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Offline traineeparent

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11mo - It’s turned into a nightmare!
« on: June 14, 2007, 09:49:34 am »
(Sorry this is long).

My DD is 11.5 months and seems to be transitioning from two naps to one.   I’m having major problems with that, and I’m also having problems getting her to settle at night!  It’s turned into a complete nightmare!

We've been on EASY since 3 months, and she used to go to sleep well - I taught her with shush-pat.    She was napping at 9.30ish for 1-1.5 hrs and at 1.30ish for 1-1.25 hrs. Wakes at 7am. 

About 5 weeks ago she started refusing her afternoon nap most days, occasionally the morning nap.  For 2 weeks I tried to limit the morning nap to an hour, that didn’t change anything, so I limited it to 45 minutes for 2 weeks. I got a good afternoon nap once, but other days she still refused it, or slept only 20 mins, or fell asleep in the car when we were out because she was tired from the shortened morning nap.  Even nodding off for a few minutes meant she then refused her afternoon nap when we got back home.    ::)

In the beginning, when she refused her afternoon nap I’d sometimes take her out in the car.  Then I noticed that if she woke later than about 2.45pm, she wouldn’t settle at night (whether nap was in car or at home).  It could take till 9pm to get her to sleep.  Even 10 mins sleep in the car too late in the day would mean she wouldn’t settle at night.   This seemed to be a pattern so I made sure she didn’t fall asleep for the afternoon nap too late.  But it was unavoidable sometimes when we were out in the afternoon.

What has changed?  7 weeks ago we went away for a few days, she was really unsettled there and the week after we got back. The next week she learned to sit up, stand and crawl all at once. We had a week of “I don’t want to go to sleep, I’d rather stand in my cot and play”.  She cried if I left the room though (SA???), so I couldn’t just leave her to it, so I stayed in the room. She’d fuss and make frustrated noises. Anyway I think she got over that.   She had a fever with 2 really bad wakeful nights, later an ear infection but that’s all cleared up (antibiotics), and some teething.

The nights that she just wouldn’t go to sleep, she would just stand up straight away.  I’d try laying her down a few times, stay in the room. If I left she’d cry.  I was so convinced that it was the too late nap causing her to not settle, that I decided to just bring her out of the room and try again later, figuring she knows how to go to sleep and she just wasn’t tired enough. (Never thought I'd do that). Mostly that was the case. The nights she was awake since before 2.45pm she would just roll over and go straight to sleep. 

But it’s just got a whole lot worse.
After 4 weeks of trying to limit the morning nap, I decided it might be easier to just try to slowly move the morning nap later, as in the book. So for the few days I’ve just been trying to gradually move her one nap later and give her a very short catnap in car in the afternoon (if I was out, haven’t done it everyday).    We’re up to falling asleep at 10.20am instead of 9.30.  I don't want to push it too fast because she was a chronic 45 min napper till 6 months old.  And If I put her down too late she can still do a 35 min nap.

I’ve now had problems getting her to go to sleep on a couple of days where she didn’t nap after 2.45pm.   And the last 4 days she didn’t get an afternoon nap (didn’t have the car, or took her out in buggy or car and she didn’t fall asleep).  So I’ve put her down super-early (6pm) and she’s fallen straight asleep but woken after 30-60 mins, and then been up for hours!!!!  One night it was definitely teething, gave medication and she went back to sleep.  One night it was a dirty nappy – but she woke up too much.  But 3 out of these 4 nights she’s fully woken up and been awake till 9 or 10pm.  She was just so hyper, it’s as if the 6pm bedtime was a catnap!  We just took her out of the room after trying (so fed up!).   When she starts rubbing her eyes again we try to put her back to bed.  My DH or I have had to try 3 or 4 times some nights – try every 45 mins or so. I’ve even trying feeding in desperation, knowing she can’t possibly be hungry – with mixed results.  I’m wondering if I’ve taught her that if she doesn’t go to sleep she gets to play???   In the past if she woke in the evening my DH would just rub her back and she’d go straight back to sleep.  (She still wakes in the early hours most nights, sometimes DH can resettle, other times I feed, but it’s improving, feeds are getting nearer 5am).

I realise she’s severely overtired from being awake so long in the afternoon.  I’ve been trying to get her to bed earlier.  But it becomes a vicious cycle. If she doesn’t get a good night sleep then I can’t stretch her out much in the morning. 

I taught her to sleep independently with shush-pat and since 5 months old it’s worked really well.  We had problems at 7 months – she wouldn’t settle at night, it was time to drop the catnap.  Am I right in saying that since she knows how to go to sleep herself, it must be something wrong with the routine – i.e. nap too late?

She either rolls over and goes straight to sleep or stands up. If she was happy I’d just leave her to it, but she grizzles and makes frustrated noises.  If I leave she screams.  I’m not sure if it’s SA, could be I suppose. She’s pretty good during the day - will play by herself for an hour or so in another room.  Mid-afternoon onwards needs to be near me.

This WAS the routine:

7:00 wake up (often wakes herself then. Sometimes 6.45)
7:00   BF (wont’ take much if fed at 5am or later)
8:45   Solids - Breakfast
9:30/10:00   Nap (Usually 1¼ - 1½ hrs)
11:30 BF
1:00/1:15 Solids - Lunch
1:30/2:00   Nap (Usually 1 - 1 ¼ hrs)
3:30/4:00  BF
5:45  Solids - Dinner
6:15   Bath
6:30   BF
6:45   Bedtime wind-down
7:00   In Bed. Usually asleep by 7:30
Usually wakes either 10pm (DH resettles) and 5am –feed.  Or 2-3am – feed.

What’s happening now:

7:00 wake up (often wakes herself then. Sometimes 6.45)
7:00   BF (wont’ take much if fed at 5am or later)
8:45   Solids - Breakfast
10:00ish   Nap (Usually 1¼ - 1½ hrs)  Making it later
11:30/12 Lunch
2:00  BF
2:10   Try for nap in car (no luck this week)
3:30  Snack
5:00   Solids - Dinner
5:30   Bath
6:00   BF
6:10   Bedtime wind-down
6:20   In Bed.  Straight to sleep.
7:00pm Wakes, can’t settle till 9-10pm.  Then feed and sleeps through till 7 (or wakes 1am - feed)

So I’m wondering:
- Why is she waking and not going back to sleep?  Have I taught her that if she doesn’t go to sleep she gets to play??? 
- Is there something wrong with the routine (too late nap) - is that why she won't settle at night?
- Is it SA? Should I go in and out when she cries if I leave? Won't this upset her more?
- Do I need to retrain her with PUPD? I’ve never really used it and I’m not really keen. Rubbing her back usually works these days, till now.  She’s not screaming so it’s hard to help her.  All the patting/rubbing etc doesn’t work if she’s not really upset.
- Should I persevere with making morning nap later and short catnap in car (will have to get out of house earlier)

I was trying to deal with the nightwakings and making progress……..  But when she won’t settle, that’s far worse!!!  Please help, I’m at the end of my tether!!!

« Last Edit: June 14, 2007, 22:52:20 pm by traineeparent »

Offline traineeparent

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Re: 11mo - It’s turned into a nightmare!
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2007, 22:54:41 pm »
An update.  To my surprise, last night she fell asleep at 7pm and didn't wake after an hour (as she has done the previous 4 days).  Instead she woke at 1am which is more like her old pattern.  DH tried to resettle her with shush-pat, that failed so I fed her and she took quite a lot.   Today I'm going to try really hard to get her to have a catnap in the car 2pm-ish.

I'd really appreciate some feedback as to whether I'm going the right way re naps etc.  All comments welcome!

Offline Erin M

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Re: 11mo - It’s turned into a nightmare!
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2007, 00:07:39 am »
In terms of the 2-1 nap switch, your dd sounds a whole lot like mine.  We got to the point where regardless of how short the AM nap was, there would be no PM nap, no matter what I did.  We had success for a short time letting her sleep about 20 minutes in the morning and then putting her down for a PM nap after lunch, but I think you're past that point.  I would try to push that AM nap out as far as you can -- we would try and go somewhere in the morning (not too far so she didn't fall asleep in the car), but just enough to keep her up and going -- go outside, run around, etc -- I'd often tickle her feet in the car on the way home or bring a snack and feed her continuously from the front seat to keep her awake.  I'd make sure I got something resembling lunch in her before her nap and get her to bed.  It takes awhile once you've pushed the nap out to get them napping for a decent length of time, bit it will come if you're consistent. 

Speaking of, I think with all the stuff you've tried, she might be a bit confused as well too.  What I would do if she has a short nap is put her to bed early (like you've been doing), if she wakes up, she's most likely overtired, so I would do some PU/PD (really just PD at this age, check the PU/PD board for more...).  If she wakes up and she's just playing and not upset I would just leave her, she'll fall asleep again eventually (or it will escalate in which case you'll go do some PD). 


Offline debo620

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Re: 11mo - It’s turned into a nightmare!
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2007, 01:08:25 am »
Hi there,
I actually think that your daughter is probably not ready for 1 nap yet, she is still quite young. wait as long as possible.
If she is willing to sleep at 10am after a 7am wake-up then definately she is not ready for 1 nap, as it would need to occur more at 12:30 or so.
I don't seen the method of pushing out the morning nap (as described in the book) as working that well for you, the issue being that it is very difficult to get an afternoon catnap. That long stretch from noon until 7pm is leaving her severly OT and hence the nightwakings so soon after she has gone to sleep for the night.
I know you tried the 45min am, but how about 30min am or even 20min am, and then longer pm nap at 12:30/1. many keep this scenario for as long as possible. my son is 16months and somedays I still wish we had the 2 naps. do not underestimate the difference betwn a 30min am nap and a 40min am nap----for us it was the difference between NO pm nap and a 90min pm nap at your dd's age.

I would suggest nap at
nap 1-2:45/3
is you find she is refusing to sleep at 1pm, then you just make the am shorter, even 25min---5min can definately make a BIG difference.

Noah---January 30th, 2006
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Offline nursekat

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Re: 11mo - It’s turned into a nightmare!
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2007, 05:33:09 am »
We're just going through "the change" ourselves here, LOL!  And it is WAY earlier than I expected because she has ALWAYS been a huge sleeper!  My dd sounds a lot like Erin's in that no matter how short or what time her am nap was, she REFUSED to go down for a second one.  Luckily she has some textbook in her so she'd just spend that time in her crib babbling.  SO...that being said I don't have any great answers but I have some ideas.  I know lots of babes that try to drop at 11 months and they are ready and do fine, but they aren't as ready to handle the OT that comes with it, you know?  So you have to be diligent at keeping ahead of the OT game...

One thing that sticks out at me only because we have dealt with it ourselves - do you think hunger has anything to do with it?  Bethany has been sleeping through for ages now it seems, but with the dropping the nap she is often needing an extra feed at night.  I figure it's for a couple of reasons:  1) her routine is changing which influences her mealtimes as well - one day she napped through lunch and wasn't really interested in eating a meal when she woke so just snacked...and 2) they are awake longer and spending more energy than previously so need more calories to compensate.  If that makes sense.  Think of how hungry you are if you spend the day exercising versus spending it on the couch, LOL!  :)

I also have had success with pushing the first nap fact we were amazingly able to do it in a few days!  And this is a girl that is highly spirited in the sleep dept and easily overtired and usually way behind in the sleep dept for her I am shocked, and not exactly expecting it to go as swimmingly as it has so far, but still going to give it a go as it seems to be what she is wanting to do.  That being said, I pull her bedtime up by an hour and so she gets 13hr nights instead of 11-12.  I keep her A times at 5 hrs max.

In any case, I think it sounds like you are doing a GREAT job at watching her cues and trying your darndest to stay on top of it and she's just not telling you what's wrong.  ;D  I just have a hunch if you feed her more (either during the day or when she wakes at night) you might have a tad more it a gut reaction.  :)

Good luck!!

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Re: 11mo - It’s turned into a nightmare!
« Reply #5 on: June 15, 2007, 05:38:16 am »
OH yeah I forgot my other idea.  What we've done (but only by sheer luck in how our schedules have fallen), dd has had extra quiet times as well.  Not trying to get her to sleep per se, but nice, relaxing times where she can kind of zone out.  Like a longer drive in the car, a ride in the stroller, and one day I was so tired I plopped her in the crib hoping she'd take a nap and she just chattered away in there while I laid down for a point being I think having these rests has helped her as well with the transition in that she gets some extra down time, kwim?

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Re: 11mo - It’s turned into a nightmare!
« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2007, 11:23:27 am »
hi there
I agree with Deb- I think overtiredness is causing the problems and I would go back to 2 naps like Deb has suggested.
Can I ask when you were trying a 45min am nap and she was still refusing the pm nap, how long was your A time after the am nap? This is a constant discussion point on the 2-1 Nap transition thread, and can vary wildly from lo to lo. Sophie would go like a train for 4hrs after a 40min am nap, but I know many many lo's (Deb's Noah included!) need a much shorter A time after a shorter am nap. It is very possible that your A time after the short morning nap was too long, and she was then overtired, which is why she wouldn't go down for the pm nap.
This nap transition really sucks and I really sympathise- we have just come out the other side. We had a horrible period around 11-12 mo where I just could not find the right balance of naps and A time, and we had 5am wakings for weeks because of it. But we did get there eventually and you will too so hang on in there xxxx

Offline debo620

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Re: 11mo - It’s turned into a nightmare!
« Reply #7 on: June 15, 2007, 22:36:16 pm »
Hi I just wanted to add that a 40min am nap is one full sleep cycle and thus a 11months old can feel quite rested with it, especially if they have had an 11hr+ night. 30min is less then a sleep cycle and thus they are still tired after it.

the overtired thing can kick in like 6 weeks after you think they have transitioned to 1 nap. this is what is happening to us right now (I think) as our naps have gone from 2hrs+ to the beautiful 1hr15min today. I may have to force the the am nap tommorow. :P
Noah---January 30th, 2006
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Offline traineeparent

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Re: 11mo - It’s turned into a nightmare!
« Reply #8 on: June 17, 2007, 10:37:19 am »
Hi there

Thanks very much all of you for your feedback and suggestions.  I really appreciate it.  There are a lot of ideas there and it'll give me some good options.   The hunger idea is interesting too.   I've been giving her more snacks in the last few days, it's quite a new thing for her.

Do you think I'm right in saying that if the routine was right (right number and length of naps) that she would settle at night easily?   And not wake an hour later?

Well I'm exhausted from another difficult evening. She woke after an hour's sleep and I couldn't get her back to sleep for nearly 3 hrs!  So I'm reply some more later.

Thanks again for all the suggestions.

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Re: 11mo - It’s turned into a nightmare!
« Reply #9 on: June 17, 2007, 14:05:09 pm »
yes I do think that once you get the day time sleep sorted, the night time sleep will improve. As I previously said, the waking 1 hr after going to sleep for the night is most often overtiredness. She needs a longer nap in the afternoon, and you'll have to cut the am nap to achieve that.
Noah---January 30th, 2006
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Re: 11mo - It’s turned into a nightmare!
« Reply #10 on: June 18, 2007, 09:36:23 am »
Hi there

Well today I cut short her AM nap to 30 mins and she went down easily for her PM nap!!!!  :) Slept for 1.25hrs which is normal for her.  I'm so pleased.  I know I shouldn't get too excited though - I had beginner's luck with cutting it to 45 mins   ::)

So it was:
6:45 woke
9:30 in bed   (seemed more tired so put her in earlier than last few days)
9:45 fell asleep
10:15 woke her
1:10 in bed
1:20 fell asleep
2:35 she woke, happy
7:00 put in bed

The downside is --  she wouldn't go to sleep at bedtime. Didn't want to put her down too early, so did 7pm.   She immediately stood up. When she's tired she just rolls over and goes straight to sleep.   I left but came back when she built up and started crying.  Then she was just grizzling on and off. I sat in there. She seemed overtired eventually, flopping around. Standing then flopping down, kept hitting her head on the cot.  DH took over after more than an hour.  Then we took her out cos she was getting really upset.   DH took her back in, did the bedtime routine again 9pm, and she went straight to sleep.

Do you think I should try putting her down later, perhaps into bed at 7.30 or even 8pm? Assuming same times as above.  Then work backwards by 10mins a night?   I want to get her back to settling at night easily, plus the good naps.  Perhaps I need to figure what the last A time should be and always calculate from the wake-up time from PM nap.  Never used to have to worry about that, could put her down at a similar time each night.

I know she'll still be overtired from these late nights she's been having. 

Well I'll see what tomorrow brings.

Thanks for all the support  :)


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Re: 11mo - It’s turned into a nightmare!
« Reply #11 on: June 18, 2007, 14:05:47 pm »
hi Caz
I wonder if she was actually overtired at bedtime and that's why she couldn't go to sleep?
All her other A times are around 3 hours and she went from 2.30 till 7 which at 4.5 hours is a looong stretch at this age. I know you said in your first post if she wakes later than 2.45pm she is difficult to settle at night, so maybe I'm wrong. But now you've cut her morning nap she is less rested during the day so just a thought....

Offline traineeparent

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Re: 11mo - It’s turned into a nightmare!
« Reply #12 on: June 18, 2007, 19:12:40 pm »
Hi Kathryn

Yes I know it sounds contrary to say for me to say she seems overtired and then wonder if I should put her down later.   :)  She didn't seem particularly tired during dinner or her bath so I didn't want to rush to put her down early.   She rubbed her eyes during wind-down then I put her in bed.  It was later when she wouldn't sleep that she seemed overtired. 

What you say does make sense.  I'll give it a go.  I certainly noticed she was more tired after the 30 min nap, and she wasn't letting me leave the room as much (she's normally fine in the morning).  She always used to go down fine at 7 after waking at 3 or 3.30.   

I guess I was just wondering if a 7 bedtime is too early for her (assuming naps going well).  I notice lots of babies's routines in the samples go to bed at 8pm up at 7am.  Occasionally when she hasn't settled at 7, we've got her up.  Then later fed her again at say 8pm, put her down, and she's slept through (though not always, often wakes again for a feed).   

Last night, we finally got her to sleep at 9pm.  She woke at 11 (DH resettled), 1am (fed), 4 (put herself back to sleep), 6.10 (fed and wouldn't go back to sleep).

Today I've got a lunchtime appt so I'm hoping she won't fall asleep in the car on the way home - if she does she won't go down for her PM nap.  >:(

Thanks again

Offline debo620

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Re: 11mo - It’s turned into a nightmare!
« Reply #13 on: June 19, 2007, 02:05:29 am »

I would agree with Kathryn about the OT at bedtime and thus all the night wakings last night
I also think that the 1hr15min nap after a 30min am nap was a bit OT as well

so probably do:
nap 10-10:30
in crib for 1pm, is she good at playing before sleep? hopefully offering this pm nap slightly earlier will prevent her from being OT, she should nap at least 1hr 30min,
bedtime 6:45, hopefully alseep by 7:15 at the latest.
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Re: 11mo - It’s turned into a nightmare!
« Reply #14 on: June 19, 2007, 02:34:21 am »
Hi Debo620

Thanks for that.   Yes I think she was really OT at bedtime.  The thing is she used to always go down ok at bedtime, even if overtired, she'd just do this groaning thing till she fell asleep. Now it seems she stands up and plays/grizzles.

I'll give your plan a go tomorrow. 

Today hasn't gone as planned. She woke at 6:10 fed and wouldn't go back to sleep. That makes me think she's OT since she usually would go back to sleep then.  6am wouldn't bother me if she'd had a decent night's sleep but she's had less than 9 hrs!

She then refused the AM nap - put her down too late I think, it was 8.45/9am but she'd woken so much earlier.  Tried again at 10, she refused again.  So went for a drive, had an appt anyway.  She slept 11.10 - 11.40.  Now back home put her down at 2, fell asleep at 2.15pm.

I think I'm in for another bad evening, do I put her to bed earlyish 6.30 or late-ish?  If I go earlyish I'm sure she won't settle. Should I be doing a kind of WIWO thing?   I used to soothe then hide and repeat till she was asleep, but haven't needed to do that for ages.  Hence just taking her out of the room and trying later.

I can see she's massively OT, I suppose I should be shortening her A times.
