My DD is a good sleeper. She does 11 hours straight most nights, and with the introduction of WI/WO a few months ago bedtime is a much better place. Trouble is when she wakes she immediately screams for Mummy! It's pretty much from the moment she opens her eyes from what I can tell

She does it in the morning and after naps. She just will not stay in her cot!
We've tried going in after a few minutes and reading to her while she's in her cot, we increased the time each day, but it just wasn't getting any better. We've removed her blackout curtain so her room is not pitch black, and have placed books and water at the side of her cot so she could entertain herself for a while, but she ignores them! It's not like she hates her cot, as I say she sleeps so well.
Any suggestions? She currently has 3 incisors just through and the other is on the way by the look of it, she also has some bad sores on her bum as a result of toxic teething poos