Hi ladies,
I posted on this board a month or so ago and, unfortunately, I am back

My DD is waking at night around midnight-1am and then again around 4am after which she will either sleep deep untill wake-time or very erraticaly, it varies.
My DD is 20 weeks old, formula fed and on a 4H EASY. She naps well, 2 long naps + 1 catnap and is happy most of the time. She starts her night between 7 and 7.30pm. For good measure. here´s our schedule:
7am E
9-10h30am S
11am E
12u30pm-2h30-3pm S
3pm E
Between 4h30/5pm catnap 30-45 min.
Between 6h30-7pm E
Bedtime between 7pm-7h30pm
Last week, we dropped the DF because she never took much and fed less and less well during the day. She is formula fed from day 1.
When she wakes up, she is a mixture of fussy, coo-y and grizlly, sorry that doesn´t make much sense probably. But it´s like she is half asleep still and talking in her sleep. If we don´t attend to her, she eventually starts crying and wakes up grumpy.
I´m afraid she is paci-dependant (I am not ready to wean yet) and can´t fall asleep without it (spits it out when asleep) but even a re-plug doesn´t seem to cut it anymore. I have noticed that she is suckling on the paci VERY fiercely, so maybe she is teething? (which would also explain the fussy eating?) but the hard suckling makes her lose it over and over again.
Last night, I thought she might be hungry because of the dropped DF, so I fed her. Still, she woke up at 4am with the same behaviour.
I would like to know why she keeps waking and how to help her.
Her normal sleeping behaviour since week 8 is 12 hours of nightsleep with 1 interruption between 4-5am which would be solved with a simple paci-replug. Now, the night is erratic!
Thanks in advance,