Help!! I have a 17 month old daughter. We have always had sleep problems with her. She has been on EASY since she was 6 months old, but has been very resistant to it. She had finally been sleeping about 12 hours a night with no wake ups and had been napping 1.5-2 hours a day. Usually only 1.5 hour naps. Naps continued to be a bit erratic no matter what we tried. Everything was thrown for a loop when she started on her first molar. A month ago, she woke up hysterical in the wee hours of the morning and was hysterical for several hours. She then started getting hysterical if we tried to leave her room at bedtime while she was still awake. Her doc said it was probably tooth pain and it scared her. We started giving her Motrin at bedtime as well as orajel and spent 2 weeks staying with her until she fell asleep. We only had to stand inside her room, by the door and talk to her when necessary. After 2 weeks, she was back to falling asleep after we left the room. 2 weeks ago, it started again. She just started getting hysterical one night when we tried to leave her room while awake....while still getting the pain meds. Nothing changed. No new teeth, just the usual swollen spots that are taking forever to appear. It now effects both naps and nights. She's now waking several times a night and we have to go in every time. Naps are short: 30 min to 1 hour. Early wakings have reappeared: 5 am is a favorite. She has always woken early (6-7am), but we're morning people, so it wasn't a big deal. We have no idea what's causing this or how to begin to stop it. She's clearly sleep deprived again and is having the typical toddler meltdowns during the day as well as whining and refusing to use the words she had been speaking before. Her Easy is (was):
6-6:30am - wake & BF
7am - breakfast
10:45 - snack
11am - nap (1-1.5 hrs...we haven't seen a 1.5 hr nap in a while!)
2pm - lunch
5pm - BF, dinner
6pm - start bedtime routine(read books, sponge bath, diaper change, pj's, then put her in crib and head for the door)
6:30 - bedtime
What exactly is WI/WO and "gradual withdrawl?"