One of my girls, Madeline, wakes up almost every hour of the night, and she sleeps in the same room with the other one, Amelia. When she wakes up I either feed her (depending how long it's been since she ate) or try to soothe her back to sleep. just when I think she's back to sleep and lay down in bed, the other one wakes up. for a whil they were both only waking up once or maybe twice a night and it was so nice! Now all of a sudden they don't seem to sleep at all! I'm nursing both of them and I think maybe they just aren't getting enough from me, but the doctor said Maddy shouldn't start formula if possible until at least 6 months, and Amelia was taking a formula bottle at night, but now won't take it all of a sudden. They've both started on rice cereal but that doesn't seem to be doing much good. Does anyone have any suggestions?