hmm, well I don't know Sami, we are still all over the place!
did I mention I think Noah is getting a 2nd year molar on the back right

he is only 18months old!
we had avery strange and LONG NW last night
everything about yesteray was normal
yet he woke at 12:15 couging and was up for over two hours, never crying, just restless and then quiet and restless, quiet etc. I didn't know if I should check on him or not, every time I though he was back to sleep---I would hear him again

so he then slept til 7:45 (but he still only had about 10hrs last night)
nap was 12:15-2:30 and I woke him
this is where I hate NW, I mean I know he needs to catch up from not such a great night but then you sort of run out of hours to do so.
bed 7pm, talked and fell asleep around 7:30pm or so.