We've only been dealing with this issue since Saturday. He was fine before we went on vaca - but I'm not really 100% sure. I think he might have woken 2 nights before vaca and we let him cry.....and then when we were on vaca and all in one room, he woke a few times, but I just talked to him from my bed and it was fast, like 2 seconds.
One night though when we were on vaca Kris and I went out after M was in bed and Great Grandma and some other relatives were home. Marshall woke up and Kris cousin, who Marshall hardly even knows...went in to get him, and he freaked. I should have left more specific instructions on what to do ... but he had not been waking up! So anyway, after that happened and we got home, I had to lie with him in our bed to get him settled for sleep and I ended up falling asleep and Kris moved him to the crib when he came in to go to bed. Marshall woke once that night, but I just talked to him and he was fine.
So...on the Saturday that we got home he woke and it went on with crying for about 2 hours - maybe in 10-15 minute intervals (I know...CIO is evil, and anyone who is reading this thinking of CIO...it obviously does not work...look at the mess we're in now!!) and then it just got progressively worse so that now he won't even go to sleep without a major issue.
Hopefully, since it has not been going on for that long really in the scheme of things, it won't take that long to fix it either. Consistency is going to be key.
We need to get rid of the bottle too - maybe I'll change the whole routine around.
Right now we do bath then teeth then lotion and PJs followed by bottle while reading books in rocking chair in his room, then lights out then crib for songs and sleep.
I like the idea of bath, then lotion and PJs then reading books in my bed with a sippy of milk, then brush teeth, then songs in rocking chair in his room, then into crib for sleep. I'll go lie on the AM rather than leave, till he falls asleep, then head back in when it's time for me to go to bed. What do you think of that?