My DS is 6 months old today. He has not always been the best sleeper, but he was doing really well for both night sleep and his naps for awhile (except for early wakings). He had just started sleeping through the night from about 7:00 to 6:15 or so and his naps were an hour and a half to two hours. BUT then, he woke up really early on Tuesday morning (5:30 am) and again on Wednesday (5:00 am). I fed him and then put him back in his crib and left him until he fell asleep for another half hour on both days and we then started the day around 7:00 am. Then yesterday, he woke up after only one hour of his afternoon nap, obviously still tired. It took me forty-five minutes to put him back to sleep for forty-five more. . . Then, last night he was up at midnight, 3:00 am, 4:30 am, and 6:00 am (still tired). Normally when he has a night waking, he cries out and just needs his paci and then goes right back to sleep. But last night he didn't cry out, but he was up for quite awhile at each waking. He was flailing around and slamming his feet onto the mattress. He eventually put himself back to sleep at midnight without calling for me. He called a little bit at the 3:00 am waking and I was up, so I gave him his paci. He called insistently at 4:30 am for help. And he woke crying at 6:00 am because he was so tired. I gave him a bottle, then, and tried to get him back to sleep. He was back up at 6:20! I can't figure out why he would be doing this. I know he is teething, but he doesn't seem to be in pain. He isn't ready to crawl or anything, so I don't think it is a developmental milestone waking. Does anyone have any other ideas.
6:15 Wake up and bottle
7:00 Breakfast
9:00 Nap
11:30 Lunch
2:00 Nap
3:30 or 4:00 Bottle
5:00 Dinner
7:00 Bottle and Bed
Thanks for the help!