Author Topic: 5-10min naps!!! Opinions? Advice? Encouragement?  (Read 1041 times)

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Offline FPT23

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5-10min naps!!! Opinions? Advice? Encouragement?
« on: March 22, 2016, 17:19:31 pm »

So second time baby, I gave in to all props. He loves sucking... So recently the paci is all that helps to settle him and rocking (swaddled) .......he does spit it out or we pop it out as soon as he goes down.

1) I think I tead in the book that she is all for the paci's and usually newborns need to suck so much goes away by 3-4 months? Anyone have experiences with this? I would really not want the paci as a prop. Rocking and swaddling, I can handle later. Two things I've always never wanted is nursing to sleep and paci (which I've been guilt of both lately! Gots to survive with another toddler in the house. Anything goes!)

2) is it possible to self soothe or teach self soothing while swaddled? I wasn't sure (not that I will attempt now as he is only 5 weeks old) but it was just out of curiousity. I prefer the swaddle for the transfer to the crib first then I work on unswaddling once in the crib. I find it easier for me!

3) now... I know he's only 5 weeks. And they are all over the place. But I'm a little confused and would like a little direction! He is for the most part on EASY (unless he has bad days with no naps then it's just whatever! I do what I can just so he can get SOME sleep) and he used to be pretty good. His morning nap had became consistent and his naps throughout the day were 1-2 hours long. Out of no where, his morning nap now is not as easy as it was. He won't take any naps anymore for that matter, well. At 4 weeks he was pretty good. His nights have always been on the longer stretch side since he came home. 5-8 hour stretches and he is breastfed. The rough parts have been some LATE evenings where it takes us anywhere from 7pm-2am to settle and actually GO and STAY asleep (super rough with a toddler around!) He seems to last without feedings pretty lengthy. I guess he just gets full and stays full easy. Who knows. But now, I don't know what has changed. Now I put down, at pretty good A time and I know it's a good A time as he falls asleep (rocked and paci lately) quickly after 5-10 mins..... However he won't stay asleep anymore. But not even to reach 1 cycle. He wakes about 5-10 mins but more like 5 mins after I put down. Because of this the last two days have been AWFUL. He's extremely OT and moody by then. Is it because he's APOP? Expecting to be helped? But before with being rocked he was napping well! We recently starts doing paci bc he always looks for the breast and wanting to suck (even after feeds! It's his comfort now it seems. Before it was just rocking.) I try not to use paci but he won't settle without.

What is going on! Just 5 mins of sleep? Also attempting to get him to sleep takes longer and longer and I have my other son to look after and it's getting quite impossible. I tried to just skip that nap and tend to the other one and cook or whatever, but he's just crying and all. I know many suggest baby wearing but it doesn't work for him when he is OT as every little thing will wake or jolt him. Or wake him IF he fell asleep.

Help on the following please?

4) When does the day get a bit more scheduled? Some longer naps to go by? Do they automatically fall into place or is it something I need to put into his routine. When do earlier bedtimes fall into place? I currently do later BT around the time we sleep. So he seems to be doing a 9-9 ON A GOOD DAY. Or 9-8am. (I'm aware short naps are developmental but something a bit more structured? Even if it's one long nap a day)

Thaaaaaank you so much! 🙏🏼
« Last Edit: March 22, 2016, 21:48:34 pm by FPT23 »

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Re: Opinions? Suggestions? Advice? Encouragement?
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2016, 20:41:02 pm »
usually newborns need to suck so much goes away by 3-4 months?
My LO1 who needed a soother (paci) kept it for years.  He *needed* it to relax.  Having given up his soother, he nows sucks his thumb.  The boy was going to suck something! I would do what works now and deal with later, later.

is it possible to self soothe or teach self soothing while swaddled?
Yes. Both LOs here kept the swaddle til 7 mos or so (they loved it) and learned IS by then, in the swaddle. Use it while it works for you.

Is it because he's APOP? Expecting to be helped?
Absolutely not, IMO.  He's only 5 weeks, I don't think you can create a strong prop at that age. He *needs* help, he's only a scrap and doesn't yet know what's hit him with this big world. There is a period around 6 wks where they start to 'wake up' and notice the world a bit more and get OT, distracted, naps go all made, even if there was a pattern before.  Also, pay attention to GS.

When does the day get a bit more scheduled?
I think what happens, to be brutally honest :), is that you start to try to put a bit more shape on the day and it works sometimes, and you wing it when it doesn't.  I'm talking about when there are two LOs in the picture, of course.  So you can put coping strategies in place: I used to start LO2 in her cot and when (not if) she woke, have everything ready to get out the door with LO1.  I tried to always start the morning nap in the cot, and that way she was used to that as an idea.  He's so tiny still, there are things that he will grow into, things he will like now, not like later.  It's a pity baby-wearing doesn't seem to work, it was a life saver for me. I know some people put brown (?) or white noise on in the sling with them, and that helps (maybe on their phones? not sure).  Will he sleep in a buggy?

When do earlier bedtimes fall into place?
I noticed particularly with LO2 that I had to implement an earlier BT for her.  The first few weeks were blissful hanging about all evening chatting, with her feeding and dozing off, but as she started to notice more, she was more wound up at the end of the day and benefited immensely from having last feed (for now!) in the quiet of the bedroom and a quiet snuggly wind down and then into her cot.  And me sneaking off downstairs.  I had to do a lot of BTs solo at that point so I just blended the two routines, got them both ready at the same time etc. 

Sorry, you've a ton of questions, and I'm not sure I answered half of them, but hope that helps.
*Anne*, loving mama to a honeybee (2010) and a sweetpea (2012).  BF for 4 proud years.

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Re: Opinions? Suggestions? Advice? Encouragement?
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2016, 21:41:31 pm »
Thank U so much weaver!

But he is now waking every 5-10 minutes?? I don't see how that's possible and then stays upset the rest of the day :(

He sleeps long stretches and always has at night. But he went from somewhat good naps to not even 10 mins in some cases. I don't know if this is a recent PACI issue since we decided to add it since it "calmed" him... And dosed him off better.... Or a rocking issue but he's always been rocked tbh and would sleep fine. Also, we take out the paci and he sleeps long at nights still despite no paci, and in strollers or whatevr without the paci's.

5-10 mins has to be something. He doesn't have any or much gas or reflux. Just the normal stuff for babies as they adjust. There has to be something to do here- this is nearly quite impossible alone


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Re: 5-10min naps!!! Opinions? Advice? Encouragement?
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2016, 21:50:43 pm »
And weaver, one last question! How did u teach IS in the swaddle? How is that possible? What was your method/approach and when did you start IS?