miss something. He does get angry really fast about that. I just hold him and sing to him, and then he finally calms down while "yelling" at me, and even does so as he falls asleep, kind of complaining. Once he is asleep, and I lay him down, he does not wake up, and stays asleep really well for his naps and such.
Any advice on how I can help not only get him to sleep on his own (without the walking to sleep), but to reassure him and make sure he knows his bed is a good place to be? We were co-sleeping part of the night before moving him solely to his crib. he would sleep on his own until 3AM, feed and then come back to bed with me and fall asleep til morning, now he has just changed that to being back in his crib! We are also really working on the night time routine, he has been a little tough to get to sleep with that, takes about a half an hour to get him to wind down after the night time routine with the bath and jammies and such. I feel like we can do this, and he is very flexible, I just need some advice on a few issues and some reassurance I am doing things right! TIA!