Author Topic: 7.5 mo spirited baby with high A time, how do I adjust EASY?  (Read 4151 times)

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7.5 mo spirited baby with high A time, how do I adjust EASY?
« on: December 07, 2012, 13:03:38 pm »
Hi Moms,

I have posted on here a couple of times before and received great advice for my baby boy. Hoping someone can help me with my EASY routine. My baby boy is 7.5 months old, very spirited, and extremely active. He is hitting milestones very early as he has been crawling and pulling up to standing for over a month now, and is now cruising. He gets around! He has always had high A times, or he will take short naps (40 min). He is a great napper during the day and we have been on EASY since birth.

We are now up to 3.5 h A time. I am confusted on how to adjust my EASY to fit in two naps and then still make bedtime. Here is our current EASY:

7 - wake and bottle
8:30 - solids
10:30 -nap for 1.5 hours
12:00 - bottle
1:30 - solids
3:30 - nap for 1 hour
4:30- bottle
5:30 - solids
8:00- bed

So my question I guess is this...with the decreased sleep through the day, shouldn't baby extend his night sleep to 12 hours instead of 11? He hasn't extended his night sleep yet, but he is teething and waking about 4 or 5am I think because of teething and his poopy diapers he has had since he started teething. Then after I change him, it's difficult for me to get him back to sleep and he sleeps very lightly and up by 7am. I think after this bout of teething is over, he should extend to 12 hours sleep hopefully. But he has always been an early waker and I do good to get him to a 7am wake time. I'm pretty sure this is because I have always been behind on his high A time, not giving him quite enough, so he wakes early UT and can't get back to sleep. I really would like to fix this EW now that I know he definitely needs the high A times!

But then, with a 12 hour night, what does my day look like with one less hour to fit everything in? If I do the below EASY, it only leaves a 3 hour A time before bed and I don't think he will go down that early...but he may once the routine settles with less sleep early on in the day.

8 - wake
11:30 - nap for 1 hour
12:30 - wake
4:00 - nap 1 hour
5:00 - wake
8- bed

I just feel like 2 hours of sleep a day is not enough for 7.5 to 8 month old? But if he is sleep 12 at night, then that is 14 total, which is good. Is it okay to have my baby on this routine this early?

And what about moving forward when he is 9-10 months? Does thier overall sleep need just decrease, to say only 13 hours total for example?

Thank you for any help and input you may have! I very much appreciate it!  :)


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Re: 7.5 mo spirited baby with high A time, how do I adjust EASY?
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2012, 13:14:27 pm »
Hi Jenny,

It's actually normal for the day to start stretching out to 12.5/13h as A times increase into the 3.5-4h sort of range.  I assume you are capping the second nap at the moment?  Generally on anything less than a full nap of 1.5h or more, LO needs slightly less than a full A time before bed, so it may actually be worth you trying to get him to bed 15-30 mins earlier than you are doing as the unsettled ness in the early morning hours may actually be OT rather than UT (though teething can complicate things).

Generally the way to approach A times increasing is to pick which nap you want to keep as the long one and then cap the other nap to make sure the day is a maximum of 13h.  As you shave more time off the capped nap, the following A time also gets shorter to compensate.  A common long am nap routine on 4h A time is 4h, 1h30/2h nap, 4h, 20-30 min catnap, 2h, BT.  Does that make sense?

Generally, if he's happy on the amount of sleep he's getting and sleeping well at night, there's no need to change anything :)

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Re: 7.5 mo spirited baby with high A time, how do I adjust EASY?
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2012, 13:53:52 pm »
Hi Jessmum46,

Yes, this makes sense! Thank you! I would not have known to keep shaving only one helpful! He always takes the longer morning nap easily, so I'll keep that one as the longer nap. I do usually have to cap the PM nap, although yesterday he woke at 40-45 min after 3.5 A time! But I think this may have been his teething that woke him....normally he would sleep right through. And sometimes I'm usually capping that AM nap at 1.5 hours too. Is this bad? He can sometimes take a 2 hour nap in the morning off a 3.5 h A time...but a 3.25 A time gets me a 40 min nap! Weird how a few minutes make such a big difference. Perhaps I should let him sleep 2 hours in the AM if he wants to, and then just shorten the PM nap accordingly?

I do sometimes try at times to put him down at 7:30 instead of 8, with that shorter PM nap, but he tends to fight me and I have a hard time knowing if UT or OT by that point. Normally, if he's tired enough, he will go down completely awake by himself, no crying and no pacifier. I will keep trying 7:30 bt though, because I think once teething bout is over and routine settles, he will begin to go down better at that time. I have wondered if the EW were OT, and have many times tried to put him down earlier with no improvement. That seems to be something I haven't been able to figure out yet.   :(

Thank you so much for your's helped to clear things up! :)


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Re: 7.5 mo spirited baby with high A time, how do I adjust EASY?
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2012, 13:58:27 pm »
Oh, one more thing....

If he doesn't sleep a 12 hour night, but only 11 like last night, should I try putting him down for his first nap a little earlier? He does not give good tired signs, so hard to know. I just don't want him to hit OT from not enough sleep. I wonder if I should allow him to sleep longer during the day when coming off a shorter night? But at the same time, I want him to extend his nights, so I hesitate allowing more day sleep? Not sure what to do on that one...thank you!

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Re: 7.5 mo spirited baby with high A time, how do I adjust EASY?
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2012, 14:19:35 pm »
OK, re-reading your earlier post and it sounds like 13 hours total sleep now is the 11 hour nights are still ok?

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Re: 7.5 mo spirited baby with high A time, how do I adjust EASY?
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2012, 18:07:34 pm »
I would let him sleep up to 2h in the morning if he will :)

If he seems rested after an 11h night that is fine - anything over 10.5h is a good nights sleep.  It's often better to accept a slightly shorter night for the sake of distributing the sleep well between day and night - if he did a 12h night but only 1.5h total in naps he'd probably get OT quite quickly, whereas with an 11h night and 2.5h of naps, he'll probably be better rested - does that make sense?

Ideally total sleep in 24h should be 13h or more - I think DD was averaging around 13.5 at that age on similar A times.

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Re: 7.5 mo spirited baby with high A time, how do I adjust EASY?
« Reply #6 on: December 07, 2012, 20:58:16 pm »
OK, thank you so much. This makes sense. I need to make sure he can get through his day well rested. He napped for 1.5 hours exactly this morning after 3.5 A time. I just put him down for second nap at 3:30 and he went down easily. I'm going to cap it at one hour, so total of 2.5 hours of naps today. I can easily get 2.5 hours of naps from him a day. He is cranky at first when I wake him after one hour, but he always is cranky if I have to wake him. That one hour nap should get him through to a 7:30pm betime, with an A time of 3 hours. I will try this tonight. Thanks so much for helping me work through this! Sounds like great advice.

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Re: 7.5 mo spirited baby with high A time, how do I adjust EASY?
« Reply #7 on: December 08, 2012, 15:16:50 pm »
Hi Jessmum46,

Here is an update. We had NW's all over the place last night beginning at 11:30pm with an 7:30pm bedtime. So here was our EASY yesterday.

7am- woke
10:30 -nap
12 - woke
3:30 - nap
4:30- capped nap, baby was not cranky when woken :)
7:30pm - tried to put him down, but he fought like crazy, crying, sitting up and standing in crib bouncing  :o
7:45pm - finally gave pacifier and he settled to sleep on his own after a little moaning

This is exactly how he acts when he is UT. He does this on his naps when I need to extend A time, and he does this at bedtime if he is not tired enough to lay down and go to sleep. He get's mad that I am turning the light out when he is not tired enough. The pacifier will calm him and help him go to sleep before he is actually tired enough. I usually never give pacifier for sleep unless it's an emergency!

So he started waking at 11:30pm. I let him grumble for awhile as he wasn't getting too loud, but I could tell he wasn't going back to sleep. At 11:50pm I went in and gave him pacifier back and then he rolled around blowing raspberries for 10 minutes. Finally though I got him back to sleep at midnight, but he was up again 15 minutes later. This went on all night into morning...when I finally resorted putting him into his swing, which I hate to do. It was the only way I could keep him asleep though. He still even woke a couple times more in his swing, trying to sit up straight and babble. He is too big for his swing...I can't keep doing this anymore!

He will wake at night like this (all night long) when his A times are too short. Recently, the past two weeks he started doing this again with 3 H 15 min A time, and I bumped his A time up to 3 H 30 min and he started sleeping all night again outside of his EW at 5am....

What do you think? UT? Maybe 3 hours wasn't quite long enough after his last hour nap? I feel like it's this complicated formula that I just can never get right! My friends who give their babies no routine have babies who sleep all night! Am I trying too hard or what? We've just always had night sleep problems. We had a two week stretch where he slept all night 8pm to 7am with no wakings. This was when he had a 3 hr 15 min A time and both naps were 1.5 hours. He had a 3 H 15 min A time before bed and slept all night. I know he can do it. He is a great sleeper, really he is! If I can just figure out what he needs.

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Re: 7.5 mo spirited baby with high A time, how do I adjust EASY?
« Reply #8 on: December 09, 2012, 20:39:02 pm »
Hi Jessmum 46,

If you get this, can you take a peak at our day yesterday? Last night was much better, but we still had EW at 5:30am.

7 -woke
10:30 - nap, woke after 1 hour 15 min (UT??)
11:45- woke
3:00 -nap
4:15 - capped nap at 1 hour 15 min
7:45 - asleep in crib

So it seemed like he did better with the longer A time before bed, even with a shorter PM nap? Is that common? He slept all night with no wakings until 5:30am. I waited, but he was just rolling around and I could tell he was awake. Lately, for the past week or so with his teething, he has been pooping everytime he wakes at night, so I figured he did and I didn't want to leave him with poopy diaper. I went to check on him about 5:45am, he laughed at me when he saw me, and he had a dirty diaper, I changed him, put him back to bed, but he was wide awake and started playing and kicking in crib. I really do not think he is waking because he poops. I think he poops because he wakes, if that makes sense. Because for the past week, he poops randomly all night, depending on when he wakes. And this has only happened with this first tooth. I did give ibuprofin last night too.

I'm not sure if this was OT or UT. He was not crying, just kind of yelling and protesting a bit until he saw me, then he laughed. So that makes me think UT? I don't think his teeth were bothering him since he wasn't crying. Any thoughts/suggestions? We've consistenly had this early waking for a long as I can remember...sometimes it is 6am. Any chance it could just be UT since he seems to have high A times for his age...maybe I have just always been conservative with his A times, causing a consistent early waking?

Today has been a little crazy because of church this morning. AM nap always gets pushed really late, so who knows what tonight will be like.

Thanks for your help. :)


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Re: 7.5 mo spirited baby with high A time, how do I adjust EASY?
« Reply #9 on: December 10, 2012, 08:51:01 am »
That's a very short night  :-\ it could be teething, or just needing a slight routine tweak.  Teeth can cause enough discomfort that they can't sleep, but not enough to make them really upset iykwim.  I would stick with the 3h30 first A time for now - given the short night he will be more tired.  Remind me how long you've been on 3h30?  If you get a longer night, you could try bumping the first A up by 10 mins to see if you can get a more restorative nap.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2012, 08:52:42 am by jessmum46 »

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Re: 7.5 mo spirited baby with high A time, how do I adjust EASY?
« Reply #10 on: December 10, 2012, 10:46:08 am »
He has only been on 3 H 30 min for about a week or a little more. I find it hard to think he may already need an increase in A time. And I have never gotten a longer night from him except for a one week stretch where he slept 8pm - 7am no wakings.

Well, let me say that any time we have this EW, which has been forever, if I can't get him back to sleep in his crib, which I never can, I put him in in the swing and he usually goes back to sleep until 6:30 or 7. It is usually either really restless sleep and he wakes by himself by 7, or I wake him at 7 if he has managed to fall back to sleep well. So I have never had him up for the day at 5:30am....the swing has been out of desperation just to try to keep an 11 hour night. I know it's a no no....but what else can I do? Since we've done BW since birth, he was never used to me holding him or rocking him to sleep, so he will not let me do that now when he wakes...he just pushes off me, but that may be more because he is spirited. I wish that I had rocked him to sleep every once in awhile, just so that I had that option now when I honestly need it. That is something I do regret.

When he was younger and he woke at 5:00am, I always thought it was hunger and would feed him and put him back to bed, but he would rarley make it to 7am. He would usually always wake back up at 6am. Now that he is older, I know it is not hunger. I have tried feeding him multiple times and he will still even now with no NF, I still struggle to get him to take a full bottle in the morning. He is ready to play and isn't too interested in eating. But he eats more than enough through the day. And I honestly do not think it is teething right now. He is not bothered at all during the day, he is medicated at night with ibuprofen just in case...althouth by 5:30 it had worn off I am sure. He barely has a tip of a tooth coming in on the bottom. I can't even see it, only can feel it. The only reason I knew it was happening is because of this poopy diaper pattern he is in. He has just had this pattern forever and I really to not think the tooth is bothering him yet.

I am up now at 5am. It has been a long night as he started waking at midnight and has not stopped. I am sure he is OT though from our day yesterday with church. He is acting very tired, yawning, and trying to go to sleep, but he just can't stay asleep. It's similar to how he acts when I think he is UT, but he is acting different tonight in that he does seem tired and is trying to go to sleep. But I second guess myself now and I just do not know anymore. I am so confused. Can OT honestly cause wakings all night...literally every hour or more he is crying out. We've had this happen many times before, but again he is actiing different tonight. Here is what happened.

7- woke in swing (from 5:30am EW)
9:20-9:30 - fell asleep in carseat on the way to church, cried horribly in nursery from 10:45-11am when he would normally be taking a nap. This happens every week and we are usually called to come get him bc he is so upset
11-11:20 - slept in carseat on the way home
11:30-12:30 - nap at home
3:00-4:30 - nap (he fought going down and I gave him paci. I didn't know whether OT or UT. He usually only crieds and needs paci to settle when he is not quite tired enough to go to sleep on his own. Then he nearly woke up at 40 min, but resettled since he had the paci. This made me think we were still OK and not OT from the day)
7:50 - bed

So then he begain waking at midnight. I tried for 1.5 hours to get him back to sleep in his crib but could not. He would try to go back to sleep but kept rolling from tummy to back and then would begin to cry. We did this over and over until, for the sake of him losing sleep,  I finally put him in swing at 1:30am. He has still continued to wake nearly hourly but I was able to get him back to sleep by putting the paci back in. He normally never sleeps with paci. It's 5:15 am now, I am tired and crying and I do not know what to do. He is not waking for the pleasure of the swing either...he doesn't particulary like it anymore. I have to wonder if I have created this because I have tried so hard, almost too hard, to follow everything I learned in the BW book. Have I taught my baby to be overly-sensitive to timing, environment, etc....? I really do have to wonder. Every other mother that I know is not having these types of problems with thier babies at 8 months old. They are enjoying thier babies and getting sleep themselves. This has caused a riff in my marriage as the baby consumes so much of my mental emotions. I have driven my husband crazy with making sure baby always has his naps at the right time, ect....I'm not sure now where this has all gotten me. I have yet to see the benefit ...although I respect the book very much. It has taught me everything as a first time mom...I don't know what I would have done without it.

Please help, I do not know anymore what to do and am second guessing everything I thought I knew. I always tell myself tomorrow is a new day and I will keep working to try to figure out what he needs. He honestly is a good sleeper, he really is. I just can't seem to figure out a balanced routine.

Can you please keep helping me or pass me onto someone who has had a spirited baby? I do not know what to do anymore or who else to do to. My family, husband, friends, are all out of suggestions. :( We are traveling for Christmas in two weeks and I am terrified. :(

Thank you,

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Re: 7.5 mo spirited baby with high A time, how do I adjust EASY?
« Reply #11 on: December 10, 2012, 11:03:01 am »
I will try to get him caught up on sleep today. I'll give him a short A time when he wakes. He will probably manage about 3 hours after a night like this. When this happens, he will usually take a long AM nap, so I will just let him sleep as long as he wants. Then I think I will go back to 3 H 15 min A time for a couple of days and make sure that is still going to give me short naps. Maybe I moved him forward too quick. Do you think this plan is okay?

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Re: 7.5 mo spirited baby with high A time, how do I adjust EASY?
« Reply #12 on: December 10, 2012, 12:09:28 pm »
I'm so sorry things are so tough for you at the moment - (((hugs))).  I think your plan for today is a good one :)

Have you seen this thread?  Sleep and EASY Support for spirited babies . There are lots of mummies there who have been right where you are with helping a spirited baby to sleep and they should be able to give you some great support.  It's so hard when everyone around you seems to have it all sorted, but honestly, things are never as rosy as they seem.  Your friends may have been blessed with angel babies who are generally much easier to handle, or plain and simple, they may not be telling you the truth.

OT can cause frequent NWs but they would generally start before midnight.  To be honest, the only thing that has caused such unsettledness post-midnight here is discomfort.  I'm not doubting your mummy instinct for a second, but wanted to share how things are with J when she's teething.  Generally you wouldn't know they are an issue during her A time, but she will start to give odd length naps.  When they are just about to cut (when you can feel them just under the gum or a tiny edge starts to poke through) she will cry out overnight generally in the early hours and may have very long or frequent NWs.  Once I eventually resettle her she will continue to cry out every 30 mins to 1h, and will wake early for the day.  Having seen her do this multiple times, if she wakes and needs me in the night (rare) I now tend to medicate straight off to eliminate pain as a reason.  That may not be the case with your LO - but in general terms, frequent NWs are almost always down to OT or discomfort.

Is there any chance do you think that the swing could have become a prop in the early hours?

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Re: 7.5 mo spirited baby with high A time, how do I adjust EASY?
« Reply #13 on: December 10, 2012, 14:16:07 pm »
O wow, I just posted you a reply, but my computer glitched and I lost it. :( Let's see if I can remember most of what I said.   :-\

Thank you so much for replying. I know it is a lot. You must get so tired of crying mothers on here, I can only imagine how you must feel. But I'm truly grateful for you and other's help.  :) Yes, I have read quite a bit on spirited board, and it was helpful to some extent, but I found it was mostly chit chat about more quirky things rather than specific sleep issues. I will continue to look over it and I may even post, but I read something on there about how they wanted you to post more specific things on the other boards, so I was hesitant to post this issue there. Felt like it was asking way to much.  :-[

I knew early NW were OT. That has been confusing to me too...why do my babie's NW's last all night into morning, on our worst nights? I have had it happen a couple of times where I knew I put him to bed too late, and he would wake about 30 min to an hour later and briefly cry out, but put himself right back to sleep. I would never have to go into him in those instances. He would though, continue to wake a few times through the night though, and the closer to morning, the harder to settle. I know when my routine is close to being right, because even when he does NW, he settles himself within 5-10 minutes and is right back to sleep by himself. I would also think that if a baby is waking from OT during the night, shouldn't they be easy to settle, especially with pacifier? Mine is rarely easy to settle.

Since this is his first tooth at almost 8 months, I have no experience there, so I hear you on how it affected your LO. But we've had these very long, restless nights with 10-12 NW's many times before. It is not new to us, so that's why I tend to think it is his routine rather than teeth, although, I'm sure teeth are contributing. I gave him ibuprofen right before I put him to bed last night, so I would think that would have lasted through the midnight hours? Then I gave again around 2am and he still was waking through morning.

Could the swing have become a prop in early morning hours? I have fretted and stressed over this since he was very young. I have tried to be as careful with it as I could. It's just when the nights get so bad and I can't even APOP if I wanted to, I felt like I had no option. I'm not sure how to get away from it when he so consistently wakes.  I will say though, that I really do not feel that is why he is waking. I don't think he wants the swing as he doesn't like it anymore, but it could be a habit, definitly. But it wasn't long ago he slept all night with zero NW. It was right after we droped the catnap when he was early 6 mo old. He began NW all night again...many NW's...this is how I usually know to increase A time and it always seems to fix it (outside of the EW). That's why I think UT when he wakes like that. I got great advice on these boards to drop the catnap, so we worked for two weeks to drop it and finally did it. He was on a 3 H 15 min A time. Waking at 7, nap at 10:15 for 1.75-2 hours, another nap from 3:15-4:45, and then 3H 15min A time to bed at 8pm. Withing a few days of this routine, the NW begin to get better, at first he still woke but was able to resettle himself, even 8-10 wakings at night. Then after about 3 or 4 days, he just slept through one night, all the way to 7am. I was so happy I took the video camer in his room that morning and we did the happy dance. :) He actually played in his crib and hiccuped for 10 minutes before he called for me that morning. I was so relieved and thought that we had finally figured it out. He slept like this all the way through for exactly 8 days! Then he started crawling all in one day, exhausted himself going from room to room, which he still does. His A time decreased dramatically. He could hardly make 2.5 hours between naps. I had to add the catnap back just days after we finally got rid it. His night sleep went crazy again and that's where we still are at now. I haven't gotten it back. Once he got used the the activity, I tried going back to the 3 H 15 min A time, but he consistenly gave me 40 min naps for several days. I extended it to 3 H 30 min and the NW got much better a few nights, and he was able to settle himself if he did wake. He still had EW though. But I found that the naps weren't fitting well into the day and the short PM nap seems to always cause problems. I can't figure out when to put him to bed. He will fight me if I put him down before he is ready and will throw a fit. If he is tired enough, he goes down without a peep, but I can't seem to time it correctly. All that to say, recently, he as slept fine through the night. I know he can do it. Maybe he would do better with a full PM nap, so that I can give him full A time before bed?

Also, any advice on how to resettle him without the swing? He doesn't liked to be rocked/held. PU/PD seems too agitating for him, but never worked for us. I can let him cry with but I don't want him to cry while teething. I really do feel it is a routine issue.

If I just start from scratch, can you help me work through this? I would be so grateful. I'll post you my daily EASY and night? I just need help!  :'(

I got him up at 7am. He was restless in the swing. He woke happy, even after last night. We're going on two hours so far and he seems fine. But he does not show tired signs...he is too busy playing. I think that is why I miss his window at night time, even with wind down bath, story, snuggle, bottle. He is such a sweet, funny baby. I love him dearly...and it tortures me to think I'm not giving him what he needs. You would think I'd be better at reading my own child by now.  :-[ I honestly cannot wait for this stage to be over, even though I love this age with him. But I know it must just be a tweak that I need to find.

Thanks so much for your help. :)

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Re: 7.5 mo spirited baby with high A time, how do I adjust EASY?
« Reply #14 on: December 10, 2012, 19:45:30 pm »
(((Hugs))) honey, we're here to help so don't feel bad about posting.  We're all here as part of the team because we want to pay forward the help that we were given (and continue to be given!) so if we can help you through this, we will :)

You know your LO best and it sounds like you know him well, despite what you say!  Spirited bubs don't tend to cope with OT that well and will often fight sleep even when they are very OT so the fact that he's hard to settle at NWs could still be OT. 

Ok so if we're thinking afresh, let me go through the normal questions I'd ask just to make sure we've got it all covered:

Is he an independent sleeper? I think yes :)
Any teething at the moment? Possibly, but we don't think it's the major issue
Any reflux?
How old is he now?
How are you currently resettling at NWs if you have to intervene?
Is he pulling to stand yet?
Have you ever used shh pat with him?

Sorry to go over old ground but wanted to make sure we hadn't missed anything.  I think keeping a record for a couple of days is a great plan and the we can try tweaking from there :)