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chronological EASY samples, 10-12 months
« on: January 24, 2010, 18:27:56 pm »
Sample EASY routines for 10 to 12 month olds

Please Note: These are merely sample routines that have worked for moms who followed EASY/BW principals and have decided to share them by posting online. If you still have questions about your individual LOs routine, feel free to post a question on the board.

Key Notes:

*Lots of LOs are beginning to have newfound mobility (or a lot MORE if they are already pretty mobile). If they haven’t already been crawling, it’s likely to start up. If they are already crawling, they may start standing and cruising. Often LOs try out their new skills, like pulling up, in their cribs! Generally speaking, these are phases and will pass. Sleep may be hindered by these acrobatics but should get back to normal once the novelty has worn off. Offer TONS of practice time during Awake periods….even practice IN THEIR CRIB. Hang out in their room and sort laundry or straighten up while they play peek-a-boo pulling up and sitting back down. OH and by all means--TEACH them how to bend their knees to get back down. You may find yourself coming to the rescue in the middle of the night when they pull up but can’t get themselves back down.

*Nap refusals or EWs may begin to appear. This is an age of nap and routine tweaking. LOs are often crying out for increased A times and a bit less daytime sleep. It is sometimes tough to find what works best for each individual baby. Read the following links if you are struggling with sleep as they may help you figure out the best approach for this age range.

10/11 Month Old: Has sleep gone wonky?

*ALTHOUGH LOs head toward one nap, most are not ready until between 12 and 18 months to fully switch to just one nap each day on a regular basis. Be flexible and be prepared to have to continue working on naps to ensure your LO does not get OT which can lead to not only a cranky, exhausted baby, but a cranky, exhausted mommy, as well.

10 Month Sample Routines

3 hrs. A time
2 naps-one of 1 hr. and the other of 1 hr. 45 mins.
Total daytime sleep: 2 hrs. 45 mins.
Total nighttime sleep: 11 hrs. 45 mins.

Ella's routine at 10.5 months is

7:30 am: wake for the day
 8:00: Breakfast
 10:30 - 11:30: nap

11:45/12:00: Lunch
2:15: Snack
S  2:30 - 4:15: nap

E  5:45: Dinner
A  6:30: Bath, lotion, pj's
E  6:55: Bottle
S  7:15: bed

Posted by: irish3680, July 11, 2007

2 hrs. 30 mins. to 4 hrs. 30 mins.  Awake time
Two naps: both of 1 to 1.5 hrs. each
Total daytime sleep: 2 to 3 hrs.
Total nighttime sleep: 11 hrs. to 11 hrs. 15 mins.

Here's Nathan's 10mth schedule.  We have dropped to 3 BF's a day and have started having an earlier wake up time in the morning. :evil:

6.00-6.15am Wake and BF, hang out in bed with mum
7.00am Play time in cot and then lounge while mum gets ready for the day
8am Breakfast
9-9.30am Nap for 1-1.5hr

10.30 Snack
12pm Lunch
1-1.30pm Nap for 1-1.5hr

2.30pm BF
5pm Dinner
6.15 Bath etc
6.45pm BF
7pm Bed

Posted by: Nikki~Nathan&Dan

3 hr. 30 mins.  to 4 hrs. 30 mins. Awake time
Two naps: one of 45 mins. and the other of 1 to 1.5 hrs.
Total daytime sleep: 1 hr. 45 mins. to 2 hrs. 15 mins.
Total nighttime sleep: 11 hrs. to 11 hrs. 30 mins.

This is our routine (has been for a few weeks) at 10 months

W 7.00
7.30 milk and breakfast  (usually 10 - 11oz on total when not teething)

10.30 for 30mins/45mins after that I wake him
1145 lunch with water in straw cup

1400/1430 for 60 - 90mins   ***5oz milk in a staw or sippy cup before or after nap, feeds himself usually
1600 - dinner + water
inc bath
1845/1900  (usually 10 - 11oz on total when not teething)
1930  (sometimes 2000)

Posted by: Lauren, July 20, 2006

11 Month Sample Routines

2 hrs. 30 mins. to 4 hrs.. Awake time
Two naps: both of 1.5 to 2 hrs. each
Total daytime sleep: 3 to 4 hours.
Total nighttime sleep: 11 hrs. 15 mins. to 11 hrs. 45 mins.

Esteban is going to be 11 months on august 18th.
He has been on this new schedule since 9.5 months old. I do not know if it is the summer activities that are getting him more tired but he seems to need more sleep .

6:30-6:45 wake and play in bed

7:00-7:15 breakfast

9:30-9:45 8 oz bottle + nap ( 1.5 to 2 hours long  :roll: never did that before)

11:30-12:00 lunch

15h00-15h30 8oz bottle and nap ( again 1.5 to 2 hours long )

5:30 dinner
6:30-6:45 bath-8oz bottle

 7:00-7:15 bedtime

Posted by: san, August 11, 2004

4 hrs. Awake time (3 hrs. before bed after shorter pm catnap)
Two naps: one of 1 hr. 20 or 1 hr. 30 mins. and the other of 30 mins.
Total daytime sleep: 1  hr. 50 mins. to 2 hrs.
Total nighttime sleep: 11 hrs.

7.30am wake up for the day
E 7.45 bottle (250mls)
E 9am breakfast of either oats (with fruit added in) and soy milk or pancakes
A 4 hours
S 11.30 - 12.50/1pm

E 1pm snack while sitting on potty and does his "business"
E 1.30pm lunch
E 3pm bottle 260mls
A 4 hours
S 5pm - 5.30pm

E 6pm dinner
A 3 hours
final bottle 260mls at bedtime
S 8.30 bedtime

Posted by: Calebsmummy, December 31, 2009

2 hrs. 40 mins. to 4 hrs. 15 mins. Awake time
Two naps: both of 1 to 1.5 hrs. each
Total daytime sleep: 2 hrs. 20 mins.
Total nighttime sleep: 11 hr. 15 mins.

At almost 11 months old Zander's heading towards 1 nap but not quite ready yet so we're doing this;

Wake and BF 7am
Breakfast 7.30am
Snack 9.30am
Nap 10am - 10.20am

Lunch 12pm
Nap 1pm - 3pm

Snack 3pm
Dinner 5pm
8oz Bottle 7pm
Bedtime 7.15pm

Posted by:  Kelly C, August 1, 2006

12 Month Sample Routines

About 4 hours Awake time
Two naps: both of 1.5 to 2 hrs. each
Total daytime sleep: 3 to 4 hours
Total nighttime sleep: 10 hrs. 15 mins. to 10 hrs. 30 mins.

07:00 a.m. wake up and 8 oz bottle. he plays in his crib for 20 minutes then we change his nappy and get him dressed.
09:00 a.m. breakfast. usually yoghurt and fruit (he hates cereal)
11:00 a.m. 8 oz bottle and nap for 1.5 2 hrs (awsome  )

12.30- 01:00 p.m wake up and play
02:00 p.m. lunch. steamed vegetables for finger food while i feed him mashed up meal.
04:30 p.m. 8oz bottle and nap for 1-1.5 hrs

05:30- 06:00 p.m. wake up and play
07:00 p.m. dinner. finger food snacks and 4 oz bottle
08:00 p.m. bath etc.
08:30- 08:45 p.m. last feed 8oz bottle and sleep. he still wakes up 2-3 times during the night, goes right back to sleep after i lay him down.

Posted by: rgebara, May 15, 2007

2 4 hrs. 30 mins. Awake time
Two naps: unsure of length (1.5 to 2 hrs.?)
Total daytime sleep: 2 hrs. +
Total nighttime sleep: 11 hrs. 30 mins. to 12 hrs.

Kyan is 12 months old now---- So this is last post on his current routine 

7--7:30 am Wake Up and Bf
8am Breakfast (Usually favourite Yogurt/Muesli)
9--9:30am First Nap

11:30am Snack and Drink (sometimes Bf if he really wants)
12:30 Lunch
Sometime between 1pm to 3pm Second Nap (i don't let him sleep later then 4pm as it effects his bedtime)

4pm Bf
6pm Dinner
7pm Bedtime Routine including Bf (90% of the time fast asleep by 7:30pm)

Posted by: Bianca~Kyan’s Mum, June 3, 2004

3 hrs. 15 mins. to 3 hrs. 45 mins. Awake time
Two naps: both of 1 hr. 15 mins. to 1 hr. 30 mins. in length
Total daytime sleep: 2.5 hrs. to 3 hrs.
Total nighttime sleep: 11 hrs. 15 mins. to 11 hrs. 30 mins.

Hi All
Thought I would post Thomas' routine as it has been from 8-12 months.  Think we are going to be needing a change pretty soon though - he is starting to resist naps and isn't settling straight away at bedtime!

6.15 - 6.30am wakes up but plays in his cot
7.00am  5oz milk
8.00am cereal (weetabix/ready brek)
10am Nap
11.15 - 11.30 wake

12.15pm Lunch
2.30pm - 3.00pm Nap
4 - 4.15 Wake

5.30 Dinner
6.15 Bath
6.45 milk
7pm Bed

Posted by: Loujo, February 25, 2007

These are just a few examples of routines that have worked for others in the past. If you would like to browse additional routines please click on the following link: