So I think I need to abandon the current plan and get him some all costs....not sure how to do that without AP
I can say I've done this several times with dd...she is very spirited and the more tired she is, the less likely I can get her to sleep at ANY cost! Just know that in the future you will have to undo whatever you have done to catch up on sleep. Sometimes it was also a salve for MY sanity, to get her caught up on sleep and to regroup and catch my breath.
At 9 months pu can be dropped and do just pd, especially if he is wanting to be picked up. I did a combo pd and wi/wo at that age and sh didn't necessarily have SA, I was just teaching independent sleep. Since she was so mobile and aware at this age, I wanted her used to me not being in the room, so I'd pd, do a little back rub then walk out. If she sat up and cried out I'd go back in and repeat. I'd try not to leave unless she was calm. If that makes sense. Not sure if it would work at this point as it sounds like he is pretty freaked out about going in the crib. Have you read about the gradual removal plan yet? Might be a try after you get him caught up on sleep.
As for the catnap, most babies won't take one when they are done with that stage, which is usually around 6 months. I agree with Layla to save your sanity a tad and not try to worry about a catnap but work on an early bedtime.
And I may be going out on a limb here, so feel free to smack me around a bit

, but have you thought of being UNDERtired? My dd does exactly the same things if she is undertired as if she is overtired. AND she has more night wakings, go figure. I just know the few times I was pulling my hair out trying to force her to sleep and not being able to figure out why we couldn't get on top of the OTness, we tried the opposite direction and lo and behold she was just needing her day stretched out a tad more.
Also, call me crazy but what is his eating routine? Believe it or not a lot of sleeping issues stem from eating issues as well. Just wanting to cover all the bases.
AND...dang I just typed that and heard dd wake and there went my thought. Darn Mommy brain. If I think of it I'll come back.
Maybe if you can post a super detailed routine of what the past day looked like? Include eating, amounts of food, wind-down routines, night wakings, etc etc.
And dang I'm headed off for the weekend. I'm so so sorry I jumped in late. I KNOW you can do this!! You're doing so well just keeping it together as it is! HUGS to you!