Author Topic: When should put my 25 month on no Nap  (Read 2213 times)

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When should put my 25 month on no Nap
« on: May 25, 2007, 20:35:15 pm »
just wondering my DS fits to the BW system very well except for his very early mornings(approx 5-6am).

he has a nap from 1pm for approx 2 hours then he goes to bed at 7.30pm and eventually gets himself to sleep by 8pm but he never sleeps later than 6am and sometimes wakes at 5am.

I did try the wake to sleep method on 3 separate occasions for about 2 weeks each time which helped a little (maybe extra 30 mins to hour) but as soon as I stopped he wakes early again.

I wondering if I should start eliminating the day time nap!

All suggestions welcome.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2007, 13:51:29 pm by Bright Eyes »


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Re: When should put my 21 month on no Nap
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2007, 20:40:18 pm »
My DS is 24 months, and still wants a two hour nap, consequently he wants to go sleep late.  I wouldn't eliminate it, maybe just start shortening it, and then your lo will then want to sleep in later.  I found this really helped with us.  We are now down to an hour

HTH  :-*

Offline Bright Eyes

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Re: When should put my 21 month on no Nap
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2007, 20:45:22 pm »
Hi Emma Louise,

Yes I thought eliminating it could cause problems, I will start to shorten it then over a period of a week or two, I suppose 15 mins every 3 days and bring it down to one hour.

Hopefully this might make him stay in bed a little longer.

Also we are moving on June 15th should I wait till the move and have it as a new thing in the new house? or would it be better to make the change before the move.


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Re: When should put my 21 month on no Nap
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2007, 21:48:10 pm »
I would start to shorten the nap now.  Alex sleeps for 1 hour and 15 minutes ideally, but she sometimes skips it. (she is 28 months so a little older)  Then I do an earlier bedtime.
I shortened the nap at the latter part of it initially, then it got to starting a little later until it was down from 2 hours to 1.15.  (I still find that the earlier the better, but she resists it before 1pm now.
When you start to shorten the nap, do a slightly earlier bedtime, even if she doesn't fall asleep, at least she is there and hopefully get to drop off a little earlier eventually.  Hope that helps.

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Re: When should put my 21 month on no Nap
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2007, 22:26:46 pm »
I have an early riser here & after lots of trial & error, I found if he naps before 1.30pm any 1 day I end up with early rises (ie 5amish) so he naps from 1.30 & I don't actually wake him but he will still be asleep by 8pm even if he wakes at 4pm. not saying you do that, just that my ds needs 6.5-7 hours Awake time in the am... unlike his brother who is approaching 4yo & still struggles without a nap & at 2yo had only just gone to 1 nap.
dc1 July 03, dc2 May 05

Offline Deb_in_oz

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Re: When should put my 21 month on no Nap
« Reply #5 on: May 25, 2007, 22:47:36 pm »
ditto to Kate's suggestion.

Liv is 27 mo and naps around 1:30 (sometimes earlier and sometimes later) and gets up between 3:30-4:30 depending on the day and is in bed before 8 and asleep by 8ish and she now sleeps later (don't want to kinx) but it used to be 6ish now "later"

Alex is turning 4 soon and is just now starting to drop her nap - goes through phases - but is actually miserable when she goes too long without a nap.

before i would drop completely I would trial different times for the nap and also different lengths.  HTH
Debra - a New Yorker living in Australia married to a Brit

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Re: When should put my 21 month on no Nap
« Reply #6 on: May 26, 2007, 08:52:04 am »
As for making the change before the move, I would not personally do it as moving house will be such a major life event for him, it may muck up your changes and therefore make you feel a bit disappointed, as if it hasn't worked, when really it was the event of moving house that may muck it up!  Can you last until June 15th or will you be a zombie?!?!?!?  :-*

Offline Bright Eyes

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Re: When should put my 25 month on no Nap
« Reply #7 on: May 26, 2007, 13:49:52 pm »
Great thanks for all advice and tips - I think i can wait until after the move as you say it will all be a bit much for him and he is already feeling a bit put out with the arrival of Charlie 6 weeks ago.

On another note I must have be exhausted yesterday evening to actually get Adams age wrong :o

He was 2 on May 1st which makes him nearly 25 months

God! a need a good nights sleep ;)

So I will wait until mid June and in the meantime start keeping it the same length but move the timing around and see if that makes a difference.

On another level should I also use the move to switch him to a bed from his cot or will this all be too much?


Offline **Clare**

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Re: When should put my 21 month on no Nap
« Reply #8 on: May 26, 2007, 13:57:48 pm »
Well, Im 25 and I still nap every day!!!  ;) I wish, but seriously I really think I could if I was 'allowed'!!

Harvey is just approaching 2 (Eek  :-\ ) He sleeps from 1 - 3, I wake him at 3 to pick big bro up and he goes at 1 coz thats what time we get in from work/nursery.  If its a weekend or nursery day he goes to sleep betweent 12 and 12.30 and can sleep up to 3 hours sometimes more! Hes - almost - always in bed at 7.30 regardless and wakes at about 6.30 (earlier if hes had a longer nap!)

I think harvey will need his nap for another 6 months a least, Jake was still napping at 3 and a half.  It just depends on the child! I remember my friend forcing her child to stay awake at the age of 22 months (cringe) so he'd be in bed by 6.... she had number 2 on the way and thought it was best.....  :-\


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Re: When should put my 25 month on no Nap
« Reply #9 on: May 26, 2007, 17:28:25 pm »
Bed by 6  :o he must have been so exhausted!!!

On another note I must have be exhausted yesterday evening to actually get Adams age wrong :o

He was 2 on May 1st which makes him nearly 25 months

God! a need a good nights sleep ;)

Been there  ;D

As for moving from cot to bed, no idea, DS is still in cotbed (2 years old), maybe just make one transition at a time, over a period of maybe a few weeks


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Re: When should put my 25 month on no Nap
« Reply #10 on: May 26, 2007, 21:45:14 pm »
when moving it is usually a good idea to keep things as familiar as possible to help with the adjustment. if it were me, not only would i keep the cot for a while after the move, but i would set it up the same as before (same sheet, toys etc) and any other details that help him out to feel like it is "home"

and i can relate to the wrong age thing.  i got Liv;s age wrong a long while back and the only way i realized it was wrong was when i saw one of my birth club moms talk about her daughter - who has the same birthdate as Liv  :o so embarrassed!
Debra - a New Yorker living in Australia married to a Brit

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Offline Bright Eyes

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Re: When should put my 25 month on no Nap
« Reply #11 on: May 27, 2007, 13:35:50 pm »
Hi Deb,

Yes this makes sense even though family members are saying the move is a good time to make changes.

So he is still in his Cot - he has no problem in it and goes to bed of his own accord with no resistance.
So he still has a pacifier - Only for sleep and he has never needed 8 bottles of juice or milk like others I know.
So he has temper tantrums - he is very Spirited/Touchy and has difficultly dealing with emotions and gets very highly strung - all the more reason to help him work it out!

You would think my DS was uncontrollable or spoilt but because I try to read signs and let him work things out I get a lot of eyes to heaven (from mother and MIL and sister) but yet they all comment on how mature and responsible he is but cannot believe I don't let him CIO or punish and say No more often and think I'm all New Age trying to explain and discuss things with him  :-\

Sorry just needed a rant even my DH thinks I'm going about it the wrong way when situations get out of control.............

Anyway back to the point - will take advice and try to keep all things 'Normal & Familiar' and will wait to address the early mornings when he has settled after the move.

Its not like I'm out partying all night (I Wish) and need the sleep ;)

Offline **Clare**

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Re: When should put my 25 month on no Nap
« Reply #12 on: May 27, 2007, 13:43:07 pm »
Quote (selected)
So he is still in his Cot - he has no problem in it and goes to bed of his own accord with no resistance.
So he still has a pacifier - Only for sleep and he has never needed 8 bottles of juice or milk like others I know.
So he has temper tantrums - he is very Spirited/Touchy and has difficultly dealing with emotions and gets very highly strung - all the more reason to help him work it out!

You would think my DS was uncontrollable or spoilt but because I try to read signs and let him work things out I get a lot of eyes to heaven (from mother and MIL and sister) but yet they all comment on how mature and responsible he is but cannot believe I don't let him CIO or punish and say No more often and think I'm all New Age trying to explain and discuss things with him 

Wow!!  :o I could have wrote this post myself about Harvey!!!  ::)

Offline Bright Eyes

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Re: When should put my 25 month on no Nap
« Reply #13 on: May 27, 2007, 14:19:04 pm »
Hi Clare,

You know the feeling then?

Sometimes dont you just wish people would get on with their own lives and leave you to yours ::)

Its like they all sit and discuss where Im going wrong and then all approach me about it :-\
Sounds like Im Paranoid now ;)

But its their comments that makes us doubt ourselves so thank God for the BW and this Forum because I can get reassurance and support that I am doing the right thing!

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Re: When should put my 25 month on no Nap
« Reply #14 on: May 27, 2007, 14:23:04 pm »
Aw love your tickers!!

Yes I definately know how you feel, like having a highly spirited (and in my case bad tempered, tantrum prone toddler) isnt hard enough!!!!

Little ones crying  ::) must go, will type more later!!! xxxxxxxxxx