ACTIVITY => E.A.S.Y. Forum => Topic started by: dreamgirl on September 12, 2006, 17:51:00 pm

Title: 15 week old -- when to switch to 4 hr. EASY?
Post by: dreamgirl on September 12, 2006, 17:51:00 pm
LO is currently on a 3 hour EASY -- i know that most 4 month olds seem to be on a 4 hour EASY and since he is close i'm wondering when to make the switch... we are having trouble with night time wakes (2 feedings fall randomly each night between 730pm-6am -and he is also waking many more times due to swaddling, coming undone, wanting his hands ect.) So, im wondering if being on a 4 hour EASY will require him to eat more and get the calories during the day that he may be needing at night right now (i read in the book that waking at different hours throughout the night = hunger -- waking at the same time = habit so i assume hes hungry -- i try the paci first, and sometimes it works, other times he does show signs of hunger!)

what do you think?

Also, any suggestions are adjusting the routine for an early riser -- hes up at 6am everyday, i cant get him to that 7am...

thanks so much!

Title: Re: 15 week old -- when to switch to 4 hr. EASY?
Post by: estherofi20 on September 12, 2006, 18:46:54 pm
Well Tracy suggests to make the transition at 4MO, but i had to do it before at 12WO, 'cause my DS just wasn't hungry at the 3 hr mark, and also his naps started to become a mess, i did it cold turkey from one day to another, but there is a gradual transition:

so my question would be how much is he eating every 3 hrs?
Title: Re: 15 week old -- when to switch to 4 hr. EASY?
Post by: TJ & Stephy's Mommy on September 13, 2006, 13:17:12 pm
We transitioned to a 4 hour EASY when LO was a little over 4 months.  He did eat more as he need the extra food to sustain the extra hour and it did improve our night time wakings and naps.  Also, his A time also became longer.

My LO wakes up at different times between 6:30am and 8am, we adjust our routine with his wake up time.
Title: Re: 15 week old -- when to switch to 4 hr. EASY?
Post by: dreamgirl on September 13, 2006, 16:34:53 pm
since im breastfeeding im not sure how much he is getting -- but if i give him a bottle that ive pumped of 6 oz. sometimes he takes 4 (usually) and sometimes he takes up to 6 -- its usually closer to the 4 oz. though.. will he take more with a 4 hour EASY- i can't make him eat more -he stops when hes full! im wondering if the longer he goes, the more hungry he will be and will fill up on those calories better throughout the day... what is a typical A time for a 4 month old? 2 hours?? -- somedays he is ready after an hour and 15 minutes, other days he could go 2 hours (if i wait for sleep cues)

what do you think?
thanks ladies!
Title: Re: 15 week old -- when to switch to 4 hr. EASY?
Post by: TJ & Stephy's Mommy on September 13, 2006, 16:42:29 pm
my lo's A time varies between 1.5-2 hours.  somedays he'll stay up to 2.5hrs.  just watch his cues.

at your lo's age, my lo was drinking 4 oz for the longest time and eventually as he got bigger his appetite go bigger.  i wouldn't worry too much that...he will learn to eat more when he starts to stay up longer and realize his feeding schedule have been extended.
Title: Re: 15 week old -- when to switch to 4 hr. EASY?
Post by: * Paula * on September 13, 2006, 20:05:17 pm
If you find that your lo is not ready for the 4 hour, you could always switch to the 3.5 hour.

Typical A time should be anywhere from about 1 1/2 - 2 hours.