Author Topic: What to do when bub catnaps b4 feed is due?  (Read 1098 times)

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Offline KLT001

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What to do when bub catnaps b4 feed is due?
« on: August 06, 2007, 04:04:18 am »
I know this is just one of those questions everyone hates, but my only trouble with this routine as such is this: If my baby catnaps, which she often does and I cant seriously believe that i can stop this entirely, what do you do in terms of the remainder of the waketime before her feed. She is bottlefed and feeding her when she wakes is not the answer otherwise she would be feeding every 45min?? She also doesnt take a full bottle unless she is fed 4hrly, so the feeding is okay on the 4hr routine. The only problem is that the sleeps dont match the routine. There isnt really a way I can re-settle because she is so wide awake, it would be like asking an adult to sleep again after a long sleep. I often get her out of her cot and resume her waketime, however by the time her next feed comes around, BINGO....her waketime is ending and she needs to be put down for another nap shortly after. I cant see a solution but wait until she learns to sleep better? ??? Is there really a solution or something I should continue to battle out in due time.

Offline Layla

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Re: What to do when bub catnaps b4 feed is due?
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2007, 04:21:42 am »
This is very common :). If she can't resettle for the remainder of the A time then you just go on about your day until she shows tired signs again. Feed her every 4hrs still (is she 4months?) & if the feed is due close to the next nap time then feed her first & then put down for a nap. EASY is a guide - & not all babies take "perfect" 1.5-2hr naps so you'll have to ride it out until she starts sleeping longer. Are her A times correct. If she's waking at 45mins & happy then she might need more A time???

Try & relax about EASY. Naps only start to lengthen (if she's a 45min napper) around 5.5-6 months. The morning nap is usually the 1st to establish then the afternoon nap & catnap.


20/06/2012 - my angel baby

Offline KLT001

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Re: What to do when bub catnaps b4 feed is due?
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2007, 06:37:22 am »
Thanks for that. Sometimes you just wonder what you are doing right/wrong etc etc. I did just that today, I fed her and about 15min later, I put her down for a nap. She actually slept 2.5hrs would you believe? I guess a full tummy helped. I guess the main thing is that she isnt falling asleep on the bottle, therefore not relying on it to get to sleep. She still gets herself to sleep as she doesnt have the dummy.

She is only 3 months and I know lots of people tell me that she should be on a 3hrly routine, however the nurse advised me to feed her four hourly for a few reasons:
1. She tends to puke up heaps of milk for a long time when fed 3hrly and I thought this was reflux, however when changed to 4hrly this stopped.
2. She is drinking enough milk each feeding to drink approx 5 bottles in a 24hr period, therefore it works out to roughly be every 4hrs.
3. When I trialled the 3hr routine, she only drank 1/4 of the bottle and was full without finishing, therefore becomming hungry sooner for the next feed. It was like she was snacking?

So I thought id at least keep the feeds 4hrly as her sleep tends to be somewhat better using this idea than when I tried the three hourly EASY. I can only think that when she does reach the 5month old stage that her naps will get better as she does nap longer sometimes, so she knows how to re-settle but I guess the days that she cat-naps, she has had enough sleep??? Who knows? Sometimes she is content, other times she doesnt last long for her waketime but its always different and very mind boggling. hehe.

Anyway thanks for your advice, I appreciate it as now I dont feel so bad putting her down not long after a feed if need be.

Offline Layla

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Re: What to do when bub catnaps b4 feed is due?
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2007, 06:46:41 am »
If 4hourly feeds are working for you then that not a problem :) but she might not be able to last as long as a baby who is on 4EASY so there will have to be some A time between naps & feeds (especially if she's catnapping).

You're not doing anything wrong... don't ever doubt yourself ;D

Good luck

20/06/2012 - my angel baby

Offline KLT001

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Re: What to do when bub catnaps b4 feed is due?
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2007, 21:36:53 pm »
Thanks. She is slowly getting better at sleep and if I look back at what I went through she has learnt so much in so little time. We have gone from 14hrs awake time straight and 5hrs of screaming that followed. She literally had black bags under her eyes, poor little thing, all because of accidental parenting that we created earlier on. Now we have a baby who sleeps from 6:30p.m until 6:30am with a quick feed at 2am. She also sleeps of a day, however catnaps here and there, but thinking positively about it all, she has learnt how to sleep and self-settle within 3 weeks. They are so little yet so smart aren't they.  ;)

It was almost like she taught me how to be a mummy by protesting until I purchased this book! hehe. At least I will know now when I have a second bub to start as a means to go on, rather than chopping and changing all the time!.  :)

Its great to have these posts to help new mummys because you would never realise how difficult motherhood can be until you try it. Its also very rewarding too.  ;D

Offline Layla

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Re: What to do when bub catnaps b4 feed is due?
« Reply #5 on: August 06, 2007, 21:41:23 pm »
She is doing great!!!

Yes, it is very rewarding ;D

Good luck :-*

20/06/2012 - my angel baby