Author Topic: 5 week old...desperate with activity/night sleeping...please help  (Read 1472 times)

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Bear with me, this is my first post...I have been trying to following BW for 2 weeks, and not having much luck. my 5 week old is a terrible sleeper...after having difficulty getting him to sleep (fights sleep, hates his crib), he wakes after about an hour (esp. at night), and sleeps a total of about 5 hours/night (3 of them restless). I am afraid that either his days/nights are mixed, or that he is sleeping too much during the day. Here is an approx. schedule (from what I can decipher)

6 am eat (3-4 oz)
    activity (swing, maybe, but gets tired after 10 minutes total)
630 sleep (barely...not sure if he is tired, but then is grumpy)

830 awake, not hungry, but grumpy...try to entertain
900 eat, probably fall asleep
     activity none
930/945 sleep

1130 wakes...try to entertain...not really hungry
1200 feed...very sleepy
     activity...limp, not interested, if stimulated very fussy
1245 sleep usually very well

1500 wakes, eats
     activity...maybe 10 minutes again, gets very grumpy, yawns
1600 sleeps

1800 wakes, eats
     activity...maybe 15 minutes
1845....really resists sleep, sometimes awake until 2100

2030 wake for bath, bathtime
2100 eats, soothe, talk
2230 sleep, resists usually, a lot of rocking

1230 awakens, hungry? can't really tell, try to soothe, not very responsive. then feed
0130 back to sleep

0330 awakens, hungry, feed
0400 back to sleep...very restless

0500 awakens, grumpy, will not go back to sleep
 place in bed with me...I know its terrible, try to get back to sleep until six am to keep on schedule.

I know, what a mess. He sometimes wakes up for soothing/eating six times a night. This couldn't be right. I have been reading all of these postings trying to make sense of it all. Is he sleeping too long during the day? Then why is he so tired all day? Please help...we are so frustrated. Thanks for any offered information

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Re: 5 week old...desperate with activity/night sleeping...please help
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2007, 04:31:11 am »
Sorry I am not one of the EASY experts but just want to let you know there was no way my DD could have been in a routine at 5 weeks but we just followed the pattern eat, activity snd sleep even though she never seemed to sleep ever in the first month and a half!!! What we did to try and help with the nights was have a regular wake up time where we I would then open the black out blinds and start the day and when it came to night time I would go to bed at the same time and just read in a dim light and be boring. What I can say is that things changed very suddenly and my DD started sleeping for longer periods and after co sleeping for 6 weeks (it was the only way eitrher of us would get any sleep) she went straight to a cot in her own room. From here she slept for longer and longer periods and by 10 weeks she started sleeping 11pm until 8am. It all changed very quickly and I am sure it will for you too, in a few weeks you will probably look back on this and find it hard to remember just how grim it all is  ;)

Good luck  :)

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Re: 5 week old...desperate with activity/night sleeping...please help
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2007, 15:12:47 pm »
I agree with skatty those first two months are definitely some of the hardest.  From looking at your routine however, your lo may be getting too much daytime sleep, especially since he is resisting bedtime.  And it also looks like he may be getting overtired (seems contradictory doesn't it? maybe I can explain myself).  An 8:30 bedtime is entirely too late since your lo is getting up between 5-6am.  For a lo that young, sometimes a bath is too stimulating to help with winding down.  We still don't do a bath with dd as part of the bedtime ritual.  It just doesn't fit right for us as at that time of day, so I usually do it as part of one of her A time earlier in the day.  If I am in your shoes, I would start shooting for a 12 hour day and 12 hour night.  Since he is already waking at 5-6 I would start as you are trying with 6am so maybe your day could look something like this: Oh and I am assuming he is formula fed since you mentioned he eats in ounces ;) if he is breastfed, he may not be able to follow a 3hr EASY yet, and may have to be shorter, but again I am going to assume you ff:

E 6am
A 6-7
S 7-9

E 9
A 9-10
S 10-12

E 12
A 12-1
S 1-3

E 3
A 3-4
S 4-4:45 Catnap to be able to make it to bedtime and not be OT

E  4:45 You can cluster feed here if you like, otherwise there would just be A time here
A 4:45-6 any wind down - if you like, you can still do the bath and night time ritual here
S 6 for the night

DF between 9-11.  I'd probably do it around 9:30.  Then cross your fingers till morning.  If he wakes in the night, and is hungry - feed him, and try to put right back down to bed.

I see you say he is grumpy when awake, and that is probably from being overtired from bad night time sleep.  So yes, I tend to agree he probably has day and night confused.  Sticking to a really good 3hr EASY during the day will hopefully help cut down on the night wakings because he is getting more A time during the day.  Also, you can open the curtains, take him outside (if not blazing hot) especially in the afternoons, as that can help set their internal clock and realize - hey, it's daytime, not night time!  Just remember to keep him out of direct sunlight. 

Also whenever we were trying to lengthen A times we would do things really quietly.  No toys (they're so little, do they really enjoy them anyway at this age?) no tv on, just very quiet.  Cuddling, floor time, swing in swing (but not to sleep), walk around facing outwards looking at the house, etc.

Also starting a really good wind down routine helped my dd to realize it was about to be time to go to sleep.  In the beginning it was diaper change, swaddle, lights out/blinds closed, sound machine on, rock in rocker while singing a song or two.  In the beginning I rocked her to sleep (AP I know, but it worked out well for us) and I gradually began putting her down more and more awake.  At first, I'd rock her completely asleep - eyes closed for at least a few minutes, and then lay her down.  Then gradually I moved from putting her down completely asleep to putting down when: eyes closed for a minute, eyes are  open closed open closed, on the verge of being asleep, yawning after singing a minute, now she is put down when wide awake, and goes off to sleep all on her own! 

So I know this reply is entirely too long, but I hope it does make sense.  Let me know how you are getting on, and if any of this helps!! Good luck - sending good sleep vibes your way ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`

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Re: 5 week old...desperate with activity/night sleeping...please help
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2007, 19:11:44 pm »
Hi Christianmon, I'm not going to give any advice because I think those last two posts were great but I just want to say, hang on in there, it does get to be the wonderful, rewarding, fun experience you expected it to be.  But those early months are hard - in my case, so much harder than I expected. Just remember that it takes a long time to get to know anybody - even your beautiful child.  And 5 weeks is so young - in Britain (maybe not just Britain) we call a baby's first three months "the final trimester" because they think they are still part of us, so any method that comforts and soothes your baby at this age can not be "terrible".  At about 4 months, suddenly it started to click into place for me and my LO.  (I know that sounds a long time at the moment but I read a quote on a website about colic that is so worth bearing in mind for those early months - "the days and nights may feel eternal but the weeks will fly by.") And just to (hopefully) give you some hope - my spirited little boy at nearly 7 months (having gone from struggling with him for 40 mins to 2 hours + to settle to sleep) now settles on his own for (most!) of his naps, with a grin on his face and sleeps from 7pm to 7am.  Keep reading the BW book when you get time (which is fantastic) but don't forget to get to know your little individual as well. Big hugs. Let us know how you get on :)

Offline christianmom

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Re: 5 week old...desperate with activity/night sleeping...please help
« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2007, 20:24:15 pm »
You guys are all very wonderful...thanks! We are getting well a little better, saturday was great. Now we are battling the gas/reflux battle, and christian is not tolerating much of anything in his GI system. How do you schedule a baby who wakes up very 2 hours in pain? Well, I am learning patience. Saturday we increased christian's A time, and that really seemed to help. He is fussy at first when stimulated and then really seems to may be his age. He is not worth more than 1 hour total E/A time, but is coming around. thanks everyone!

Offline vadensmommy

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Re: 5 week old...desperate with activity/night sleeping...please help
« Reply #5 on: July 30, 2007, 22:37:59 pm »
You may want to take a look at the reflux boards: