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Re: Calling sleep training old timers!
« Reply #15 on: June 02, 2007, 07:33:28 am »
Hugs Kris, poor old David, I do think that illness means baby's needs first but I found that u can still keep some amount of consistency in the training even through the tough times. EG when I saw how fussy DS was when I put him down I suddenly thought 'well he's teething, poor lad, it's not nice to dump him in his bed and leave him to it' was going to pu but resisted, instead as I said I stood near cot and place hand on back to calm then removed hand and he fell asleep after 30mins. Afterall independent sleep means being able to fall asleep indep, in ANy conditions right? No good if he can only do it when 100% ok!
What are david's symptoms?

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Re: Calling sleep training old timers!
« Reply #16 on: June 02, 2007, 16:26:40 pm »
Michelle, hey, mostly just fever and feeling yucky, bit of diarrhea too. :-X Yesterday was our highest, even with the tylenol he was running at 103 and then topped out last night at 104.5 F (I don't know what it would be converted, sorry.)  We went back to the doc this morning and they said viral infection and it needs to run its course, we are alternating motrin and tylenol now...  I think last night being so bad, was our peak, he is looking a bit better today... that could also be from DH being home...  DH put David down for his nap, put him in his crib awake after cuddles and book and walked out - and he's sick!  David would never let that happen if it was me putting him down!  Just an observation!

I was looking at Traci's diary post...  did you all see the last few posts from Kate, Stacy and Erin?  It was interesting.  I also saw yours Michelle.  David is also not asking for things yet.  We are too young I guess?  I was wondering how we get to the point where it is a pleasant wake.  David always wakes up fussing and crying and when it is time to be up for the day, nap or morning, I go straight to him, cheerily.  I don't necessarily want him to stay in his bed longer, but I wouldn't mind if he was a happier little man upon waking... 

What about others, how do your LO's wake for the day?

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Re: Calling sleep training old timers!
« Reply #17 on: June 02, 2007, 17:08:30 pm »
Hi there Kris, yep I read that too. T was waking really happy from naps and in the morning for about 2 months, would chat and sing to himself for up to an hr! I could go and have my brekkie in peace then go get him but since we had that cold he wakes crying, don't know why as he's perfectly happy when i got o him...I too wish we could go back, hate starting the day like this.
Poor poor david! maybe dh should be putting him to long did it take when dh put him down for his nap?

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Re: Calling sleep training old timers!
« Reply #18 on: June 02, 2007, 17:25:48 pm »
Hey!  He read him a book, gave him kisses and cuddles, told him Daddy loved him and set him in his bed!  That was it!  5-10 minutes!  I told DH when DS is all better, he is doing bedtimes and NWings for a few days and maybe they will stop?!?!?! 

I don't like starting the day like that either!  And David is also happy once I get to him, well, he needs a few minutes of cuddle time to wake - I'm like his morning caffeine, snuggle with momma. :)

Michelle, how nice to have T playing first thing and to have some initial time to yourself first thing!!  I'm jealous!! That must have been a real doozy of a cold for T.  I wish they could stop all illnesses until we complete the sleep training course  ;) and then not have any disruptions from the neccessary AP done during illnesses.  Wish, wish, wish...

Traci, how's Coles weekend sleep going?

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Re: Calling sleep training old timers!
« Reply #19 on: June 02, 2007, 18:14:10 pm »
LOL i was wishing the same thing as T got the hiccups just as he was falling asleep this eve ::)
I tried the sitting further away from cot...not very successful :-\  I left it 15mins he fussed and moaned for 15 mins then it escalated, so i went over , hand on back and he went to sleep....clearly hand on back is our prop!

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Re: Calling sleep training old timers!
« Reply #20 on: June 04, 2007, 00:13:27 am »
That's funny Michelle.  David gets hiccups when he is over tired or very hungry.  It used to happen a lot when he was younger, but not so much now.

Hand on back seems like a very fixable prop, though, so I think that's not so bad.  Our prop is the paci, or chupa as we call it.  I am still looking at maybe having it go away when we get back from out vacation, but I am already waivering some, so still not sure... :-[

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Re: Calling sleep training old timers!
« Reply #21 on: June 04, 2007, 15:35:21 pm »
Hi girls,

not much time now.  sleep was on and off all weekend. i totally know it's me.  He wouldn't nap for me on saturday, but DH held his ground yesterday, reassured at the door for 15 minutes and he took his nap.

i just read the posts from Kate, Erin and Stacy from the weekend.  I could have benefited from those last night!  Endless requests.  BUT I didn't cave in a way.  He wanted me to stay in his room , and i would go out the door, and ease myself away...then go back. 

Kris, to answer your Q.  Cole has cried before EVERY sleep period, and upon EVERY the whole 26 months.  I kid you not.  well, lately it is better.  he'll wake sometimes and say "mommy, wakeup time".  but he has NEVER played upon waking.  we'll get there though!

HUGS to you and David.  104.5-wow.  no need to convert...I do temps in F too  ;D
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Re: Calling sleep training old timers!
« Reply #22 on: June 04, 2007, 17:29:30 pm »
Hey Traci! 

We are all better now.  That was our worst night and as the next day went on he just got better and better, no fever since... so back at it, right! 

I also had DH put David down after discovering that it seems to work better for him, no fuss!  Well, had him put David down for nap and bedtime last night.  Nap, David slept the entire time and we had to wake him (he usually wakes once and I put him back down...)  And bedtime he did book and basic routine and put in bed and WO and not a peep from David until 1:15!!!  When I do it, we usually hear from him at least once before 10.  So frustrating that DH can just walk in and take over and the child does everything I have been working so hard for!! 

The NWing lasted for about 1 hour 15 mins with WI/WO every 5-10 mins.  I think he was recalling from being sick that I catered to him.  But that wasn't so bad, I guess, up at 6:50 - I like that!  Only have 2 more nights to work on this before we head out of town too...  that should mess us up royally! 

Traci, on your other post you mentioned blanket issues with Cole, that is a current problem for us too.  I have thought about a grobag for David, but I really think at his age it would cause more problems and I don't want to spend that kind of money on something he isn't going to use.  I always recover when I go back in.  I even have him in a onesie, socks and fleece pjs with feet.  I'll be interested to see what others say b/c that can be another reason for NWings, right?

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Re: Calling sleep training old timers!
« Reply #23 on: June 04, 2007, 18:26:20 pm »
OMG girls........I just gave T his bottle, put him down and said 'am going to get ur cat' (teddy), WO and sat outside his room for 30mins ...then went in ...he was asleep????!?!?!?!??????????????????????????????????????????!!? ;D

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Re: Calling sleep training old timers!
« Reply #24 on: June 04, 2007, 18:36:30 pm »
That is wonderful Michelle!!!  I am so happy for you!!!!  Isn't it such a good feeling!  I hope the night goes well!  Can't wait to hear more wonderful news!   :D

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