Author Topic: 13 month EASY all gone a bit pear shaped- eating issues  (Read 1089 times)

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Offline Isabella's Mummy (Lilab4)

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13 month EASY all gone a bit pear shaped- eating issues
« on: June 03, 2007, 11:03:15 am »
Ok. so at 13 months it's not really EASY anymore, but we did have a good routine going. Then Isabella got sick and although it is similar before it now need tweaking....

Pre illness:

7.00 Wake (used to be 8, but was creeping forward), wouldn't want milk for at least 1/2 hr
10.30 hrs awake then nap for 1hr
2.30 - 2.45 nap for 1.5 hrs
7.00 bath and bed


6.00 - Wake starving - down 7-8oz straw cup of milk
6.30 / 7.00 - Acts very tired and wants to go back to bed for 1.00 - 1.5 hrs

Breakfast when she wakes
Nap 2.5 - 3hrs after she wakes for 1-1.5hrs
Nap 2.5 - 3 hrs after she wakes for 1.5 hrs
Bath / Milk / Bed 2.5 - 3hrs after she wakes

Now the problem is that since being poorly (teething and ear infection) her solids and milk intake is down quite a lot. Also being a typical toddler, there are better things to do now than sit in her high chair.

She has also been refusing her bedtime milk (although last night she did actually take a couple of oz) which adds to the hunger in the morning.

I try all I can to offer solids and fluids all day, but I can't force her.

My question is - will the milk and back to bed in the morning fix itself when she start to eat / drink more milk during the day and when she is completely recovered or should I try all I can to keep her awake for 2.5 - 3hrs from that first wake up?? She gets very very grumpy if I don't let her go back to bed. It's like she wasn't really ready to get up - just hungry.

Her A times are still shorter than they were. Before she got ill they were 3.5 - 4hrs somedays, but up until a couple of days ago they were only 1.5 hrs!

The waking for milk thing has been happening for just over a week now.

Thanks in advance

Lila xx

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Re: 13 month EASY all gone a bit pear shaped- eating issues
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2007, 12:12:29 pm »
hmmm.... what about trying to offer a small snack before bedtime, like yogurt or crackers instead?  might help to have a change of pace & then you can go back to milk later when you've got things straightened out??
DD - Textbook
DS - Touchy/Grumpy

Offline Isabella's Mummy (Lilab4)

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Re: 13 month EASY all gone a bit pear shaped- eating issues
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2007, 17:20:40 pm »
You wouldn't believe the amount she is eating now!! She has gone from nothing to eating more than me (well nearly!).

She is still waking desperate for her bottle...shaking in fact, but today she only actuallt drank 4-5oz of it, so I think it has become habit. Wake up - bottle right now please!

L x