Author Topic: Wakes up every 2 hrs at night - time to introduce solids?  (Read 763 times)

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Wakes up every 2 hrs at night - time to introduce solids?
« on: June 05, 2007, 09:54:39 am »

My ds is 20 weeks and at 16 wks  he started sleeping through without night feeds.  Last week he got a cold and needed a few feeds but for the past 4 days he's not had one... The problem is that since then he's woken up every 2 hrs at night - not for feeding as with a little pat he can go back to sleep. He's also rolling over which isn't helping! oh and he's teething and spends a lot of time with his hand in his mouth! 

He usually feeds every 4 hrs and sleeps 4-5 hrs in the day so he's on a good schedule.

As you can see a lot of things are happening at once - do people think it will blow over and go back to normal or that he's now at the stage when he's also getting hungry at night? My dd started solids at 5 months so I'm wondering whether this is also adding to the equation?

Thanks for any input!


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Re: Wakes up every 2 hrs at night - time to introduce solids?
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2007, 10:18:39 am »
Seems like you answered your own question

not for feeding as with a little pat he can go back to sleep.

If he's not waking out of hunger, then solids will definitely not help.  Solids do nit help them sleep better, especially since they are all about first tastes and experimenting at first, not about quantity.  Sounds like there is a lot going on developmentally, which can be a big hindrance to sleep.  Ride it out  :-*

Proud to have breastfed for a combined total of 35 months

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Re: Wakes up every 2 hrs at night - time to introduce solids?
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2007, 16:38:32 pm »
I agree with Rachel.  Developmental milestones can really impact sleep.  I would give your little guy tons of floor time so he can practice his new skills and hopefully they wont seem like so much fun overnight.

I also wouldn't start solids yet. 
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