
Please can anyone help my LO wakes all the time in the night and i don't no how to start to stop it

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Author Topic: Waking all through the night still and she is 2 and a half please help me.  (Read 1306 times)

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Offline kez1sophie

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If i am honest she has never slept throught the night she is now 2 years and 6 months old, we have a bedtime routine that has never been changed really only with age ie: introduced reading a book once she was 9 months old.

She has a bath, STILL A BOTTLE OF MILK, which is another issue i can't stop and need help with. has 2 stories and sleep. she then wakes between 11pm and 12am and has more milk goes back to sleep, wakes then at 3am to 4am for another one.

We decorated her a new bedroom because the plan is a brother or sister for her in the next year. so we moved her from her cot bed which she has been ok in, to a normal sized single bed, i have put the cot bumper on (I have a cot bumper on), this was last saturday, she still fell out of bed twice,down the side of the bumper, and now just cries in her sleep and wakes continually all night long i slept an hour last night. She cries and cries, will not speak at all to me.

Obviously the broken night has now become normal to me for 2.5 years but this last week its changed, is this because of her new room?? can anyone help with how to settle her.

I also have the bottle problem how do i break this, i am also concearned she is obsessed with holding a tag in her hands and its a pair of her white pants and only that pair, also her dummy. Will not leave them alone, they make her tired lying around all the time. She does not have them at nursery all day, but goes on and on about them all the time at home.

It really getting me down now.

Its a vicious circle i want to sleep i no the milk gets her to sleep, i don't mind the dummy at night, but do i get rid completely and how do i get rid of it. Also do i do this all in one go or sort one thing at a time.

Sorry if i am babbling.

Hope to hear from someone soon.

Kerry  :'( :'( :'(

Offline Sylvia.

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there was just no way i could read and not reply

you do have sleep associations, could you thin down the milk with water to start, say 25 percent water and then after about a week start reducing the amount some whilst thinning it down more, to me this would be the gentle approach

i have had heaps of problem the last 6 months with my 34 month old dd1, things for us are slowly on the improve

i hope you get heaps more replies, hang around, everyone here is so supportive

hugs, sylvia xoxo

Offline kez1sophie

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Someone has suggested doing that with the milk before now, i will try it i have nothing to loose.

Thanks for you reply, i'm just reading other ones to try and get some ideas to.

Kerry x x

Offline headinoz

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Hi, Kerry:

Just wanted to send my sympathies - from one tired mum to another!!   :(

My DD (17 months) has just moved to a big girl bed (toddler size) and we've had similar issues with the ongoing wake-ups in the night.  It's so frustrating!!!

Sounds like you may have to tackle one thing at a time (milk, NW etc)... and find a way to get Sophie a little more sleep so she's not overtired.  Hopefully someone on the boards here has some good ideas for us both.


Offline kez1sophie

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Thank you Heather, although its horrible it seems a little better when you know your not the only one out there like it.

We have just had the most unbelieviable performance. Bath which she screamed "no no" all the way through. Bottle of milk (Yeah again) storeys but instead of her going to ssleep she got up, she said my now room is nasty (Very out or character for her to be horrible) . it is so lovely i have slogged my guts out doing her a fifi and the flowertots room hand painting all the pictures on the walls of fiif. talk about hurt me.

We have ended up taking her a drive she went to sleep instantly and is still in bed alseep for now. I am assuming its a total change room and decore including bed thats why she is waking is confused. Is it a bad idea to put her back in her old room. We have only moved her to get her settled as were trying to iron out these problems before trying for another babay, (I'm not much in the mood for a new baby though as were having such a nightmare).

She is such a lovely little happy girl just go these sleep problems milk problems (Which i no is my fault) and obbsession with dummy and taggie.

Kerry  ??? ??? :'(

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Hello Kerry.

Could you post her routine to ensure that all is fine with it.

I agree with PP's that you need to sort the milk issue out, but I don't really see the bedtime bottle a problem at the moment as she doesn't actually fall asleep with it.  The night time ones are the problem as she is probably waking for the milk. 
I was doing the same for Alex and she was waking up to 3 times a night somenights.  I went cold turkey with the milk, she still has her milk at bedtime, in her bottle, but she has that downstairs with her story,  She never falls asleep on it so I don't have an issue with it. (she won't take it from a sippy and TBH I'd rather her have the milk as it's good for her)

How does she go to bed after her story?  Do you need to rock her or anything?

Offline kez1sophie

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Her routine for bed is she has a bath, we then get dried on my bed and dry her hair (With hairdryer as she has masses of it) which 9 times out of ten takes half hour to 40 mins as she keeps jumping and won't get dressed. We then walk to her bedroom she climbs into bed and i sit next to the bed on a toybox thats by her bed, we read the elves and the shoemaker and the gingerbread man, she has the sames ones every night (She chooses) while she is having a bottle of milk. Then i kiss her goodnight and say see you in the morning have a lovely sleep. This is the same every night. She falls to sleep on her own,

Very occasionalyy calls me back in and asks to be rocked, but i had a rocking chair in her nursery, this is now not in her new room, she has not mentioned rocking since she has been in her new room which is 6 days now. but is not settling is crying all night we have not slept for 5 nights now. She rolling and wriggling everywhere.

Sophie won't have her milk in a juice cup either, but i don't mind the bedtime drink at all. Its the 12am and 4am ones i hate. when you went cold turkey, did you just keep putting LO back down how did you get LO to go back to sleep, also do i sort this issue with her room first then sort the milk problem?

Thanks for your help its much appreciated.

Hubby has just spent 1 hour going in and out as she kept getting out of bed, unfortunately i have had to miss bedtime and go out. this never normally happens.

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Hey Kerry,

I would say you have to use one of the sleep training methods for toddlers to get her back down. Here's the link: https://babywhispererforums.com/index.php?topic=63896.0

You should start to see improvements in about 2 weeks. Its improtant to be consistent and no matter what, don't give the bottle because all that crying is out the window and youhave to start from scratch. I think its fantastic that she falls asleep on her own - she's already 1/2 way there. When she wakes in the middle of the night, I would recommend you do the wi/wo to help her settle.....

This will be hard at the start because its something new and she will probably cry (alot). Just try and remember your ultimate goal, that is, she needs to learn how to fall back asleep when/if she wakes in the middle of the night....

Good luck and post daily if you like. We are all here to help you and support you.
Layla  :-*

20/06/2012 - my angel baby

Offline kez1sophie

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Thank you very much for your help i will try the wi/wo typically tonight she has gone to bed normal, not shouted me just fell asleep on her own. Isn't that the way when your all fired up to start something, i definately am not going to give her milk later though cause she will wake at 11pm. I'll keep you posted, fingers crossed she stays asleep.

As you say i will have to start again so may aswell do it, its our fault were to quick to get the milk instaed of trying to settle her back down , when your tired it sometimes is easier, but i;m sticking to it now, because we will be trying for a 2nd baby soon so need her settled at night as much as possible really.

Thanks once again will keep you posted.

She said to me this morning " I like my nasty room now mommy"  what a way with words i say hee hee

Offline Layla

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Believe me.... I know exactly what you mean!!! I never gave Isabella a bottle past 9 months (she kinda dropped the night feed herself) but with Jasmine.... I dropped at 8 months and then when she started waking at 5in the morning continuely, I would run in with a bottle of milk (I was scared of her waking the toddler up) and kept on doing it..... I watered it down but she still kept waking for the thing (and drank it too) so I bit the bullet and stopped going in. You would be surprised how quickly some can catch on. She still has the occasional early waking but I don't give her anything. I either leave her there until 6am or start the day earlier.... this all stopped about 1 1/2 months ago and was going on for about a month.

Let me know how tonight goes

20/06/2012 - my angel baby

Offline kez1sophie

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Sorry for the delay we go out to see my parents on Saturday nights, well she sleeping ok again so seems she has got used to her new room. Just

However "mommy here" with absolutely no will power still got a bottle however i did try i went in 3 times when she cried settled her back but once she sad "Milk Mommy" i sent hubby down to get it.

Uh i'm hopeles hee hee. I think i'm just happy to be sleeping again now. Oh here we go she is crying, i have been in put her dummy back in, still crying i no what she is after "Milk".

I won't make this mistake with the next one and hopefully i will break this before i have another one to.

I have just stuck to her routine and she seems to be just sleeping now like she is used to her room. Took 6 nights. It's mad with kids you solve one problem and another pops up, or you get to a stage where you get them settled and because of age or teeth or eating solids they have to change again. I mean she is nappy free in the days now has been since February, when do i train for the night time ones and how can i when she drinks milk all night uh!!!!. That will be my next post on here hee hee

Thanks for your advice and help, i'll keep you posted. Really appreciate it. x x x