Author Topic: Can u help me read these cues?  (Read 714 times)

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Can u help me read these cues?
« on: July 06, 2007, 19:42:39 pm »
I'm trying her to read DD's cues but she's still quite 'new' so am havign a hard time! Wonderinf if anyone can giveme input?
Daytime shes your typical newborn, eat, sleep,poop, fall asleep in cars, prams, etc after about 5pm she's very alert, would say fussy as such but a bit restless and very hunrgy, likes to latch on every hr and sucks the whole time so i dont think it's just confort suckiling I was trying to space out evening feeds but i genuinely think shes hungry so tonight i just let her fed when she wanted, She gets dozy after a feed but then totally wakes up again and is happy and content for about 10mins then starts getting restless. We have been using the paci to calm her at this point but she only reaally relaxes again when she feeds AGAIN. This seems to continue untill 11pm and then she will sleep longer stretches. Today i thought I'd worke harder on it so as i said, fed when she asked then went to dark room, swAddle and fed, then patted bck for a good 30mins before she finally fell asleep....hoping it'll last!

Like I said, no real 'problem' here, just can't seem to 'work her out' LOL. I thought it was tummy trouble but I observed closely today and she was in discomfort and as i said when she finalyl fell asleep it wasnt after a poop or wind passing. I want to try to interpret her cues so that i can resopnd to her needs, I hate feeling liek i dont understand her so if u can help....YES PLEASE!

Offline Missy Lou

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Re: Can u help me read these cues?
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2007, 20:00:28 pm »
congrats on baby emily!! 

do you wake her for the feeds? 

i already have newborn amnesia but i think i couldn't read LO  until she was like 8 weeks.  I think until then, I was not a good BW mom.  she nursed every 2 hours.  the only way i kept days and nights from being too messed up was to wake her for a feeding. 

wish i could be of help.

how are things going - juggling toddler and newborn? 

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Re: Can u help me read these cues?
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2007, 20:30:43 pm »
DD is 5 months old, and I remember those first few weeks, dd was muuuuuch more hungry at night.  We bottle fed, so I know that is quite different from BF.  I know as the day wears on your breastmilk supply can dip, so I don't know if that is why your lo is hungry all evening or what, but I know that even my daughter did that too, so who knows.  Hang in there, I think you're doing a great job, and even though you are trying to read her cues, she might not know what she wants/needs herself yet, and is still figuring out what her own cues are :)  Keep watching, having one so small can be so taxing, but it is so beautiful caring for a lo that young.  Get some rest and keep up the good work!!

Offline Marco's Mommy

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Re: Can u help me read these cues?
« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2007, 19:12:47 pm »
I'm afraid I can't help you read the clues, but I'm experiencing the same thing with my DD, 3.5 weeks. From about 4-8 pm, he is very fussy, nurses often, but not much, and doesn't sleep more than half an hour. I can't figure him out either. It's gotten a little better over the last few days, so there is hope for you.