well, we just started the 4 hour program on monday so we're nearing the end of the first week. i know that BW Solves All says to follow the clock as closely as possible for the first week for the purposes of retraining her biorythym BUT she is always sleepy about an hour after she gets up. i have tried to keep her up but that has resulted in her getting overtired and then much harder to put down (and therefore doing the PU/PD which is not fun for either of us). i find that she can last about an hour to an hour and 15 mins after getting up (including feed time!) so today i decided to put her down much earlier. and so we're behind schedule about an hour. not sure how this will go but it just feels better. i hate watching the clock because it just does not seem to jive with her cues.
because we just started, i don't really have a routine other than what the books suggest for a 4 month old (and she is a big girl for her age...about 17+ pounds). she may be going through a growth spurt as well because she guzzled some milk twice last night (1:45am and 5pm), even after a dream feed! i think the book suggests topping her up after each feed with a couple more ounces. even though i am breastfeeding (and i give her both breasts for 30 mins), i was thinking of giving her a bit of formula in a bottle. should i offer her a 5pm feed as the book suggests?
today's routine looks like this:
she showed signs of tiredness around 8am so i put her down thinking she would sleep by 8:15am or so. she didn't fall asleep until 8:45am. she slept for 1h20mins (10:05am). she ate at 10:30am. she had her second nap from 12:30-2pm. fed at 2:30pm. she will likely go down for a catnap around 4.
any thoughts?