Author Topic: Catnap or not? Need help with evening routine  (Read 778 times)

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Catnap or not? Need help with evening routine
« on: August 03, 2007, 04:15:01 am »
I'm having trouble figuring out my 4.5 old DD's evening routine. She seems to not be able to handle enough A time in order to drop the evening catnap, but she wants so much A time that if I do the catnap her bedtime seems to be quite late. Advice??

Here is her routine:

6:45 Wake up
7:00 Eat (bf)
9:00 Sleep (2-2.5 hours)
11/11:30 Eat (bf)
1:30ish Sleep (1.5-2 hours)
3/3:30 Eat (bf)
After this point is where I get confused...
5:30/6 catnap for 30 min (must be awake for 2.5 hours in order to take this)
6/6:30 Eat (bf) (she can only go for 3 hours between feeds at this time for some reason)
7:15/45 bath
7:30/8 Eat (bf) (likes to nurse for 1 hour before bed)
8:30/9 Asleep for the night


6:15 bath
6:30 Eat (bf) -- ends up really overtired and nursing for a long time before bed
7:45/8 Sleep

Should I move bedtime even earlier??? Can't figure this out.


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Re: Catnap or not? Need help with evening routine
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2007, 04:23:30 am »
Can she really be up for 2.5 hours after 30 minute catnap?

And this other plan you have, is it without catnap?

I think I would go for fist plan, let he take catnap 5.30-6 and wake he from last nap when needed then.
and make bedtime about 7.30
Jut my thoughts :)