My daughter is 6 months old and her naps are still all over the place. I came to this board when she was 3 months old and got great advice on how to teach her to fall asleep by herself.
Now she is great about falling asleep, but the length of her naps are still vary a lot. She is on EASY of course, but we do not have a routine since she wakes up at different times. I try to feed her every 4 hours now.
Doesn't she supposed to have some sort of predictable naps by now? Sometimes she sleeps 35 minutes and sometimes for 2 hours. I try really hard not to overstimulate her or go too long with A time, but it just seems like everything lining up to her nap works out great - gets up at 7, eats, we play, wind down around 8.40, she falls asleep around 9 - and she still sleeps for only 35 minutes.
I started a sleep log for her, but couldn't figure out a pattern of what works and what doesn't.
Any advice? It is just really hard to plan on anything with my Y time and yes I am starting to get frustrated:(