Author Topic: 9 month old still taking three naps but nighttime is terrible!!!!  (Read 914 times)

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My son just turned 9 months last week.  He was an angel sleeper from 2-5 1/2 months -- 10 hours straight, up for 20 minutes to eat, and then asleep another two hours.  Around 6 months he went through a few weeks where he was up every 2-3 hours.  He went back to sleeping 12 hours at night with only 1-2 short wakings where he seemed very hungry.  Just last week though he has been getting up every 1-2 hours and waking up between 5:30-6:30 (He used to sleep until 7:30).  The question is -- where is the problem?  I'm wondering if his three naps a day are partially to blame.  I know that he might be teething, is now crawling forward (he's always gone backwards), stood by himself for the first time today, and can now pull himself up to a seated position.  That alone is a lot.  He's also been sick and can't breathe through his nose very well.  But.... the naps.  I'm wondering if he'd do better with just two.  I looked at other people's routines and it always seems like there's a long gap between the waking from the second nap until bedtime.  Right now we are doing:

6:30 awake and bf
9:00 nap
10:00 (if I'm lucky) and bf
12:30 nap
1:30 awake and bf
3:30 nap (usually his longest of the day)
5:00 up and bf
6:00 solids
6:45 bath, massage, bottle

Could I also not be feeding him enough solids?  I'm getting pretty sleep deprived as I was up 5 times last night!!!!  I woke up so frustrated with him and was so grateful when DH woke up so I could hand him our son and take a break.  This is too much!!!!  He was such a great sleeper and now he's a "monster sleeper" -- any advice or help would be greatly appreciated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: 9 month old still taking three naps but nighttime is terrible!!!!
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2007, 17:13:58 pm »
I think it goes with that age, I can remember my dd standing up but they cant get down.

As for feeding my DD was/ is still a complete food monster and she was bottle feed so I cant really comment but maybe someone else can help you.

just want to give you all my  support and I hope you can get to the bottom of this.

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Re: 9 month old still taking three naps but nighttime is terrible!!!!
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2007, 17:23:33 pm »
Well is that first nap usually 45 minutes?

Maybe he needs slight more A time.There to get proper nap there , so his routine falls little more later and his last nap is not so late and not so long.

About solids. When did you start to give him solids? And why did you picked dinner as his solids time?

Offline Seans mommy

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Re: 9 month old still taking three naps but nighttime is terrible!!!!
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2007, 17:57:39 pm »
Thank you so much for your quick replies!!!!  The first two naps tend to be around 45 minutes.  I have been keeping up with the first two 45 minute naps because he just seems so tired (both of us are).  I kept thinking that he just needs as much sleep as possible during the day.  Maybe that's not working?  It used to but I'm realizing that he is really getting older and maybe all these short naps are causing a problem.
As for the solids -- I'm not very good with feeding solids.  BFing is so much easier but I also realize that maybe he's hungry at night.  We started at 6 months but not consistently.  I picked dinnertime because at first it seemed like it was helping him sleep longer.  We had a leaf scare where he ate a leaf and it got stuck in the back of his throat this past Sunday -- we had to go to the emergency room and he didn't get to bed until 9:00 that night.  No solids that night either.  I then for some reason didn't give him his nightly solids for a couple nights in a row and his sleeping was terrible.  Gave him his regular two nights ago and he slept much better.  Didn't give him his chicken dinner (or any protein) last night and he was up 5 times.  Maybe it's a combo of things?  What is your thinking about the solids?  Should he have more during the day?

Thanks again for your help and support!

Offline ¤ Efka ¤

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Re: 9 month old still taking three naps but nighttime is terrible!!!!
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2007, 18:07:10 pm »
My first thought i that when he is having 45 minute naps, he is not tired enough. Maybe if you give him 15 minutes more A time, it could help him sleep longer for his nap.And if he does that , then other thing in your routine fall in place too, because I really think such a long nap before bedtime is not really good to his routine.

Nothing bad with BF :)
And when you started at 6 months its normal thing, maybe just to get him little used to having little solids  lunch too.
Thing with solids only at night is that is not really recommend to introduce new foods in the evening, if it reacts bad his tummy hearts he cannot sleep. So thats why its good to have daytime solids.

I am sure ladies in solids food board have lots more advise.

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Re: 9 month old still taking three naps but nighttime is terrible!!!!
« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2007, 21:24:26 pm »
My DD is just now 9 mo.  Her naps were getting to be rediculously short, and then I realized that I still had her on a 3.5 hour EASY so over a couple weeks I transitioned to a 4-5 hour EASY and it has really helped her naps.  We are still struggling with nights but I think it's mostly because she's been sick for 2 weeks.  I hope this helps.   :-*