thanks heaps. yep poo is definately green. our doctor said teething doesn't make reflux worse. typical hey.
when do you give the motilium and losec?
Not commenting on your doctor, but you will find that from experience, most, if not all moms here, will tell you their LO's reflux flared during teething and many had the meds bumped up for a while.
When we give the meds:
700 Wake and meds - Motilium 2.5ml and Losec 10mg
730 Milk
830 Solids
900 Sleep
1100 Awake and Feed
1200 Solids
1300 Sleep
1500 Wake and meds - Motilium 2.5 ml
1530 Feed
1645 Catnap
1730 Wake and solids
1800 Meds - Motilium 2.5ml
1820 Bath and bedtime routine and bottle
1900 Bed
sorry another question. did henry stop spilling with the meds? or will they always just be spewy bubs?
The antacids alone won't improved the possetting or spilling. The motilium helped, but to be honest, it took some time to work. What I noticed was that his hiccuping was addressed quickly and has virtually gone, and after that improved, the spillage got less. It does get more when he drinks too fast and swallows alot of air. He also brings alot up when he seems to be teething. More fluid- more tummy content, easier to mess.
At about 6 months, the reflux in its own right should start settling and by a year most babies would have outgrown it, as their anatomy sorted itself out, if that makes sense. You however, do get cases where it takes longer, so this is only a rough guide. Also I find that now that Henry can sit up for long periods of time independently, his possetting/spillage has also decreased.