My 3 week DD is coming across as touchy and spiritied (my first was Textbook).
When it comes to nap times etc I am going in to a state of panic and would happily just cuddle and feed her all night/day rather than go through the anxiety of having her drop off to sleep (usually whilst feeding), putting her down, to have her wake up almost immediately - sometime even before I've put her down.
I know I'm asking too much for any sort of routine to be in place, but I am anxious not to create a PROP (but suspect I am too late). I discovered BW when my other DS was 2 months or so and have been keen to use the principles with this one.
She barely seems to have any A time (usually) as no sooner do we change a nappy and she yawns. I do the wind down - close the curtains, say good night mr sunshine and then cuddle her for usually 20 minutes. If she won't settle I pop her on the boob! I've read on the FAQ that I could be using Pat and Shh, but would my touchy/spritied baby be able to handle this?
Also most evenings she tends to not settle at all after bath - our routine is - 6.15 bath, then get her dressed in a darkened room, feed her, take her into our room (which is a lot brighter as we're waiting for the blackout blinds), cuddle her for 20 mins and put her down. She often will sleep for 45 mins, but then wakes up. Or she don't sleep at all and will wake up alert and then hits overtired.
Typical (sort of) day could be:
7/7.30 - feed - 30 mins or so
A = nappy
815 ish - bed - though sometimes won't settle at all until next feed time!
10 ish - feed 25-30 mins
A = get changed
11 ish - bed
2 - feed
A = nappy/ and possibly more alert
3.30-4 - nap (sometimes)
5 - feed
6.15 bath
6.30 feed - breat or bottle of expressed
7ish bed or not at all
9.30/10/10.30 - bottle feed if earlier - or dreamfeed (formula). Tends to go to sleep ok
2/2.30 - bottlefeed and sleeps ok
5.30 - may wake up for a feed. Doesn't always go back to sleep
back to the beginning again!
Does anyone have any ideas on:
1. Is my wind down ok?
2. should we be trying pat/shh?
3. Am I expecting too much (midwifes and HV's say just let babies sleep on you etc and I'm getting confused - and upset)
4. Anything else that may help?
Thank you - I've had a few moments in the last couple of days when I'm just shouting at everying including baby and then just crying as I feel so bad. Hubbie goes back to work tomorrow and I'm panicking!