Hi Marcimommy, welcome to the boards.
I created a new topic with your post so that you might get some input on your schedule from other members.
Your A times seem to be working well for you. A good rule of thumb for the number of naps needed: babies who can handle 2-hour A times are probably ready for 3 naps, and babies who can handle 3-hour A times are probably ready for 2 naps. With 1.5 hour A times most BW babies are doing 4 naps, 3 naps of 1.5 hours or so and 1 catnap of .5 - 1 hour.
I think your nap schedule seems good and age appropriate. However, he's doing a lot of day sleeping and getting only 7 hours or so at night, much less than the 10-12 hours recommended for this age.
This could be causing him to sleep restlessly and wake early.
BW and most all other sleep books recommend a much earlier bedtime, about 12-13 hours after he gets up for the day. Babies' natural biorhythms are in tune with a 12 to 13 hour day, most do 7-7 give or take an hour or two (think about what humans' bedtimes must have been like in ancient times before electric light, adults probably went to bed a lot earlier too
I would suggest a schedule something like this:
6:30 Eat
8 - 9:30 a.m. nap 1
9:30 a.m Eat
11:00 - 12:30 p.m. nap 2
12:30 Eat
2 - 3:30 p.m. nap 3
3:30 Eat
5 - 5:30 catnap
7 p.m. Eat
7:30 p.m. bedtime
10:30 ish df
It may take his body a while to get used to the new schedule and earlier bedtime. You're really just moving his sleep around from the day to night and making it more appropriate for him. As he can stay up longer you can then drop nap 3 and lengthen naps 1 and 2 to 2 hours each.