Hi, my 5 month LO has stopped feeding all of a sudden. He weighs 17lb and has been eating fantastically until two weeks ago. He was on a 4 hour EASY, drinking 8oz each feed. I'm feeding with a syringe now as he will not take even an ounce all day in the bottle. He was breastfed until 4 months when he decided he didn't want it anymore and prefered the bottle. It takes me an hour to get two ounces down him as he refuses to swallow. He was eating in his sleep, but won't even do that anymore. Doctors have told me to ride it out, but i am at my witts end now as i have two other children whom i am homeschooling. I feel maybe where i have tried forcing him a few times, he has associated negative response to the feeding. He sucks his thumb like anything. How can i make him unlearn this response to feeding time?