Ok, so I've posted before about dd who is 10 weeks tomorrow. I really can't complain about her sleeping, as long as she sleeps on her side. She goes down on her own for naps and at night, and is waking once maybe twice at night. She probably has 3 1.5 h average naps in the day but I have probs getting her to cat nap (she also won't sleep anywhere but the cot). I heard her crying at 3 this morning so I went in and she had slipped down on her tummy from her side. I haven't been able to get my hands on a good sleep positioner yet so she is wedged between two rolled up and taped towels, pushed up against the side of the cot on the front and with a foam wedge behind her back towel. It works good in the day, but she is a THRASHER when she wakes at night and is going back to sleep, she throws her head back and forth and obviously made herself some space which she fell into.
So I decided it was time to start sleeping on her back. Will she - NO! When falling asleep on her back, if she's very very drowsy going into the cot, she will drop off for 20 minutes or so and then will not go back to sleep. I have also tried rolling her onto her back from her side once she is asleep and her eyes open within minutes of her going on her back... even from a deep sleep. Shh pat doesn't seem to have much effect when she's on her back so I've tried it on her side and then rolling over when she's calm but again she just pops back awake. It's like she thinks, on my back = awake. Any tips?