I am not sure what is going on with my 9 mo DS.
Our sleep and routine got all messed up whilst he was sick and Peike has helped me get him back to independant sleeping and I am trying o get him into some routine.
0630 - wake (not my ideal but he seems to like it)
0900 - nap 1
1300 - nap 2
1830 - bed (seems to work best for him)
I can not get him to take a catnap any more no matter how hard I try and how long it has been since his nap, once he has had the 2 that is it until bedtime. Hence I am trying o stick to the 9 and 1300 nap times.
During sickness we had many NW, first because he was sick and then because he was in the habit of cuddling to sleep. We fixed that but now he is waking again. He puts himself back to sleep but wakes 45mins later, takes a little longer to get back to sleep then wakes another 45mins later and so on. Somewhere between 4 and 530am he decides he has had enough and tries hard but fails to get back to sleep and cries out.
Also he has a really wet nappy. This is odd as from very early on I noticed he would always wake in the morning with a dry nappy. I don't know if the wet nappy is waking him or the NW is then resulting in a wet nappy.
Last night he woke at 1am (I actualy got up and changed him in the hope that it was the nappy waking him and that he would then sleep through). He was asleep by 130 but then I hearfd him at 3 and 4. And I am not sure he actually got back to sleep after 4 although he tried. by 5 he was really awake so I tried BF andthen back in cot, but although he tried he could not get back to sleep. Eventually I got him to sleep at 615 and he woke at 7.
Then I tried to settle him at 9, he finally slept at 915 but woke at 935. I tried PUPD (which is working now thanks Pieke) and he slept another 15mins and then we just could not get any more sleep and I had to take him to the doctor anyway.
I then put him down at 1245 (I know I said I was sticking to 1300 but he was so tired and it took until 1300 for him to sleep). He woke at 45mins, PUPD and still asleep 20mins later.
I also should add he has been on prednisolone the last week (it didn't help his croup and so the doctor has stopped it). Also he is just starting to crawl on all fours.
So is the NW due to wet nappy, overtiredness as he is not sleeping well at night or day, the meds or the crawling???
I was going to give up on this sticking to routine but DH (who hasn't been overly supporive in the past) stated that he could see an improvement and that I should stick to it for the full 2 weeks like I had planned.
I think he was particulalry impressed that he did PUPD the other night and had such success (1 PU and back to sleep!).

Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

I know this is a long post but I figured it was best to cover as much as possible.