Author Topic: Time to Transition - 3hr, 3.5hr or 4hr EASY  (Read 118485 times)

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Time to Transition - 3hr, 3.5hr or 4hr EASY
« on: June 07, 2006, 11:10:43 am »
Here are some signs of needing to transition:
1. Not taking as much at a feed (baby not as hungry at 3 hours)
2. Erratic Night Wakings
3. They are extending their awake times
4. Starts taking 45 minute naps

A window opens up when baby is 4 months old (some will be ready earlier), that means they can stay awake longer ('A' time) and go longer between feeds. Keep a diary of when they eat and how much, how much activity they have and how long they sleep for.

If they don't eat very much on the 3 hour mark and take shorter naps this is the time to transition.

The window at 4 months old sometimes coincides with a growth spurt, but unlike earlier growth spurts this one not only involves giving more food during the day but also extending the 'A' time between feeds. If you don't adjust his/her routine then this is the month when sleep problems start appearing.

Most four month old babies can stay awake for up to two hours, but if your baby can only stay awake for 1hr 30mins to 1hr 45mins, then you will have to transition him/her to a 3.5hr EASY, until he/she can stay awake for closer to 2hrs.

If you are on a 3.5hr EASY then 'E' will be 7, 10.30, 2, 5.30 and then top up at 7.

Then you can transition baby onto a 4hr EASY.

Below is a guide in three day increments on how to transition from a 3hr EASY to a 4hr EASY

Days 1-3 you just observe and awake time is 1.5 hours and feed every 3hrs.

Days 4-7 You only keep them awake an extra 15mins in the the first morning slot so we would keep them up 1.75hours BUT JUST FOR THE MORNING SLOT. all other awake times are the same at 1.5hours.

Days 8-11 You keep them awake another 15mins in the first morning slot so we would keep them up 2hrs BUT JUST FOR THE MORNING SLOT. all other awake times are 1.5 hours.

Days 12-16 Obviously by now you cant add anymore awake time to the morning slot as we have already hopefully achieved the 2hr awake time and the morning feed should now be 4hr. So now we work on adjusting the afternoon awake time .

If you are on 4hr E.A.S.Y your 'E' times will be 7, 11, 3, 7.

Somewhere between nine months and 1 year your baby will be able to go five hours between feeding.

We are not technically following E.A.S.Y at this point more like E.A.E.A.S.Y. but it is still a structured routine.

Quote from: alligirl
That schedule on pg 230 has been the topic of a lot of confusion and many discussions on this forum.   We even talked to Melinda Blau about it.  No one is certain what exactly is supposed to be right, but here is what we think the idea is:  to extend awake times working on one awake time every three days.  For instance, after the first three days observation, you would work on extending your lo's first awake time by 15 minutes.  Then, after that is working, you would extend the second awake time.   Does that help or make any sense?

Don't forget that you know your baby best, and that Tracy suggests that EASY be a guideline and not a strict schedule.  She also posted those (and every other schedule in the book) as a guideline. 

This is reference only. If you have questions, please create a new post with your specific situation.

The suggested routines for 3hr EASY and 4hr EASY are taken from Tracy's book "The Baby Whisperer Solves All Your Problems" pg 34. These are flexible routines only and not every baby will fit into these guidelines. The 3hr EASY is from 4wks until 3mths (the activity length is based on a 3mth old, at 4wks it will be a lot shorter but will gradually extend). From 4mths Tracy suggests gradually moving to a 4hrly routine.

Please bear in mind that as you are following your LOs cues, the shift to a 4 hour EASY may not happen exactly as written below, and the shift in A times may not happen equally across the whole day. If you have any specific questions about your LOs routine, you might like to post on the EASY board.

3-hour EASY:

E: 7.00 wake up and feed
A: 7.30 or 7.45 (depending on how long feed takes)
S: 8.30 (1.5hr nap)
Y: your choice
E: 10.00
A: 10.30 or 10.45
S: 11.30 (1.5hr nap)
Y: your choice
E: 1.00
A: 1.30 or 1.45
S: 2.30 (1.5hr nap)
Y: your choice
E: 4.00 feed
S: 5.00 or 6.00 or somewhere in between: catnap (approx. 40mins) to get baby through the next feed and bath
E: 7.00 (cluster feed at 7 and 9 if going through a growth spurt)
A: bath
S: 7.30 bedtime
Y: the evening is yours
E: 10 or 11pm dreamfeed

3.5-hour EASY:

E: 7.00 wake up and feed
A: 1hr 30 - 1hr 45
S: 1hr 30 - 2hrs
Y: your choice
E: 10.30
A: 1hr 30 - 1hr 45
S: 1hr 30 - 2hrs
Y: your choice
E: 2.00
A: 1hr 30 - 1hr 45
S: 1hr 30 - 2hrs
Y: your choice
E: 5.30 feed
A: 1hr 30 - 1hr 45 inc. bath time
E: 7.00 (top up)
S: 7.00/7.30pm bedtime
Y: the evening is yours
E: 10 or 11pm dreamfeed

4-hr EASY

E: 7.00 wake up and feed
A: 7.30
S: 9.00 (for 1.5-2hr nap)
Y: your choice
E: 11.00
A: 11.30
S: 1.00 (1.5-2hr nap)
Y: your choice
E: 3.00
A: 3.30
S: 5.00 or 6.00 or somewhere in between: catnap
Y: your choice
E: 7.00 (cluster feed at 7 and 9 during a growth spurt)
A: bath
S: 7.30 bedtime
Y: the evening is yours
E: 10 or 11pm dreamfeed (until 7 or 8mths or whenever solid food is firmly established).
« Last Edit: March 06, 2014, 09:01:19 am by creations »
Mum to Faith
A very spirited toddler with a touch of angel

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Re: Time to Transition - 3hr, 3.5hr or 4hr EASY
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2007, 20:37:36 pm »

breastfed babies sometimes never make it till 4 hrs between the feeds which doesn't mean they can not be on 4hrs EASY when they're ready for the increase of their activity time.

EASAEAS... pattern is very common and not at all wrong so if you breastfeed your baby and he/she starts fighting naps, waking at night and showing other signs of being ready for the transition but is not ready to eat less often than every 3 or 3,5 hrs, don't worry, follow your baby's cues and adjust the EASY routine so that you and your baby are both happy :)

eat, activity, sleep routine is the guideline, reality can be different sometimes.
what's important is to know your baby and respond to his/her needs. so be it EAS or EASA, it doesn't matter as long as you have a good routine :)


Maja - 6 yrs
Nina - 27.11.2012 :)