Author Topic: 7 month old waking up at all hours  (Read 1510 times)

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Offline hkh

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7 month old waking up at all hours
« on: May 02, 2014, 13:46:06 pm »
So this is my first ever post on any forum so excuse the lack of acromyn and rambling that is going to follow.
Firstly, I used this forum a lot with my first born (now 2) to get hin sleeping through which he did from about 4 months (except a few periods of illness, holidays, moving house etc.). So thank you!

Having gone through it once and knowing where to look for advice you'd think I would be an expert with my second baby (girl now 7months) but no.... I must say as I know she will be our last baby I have been a lot less strict with routines and getting her to sleep through (I confess that I love our night feeds. Just us cuddling with no toddlers, meals to plan, play groups to get to...) but I find that I am pretty tired and often take it out on my toddler as am not as patient as I could/should be. So things need to change...

Night issues:
So basically she has never slept through. At best we wake 4 hourly at worst 2-3 hourly. Last night we were up at 11pm (got fed & put back in a cot in her room), 1.50 (no feed but moved to co-sleeper by our bed),  3 3 (got fed) then around 5ish (pulled from the co-sleeper next to me) then tossing/turning until 6 (got fed & placedin her co-sleeper). Wake up at 7am by her brother.

I tried witholding feeds 2 nights ago & she managed without food until 6am but only settled on me. The night before last she grizzled for 4 hours (an hour into this I pulled her to sleep next to me) until I caved in & fed her at 4am. Last night I just fed her like I usually do but tried to only feed 4 hourly.

I breastfeed her just before bed but she goes down awake/half a sleep & never fully asleep. When she wakes she grizzles but self-soothes with her thumb. Sometimes she goes back to sleep for 5-10min & then she seems to wake herself again & starts to grizzle. Basically she can put herself to sleep but not for long. If i feed her she will stay asleep longer even if i don't feed her to sleep.

Ea: 6am if awakes +/- 7am breast, 7.30 fruit & baby rice
S: 9ish +/- 15 min until 10ish
E: breast at 10, solids (finger foods) at 11.30 with big bro & breast again at 12.30
S: 12.30-2.30/3 (to coincide with big bro)
E: 4ish breast
S: between 4.30-5 for 30min
E: solids around 5 (finger foods), breast at 7
S: between 7-7.30

All the naps she goes down awake fully or drowsy but awake.
No dreamfeed as wakes at 11ish anyway...

Has always been a fast feeder (max 5 min) and is more interested in the world than food. Really only takes good feeds when in the dark in her room (hence meals are before bed or just after to get any in).
She loved being spoonfed solids but stopped breastfeeding. So now I only give her finger foods and this seems to improve her breast intake.
I have tried to bottle but not interested.

So what can I do? I know I have done bad bad things to get her to sleep at night (feed, hold, bring to bed) but what can do to stop this? I have tried shush&pat but she is so sociable she just starts chatting to me. I find if I go in & then leave the cryong gets worse but don't really want to leave her crying either.
So help, please

Offline Skadiver13

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Re: 7 month old waking up at all hours
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2014, 13:59:41 pm »
Hi Hun, welcome to the BW site. Hopefully we can help you or at least offer some advice. A few questions.

Is she currently co-sleeping with you or in her own crib/ own room?
How is she put to sleep for naps and BT? Can she go to sleep independantly? Meaning after a bed time feed you put her down fully awake and leave the room.

for the first nap I think you need to extend the A time a bit. a 1hr nap (if she's waking on her own) is typically an UT Nap. At this age it's also the time many lo's transition to 2 naps. HAve a look at some of these links. 
Sleep Training  - the early days
Sample EASY Routines from 0 - 13mths+
All about the 3-2 transition- 5/6 months

As for sleep training my suggestion is to start slowly but make sure you are on the same page with anyone else who may put lo to sleep or re-settle at night.  So work on getting her to go to sleep on her own at naps and BT.

For the middle of the night at this age she should be able to go 4hrs between feeds. So If you feed at bedtime say 7 then the 11 feed is fine. I never did a DF ether. But then if she takes a good feed and wakes before 3 than I would resettle. I would not feed back to sleep at all. Yes she's going to be grizzly, yes there will be crying probably lots of it at first but you  need to resettle with out feeding as she's using that as a prop to get back to sleep. So anytime she wakes she's going to be looking to you to feed her.  Might be helpful if your partner can resettle during the night so she's not smelling your milk.

For ST So shush-pat is a good thing to do. Or you can move on to Gentle Withdrawl for naps and BT

The Gradual Withdrawal Method

The key to Gradual Withdrawal is to take tiny steps and make the changes very small at first so the child barely notices them.  Create a plan, broken into small steps of how you will reduce the parental dependence and work towards independence.  For example, patting on the back becomes lighter and lighter until the hand barely brushes the child's back, but is poised just above it.

To implement, follow your bedtime routine being certain that your child has sufficiently wound down from the day.  When wind down is completed, lay your child down, tuck them in and use a phrase they can associate with it's sleep time such as "time to go night-night you can find your blankie/pacifier/suck your thumb/etc. to help you fall asleep." Settle your child in their crib/bed and comfort as you normally would, then implement the first step in your plan.  Depending upon your child's temperament, you may be able to tackle more in less nights, or need to do less over the course of more nights.

The Gradual Withdrawal Method is intended for children that are reliant upon a parent's presence to calm them and help them settle for sleep. Examples are: sitting in the room, holding a child's hand, laying down with a child, patting to sleep, among others.  The idea is to simply reduce the reliance on parental presence gradually and in very small increments so the child continues to settle well and gains confidence in their ability to fall asleep independently.  The parent is there to assist the child in sleeping, but slowly reduces the dependence.  Examples might be: moving a chair closer and closer to the door until out of the room over the course of a few weeks, moving out a child's bed to an air mattress on the floor, then slowly move farther and farther towards the door over time, reducing the length of time patting though still staying with the child - then slowly working closer and closer towards the door.

This is also the best method for a child:

•who's undergone controlled crying or crying it out as it helps to regain any trust that may have been broken
•who gets very upset, sometimes to the point of vomiting
•who does not settle after hours/days/weeks of walk in/walk out

My dreamed for Angel Baby DD (other than dreaded 40min naps) Born 4/30/16
Reflux, MSPI, Love my Spirited,textbook little munchkin DS Born 5/17/2012


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Re: 7 month old waking up at all hours
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2014, 23:37:48 pm »

Thanks for your message.

So to answer your questions:
I am currently trying to move her from the co-sleeper into her cot in her room. She does all her naps in her cot in her room and has been doing the first 4 hours of the night in her cot too. She ends up back in the co-sleeper at some point at night depending on how tired i am & how easily she settles. Also if she starts crying anytime after 4.30 she gets brought in to reduce the risk of waking her brother... So this is probably confusing her too.

For her early morning and late afternoon naps I pretty much take her to her room, draw the curtains, put her sleeping bag on and blonk her in bed awake whilst i rush out of the room to stop her brother from damaging himself or property. At lunch and bedtime I feed her and then put her to bed while I leave the room. Even after a feed she is either fully awake or drowsy but awake when I leave. She is never put down to her bed asleep at nap or night time. She is actually really good at putting herself to sleep and I have never had to shush/pat her for naps or night time. Which is why I don't understand why she keeps waking up at night...

The short first nap is mostly my fault. She was sleeping longer when she was younger but I wanted to have both her and him sleeping a long nap at the same time so started waking her up 2 hourse before his bedtime. Now she wakes up independently from the first nap. Do you think she needs more sleep during the day? She has actually dropped the last nap a few days ago and again today so could be ready to lose it.

I am glad 4 hourly feeds are accetable still at her age. I have been a bit reluctant to go cold turkey on the night feeds particularly as she is a poor feeder during the day. Can I ask though, if i give her a 4-hourly night feed (let's say at 11 & 3) and she falls asleep during this feed do I need to wake her before I put her down to avoid these becoming props?

I will try to persevere with the shush/pat & hopefully we'll all get some more sleep.
