Author Topic: any success in delaying bedtime slightly to reduce time it takes to fall asleep?  (Read 813 times)

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we're going through a few things lately, 2nd year molars, sep anx from mama as i returned to work 3 weeks ago. DS started protesting at being put down for his nap and bedtime, but after a little grousing, would go quiet and sleep.

our latest development is that it's taking an hour or so for him to fall asleep though. for the past few months you could set your watch by him:

7am wake
12.15pm nap
2.15pm wake
7.15pm bedtime

now he's grousing a while, falling quiet, grousing, giving shrieks, talking to his lovies etc. i'm sure you know the score! this can last for an hour, even an hour-and-a-half or two  ??? :-[ it rarely gets to the point where he needs my help, but so far putting his blanket back on and leaving the door slightly ajar, talking quietly when i need to through the door is sufficient to calm him down when he does need it. but such assistance won't send him to sleep any earlier once he's calmed down!

the thing is by the time he does fall asleep at 8.15pm/8.30pm or so, he's OT even though he's lying in his crib, and we've had a couple of 6am wake-ups recently. he still takes a two hour nap on these days, maybe catching up the day after with a three hour nap. which then of course makes going to bed at 7.15pm even more difficult when he's only woken up at 3pm!

i want to nip this in the bud and tweak his routine so that we don't get into an OT cycle. my thought is to delay bedtime a short while so that he's tireder when he goes to bed and will fall asleep more quickly, but not OT obviously.

what do you think? any success stories in this vein?

i don't really want to tweak his nap if at all possible -- i'm a firm believer in letting LOs sleep if they're sleeping. a little un-BW i know  ;)



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I think that his routine looks ok.  I have the same problem with Alex, she has a great time in her bed before she finally drops off.

You could try a slightly earlier nap in the hope that he will wake earlier and then an earlier bedtime ad hopefully could drop off earlier due to the earlier nap and the party being a more reasonable time  ;)

HTH, but really I don't have much to offer.  sorry.  My answer has been, if they are not crying then leave them until they drop off, trying to settle might encourage Accidental Parenting.

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Quote (selected)
the thing is by the time he does fall asleep at 8.15pm/8.30pm or so, he's OT even though he's lying in his crib, and we've had a couple of 6am wake-ups recently. he still takes a two hour nap on these days, maybe catching up the day after with a three hour nap. which then of course makes going to bed at 7.15pm even more difficult when he's only woken up at 3pm!

I think he'll only get into a cycle of getting overtired, taking a longer nap & then taking a long time to fall asleep at night. I would wake him up from the nap at 1.5hrs. I actually found with mine she cut her total amount of hrs on her own around 2, where her nap went down to 1.5hrs & at night she was sleeping 10.5ish hrs. It is unpleasant to wake her up (& I've only had to do it a couple of times) but it keeps me sane at night when she's asleep within 30-40mins rather than 2hrs. She has to be up at 2pm to have a chance of falling asleep at 7.30 (she wakes at 6ish).


20/06/2012 - my angel baby

Offline Layla

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Sorry forgot to add that (same as Stacy's little man), Isabella will play just as long even if sh's put to bed later. The only time she's out likt e light is when she doesn't take her nap

20/06/2012 - my angel baby

Offline LucyA

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Katie, we were having major problems with C falling asleep for his nap and bedtime, we did have a schedule of roughly:
7.30 wake
12.30 windown, asleep by 1pm
nap for 1.15-1.30
7.30-8 asleep for the night

Callum would fall asleep usually within about 10 minutes of turning out the light. Then he started taking longer and longer, til it was an hour or more.

Our routine now is
7.30 wake
1pm windown, 1.30 asleep
nap no longer than an hour
8.30 asleep for the night.

He is back to falling asleep with 10-20 minutes.

[img width= height=][/img]

[img width= height=][/img]

Offline Layla

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Lucy, thats very interesting because I think Isabella is getting to a stage where 1.5hrs may be too much for her as well. She takes generally 30-40mins to fall asleep but for the last few days i've noticed its taken her longer... so I am considering cutting her nap down another 15mins. I wonder how she will do on 1hr15mins ???. Its a shame cause less Y time but better in the long run in that she will fall asleep faster & be back to longer nights.

20/06/2012 - my angel baby

Offline LucyA

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Layla, Callum has also started skipping his nap occasionally, which doesn't seem to cause him major problems. He then does an extra hour overnight, so asleep by 7.30, maybe a little earlier, and up about the same time next morning. I don't think he's ready to drop it altogether - and I'm certainly not ready for that to happen!!

[img width= height=][/img]

[img width= height=][/img]

Offline Layla

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Katriona - how are you going?

20/06/2012 - my angel baby