I would appreciate any help on this situation.
For the last 5 weeks our 13 mth old DS has been waking at 1.00am having gone to sleep any time between 7.00pm and 8.,00pm, he cries out and needs to be picked up. He will settle in my arms but as soon as I put him back in cot he cries again as hes very upset, this pattern continues for up to an hour. It is soul destroying, he will settle in our bed but even when I think hes gone fast asleep and want to move him into cot again he wakes and roars. We are so sleep deprived, would value any tips.
I feel like he hardly ever sleeps although he takes a nap in day for up to an hour sometimes one and a half hours, is this waking normal and will we ever get back to sleeping through the night? We also would like to leave him with relations for a couple of nights soon but I wouldn't put this on anyone, so will have to hold off until we get a resoloution.
We are so sleep deprived, would value any tips.