I wanted to let you all in on something I've been doing for our LO during the day and evening hours that seems to help with his tempermant. I've got a small cd player in my kitchen and I have been playing soft music or classical music throughout the day and I've discovered that Brandon is a lot calmer and patient with his playtimes. And it's easier to go into a wind down routine after playtime is over. I don't know if any of you out there do something like this or maybe you want to give it a try. Sometimes in the evening he will actually get his blanket and sit in the playroom (which is off from our kitchen) and just look at a book quietly. It's amazing! I know he's always loved music but I just never thought about letting it play in the background during the day. This is the third day I've done it for him. I don't do it every single day but like every other day. Two days a week he's in daycare so those days the routine is a bit different.
We had been having some issues with him being very impatient during play time or getting frustrated very quickly. I think the music keeps him more calm. And we had been having problems getting him to sleep even with a wind down routine. Anyway, I just wanted to share.
O, and if this is in the wrong section please feel free to move it!