Seeing as I'm 5 wks away from giving birth to dc#2, I think it's about time to sleep train dd. She's 15 months. I've recently managed to get her bedtime back to a reasonable time (7:30-8:00), and she sleeps straight through until 7:30-8:00 am. She's in between 1 and 2 naps during the day - sleeping no later than 3pm.
Ok- so here's the issue. She used to fall asleep independantly until 11 months (major illness and never corrected afterwards- though I've tried, just haven't given it my all). So- she needs me to lay next to her to fall alseep. And then.....the real issue..... we co-sleep! The thing is, we really enjoy it, as we both work full time and rarely see her. I'm just sensing that this will be an issue when the new baby comes. So- I've got to sleep train. First, so that she can fall asleep on her own, and second, so that she can stay asleep when she's in her own crib. (she hates her crib, btw.).
I've tried gradual removal, but I could never get out of the door before she would chase me. I think I've got to step it up and just go for the walk/in-walk/out.
Also- her bedroom is very open to the downstairs, so she'll really only sleep there in the middle of the night. Do you think it would be awfully confusing if I were to have her nap and fall asleep for the night in my bed (a mattress on the floor- but the room is really quiet and dark and she loves it), and then move her to her crib for the night? We've done this before, and it worked. I think it would be the easiest transition at this point, since I've really got to get cracking.