Author Topic: HELP..6mos. old's schedule all over the place!?  (Read 866 times)

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HELP..6mos. old's schedule all over the place!?
« on: July 31, 2007, 18:41:05 pm »
Help!!!  Our soon to be 6 mos. old dd's schedule is all over the place.  I started EASY with her form the get go.  She goes down awake with no problem usually, but suddenly she is waking after 40 minutes in most AMs and PMs-naps.  Usually if I go in and roll her back to her tummy(I know a no-no), and pat her then leave she will eventually go back down for another 40.  I can not figure out what has happened.  It isn't everyday, but most.  She seems to be an angel textbook baby.  She goes to bed between 7:30-8:30 each night.  Then the erratic behavior begins.  Some nights she sleeps through until 6:30 and some days she wakes at 4AM or 5AM.  Usually if I feed her, she will go back down for  tiny bit after chatter.  She is on the 4 hour EASY and I usually can get 2 hours of awake time before I out her down.  HELP!!!!!

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Re: HELP..6mos. old's schedule all over the place!?
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2007, 19:44:17 pm »
My dd is about the same age as yours - she'll be 6mo tomorrow.  I've noticed she is more and more hungry in the afternoon and in fact today she had a 45 min nap.  I knew she was still tired because she'd had too long A time before the nap (closer to 3 hours :o ) and was rubbing her eyes when she woke up.  I fed her half a bottle, and put her back down and she is back asleep with no crying after I put her back down.  So maybe she is hungry?  Have you started solids?  We have, but it is really just a taste, not enough to make much of a difference hunger wise.

I've also noticed that dd needs more than 2 hours of A time to really get a good nap.  It is hard for me to watch though because she is at a sitter's in the mornings, and I am never quite sure how long she napped the first time, and how long she's been awake once I get her home.  So the weekends are the only time I get to see what she is doing first hand.  Maybe yours is the same?  Do you think she needs more like 2hr 15min A time?  DD can do that for the first wake up , and is closer to 2.5hrs for the second A time.  Maybe she needs just a bit more to be tired enough for that good nap?  That's all I can figure.  This is a hard age with so many things going on - solids, rolling, for some crawling (mine is a bit lazy, she only rolls one way so far ;) ), teething for some.  Hard to know what is happening some days isn't it!!??

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Re: HELP..6mos. old's schedule all over the place!?
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2007, 17:11:12 pm »
Has she just learned anything new, or starting to learn new things? I found that 6 months was hard because they were learning how to roll and sit, but not how to go back down. Vaden's mommy has some good suggestions too. I would watch to see if she is ready for more A time.
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