Hi all,
I'm about to try the Wake to Sleep method for my little guy who's been waking up too early in the mornings and was wondering if anyone had any words of wisdom/encouragement before I start. I've read the success stories on middle of the night wakings, but was hoping to hear some wake-to-sleep success stories too.
Here's my details, in case you were wondering:
How old is your child? 7 Months
What’s his/her daily routine? 4 hour feeds, He tires easily, so the sleep part of our 4 hour EASY comes sooner and sooner as the day progresses.
What’s nap routine? Two 1.5 hour naps, one 45 min catnap
How long are naps? See above
What's bedtime routine? Time? Dad takes over in the evenings: bath, little play time, swaddle legs only, book, then bed at 8. I should add that he's got quite an independent streak (the baby, not the husband

). Sometimes during the wind-down ritual, he starts crying, but as soon as we put him in his crib, he stops. Honestly, it's like he's saying "Just let me do this on my own, will you?"
Do you bottle or breastfed?? Just weaned to bottles
How much? or how long? Four 6-8 oz bottles a day
How many wakes per night? Technically O, but wakes up around 6:15 instead of 7.
What’s your LO like when waking at night? How long is he/she up? When waking at 6:15, he's happy-- rolls over, tries to get on all fours, chews on his lovie . . . His squeals get louder and louder and sometimes he cries until I come in to help him. Other times, he's fine to just play until 7. The reason I think it's a problem though is because he then gets tired by 8am which throws off the rest of the day's routine.
When you go to him/her is she fussing or crying? Or is it a mantra cry? See above.
What have you tried to settle?? I've tried not to pick him up and can usually get him to go back to sleep by swaddling him (all limbs in), putting my hands on his tummy and legs and shhing him. He usually starts crying if I pick him up.
What do you do for A time and how long is it? He gets tired easily during the day (after about 1.5 hours), and he's a Touchy baby. He usually just likes to play with the same old toys over and over again. In fact he's cried when we try giving him new toys--introducing new things is a delicate process. He has tummy time, sitting time, out and about with me during the day, etc.
Are there developmental issues such as teething or milestones? Just started sitting on his own.
Do they have a prop? If so what is it? No props
Do they have a lovie? Yes
Thanks. Even answering these questions just makes me love my little man all the more--quirks and all!