EAT => Eating For Toddlers => Topic started by: Peek-a-boo on March 08, 2010, 19:42:38 pm
Continued from:
ok,il jump in first.Not such a good day cos we are cutting teeth and off food a bit :-\
B-readybrek(a few mouthfuls)
S-yoghurt coated raisens
L-cheese spread sandwich,tomatoes,ham,and a few quavers,refused fruit
S-some iced gems
D-jacket potato with cheese,quiche and sweetcorn..few berries..ate loads of these!!!
better jump on before I forget!
so far today:
breakfast - cheerios & soy milk
snack - pretzels (Alphabet shaped - very educational ;))
lunch - slice of bread & banana chunks dipped in banana/prune babyfood, soy milk
supper will be pizza, she loves to eat the crusts only now & I made some jello for "dessert"
Having some horrid eating here lately, getting beyond a joke tbh.
Breakfast - his usual milk, dry cheerios and 2 slices of toast with jam. offer anything else and beware the wrath...
Snack - half of a dried fruit bar (perhaps like the humzinger bars you UK ladies have, not sure)
Lunch - REFUSED mac&cheese. homemade, lovingly, by his mamma. what toddler won't eat mac&cheese? instead had 2 slices of leber kaese....literally liver-cheese but is neither liver nor's sort of a balogna/mortadella type thing...i guess?
Snack - slice of cheese and half of a banana
Dinner - refused his pasta with pesto which is one of his fave's, ate more leber kaese, a few chunks of pineapple, a bread roll, and some of my apple
He's REALLY driving me batty at the moment, it does not matter WHAT we give him at dinner he just freaks at it and shouts BLECH and refuses to have anything to do with it. The other night we were having ham with pineapple for dinner and he would not even go near the pineapple, freaked with it on his tray, signed he didn't like it, bleched the one taste right out. Not 30 stinkin' seconds later when I presented THE SAME PINEAPPLE as his pudding (dessert) he lapped it up. He's just decided that he doesn't like dinner, end of. >:( >:( >:(
How funny is he Mashi!!!!! you know i think a lot of it is just for us! The other day D was tucking in to some birthday cake that she had from a party.she couldnt get it in fast enough,she was loving it.i stupidly made a comment like 'oh Daisy,are you enjoying your cake?' she threw it down and said 'its scusting(disgusting!!!) :o MADAM!!!! ;D
what toddler won't eat mac&cheese?
Masyn hates mac & cheese, and although we haven't been giving Spencer dairy, once upon a time I did give her a spoonful and she took it piece by piece and tossed it on the floor! DH hates it too, so if I make it I get it all to myself!
How funny is he Mashi!!!!! you know i think a lot of it is just for us! The other day D was tucking in to some birthday cake that she had from a party.she couldnt get it in fast enough,she was loving it.i stupidly made a comment like 'oh Daisy,are you enjoying your cake?' she threw it down and said 'its scusting(disgusting!!!) :o MADAM!!!! ;D
Lucy that is hilarious!!!!!!!!
Your 2 sound just like my DS - very "willful" !!
B - weetabix and warm milk, dry cheerios, cheesy biscuits (?!), fruit tea
S - breadsticks, half of my apple, few organix cheese puffs, water
L - sauteed potatoes, beef stew, sweetcorn and carrot, fromage frais, pieces of banana, water
S -few cheeses puffs, raisins
Tea - peanut butter on toast, half a small cup cake, fromage frais, raisins, water
Supper - cheerios and warm milk
Feel a bit uninspired and out of ideas for teatime!! Also DS seems fussier at teatime and won't have any sort of sandwich except peanut butter. Used to like cream cheese and mushroom pate (not together)
but not now! Also would eat omelettes before but gone off those too.
Nell xxx
He's just decided that he doesn't like dinner, end of.
You know Mashi, Colin went through a phase where if we referred to anything as a meal (B, L or D) he would have NOTHING to do with it. We just called everything a snack and that was acceptable. Never did figure out the issue though.
PMSL at Mini Mashi and Daisy with the cake - I have to agree I think it's all for us - food is the one thing they can 'control' after all. Heaven forbid that they might make you happy by enjoying what you've lovingly prepared ;)
Alice is still on an eating spree at the moment:
B: boiled egg and toast, 2 satsumas, OJ
S: (at playgroup) refused pear slices but happily tucked in to some cheese curl snacks, juice
L: beans on toast, water, 1/2 gingerbread man
S: fruit bar, water
S: made some muffins (cottage cheese, sun-dried toms, etc) so had one of those warm
D: jacket potato with cheese and green olives - ate it all inc more than half the skin (my favourite bit ;)), yoghurt, another muffin (spotted from across the kitchen and signed more cake!), pear, other half of gingerbread man, hot chocolate
Eugh - well most of what has been eaten today has been brought back up :-X
B - banana, readybrek - this was then regurgitated and sprayed around my kitchen
S - chocolate chip cake bar (I know, v bad but felt sorry for the poor mite), few corn snacks
L - dairylea on bread, 1 blueberry, more corn snacks...all of which then beautifully adorned my coffee table...partly digested of course.
S - Yoghurt coated raisins in pushchair walking to shop (I figured at least we'd be outside if they came back!!!)
D - Smoked mackrel and cheesy mash - puree fruit pot. He wolfed the lot, must have been really hungry!
On the plus side, I think that the sickness today was because he has been coughing so hard (as a side note; can teething cause coughing? I was thinking about all the extra saliva and wondering if this has been giving him reflux/indigestion problems thus the cough), rather than actual 'sickness'.
Dinner tonight:
half an avocado
$5 worth of out-of-season blueberries
Stouffer's spinach souffle
two bites of Whole Foods jumble cookie
Ashley, that's funny abouthe blueberries. I bet she won't like when they're in season! DS1 can inhale a $9 punnet of raspberries in 2 mins.
We haven't had good eating here for the past week due to bottom canines coming through. The top ones took 3 MONTHS to finish and now the bottom ones are on their way - ugh!
He's just decided that he doesn't like dinner, end of.
You know Mashi, Colin went through a phase where if we referred to anything as a meal (B, L or D) he would have NOTHING to do with it. We just called everything a snack and that was acceptable. Never did figure out the issue though.
Ahhhhh I am so glad to hear this is not a unique phase!!! Will try to call things snacks and see how it goes. Although when we say it's dinner time he makes a mad rush for the kitchen and monkeys up his highchair signing hungry. Two seconds later is saying blech and signing finished. We bought him a little wooden table and chair set for colouring, playing cars, etc, and DH has been suggesting we let him eat dinner there. I am not so sure, but might give it a try. We have also started calling everything "pudding" ::)
what about a chair that fits on to one of your chairs? we just got a gr8 one,really cheap and i know you are heading over here soon? Daisy is eating so much better sitting on a chair like the rest of us.
worth a thought?
Mmmm, I know the kind you mean Lucy - and yes, I really want one!!! But, our chairs won't take one, they have these funny arched/curved backs and can't attach a toddler seat. Not ready to buy whole new kitchen set for His Royal Highness!!!
I think it is just a matter of being picky for the sake of it. DH and I are in FULL disagreement on how to handle it, we have regular rows over it :-\ So last night he sat down, refused his pasta, said blech and just wanted to eat his slice of cheese. Fine by me, here's your cheese, eat up and then that's it - if you're finished, you're finished! DH spent ages coaxing him to eat his pasta, try a bite, just a little, etc. Wait 3 minutes and offer again, come on, just a wee bite for daddy, it's pesto and you like it, just touch with your finger, just smell it, just one lick, and so on, until DS is literally FREAKING out in his chair slapping at DH, trying to wrench the bowl out of his hands and throw it, and so on. And why do you think that is? Cause the boy said he didn't want it, so JUST LEAVE IT!!! We go through this every night, dinner is the only meal when he is THIS picky and it's not a coincidence this is the only meal where DH is involved IMO.
That sounds like my house!!!!!!! my DH will not give up with sure thats why at nearly 5 he is still so picky!
The great food debate, eh? LOL
One of my friends who worries about her LOs (one who is coeliac, so gluten free - the other is dairy free :() and the amount they eat was told by one of the docs that it's the one thing that they can 'control' and therefore they 'do'. We control what time they eat, what time they sleep, etc - and therefore he basically said the more it stresses you out they 'worse' they can be - kwim? He also pointed out that a LO won't starve themselves and will eat when hungry . . . I'm sharing this with you to try and make you feel better - however, I have to admit that tho I tell myself these things over and over again I still stress about what A is eating. More so I *think* because she ate anything (or at least tried) that was put in front of her - now she's a bit picky :P
However, the eating spree continues at the mo - which makes for a very happy Mummy ;) Here's today
B: Porridge with dried mixed berries, satsuma, milk
At CM:
S: Cookies & milk
L: Ham sandwich, cheese cubes, crisps, yoghurt, water
S: Crumpets, raisins, water
S: 1 choc biscuit, water
At home: (wasn't expecting much after all she ate at CM - but she surprised me)
D: baked omlette (with potatoes, carrots mushrooms), yoghurt, savoury muffin, pear, hot choc and 3 mini organix biscuits
just marking my spot on this thread
Yesterday Jessie ate:
B - milk and a few spoonfuls of Nutragrain
S - 1/4 of a piece of toast with vegemite on (she normally eats the whole piece of toast)
L - cream cheese and jam spread on 1 piece of bread and rolled into little wheels - probably 3/4 of it and then pinched 1/2 of her Brother's ham sandwich (she totally refuses to eat a ham sandwich if I serve it to her!) ???
S - grapes,
D - totally refused her dinner
Milk before bed.
Not a good day for us!!!
The great food debate, eh? LOL
One of my friends who worries about her LOs (one who is coeliac, so gluten free - the other is dairy free :() and the amount they eat was told by one of the docs that it's the one thing that they can 'control' and therefore they 'do'. We control what time they eat, what time they sleep, etc - and therefore he basically said the more it stresses you out they 'worse' they can be - kwim? He also pointed out that a LO won't starve themselves and will eat when hungry . . . I'm sharing this with you to try and make you feel better - however, I have to admit that tho I tell myself these things over and over again I still stress about what A is eating. More so I *think* because she ate anything (or at least tried) that was put in front of her - now she's a bit picky :P
I bought an guide to eating type thing a few months back. It was getting ridiculous here and I decided enough was enough. So the guide I bought, said pretty much the above. That it's something they can control - either to get praise or negatively, they create it. And also that the more stressful a mealtime is, the more anxious they become they tense their tummies and just aren't hungry at that point, so if sat in a seat and food pushed at them, it gets more stressful. Once down from the table, they relax and so the hunger pangs start.
For us. I drew a line. I make a meal that contains something that DS usually likes - bread, for example, and then other bits that are new, veggies etc. A balanced meal if he eats all of it - that's my job. His job is eating it or not. So, once it's prepared I but out. I don't try to spoon it into him because he can eat well himself. If he doesn't want to eat it, I let it go. I wouldn't want to be forcefed or hounded, so I respect his decision. If he isn't eating anything, I say clearly "aren't you hungry? that's okay, but remember no more to eat until lunch / breakfast / etc". And that's it. I don't cave, I don't give in. If he's eaten well and wants more, I give more.
And I never praise him for eating well, or say a word about his not eating something is hurtful. If he eats, he eats. His decision. Since we've done that, he's happier at the table, happier eating and seems quite secure in saying "no thankyou Mama" when I ask if he'd like to try something from my plate (if he's not tried it on his etc). DH still struggles with it and I regularly point out respecting his decision isn't forcing food into his mouth after he's said no thank you Daddy. ::)
And no mac & cheese here either. Or any pasta at all. Or potatoes. :-\
Breakfast: 2 weetabix mixed with milk & greek yoghurt and pear (ate 1/3 of breakfast & a handful of stolen branflakes)
[shorttempered all morning - had to leave our swimming lesson early he was so antisocial)
Lunch: tuna melt mini pizza (tuna mayonnaise on a 1/2 toasted muffin topped with cheddar then grilled), a clementine, and about 3+ tablespoons of the tuna mayo mix
Snack: raisins & a smoothie
Supper: baked sweet potato with butter & cheddar, a bite of a dumpling (ignored the rest of the dumpling), a yoghurt, refused banana, ate the slice of birthday cake (funny that ;)
We bought him a little wooden table and chair set for colouring, playing cars, etc, and DH has been suggesting we let him eat dinner there. I am not so sure, but might give it a try.
Can't hurt to try!
I know - I do agree with you ladies about the me controlling when and where and what, DS controlling the how much. That's my way - and it works well. How to get DH on board. When we talk about it he agrees, when meal time comes it flies out the window. Men.
B - toast and jam, dry cheerios and milk. same old same old
S - chocolate muffin. (let's not lie, it was cake!) capri sun juice packet - we were in town so it was a treat
L - bread with cream cheese, more of that leber kaese stuff
S - shared an apple, some peas and a baby biscuit
D - bread with butter ::) carrots, yogurt
and that, ladies, was a GOOD eating day for us!
What is it about DHs and LOs food intake, eh? ::) Have to admit that DH tries to cajole Alice a lot more than I do.
Charlotte - think your way sounds like a really good way of handling it. You seem as relaxed as I WANT to be - or how I used to be when I first started with BLW many moons ago.
Have to admit that I disagree with Colin Macs Mom (no offence :-*) about letting Mini Mashi sit at the little wooden table to eat. My brother & SIL did this with my niece (now 12) as they didn't sit down for meals at a table themselves. My niece never sat and ate a meal - she would just get up and walk around and go back to the plate of food whenever she fancied another bit therefore snacking all day long. As a result she never liked sitting at the table then when they went out to eat as it wasn't the norm for her. However, I do think it's a personal thing - but after watching my niece when she was little I knew that wasn't the route that I wanted to take - I hasten to add that my niece is a lovely 12 year old girl (young woman :o) who will happily sit at a table and eat ;)
B: Jam on toast, pear, juice
S: (at my Mum's) organix cereal bar
L: (at my Gran's) 'gwampki' with potatoes, greek yoghurt with jam, asked for an apple then refused to eat it ::) - possibly because it was served peeled and in pieces, who knows? :P, water
When I went to collect Alice my Gran (or Babcia - she's Polish) was beside herself with joy and pride that Alice had eaten 'gwampki' without batting an eyelid ;D Not sure how you spell it but am writing it as you say it - it's minced meat wrapped in savoy cabbage leaves and served in a gravy, one of my favourite dishes ever growing up ;D
S: another savoury muffin
D: sausage, apple and onion pie with carrot & suede mash (didn't eat loads, but enough - tho prob more than she would have due to some 'encouragement' from DH!), yoghurt, peaches in juice with custard, 3 mini (malted milk) biscuits, hot choc
Yesterday Jessie ate:
B - Milk and then 2 weetabix
S - grapes
L - I prepared a meat sandwich (as she's pinched her brothers the day before!), piece of cheese and cherry tomatoes. She ate the cheese and tomatoes and then went to the fridge trying to open the door to get more cheese and then had a HUGE paddy because I wouldn't let her have any more! So she went to bed for her nap
S - Offered the sandwich, which she did try, but threw >:( Cream cheese and crackers. Then had half a rice bubbles bar when we picked up her brother from pre school
D - Prepared baked beans, omelette and home made chips. She ate a few chips, all the beans, the omelette and her brothers omelette!! She loves egg!! Yoghurt
Let's see what today brings ???
B - cheerios & soy milk
S - rice krispie cake? (DH was in charge of that)
L - used a slice of bread to sop up applesauce, grapes, soy milk
S - bananas, rice cracker, soy milk
S - McDonald's - nuggets & fries, and her new fav ketchup
I think we are on a downswing from the last growth spurt, she is now eating the same as her sister, not more!
I feel like I'm constantly fighting a battle with DH over what they eat & how (he is into junk food & over eating) I want them to follow what their bodies tell them and eat what they need. Masyn feels free to tell DH this now, and Spencer will just shake her head at him when he tries to push something on her.
We have just finally let Masyn stop being strapped into her booster, I can't imagine letting Spencer free range it at a little table!
Something going on here...I suspect teething
B - 3/4 weetabix and milk, slice of Peanut butter on toast. water
S - marmite breadsticks and mini rice cakes
L - 2 sausages, sauteed potatoes, sweetcorn, peas , fromage frais, 2 pieces banana, 1/2 a fig roll, water
S - mini iced cake from Grandma,
D - made a cheese omelette - he refused it, heated up some meat ravioli - he refused it. (Pasta is always a winner usually) 1 toasted hot X bun with butter (he will soon look like one!!) bits of banana,
Supper - cheerios and warm milk, biscuit
Only had 3 ozs of milk at bedtime...v unusual.
Nell xxx
Heidi - love your nostalgic avatar, too cute :-*
Think A must be having a growth spurt as she seems have eaten loads for the last few days.
B: porridge with dried mixed berries, satsuma, juice
At CM:
S: raisins & milk
L: shepherds pie, veg, yoghurt & water
S: banana & juice
S: cookies & milk
At home:
D: chicken/salsa/cream cheese dish (inc beans, corn and olives) with rice - ate a big portion without any cajoling ;), yoghurt, mixed fruit pieces in juice with custard, hot choc & 3 mini biscuits
In general, Chandler's been really into the following things:
fresh blueberries
fresh raspberies
spinach souffle
snack mix with Cheerios, dried cherries, dark M&Ms, and cashews
Heidi - love your nostalgic avatar, too cute :-*
Thanks! DH's best pic ever!
B - cheerios & soy milk
L - slice of bread dipped in applesauce, ham, coleslaw minus the dressing
S- soy milk, rice cookies
S - ham, pineapple, tomato slice, olives, bread & a chocolate cupcake...she loved that!
I'm really not sure how much supper she actually ingested, she has taken to smearing food all over her placemat and stuffing it down under her bum!
Chandler was a bottomless pit today:
B: pancake and two bites of bacon
S: cereal bar
L: teryaki tofu, spinach/potato pancake, ignored sweet potato fries, grapes, milk
S: Superfood juice, goldfish
D: fried catfish, blackeyed peas, broccoli, macaroni and cheese
S: cupcakes at Muddy's Bake Shop
She got so hyper-excited about the cupcakes that she just started hopping in place in her chair at the bakery, murmuring "cupcakecupcakecupcake" over and over. We watched her for awhile, kind of not knowing how to react. Then DH said to her: "Chandler, the first step is admitting that you have a problem . . ."
so wish i could keep up and contribute , but it just doesn't seem to happen! i do like checking in when i can!
hmm, what did he eat today?
b- saturdays are my morning to sleep in and dh make a special breakfast. i'm not exactly sure what went into it, but something like, cereal (probably rice crispies, he doesn't like much else) w/ a few pretzels and potatoe chips!
s - almond milk with strawberry syrup and a small piece of banana chocolate chip cake, a clementine.
l - chicken and squash "pie" we call it kugel - not sure what the translation would be! it's basically cooked butternut squash, put it throught food processor w/ a couple of eggs, flour and oil, sprinked w/ pumkin pie spice, then baked.
s - apple sauce
d - 2 pieces sushi, a couple of slices of avocado, chicken, more squash kugel, about a half a pear.
ashleyb - very cute!
Yesterday was the worst teething day we've ever had!
B - bits of the following - banana, toasted hot X bun, dry cheerios, weetabix
S - apple rice cake, breadstick
L - offered tuna and tomato pasta had 4 spoons, offered herby sausage had 1 piece, 1 digestive biscuit
S - few pieces of banana
Tea - half a portion of veggie lasagne : ), few sponns of yoghurt
Supper - half small bowl of cheerios and warm milk
I can now appreciate how HORRIBLE it is when your child is a fussy eater - so stressful!
Fingers crossed for today...
Nell xxx
She got so hyper-excited about the cupcakes that she just started hopping in place in her chair at the bakery, murmuring "cupcakecupcakecupcake" over and over. We watched her for awhile, kind of not knowing how to react. Then DH said to her: "Chandler, the first step is admitting that you have a problem . . ."
haha that cracked me up!
Today Callum ate:
B - Apple and Blueberry porridge
S - Babybel and a couple of mammys mothers day chocolates!
D - Baked ham, new potatoes and salad, brioche for dessert and 2 pots of fromage frais!!
Didnt want a pm snack today, just drank his juice
T - Pasta with red pesto, another 2 pots of fromage frais! and 3 jaffa cakes as a treat
need to vent here as I am frustrated on what to offer Madison.
Yesterday she ate:
B: 4crackers + 2 biscuits
L: yogurt+ blueberries+ toast
snack: not interested
Dinner: two bites of chicken, spoon full of corn+ two strawberries
Today, we are off to a bad start:
B: two bites of a bagel + biscuit
Bagels are her favorite. She has to be hungry????
Today, Chandler ate:
S: milk and Snackimals
B: Rice Chex and milk, grapes
L: spaghetti, green beans, grapes, milk
S: yogurt, goldfish, Superfood juice
D: peach quinoa (cooked with soy milk for protein), raspberries
Ashley how do you make that peach quinoa? Not that I have found quinoa here yet, but we are heading to visit the ILs next week so I can bring a few bags of it back if I have a recipe that is worth it!!
Sabs, I know it is frustrating but at this age there are so many things going on. Food is one area that LOs can control now that they have reached an age of wanting to control, iykwim? Also they are not growing as fast and don't need quite as much. Lots going on in their mouths even if you can't see any signs of teeth, there is definitely some teething happening under the surface. And, even their favourites they often get bored of, but yet refuse new things because they don't trust them or are not adventurous enough yet. So they eat the bare minimum that they need and get on with playing. The only thing I have learned to do is to shrug it off. You offer, she either refuses or accepts. End of. My DH is totally opposite with this (if you see my post on the previous page) and it is proof that stressing about it or really encouraging her (no matter how gentle you are being) can backfire. The less you care, the more she will eat!!!
Thanks Mashi!
I would love that quinoa recipe!
The less you care, the more she will eat!!!
Maybe that's where I've been going horribly wrong and have got a child who eats me out of house and home :P ::) ;D!!!
Serously, though, I definately think that is true. On the rare days when Ben is being picky/not eating I definately notice that the more I try and push him to eat, the more he digs his heels in and gets annoyed. Sometimes I just leave the room and come back to find he has been picking at the food he was point-blank refusing when I was trying to encourage him eat it ::)!
You cook quinoa just like you do rice. I use soy milk instead of water or you can use cow's milk if you're careful not to scorch it. I also add a cup of frozen peaches while cooking and a dash of allspice. It cooks in about 20 minutes. I top with some toasted pecans and honey. It's really delicious. Just watch the pot carefully--soy milk will boil over in a spit second and make a horrible mess.
Random day today - he's teething (again) so I'm happy for anything I can get into him!!
B - about 5 shreddies ::), 1/2 slice of bread and jam, couple of bites of banana
S - In supermarket Yoghurt coated raisins, some organix corn snacks
L - 1/2 slice of ham, a finger of bread with cheese spread, spied the mozzarella and sun dried tomatoes in garlic pesto that I was eating and devoured quite a lot of it! Smeared a yoghurt over his high chair and in his hair.
D - pasta bolognese, custard (smeared all over everything)
Question for you - I'm trying to encourage independence with cutlery/eating. He always has a spoon or fork and now manages to get a few bits into his mouth with them. I tend to let him have free reign with his pudding and what he manages to eat with fingers or cutlery is fine by me. Is he really late at being able to feed himself properly?
Spencer is still getting the hand of cutlery...she can load up the spoon or fork, but then tips it on the way to her mouth and has to start all over again. Usually she will do a few bites with the spoon before resorting to fingers. Sounds like her is doing great!
I have no idea what Spence had today...daycare...but supper was burgers & fries (I think she had more ketchup than anything though)
My lo is 3 and had a very interesting day as far as eating today!
B - FROZEN pancake (literally out of the freezer and into her mouth!), yogurt, grapes
S - goldfish crackers, cheese string (she LOVES these and would eat them all day if I let her), fruit leather
L - out in the city - McDonald's - ate 10 whole chicken nuggets and some fries!!
S - 3-4 meatballs in mushroom sauce, rice, veggies - was a chore to get her to eat until I remembered how much she ate for lunch and didn't make her finish her supper
S - cheese string, crackers
Aren't kids tastes and appetites the most interesting things sometimes!
Yesterday was a good day for Jessie :D
B - milk, nutrigrain cereal, fruit pot.
S -3/4 nectarine
L - (after her swimming lesson on the way back in the car at 11.20) 1 ham sandwich cut in to stars. She hasn't been eating sandwiches at all. I've noticed that she gets to about 11.30 and then if I haven't got anything ready for lunch she has a huge meltdown, hanging off the fridge!! I need to kind of catch her before she gets like this, otherwise she's too upset to eat :o . So I thought I'd take her lunch for her to eat on the way back in the car and it worked!!! She had some peach at home and then went down for a nap.
S - 1/4 gingerbread man and then a small pack of biscuits while her big brother was at his swimming lesson.
D - 3 fishfingers, potato and spaghetti, followed by ice cream
Then her milk before bed.
Let's hope today is good too!
Chandler had for dinner:
avocado chunks, golden beet chunks, teriyaki tofu, spinach/potato pancake, milk
little dude is slowly eating fewer fruits, so I'm going to be only offering fruit each morning tea. He has spent a lot of time trying to reach the sweets in the cupboard, so they are now boxed and hidden, going to get him eating better if it kills me! I think he focuses on sweet (although he doesn't get much) and so ignores other perfectly yummy healthy snack. Should clarify, he does eat pretty well, but not as good as my super-eater DD, so I'm a bit fussy. ;)
B 1 weetbix, added wheatgerm
S 1/2 banana, 1 biscuit (biscuit given by another mum, grrr)
L 1/2 multigrain tortilla 'pizza', cheese, grated carrot, tomato, baby spinach, ham
S corn thins with avocado
D chilli con carne (minus the chilli :P ), mince, lots of chopped up veggie broccoli, tomato, red onion, red capsicum, kidney beans.
Eugh - we're going through this too - even the beloved blueberries are out of favour at the moment.
Hello again *waving* ;D
I've been without email and internet for about FIVE days due to a broken modem - didn't realise how much I used it til it was gone . . . and I missed you all :-*
Love the cupcake story - especially the quote from Daddy!
So here are the last couple of days - Alice still eating well at the moment.
B: porridge with mixed dried fruit (raisins, cranberries, etc), OJ
At CM:
S: raisins, banana, water
L: chicken noodles, bun & custard, milk
S: cheesy quavers, water
S: biscuit, water
At home:
D: sausage, mash & beans (cleared her plate :o), blueberries & creme fraiche, hot choc & 3 mini organix cookies
B: crumpet with jam, asked for a satsuam - shared it with me, OJ
S: 2 yoghurt coated sesame snaps
L: (out) slice of cheese on toast, water
S: home-made savoury muffin
D: 2 fish fingers, mash & beans (ate all but a spoonful), yoghurt, couple of bites of plum, hot choc & 3 mini organix cookies
B: 2 home-made banana, blueberry & pear pancakes with creme fraiche & honey, OJ
At CM:
S: raisins, banana, water
L: beans, sausages, toast, yoghurt, water
S: apricots, milk
S: cake, water
At home:
D: sausage, bean & cabbage casserole with bread and butter (picked out and ate beans, mushrooms, sausages - ignored the cabbage LOL!), creme fraiche, hot choc & 3 mini organix cookies
Jessie's come out in a cold, so yesterday wasn't too good, she didn't want her normal snacks!!??
B - milk, cornflakes
S - didn't want anything
L - cream cheese and jam sandwich, yoghurt
S - banana
D - chicken, smiley potato faceys, small corn on the cob (a few mouthfuls), a little bit of ice cream
Really got to try and stop the milk drinks!!
mumofalice, can I have your recipe for homemade banana, blueberry and pear pancakes? I made some recently with oats but weren't very good, looking for more to try. :)
So chuffed that little dude ate and asked for more fresh dates! Round 1, mum!
B weetbix, wheatgerm
S 3 fresh dates, 1/2 banana
L veggie and bacon fritters - carrot, corn, zucchini, little taste of homemade raspberry frozen yoghurt (need to add more sugar as wasn't very sweet)
S corn thins with avocado, vegemite and yoghurt
D will be... fish fingers, potato, sweet potato, and pea mash.
B - date and banana fruit bar, 3/4 weetabix and milk, half a small syrup pancake, water
S - chocolate chip cookie (!!) Water
L - vegetable stew (onion,garlic,swede,courgette,barley, spices), rice, sweetcorn, Yoghurt, water
S - half an apricot and fruit bar, rice cake, bits of mummys almond cake, water
Tea - peanut butter on toast, dried cherries and dried strawberries, few bites of apple, water
Supper - cheerios and warm milk
Really frustrated and grumpy in pm and lashing out. TEETH!!!!!!! Arrrghhh!! Luckily not affecting his eating too much
Nell xxxxx
Today was very snacky due to lots of visiting...
B - Few shreddies, most of a banana, few bites of toasted raisin bread
S - humzinger bar
L - most of a slice of ham, few bits of cheese, yoghurt coated raisins, little bit of jam and bread, little bit of cheese spread on bread
S - rest of ham and cheese bits found in pot in changing bag!!
D - Beef goulash with rice, mandarin segments in OJ
s - 2 organix cookies
.....and no sick so far today!! Yay!
mumofalice, can I have your recipe for homemade banana, blueberry and pear pancakes?
You sure can ;) I 'discovered' this recipe on the Jamie Oliver Christmas Specials. He made fluffy American style pancakes with his 2 young daughters . . . and I thought if they could do it then surely I could too! The basic recipe is super-easy - and you can just vary the flavours you put in, I just use whatever we've got in the fruit bowl.
1 cup of self-raising flour (I use quite a big mug as the one he used was HUGE)
1 cup of milk
1 egg
pinch of salt
whisk up all the ingredients in a bowl and then add anything you fancy - I added a handful of blueberries, a chopped up banana and a grated pear (have also used grated apple) - you can add as many fruits as you like (or none if you want plain - have done them this way too and topped them off with strawberries on the plate)
melt a bit of butter in a frying pan - and put in a couple of spoonfuls, turn when starting to brown underneath (you can kind of see it happening as it starts to bubble on the top, kwim?) and then serve with whatever you fancy - we usually have creme fraiche/yoghurt and a drizzle of honey.
one of my favourite things about this recipe is that there's no measuring or weighing as such - the 'cup' isn't even a proper measurement - as long you use the same cup for flour and milk it's fine, as I said before the 'mug' I use is large, am sure it's much bigger than an actual measured cup.
I very rarely used to make pancakes before - but as these are hit with DD and DH and are so simple we tend to have them at least once a week (or twice as the recipe makes quite a lot - so I cook up the whole batch and we eat them the next day too).
Okay . . . so this is what A has eaten today
B: 2 x banana, pear and blueberry pancakes with yoghurt & honey, juice
At CM:
S: mini cheddars, water
L: pasta bolognese, cheesy bread, sponge & custard, milk
S: raisins, water
S: biscuit, juice
At home:
D: boiled egg & toast, small pot of mixed fruit in juice (peach, pear & pineapple - spat out the pineapple for the first time :P), hot choc & 3 mini organix cookies
mumofalice, can I have your recipe for homemade banana, blueberry and pear pancakes? I made some recently with oats but weren't very good, looking for more to try. Smiley
Oh no -- hope it wasn't my oat pancake recipe that I have posted here! If so, very sorry! (We love them!!)
So far today...
B - banana pieces, peanut butter on toast, raisins, water
S - date and apricot fruit bar, water
L - 3 small hot dog sausages (1st time for these. We all had a "going to football" lunch as stepson is here!) Breadroll, sweetcorn, yoghurt, small cookie, water
S - date and banana fruit bar, breadsticks, water
D - will be hash browns and leftover veggie stew then hot X bun, water
S - will be cereal and warm milk ( maybe not cheerios as they are much higher in sugar than I thought! Found out on the board yesterday : 0)
Nell xxx
Today . . . (not a great day as we were out and about in the rain this morning & I had to work this aft :P)
B: Jam on toast, 2 helpings of peaches in juice (she asked for more after the first bowlful), milk
S: humzinger bar
L: cheese on toast, half a gingerbread man, yoghurt coated sesame snap, water
S: 2 more yoghurt sesame snaps
D: large slice of home-made quiche (with cheese, bacon, spring onions, olives and s-d toms), about half a pear, hot choc and other half of gingerbread man.
Mashi - am sure it's not your pancake recipe :-* I do keep meaning to try it as we always have porridge oats in the cupboard (DH and DD are both HUGE fans of porridge - I like it too, but get bored sooner than them ;)) - however, I still haven't written your recipe down so when I think about making pancakes in the morning I just revert to my recipe (or Jamie's ;)) cos I know that as long as I have 1 egg some SR flour and some milk then I'll be okay! ;D
We were at a wedding yesterday so DSs snacks and meals were all over the place - he seemed to eat loads in the end though.
B - Banana, scrambled egg, 1/2 piece of bread and jam
L - baked beans and sausages with slice of bread
Selection of snacks throughout the wedding service and drinks reception including - humzinger bar, yoghurt coated raisins, organix corn snacks, organix toddler cookies, 2 fingers of bread and jam (he really wanted his dinner when he was moaning for these but it was still 30 mins away)
D - a looooong drawn out affair - 2 more fingers of bread and jam, 2 watermelon balls, 1/2 a puree fruit pot, some unidentified sorbet the adults had and he realllly wanted, about 1/2 a roast chicken breast with gravy and a couple of mouthfuls of posh potatoes (not sure what they were).
Oh and a chocolate favour!
Today's toddler intake
B: one bite short of 3 home-made banana & pear pancakes (lots of 'soft' fruit in our bowl so using it up) with yoghurt & honey, OJ
S: humzinger bar, water
L: (out) M&S kids goody bag - tuna & cucumber sandwich (without the cucumber which I had to eat ::)) which was dipped in DH's tomato & basil soup, pack of cheesy mice (crackers), box of raisins, apple juice
S: home-made savoury muffin, few dried cranberries
D: tagliatelle with lardons, black olives and parmesan, bowl of peaches in juice, fromage frais, hot choc and 3 mini organix cookies
Berni I have wanted to ask for a while, how do you make Alice's hot chocolate? I notice she has it most every night so there are obviously no concerns about it keeping her awake at night, so I wouldn't mind offering some up to DS every now and again!
I don't post often as J remains very fussy and it gets very repetative - but he seems happy enough with it - and the range is almost 'good enough' to hit the main nutrients iyswim. Apart from the veggies of course ::).
Today wasn't so bad though
B Corn flakes, wholemeal toast (got bored and got down when I knew he was still hungry ::)), so had hot cross bun 1 hour later
S Toddler biscuit
L Too busy running around garden to care for lunch but had 1/2 a banana, then ate cream cheese sandwiches after his nap
S Few yoghurt coated fruit flakes
D Potato, chicken nuggets, cheese, apple, few bites kiwi, yoghurt
Had a terrible day today with 2 sick kids - cue lots of screaming
B: boiled egg, toast, 1/2 banana
MT: sultanas, corn crispbread
L: requested a fruit puree pot ("want fruit pack"), chicken (spat out), rest of banana
AT: watermelon
D: chicken noodle soup with toast fingers to dip.
He had a screaming fit before dinner so after dealing with it all day I put him in the hallway with his blankie while I served up dinner. In between sobs I heard a little voice asking "Dinner ready?" Felt so mean after that. He had 2 bowls so he was obviously hungry!
Mashi - had never thought about the hot chocolate causing any problems at night :-[ but as it's never seemed to cause a problem I guess it must be okay. I started doing it so that I could make sure that A was getting some milk at the end of the day. Once she goes up for her bath she doesn't get any more to drink (ie bedtime milk) - other than a sippy of water in her cot, which has been a fairly recent thing anyway. I don't do anything special - just warm half a mug of milk in the microwave for a minute, add one teaspoon of cadbury's hot choc powder and that's it. The carton suggests 3 or 4 spoons to a mug of milk, but I only do it to make the milk more interesting as I seemed to be throwing a lot of it away when I just gave her warm milk. We have a little ritual now (you know how toddlers get with their OCD ;)) - after A gets down from the table after dinner we go into the living room where she gets to watch a bit of TV (Postman Pat is in favour at the moment) and she has hot choc and a biscuit whilst the grown-ups get a coffee and a biscuit - once that's done it's up for bath and bed.
Chandler spent the weekend with her grandparents, so ate nothing all weekend but crackers, cereal bars, and french fries (they don't believe in cooking or nutrition, apparently). Tonight at dinner, she actually tore into her food, then looked up and said, "More vegetables!" ;D
meatloaf, baked sweet potato, mixed vegetables (green beans, carrots, peas, corn), mandarin oranges, milk
After her bath, she'll get an oatmeal cookie and some milk
Tonight at dinner, she actually tore into her food, then looked up and said, "More vegetables!" ;D
That is priceless!!
Spencer is either growing again or has a hollow leg...she ate as much as I did for supper on Saturday and sunday (sat was a spicy cajun rice dish with sausage, sun was spaghetti)
B - cheerios & soy milk
S - pretzels
L- 2 applesauce cups, pears, slice of bread, ham, soy milk
S - soy milk, rice rusks
S - homemade "fries", pork chops, peas, a choc cupcake and red jello...she finished her cupcake before DH and then tried to sucker him into giving his over!
then looked up and said, "More vegetables!" ;D
Brilliant ;D If only this happened on a daily basis, eh? We probably wouldn't have this thread ;)
B: 2 pear & banana pancakes with fromage frais & honey, OJ
S: Easter 'party' at toddler group: refused the banana (they always offer fruit option first), chocolate 'nest' bun they made themselves (shredded wheat with chocolate, topped with a couple of mini eggs), piece of hot cross bun, juice
L: beans on toast, half a gingerbread man, water
S: dried berries, water
D: leftover roast dinner pie with gravy, peas & sweetcorn (and grated cheese :P), bit of home-made apple & plum crumble with custard, hot choc & rest of gingerbread man
Alice ate quite a lot - tho a bit more 'sugary foods' than I would usually let her have :-[ Maybe I'm a bit paranoid tho.
She was doing really well with her dinner - and then silly Mummy decided to grate some cheese for a quiche - which stopped Alice dead in her tracks. She said she had finished her dinner - but of course she'd spotted her beloved cheese . . . my compromise was to sprinkle some of the grated cheese over the remains of her dinner - she did eat more of it tho!
So yesterday, DS ate a bread roll. That's it. :(
He's been sick for a week and just doesn't care to eat now that he's better. I know I need to change it up a bit and add some more interesting things to his diet but he's too picky - so he's bored of what he usually eats but not adventurous enough to eat anything different. Ugh.
but he's too picky - so he's bored of what he usually eats but not adventurous enough to eat anything different.
This is what Jacob does as well all the time - drives me mad.
Not sure what he had during the day as he was at my Mums - which usually means lots of fruit and breadsticks.
Then we baked cakes in the afternoon, and I amanged to stop him eating too much by telling him he could have more for tea. Teatime came around and he screamed at his potato and cheese, screamed at his yoghurt (although did eat it once he was allowed to choose a different one).
Realised afterwards I had TOLD him he could eat his cake for tea. So that was what he had been expecting - just his little oatmeal cake.
Sigh. Too clever these toddlers.
Aw, poor guy! That he remembered that for that many hours is pretty impressive! Wanna share that oatmeal cake recipe? ;)
Ben seemed suddenly ravenous today (although was still off the fruit *sigh*)
B - banana, readybrek
S - Humzinger bar, 2 toddler biscuits
L - Tomato and Basil soup and a slice of bread with hummus, Ella's Kitchen Smoothie Fruit (banana, apple, blueberry)
S - 1/2 hot cross bun
D - Chicken and Bacon casserole (chicken, bacon, potato, parsnip, carrot, mushroom, courgette, tomato), Jelly and custard
It never ceases to amaze me what these little folk remember - Alice still 'talks' about the time we went to feed the ducks and a piece of bread landed on the beak of one of them - it was about a month ago and she still brings it up every now and then!
B: porridge with dried berries, few spoonfuls of my cereal medley cos she has to 'share mummy's' anything these days, OJ
At CM:
S: raisins, banana, water
L: cheese & ham toasties, sponge & custard, milk
S: cereal bar & milk
S: cheesy quavers, water
At home:
D: home-made quiche with tuna, sweetcorn & cheese, half a jacket potato, bit of home-made apple & plum crumble with custard - ie she scraped off the custard and topping and then said 'no more that' ::)
Her new love is 'pie' (2nd only to cheese I think!) - quiche comes under the pie heading in Alice's book. When I picked her up from CM she asked for snack - I said no snack as we were going home for tea - to which she replied, 'pie'? She was over the moon when I put her plate in front of her ;D
The good mood didn't last though - she is a bit 'naughty' at the moment which I'm 'blaming' on disturbed sleep and naps which in turn I'm blaming on PT :P (a whole other post I really need to do). Think she is getting OT and this in turn affects her behaviour . . . when she'd had enough of desert tonight she tried to push the bowl off the table and then threw her mat on the floor - twice. We ended up with no hot choc & biscuits - went straight to bath time from the table and got her into bed a bit early in the hope that she might wake up less like a bear with a sore head.
Still . . . at least it's not affecting her appetite!
Today A has eaten:
B: 1 home-made banana & pear pancaked with creme-fraiche & honey (2 on the plate, but she gave the other one to Daddy), OJ
S: pear
L: poached egg on toast, fromage frais
S: none - had to wake her from mammoth nap & had dinner early before DH went on nightshift
D: home-made tuna & sweetcorn quiche (or cheese pie as Alice calls it!) with half a jacket potato - same as yesterday's dinner I know :P but it was the last of the quiche and the spud was way too big to give her in one go! Peaches in juice with custard, hot choc and 3 mini organix cookies
The third molar finally seems to be actually breaking through here - he ate pretty well today, but explains his aversion to fruit at the moment. He seems to go off it whenever teeth are cutting.
B - banana, readybrek, 4 or 5 blueberries
S - toddler biscuit
L - scrambled egg, beans, 2 mini breadsticks, a miniscule piece of bread with hummus
S - 1/2 homemade banana muffin
D - fish fingers, peas, pasta (lots of tomato ketchup - ack), yoghurt
Hmm - lots of banana and sugar today one way and another...must do better!!!
DS is teething quite badly and wants to spend as little time in his highchair as possible as he has a sore bottom! Arr...He is being a bit picky too.
B - pieces of banana, toast and peanut butter, raisins,water
S - pieces of fruit bar, marmite ricecake, water
L - sausages, beans, oven chips ( left chips) 3/4 of yoghurt, water
S - marmite ricecake, water
T - toasted hot X bun and butter, organix cheese puffs, raisins, water
Supper - cheerios and warm milk ate half, water
Haven't been too adventurous as he is not feeling great - mostly gave things I knew he would eat.
Nell xxx
Took Chandler out for dinner by myself. She was great! She ate:
Spaghetti, macaroni and cheese, crowder peas, Italian spinach, and banana pudding
Have been away over the weekend and DS tried a huge number of foods that he'd never seen before - although he didn't like all of them he didn't balk at trying them, I was so pleased. That said, he ate lots of fresh bread but only managed to eat breakfast consistently while we were away - picked at what was offered to him for lunch and dinner and picked at bits of ours. I guess he had enough overall!
We went out yesterday for my mams birthday, and the little munchkin ate like a trooper! Most of it not the healthiest options but it was a special occassion - goes to show they will eat when they want, just the yummy unhealthy stuff *rolls eyes*
B- Toast with jam and porridge
S- Bag of quavers on route to dinner
D- Massive chunk of garlic bread, tons of chips, all the baked beans and a bite of burger. Followed by 2 profiteroles and about 5 spoons of ice cream!!!
S- A slice of nanas birthday cake
S- Actually asked for a banana when he got home!!
D- Thought he couldnt possibly fit anymore food in but ate a nice big bowl of pasta with red pesto sauce
I dont think Ive ever known him eat so much in one day
buffalo burger patty, sweet potato fries, mixed veg, blueberries
B - shreddies (as finger food), yogurt and strawberry puree, toast with almond butter
L - squash soup with orzo, cheese, more strawberry puree, plain toast
S - chicken/veggie stew with some leftover salmon hidden in it (had refused the salmon at lunch, but didn't notice it mixed in), cheese, toast.
milk from sippy cup
We were at MIL's over the weekend - don't eat quite the same there (as in MIL doesn't really cook meals as she's on her own and snacks her way thru the day :P) so did my best to keep A's eating habits as 'normal' as poss. Haven't really got back into the swing of things at home yet either - need to do a shop, but waiting for veg-box to arrive to see what I need to top up on.
Here's todays intake:
B: 2 weetabix & warm milk, shared an apple with me (ie A had a couple of bites I ate the rest - even tho she asked for it ::)), OJ
S: humzinger bar, water
L: beans on toast, little pot of mixed fruit in juice, yoghurt, half a gingerbread man
S: 'fluffy popcorn ball' - we made them the other day: popcorn marshmallows and dried apricots
D: 2 fish fingers, potato rosti & a few peas, yoghurt, 2 satsumas, other half of gingerbread man and hot choc
We have wind issues at the moment (among other things - see my other post!) so have been careful with food today...
B - Porridge with blob of superjam (jam with no sugar) half a humzinger, few dry cheerios, water
S - none
L - homemade pasta bolognaise, yoghurt, water
S - out at soft play centre - couple of cousins chips, few organix cheese puffs, water
Tea - few pieces of peanut butter on toast, malt loaf, water
Supper - porridge and superjam again, water.
Plus 4ozs milk first thing and 4ozs at bedtime - offerred more but didn't take it.
Nell xxx
B: 2 weetabix with warm milk, small pot of peaches in juice, OJ
At CM:
S: oranges & melon, water
L: chicken sandwich, sausage roll, crisps, yoghurt, water
S: animal biscuits, water
At home:
D: tortilla wrap stuffed with rice & chicken salsa dish (chicken, sweetcorn, kidney beans, salsa, cream cheese & olives), cheese cubes, yoghurt, small pot of mixed fruit in juice, organix gingerbread man and hot choc
Had to laugh at dinner time because I made the tortilla wrap for Alice instead of just giving her the bowl of rice - to make it a bit more interesting. She had a couple of bites of the wrap then pulled it apart, scraped off the filling (just about every grain of rice!) - ate all the filling and left the wrap itself! I needn't have bothered! She then requested the cheese - didn't think she would eat them too . . . but of course she did - that girl LOVES her cheese!
B - shreddies as well as some of my cereal (the rice puff bits) as finger food, toast with peanut butter, cheese chunk
L - leftover canneloni (stuffed with beef, ricotta, spinach etc...), 1/4 pear, cheese chunk)
S - beef stew with orzo, avocado with yogurt, 1/2 a baby muffin, a few peas.
p.s. what are humzingers? I'm curious as all the babies seem to be eating them! (I'm from Canada, so perhaps they don't exist here?)
Alice has grazed her way thru today. We were at a farmers market this morning and she was trying samples of everything we were - including a non-alcoholic ginger drink (quite a kick to it) which she loved. The guy selling it was quite taken aback and said she must have a very mature palette - especially as she asked for more when the sample was done!
B: porridge, 2 satsumas, diluted OJ
S: various samples: salami, cheese, crackers with chutneys, ginger drink
S: half a toasted currant teacake, water
L: farmers market goodies: salami, cheeses (smoked stilton, mature cheddar, maasdam), pimento stuffed olives, couple of bites of toast & crackers, yoghurt, diluted OJ
S: humzinger bar, small chocolate egg - given to her by her friend, too cute
D: stuffed burrito as yesterday - did exactly the same thing with it too ::), yoghurt, organix gingerbread man & hot choc
p.s. what are humzingers? I'm curious as all the babies seem to be eating them! (I'm from Canada, so perhaps they don't exist here?)
Humzingers are a 'dried fruit' bar sold in boxes (I think there's about 10 in a box) and they can count as 1 of your 5 a day. Very handy little things - tho they don't look very appetizing. Someone said they looked like dog chews - and now I think of that every time I hand one to DD, LOL!! They are available in the UK, not sure about elsewhere tho - here's a link that tells you more . . .
All time low on food intake today...very bad teething.
B - apricot humzinger, water, 3 spoons weetabix, 1 tiny piece of toast
S - mini rice cake, another humzinger
L - handful of peas, 2 tiny pieces of sausage, 1 teaspoon of potato, water
S - none
Tea - 4 teaspoons of beef casserole with potato, i small piece malt loaf, 3 chocolate buttons, water
Supper - refused poridge, refused dry cheerios
: (
N xxx
Humzingers - are they like fruit leathers - i.e. pureed fruit dried in sheets and cut into strips? Both my boys love these. We have a dehydrator and occasionally when there is a glut of fruit we'll make fruit leather. Very time consuming though!
No they are long tubes of mashed up dried fruit. I love fruit leather though! What a great idea - a dehydrator! My best friend is Iranian and they make a sour cherry fruit leather in Iran - its excellent but soooo sour! Not for kids ; )
Nell xxx
I don't think I've ever had fruit leather, but I like the sound of it ;)
B: Porridge, (bit of my cereal and DH's too - DD does like to share!), small pot of peaches in juice, diluted OJ
S: after swimming, organix cereal bar, half a box of raisins
S: called at supermarket and DD wanted the try the samples: cheeses, ham, chicken and pork pie,
L: at Great-Grandma's: home-made veggie soup, lots of bread for dipping
S: toasted hot cross bun
D: spinach and gnocchi bake - picked off all the spinach and kale, ate a few pieces of plain gnocchi ::), yoghurt, biscuit and hot choc
wu: milk
B: big bowl of banana, dry cerael and milk mixture, fresh furuit juice and scrambeled eggs.
S: big bowl of yogurt
L: half bowl yogurt soup, half bowl vegies
after nap: milk
S: 2 meat balls and ayran (yogurt and water mix)
S: yogurt soup
D: milk with rice powder and furuit in it and milk
total : apprx. 1500 cc
* do you think my 17m lo eats much? he can do with less food actually, but our caregiver feeds him more by amuse him.
* do you think he eats too much milk product?
* do you think i should change Breakfast and Dinner contents? he is still fed by spoon, not puree but not fingerfoods also:( our caregiver does not like if the baby feed himself :(
Well finally I am joining in, we did fairly well today:
B: yogurt, toast, 4 oz bottle (diluted formula)
S: nothing - he was out with DH
L: Pasta wheels, chicken, peas, oranges, 6 oz bottle (formula)
S: blueberries, strawberries, soft cheese dippers,
S: raisins, 3 oz whole milk (tried in a sippy but transferred to his bottle when he got upset)
D: cheeseburger (no bun), cherry tomatoes, lettuce (more to play with than to eat)
Bedtime bottle - 8 oz (formula)
We are still transitioning off formula and on to whole milk, a bit kiboshed since illness, teething and daycare. But slowly getting back on track. Not sure how we are going to get rid of the bottles since all of a sudden they have become a MAJOR source of comfort for him.
He's offered water at every meal, snack and has a sippy with water in his crib.
banu -I think he is having a bit too much milk & yoghurt during the day, I'd cut it out the mid-day milk if he is also having a lot of yoghurt based drinks/food. So maybe 2 milk drinks plus 1-2 full serves of yoghurt soup/drink. I'd also increase the amount of iron containing foods (eg more meat). So for example if he was going to have yoghurt soup for lunch, I wouldn't give him yoghurt for the morning snack as well, and then I would have given him an extra meatball.
So far today:
B: scrambled eggs, toast, MSPI "milk"
MT: watermelon
L: ham, french toast, MSPI "milk"
will be
AT: hot cross bun, pureed fruit pot
D: going to the beach so we might get fish, calamari, skordalia, tabbouleh and pita at the Greek take -away. Hope it's open because it's Greek Easter today as well. Otherwise it will be scrounging the fridge!
AT: hot cross bun, pureed fruit pot
D: going to the beach so we might get fish, calamari, skordalia, tabbouleh and pita at the Greek take -away. Hope it's open because it's Greek Easter today as well. Otherwise it will be scrounging the fridge!
Am I allowed to be a little bit jealous? Not only are you going to the beach - but you have a Greek take-away too. When can I come and live with you??? :-* Am kind of hoping that the Greek take-away was closed and you had to fridge-raid instead and then maybe I wouldn't be such a dark shade of green!! ;)
Today - it was Easter so more treats than usual AND prob more than she's ever experienced in one day!!!
B: porridge & a couple of spoonfuls of my 'cereal medley' (still big on sharing!), half a banana (sharing again!), diluted OJ
S: little bag of marshmallows (from inside one of her eggs), cadbury's mini egg (we were 'decorating' mini carrot cakes), half a box of apricots and raisins, water
L: half a slice of granary bread & butter, slice of ham, cheese cubes, pimento stuffed olives, yoghurt, diluted OJ
S: none - we went to my folks and dinner was early
D: 'roast dinner': yorkshire pudding bit of chicken, roast potatoes, boiled potatoes, carrots, broccoli, followed by hot cross bun pudding (hot cross bun with marmalade and vanilla custard - bit like bread and butter pudding), water
At home: hot choc with one of the mini carrot cakes - ate the mini egg off the top and the cream cheese icing but left the rest ::)
Today - it was Easter so more treats than usual AND prob more than she's ever experienced in one day!!!
Mmm hmm - today we experienced Chocolate 'highs' and 'comedowns' for the first time...oh joy! He has eaten such bizarre food over the last couple of days so I'll start with yesterday...
B - readybrek, most of a banana, half a kiwi, couple of bites of toast
S - box of raisins
L - Olives (in garlic oil and stuffed with sun dried tomatoes - I'm thinking my 16mo son is weird for liking these???), salami, jam on bread, fruit smoothie.
S - 1/2 bag of organix corn snacks
D - sweet potato and lentil curry with rice, fruit puree pudding....
....then we went to my aunt's house for dinner. I knew that we wouldn't be eating until gone 7 so fed Ben before we went. Even though he had eaten a pretty good dinner he then went on to eat...
Little bits of the following - 2 different types of salami, green and black olives, sun dried tomatoes (I know, bad lunch choice eh?!), fresh spiced beetroot, rocket (that he spat out), grilled peppers, mozzarella, slow cooked pork, roast potato, jelly, ice cream, lemon meringue pie and sticky toffee pudding :o :o :o :o Now although he didn't eat a lot of any of these (even though he would have liked to eat lots of some of them) he basically had at least another meals worth of food!!
Today has been no better
Maltesers :-[ :-\
B - readybrek, 1/2 banana
S - few organix corn snacks, kiwi
L - poached lemon sole and a new potato, little bit of daddy's beef, couple of mushrooms, some spinach, THEN - bite of chocolate cheese cake, a piece of birthday cake given to him by a waitress as it was her birthday, and a Lindor chocolate from his great grandad that I managed to grab about half of before he shoved the whole lot in his mouth.
D - bread and marge and cubes of cheese, clementine - yoghurt coated raisins that he found in his changing bag and then we had a complete meltdown because I wouldn't let him eat the packet of chocolate buttons he found in there from his grandparents.
So waaaayyyy too much sugar and that = waaayyyy too many tantrums for my liking. I was hoping that tomorrow we would be back on track but now we're eating out again so I'm just going to have to be mean mummy and ask our friends not to give him sugary things at the table even when he asks.
B- milschrice (don't know how to spell it, but it's German milky/rice porridge kind of thing) - I was surprised dd didn' go crazy for it - but I didn't give her the sugar and melted butter that we have. Toast with peanut butter.
L - chili without the chili powder, pear, banana, blueberry yogurt
S - ham, green beans, scalloped potatoes, cheese biscuit and a few bites of chocolate mousse. Didn't want to offend MIL, but shouldn't babies not eat food with raw eggs?! I mentioned this about the mousse to DH after, and he scoffed at my being ridiculous, not a prob in north america blah, blah, blah and got quite defensive. "But I would've supported you" - yeah right!
Berni - the Greek takeaway was open (no tabbouleh though ;) ) and we had a lovely meal watching the sun set. Ds2 decided to play chase the waves until he got too brave and fell flat on his face into the water - so it was quickly home after that. I think you've been here before from what I remember you saying about Womad, so you're welcome back anytime!
We also had a junk food day even though DS2 has never had chocolate due to his milk intolerance and a mean mum who won't share her dark chocolate :)
B: Fruit smoothie, banana and hot cross bun
MT: apple and pear puree, apple slices, plain biscuits
L: bits and pieces from our lunch - sausage roll filling, corned beef, ham (rejected the cucumber, carrot and tomato!)
AT: sultanas, pineapple
D: calamari with lime mayo (again! but home made this time). Rejected the home made potato and sweet potato chips and cucumber.
So - yet another day with no veggies. Not for want of offering though!
Lan - I am GREEEEEEEEEEN with envy. Greek take away on the beach watching the sun set sounds like heaven to me. I have indeed been to the land down under - came on a working visa many moons ago and stayed for about 9 months, worked and travelled round the 'Eastern Circle'. Then a couple of years later (whilst working in Bangkok - I got about a bit in my 20s ;)) I spent a month going down the West Coast - I totally LOVE Australia and the laid back attitude and love of the outdoors. Funny to think of you on the beach - Bank Holiday Monday and we were wrapped up in layers walking the dogs in very windy weather - blew away the cobwebs tho ;D
Today (finishing off the hot cross buns!)
B: toasted hot cross bun, half a tangerine, half a banana (insisted on sharing with me again!), milk
S: organix cereal bar
L: DD and I met a friend of mine to feed the ducks and go for coffee - unfortunately the Mill where we went for 'refreshments' doesn't really do anything other than meals and side dishes. It was too early for the grown-ups to lunch really but I knew I had to get something for DD cos by the time we got back it would be nap time . . . so I ordered her a side dish of mixed olives and sourdough bread which she loved, she also had a little bit of the HUGE home-made scone and jam that my friend and I got to share.
S: made a carpet picnic (to make up for not having a great lunch!) - couple of bits of bread, mixed cheeses, salami, oatcake, milk
D: pasta with cauliflower, garlic and anchovies, leftover hot cross bun pudding, hot choc and organix gingerbread man
Sometiems I get sick of living in my city (coas of work mostly) but Ido think we are so lucky to have sandy beaches jsut 20mins away! Bernie I am aways amazed at the variety of food Alice eats. No way in the world coufl I get either of my two to eat caulifower OR anchovies!
Had a trip to the zoo today to see the pandas, DS2 loved it!
B: boiled egg, toast, MSPI "milk"
MT: pineapple and rockmelon
L: Kept telling me he was hungry so he ate an egg sandwich, currant muffin, whole banana, pureed fruit pot, sultanas and a few chips :O
AT: picked at a hot cross bun (not hungry after that lunch!)
D: chicken wing, offered broccoli but won't eat it anymore :( Rejected roast potato as well (why is they will gobble up bought chips but turn their noses up at the home made version?)
Maybe we all get sick of living wherever it is we live sometimes :-\ I love the countryside around where I live but do wish we were nearer to the sea . . . but you can't have it all :P
I am aways amazed at the variety of food Alice eats. No way in the world coufl I get either of my two to eat caulifower OR anchovies!
You're not the only one who is amazed LOL! My folks comment on it every time they sit down to eat with her - you think they'd be used to it by now!! I put it down to doing BLW with her - tho as I don't have anything to compare it to then it might just be that she takes after DH and I who both eat pretty much everything! The cauliflower and anchovy dish wash a new recipe (will post on other thread when I get chance!) and the anchovies and 'dissolved' into oil so the flavour is more mellow than you would imagine. Alice had another portion today - and we did laugh at her cos when she'd had enough of the pasta she kept on picking out the bits of cauliflower - to eat!! That's a bit weird for a LO isn't it LOL!!
B: half a crumpet with 'pear butter', milk - very small breakfast for A
At CM:
S: banana, raisins, water
L: McDs chicken nuggets and chips, chocolate doughnut, fruit shoot (not my choice of lunch - but it's not something she has on a regular basis - so I've lightened up a bit :-[ :P)
S: chocolate egg, juice
At home:
D: pasta with cauliflower, garlic and anchovies topped with grated parmesan, yoghurt, biscuit & hot choc with marshmallows, bit of chocolate egg
Thanks for answering the humzinger question - haven't yet tried the North American equivalent - maybe still too challenging for a 1 year old?
B - full piece toast with almond butter, shreddies.
L - chunk of halibut leftover from last night, peas, pear, toast with peanut butter, yogurt
S - chicken/sweet potato stew with egg noodles, lots of green beans, 1/2 rusk, avocado puree.
milk or water in sippy cup with meals, + BF x2
Q: haven't yet broken into juice yet. Is there any point if dd will take milk and water from a sippy cup, and is still BF? (and eats lots of fruits and veggies)
I've often wondered about the food at the childminders, don't mean to be nosey but do they need to serve any particular type of food to be accredited to look after kids?
Lan - I'm not sure officially but was talking about this just today with some friends. I saw a programme a month or so ago that say in the UK there are no official guidelines as to what they should serve LOs. One Nursery was trying really hard to present the children with a healthy diet that they actually were not providing them with the balanced diet they need when they are so young!!
Some childcare centres can be accredited here to serve a "healthy" diet, not really my idea of healthy but home cooked food for the most part. DS2's current centre is accredited, but his previous one wasn't (ironically it was based at a hospital! it was vegetarian but he wasn't get enough fat or protein due to his milk intolerance - pureed vegies and rice are not enough for a LO!)
Not trying to be critical Bernie, just wondering.
We had an awful day today, it's school holidays so I'm spending my whole time running aroudn my older son, poor DS2 is getting neglected. I'm sure all he ate today were rice, biscuits and apples (speaking of balanced diet!)
I read this thread most days and can I just say, I am sooooo jealous that your lo's eat as they do. How do you do it? Harvey has just turned 1 and I'm having fun and games getting him to eat new things. I think that maybe It's my fault for not introducing finger foods earlier.
But he won't eat ANY fruit, he used to love satsumas but not anymore and he won't even try a banana. I have also tried him with fruit pots but no thankyou. He loves peas and green beans which I suppose is a bonus. And he loves lentils,sweet pot, carrots,onions and butternut squash pureed and then mixed with pasta or rice. He has this once or twice a week but I'm scared he'll go of it if I keep giving it to him. He has also gone of water and will only drink Robinsons squash, eek! I hate giving it to him but my DH started it and now he won't drink anything else. I'm still bf him so he gets a lot of fluids from that thankfully.
Has anyone got any recipies to help fatten him up? (he's 19.5 lb). I'm really aware that maybe I'm not giving him enough fats???
I think I need to lighten up on the food thing and try him with more stuff. I was all for giving him healthy organic foods but maybe It's me making him fussy and treating him like a little baby still?????
Keep all the ideas's coming girls. He has a bit of a tummy bug at the mo so is off his meals but once his appetite comes back I'll start posting xxx
Today Callum ate:
B- 2 slices of toast with jam, bowl of cinnamon squares.
S- Banana, 2x babybel
L- Bit of what mammy and daddy had at Frankie and Bennys so Pasta with chicken and pepperoni, some fries and a little bite of hamburger
S- Half a cinnamon doughnut
D - Homemade cubes of turkey in breadcrumbs, mashed potato and baked beans, a little bit of left over easter egg
S - was begging for yogurts after bath time for some reason so ate 2 little pots of munch bunch.
Today -
B - Readybrek, Kiwi
S - a few dried blueberries, raisins and cheerios, apricot and peach puree in pouch (trying them out),
L - tomato soup with grated cheese and bread and marmite, couple of pieces of mango
S - few more dried blueberries, raisins and cheerios, couple of marshmallows from my hot choc in Costa,
D - chicken casserole with lots of different veg in
Hmm - rather a lot of fruit today
Not trying to be critical Bernie, just wondering.
I didn't think you were ;) Not entirely sure if CMs have to be accredited or not. I did see a 'menu plan' from the CM when I initially went to see her - but all I remember was being shocked at the sight of 'sausage roll' for one of the meals - I was NEVER going to let my exclusively BF and BLW baby eat a sausage roll . . . fast forward to today and I've lost track of the number of sausage rolls she's eaten LOL! I've never take her to McDs myself (and chances are I won't as it's not somewhere I'd choose to eat) but she's had it a couple of times at the CM - usually in school hols when the CM has lots of children to look after of varying ages and it's a 'treat' for them all - especially the older ones I guess. I've learned to 'let go' a bit as far as food goes - I figure Alice eats a fairly healthy and varied diet so she can eat junk once in a while!
Hmm - rather a lot of fruit today
Maybe your DS ate Alice's quota today as she seems to be off her beloved fruit at the mo ;)
B: bowl of porridge (and some of Daddy & Mummy's cereal), couple of bites of banana, milk
With my Mum - who took her to Great Gran's
S: organix cereal bar
L: home-made veg soup with bread and butter for dipping, salami, water
At home:
S: humzinger bar
D: baked omelette (with potato, carrot, mushroom), yoghurt, hot choc with few marshmallows & organix gingerbread man
B weetbix with added wheat germ,
S jelly cup with fruit in it,
L tuna toasties
S banana, orange!, 2 corn thins with vegemite, chocolate from easter.
D salmon, potato, sweet potato and pea mash, broccoli.
a new fruit today - orange!
He really surprised me today, he ate the salmon happily even though he's hardly tried it before. He ate 3 segments of orange!
Fruit is a sticking point as he gradually refused more and more after starting off well at 1yo.
My new 'trick' is to ask him to lick the fruit
We also had awesome success with both DD and DS having a 'dinosaur' dinner in terms of both of them eating broccoli and not complaining. We always cheer that they must be GIANT dinosaurs for eating their trees. Today Leo gave me a look that said, hey i'm about to eat my tree, you better be impressed! These strategies are FINALLY paying off!
Bernie, it's good you have such a relaxed attitude to food, maybe that's why she's such a good eater! Me, well I have to say I rely on childcare to get those veggies in him as he totally refuses at home!
what a nice thread! I'd like to join in.
We face a problem when DS is always monstrously hungry especially in the night. I had to give in and gave him a bottle at 00:30 when he'd been crying since 00:10 and I knew it was hunger and when I turned the light on, he was signing milk. He only does one sign. And he has one clear word, for crackers. I'm hoping to monitor closer to what he's eating during the day and hopefully get rid of some of the bottles :( He's having 1 x 200+ml bottle between 6-7am, 1 x 120-150ml before bed and 1 x 100-150ml @ NW. We managed to hold off the whole week prior. He's just recovered from 3 weeks of illness and perhaps that's the catching up.
sorry for the long-winded explanation.
NW: 100ml bottle (formula + cow's milk)
Wake up: 220ml bottle
B: 2 slices bread with pb + honey
S: Fruit, usually banana @ daycare so not sure about quantity
L: toasted cheese sandwiches
S: yoghurt 2 cups (not sure how big a cup is)
S: usually crackers, bread sticks,
S: 2 rice wafels when we picked him up (he kept asking for them)
D: 250ml babyfood (pork stew with potatoes, carrots and dill + potato mash with beef and endive) + 40g mushroom rice from our plate + 1 peeled pear + 1 banana (his belly was sticking right out!)
Bedtime: 120ml bottle
a new fruit today - orange!
I gave DS some orange yesterday. He sucked juice out of two pieces and spat it out LOL.. New for him also :D
Bernie, it's good you have such a relaxed attitude to food
Oh how I wish I was LOL! I'm food obsessed . . . I have to work really hard to look relaxed on the outside to DD when inside I could be freaking out ha ha!! I just try to make mealtimes as stress-free as they can be - and as DD has 2 parents who LOVE food and eat pretty much everything then I think she just watches us and thinks it's fun to eat - I just hope that she learns when to say no - unlike her Mum who will eat til she bursts :P
So . . . after saying that she can eat junk food once in a while - she had another 'unhealthy' day yesterday and I can't blame the CM this time! We went to the coast for the day - which was a fab day, but we had to eat sea-side food - which unfortunately doesn't include Greek take-out :-[
B: poached egg, slice of toast (half with egg, half with pear butter - left some), pear, diluted OJ
S: organix cereal bar, yoghurt coated sesame snap,
L: fish and chips with brown sauce, ice cream, juice
S: sesame snap
D: crumpet with cream cheese, yoghurt, hot choc with few marshmallows, biscuit
Was surprised at the amount she ate yesterday - we didn't get home til after 6.30pm so didn't think she'd want any dinner (it's normally bath time) and especially after she'd eaten quite a lot of my fish and chips AND she'd requested the snack when we got to the car to come home :o However, I offered the crumpet and she ate all but a bite - wasn't surprised that she had the yoghurt, etc tho - she's just like her Daddy and 'always has room for pudding' ::)
Worried Mummy reporting in!
Teething going on and food intake drastically reduced..
B - humzinger, 5 spoons of Readybrek
S - half an oatcake
L - 1 sausage, handful of peas, half Grandma's donut (!)
Tea - 3 pieces of apple, half an oatcake
Supper - rice krispies and warm milk
: P xxxx
Bernie, the Greek takeaway included some pretty unhealthy fish and chips :) I remember once visitng Whitby when I was living in NE England. Supposed to be the best place for fish and chips in England at the time but *ahem* I found it a bit too oily for my taste;)
He was at childcare today so wasn't sure what he had for lunch/snacks there (DH picked him up)
B: boiled egg, banana, toast, MSPI "milk"
D: fried rice with egg, choy sum, turkey, MSPI "milk"
DS was up for almost 2 hours last night :'( 120ml, followed by another 120ml. Rolled around and couldn't settle. One hour later, started crying and fussing more and then I asked if he wanted milk (I asked him several times with negative responses). Then he really signed for it. Downed another 180ml. Finally he resettled and fell asleep.
Has anyone of you experienced that at recovery from illness?
B: 2 slices of bread with pb+h
S: fruit @ daycare
L: bread (no idea how much)
s: yoghurt
S: crackers
D: 230g (baby food: potatoes with endives and beef + cauliflower, pork and corn) + cauliflowers from our plate and 2 bananas!!
BT: 150ml
22:20 120ml
Hi Nelliestar, how old is your LO?
Sorry I can't really help there - even when DS is recovering from illness we never feed him at night. He has had a few sips of water a few times but that's all.
I have no idea what DS has *really* eaten over the past 2 days as I have been away and DH has been sole parent...I dread to think what else he's had apart from the things that DH has told me about...DS's 'wind' smells terrible!!!! Not a good sign!
Chandler has been eating well lately, but not drinking enough. She's also obsessed with goldfish crackers.
B: a few bites of biscuit with jam and veggie sausage--wouldn't drink a new juice I bought
S: cereal bar at the zoo and some goldfish crackers, water
L: a few bites of spinach souffle and mixed veg; a couple of bites of baked tofu, milk
S: banana yogurt
D: (at restaurant) grilled cheese sandwich, corn with green peppers and onions, broccoli
Bernie, the Greek takeaway included some pretty unhealthy fish and chips :) I remember once visitng Whitby when I was living in NE England. Supposed to be the best place for fish and chips in England at the time but *ahem* I found it a bit too oily for my taste;)
We were just south of Whitby (one of my fave places BTW ;)) on Thurs at Bridlington. Not surprised the fish and chips were a bit oily for your taste me dear - am sure your Aussie palette isn't accustomed to the amount of fat us Brits eat - especially us Northern folk ;) We need the extra layer of 'lard' to keep out the cold LOL! Didn't realise you'd lived in the UK - and how hard-core of you to live in the NE too - I am very impressed :-*
So we've had an interesting few days - I *think* Alice is finally getting her 2nd year molars and it's causing her some discomfort . . . Friday was probably the worst day when she was at the CM - and she didn't nap more than 15 minutes either :-\
B: crumpet with pear butter (couple of bites)
At CM:
S: muffin & milk
L: refused ALL - chicken nuggets, smiley face, yoghurt
S: yoghurt, water
S: refused banana & raisins . . . but then ate half a banana & the raisins when all the other LOs were having a bun and she wasn't allowed one cos she'd not eaten the healthy part of the snack ::) So then she had a bun
At home:
D: refused dinner (chicken & pork pie with mix roasted veg & gravy)
I didn't offer anything else as she was so upset - put it down to OT. She was in bed at 6pm and didn't wake til 6.30am.
B: porridge with dried apple & raisins, diluted OJ
S: organix cereal bar, raisins (after swimming - she told me what to pack in the bag before we left!)
L: (at Great-Gran's) home-made butternut squash & veg soup with bread & butter, raspberries
S: none - hoping to get her to eat a decent dinner
D: sausage, bean & cabbage casserole - picked out sausage, beans & mushrooms left the cabbage ::), yoghurt, pear, hot chocolate & biscuit
B: 2 x home-made banana & pear pancakes with yoghurt & honey (only ate 1 pancake), requested toast so shared a toasted bagel with me: half with marmite, half with honey, water
S: humzinger bar
L: spinach/kale gnocchi bake - ate a few bites, raspberries
S: dried apple crisps (ate a few), home-made ice lolly (ie frozen juice ;))
D: 2 oatcakes with cream cheese (ate half of one), cheese cubes, bit of chorizo sausage, pear, juice, couple of bites of home-made mini carrot cake (left the rest :o), mouthful of hot choc
B: 2 x home-made banana & pear pancakes with yoghurt & honey (only ate a couple of bites of pancake - but did manage all the yoghurt ::)), few raspberries, OJ
S: yoghurt coated sesame snap - refused at first but asked for it later
L: kedgeree soup, slice of toast with cream cheese, pear
S: humzinger bar, juice
D: sausage, bean & cabbage casserole - did her usual trick of picking out the bits she likes to eat, but she also managed a couple of spoonfuls of the cabbage with a bit of encouragement (I said I'd never do it, but sometimes I do :-[), home-made apple crumble & custard, hot choc and home-made mini carrot cake
Dinner tonight: grilled salmon, green beans, mushroom risotto (more! more!), a cup of blueberries. I finally bowed to the pressure and bought the expensive large container of the out-of-season fruit. How can I say no if my child wants to eat something that healthy?
Ashley - by the time blueberries are in season she will be sick of them! I remember when my ILs wanted to bring DS1 a cake and I told them to bring him a punnet of raspberries instead. Well they cost $9 and he gobbled them up in a minute.
Berniw - WHitby was lovely but somehow or other Ialways equate the coast with sun - which is in short supply in NE England! I never did get used to the amount of grease and fried foods - was gobsmacked when I saw some chippies had served up leftover deep fried batter at the end of the day!
TOday we had a missive meltdown because he thoguht we were goign to the beach - well we did but met up with some other Mums so didn't get to the actual sand! Completely awful. He is cutting canines and I think the 2 yo molars are o nthe move too. We've had 2-3 NWs for the last 2 nights so I was NOT in the mood for his lunchtime meltdown today.
1- do your los eat all those foods themselves, do you feed them?
2- how is the shape of the foods? i mean do you mash the foods or do you leave the food as an adults eat?
my lo is 17 m old and our caregiver insists on feed him by himself and mash the foods. she puts some foods for him to eat himself after i said but she give them during the lunch or snack time. on the other hand she continued to feed him. so my lo does not interest to the either finger foods or self eating?
i want that my lo eats the foods as we ate and feed himself. but i dont know how to do this without left him hunger?
banu, at 14 months, we did a combination of self-feeding and parent-feeding. There were some things I would cut in small pieces and let her eat by herself, like avocado and tofu, but if anything was more messy or difficult, like yogurt, I would feed it to her. She didn't go to all self-feeding until about 20 months. She still has trouble getting the food at the bottom of the bowl out, so I occasionally "help".
Banu we do a mix of the two here. DS starts on his own regardless of what it is (including yoghurt - which is a tad messy!!!) and then unless it's a fully finger food meal like sandwiches and fruit, I tend to help once his attention span wanders.
If we're out at a restaurant or something then I just avoid all the more messy foods and he feeds himself what he wants - I find that as restaurant meals are more drawn out he is better occupied if he eats a bit, plays with a toy car or something for a bit, and then eats a bit more.
Hi Koe2moe!
sorry I haven't been on here for a few days - have been ill. DS is almost 16 months.
3 molars are through now so eating has improved! : )
B - humzinger, rice krispies and milk, banana pieces, water
s - oatcakes and milk
L - vegetable risotto and peppers, homemade cake and custard, water
S - none
Tea - 3 jam sandwiches (suger free jam), banana and grapes, water
Snack on way home from nursery - humzinger and breadstick
Supper - weetabix and milk
Nell xxx
Dinner tonight: complete dramatic refusal of frozen pot roast meal, so rounded up these leftovers and served them one at a time as I discovered them:
Mixed veg, baked tofu, mushroom risotto, vanilla yogurt with fresh blueberries, milk
Berniw - WHitby was lovely but somehow or other Ialways equate the coast with sun - which is in short supply in NE England! I never did get used to the amount of grease and fried foods - was gobsmacked when I saw some chippies had served up leftover deep fried batter at the end of the day!
The coast and the sun *should* go together - but when you live in England (the north especially) you are very lucky to get both ;) Am guessing that you're talking about 'scraps' - bits of batter served with your fish and chips . . . or as a 'bag of scraps' :-X which I have to admit to eating my fair share of as a youngster :-[ They were FREE and tasted so good at the time!
Steph - keep meaning to ask how your weekend away from your boys went? Hope you had a good time and the 'devastation' on your return wasn't too bad ;) :-*
Banu - my LO is a bit older (2 1/2) but she feeds herself everything as we did BLW with her - so we've never fed her as such. She's now using a fork and a spoon too but will quite often go back to her hands as she can get what she wants quicker that way! She asks for help when she's down to the last of her porridge / yoghurt - and we 'scrape' with the spoon and hand it back to her - nothing gets wasted in our house!
Here's what A has been eating the last few days:
B: 2 slices of toast (1 x marmite, 1 x honey) - only gave her one slice to start with and was shocked when she asked for more as I didn't think she'd eat it - but she finished the lot! Diluted OJ, innocent fruit smoothie
At CM:
S: banana, apple, raisins, water
L: fish fingers, smiley faces, yoghurt, bun, water
S: bread sticks with cream cheese, milk
(apparently Alice and her little 'boyfriend' polished off half a tub of cream cheese between them for snack :o)
At Home:
D: pasta with cauliflower, anchovies, olives, s-d toms and blue cheese, yoghurt, hot choc and home-made mini carrot cake
B: Toasted currant teacake, diluted OJ, innocent fruit smoothie
S: few dried apricots, dried pineapple crisps
L: (after nap due to falling asleep on way home from play-date) toasted teacake: half with marmite, half with honey, pear
S: none due to post-nap lunch!
D: leftover pasta (as previous), yoghurt, home-made popcorn/marshmallow/apricot ball, hot choc and few bites of home-made mini carrot cake
B: Porridge with dried apricots, innocent fruit smoothie
At Grandma's
S: organix cereal bar, juice
L: baked beans on toast, mini muller rice pot, juice
At home:
S: 2 x yoghurt coated sesame snaps
D: home-made sausage, apple and onion pie, topped with root veg mash (carrots, parsnips, potatoes), peas and sweetcorn - ate a decent amount. yoghurt, small pot of peaches in juice, hot choc and home-made mini carrot cake
Scraps - that was what they were called! I am sure that the shop I saw them in CHARGED for them though - that was what amazed me.
How do you remember what she ate for so many days? I'm struggling to remember what was on today's menu!
Yesterday: spent the day at Grandma's
B: bacon and eggs
L: ham sandwiches, fruit salad. Apparently because they didn't have MT he picked all the ham out of everyone's sandwiches then helped himself to the rest of the fruit salad too!
D: chicken soup, silverside, salad
B: boiled egg, toast, banana, MSPI "milk"
MT: fruit
L: not sure, at childcare and DH didn't check
D: chicken fried rice, MSPI "milk"
Have never know a chippy charge for scraps before - that's outrageous! I wouldn't pay for them - never have never will!
I only remember what she ate cos it's generally written down - CM fills out a sheet and if she's at my Mum's she knows to tell me (remember I'm not as relaxed as you think LOL!) - and if she's with me I just 'know' as I try to balance it all thru the day . . .
B: porridge with dried apple & raisins, innocent fruit smoothie
At CM:
S: raisins, chocolate muffin, milk
L: chicken sandwich, cheese string, yoghurt, water
S: crisps, water
S: bread stick, water
At home:
D: as yesterday (sausage pie, etc), yoghurt, milk, hot choc and biscuit
First thing - 7ozs of milk and a humzinger
B - raisins and dried apricots, weetabix and milk, water
S - peach pieces, 3 small animal biscuits, water
L -Grandma's homemade stew, carrots and peas, 1 potato smile, half a yoghurt, water
S - marmite bread sticks, water
Tea - homemade soup - refused it, rice - refused it, 2 veggie sausages, small piece of lemon cake, water
Supper - rice krispies and warm milk
5 ozs of milk
Nell xxx
DH made buckwheat banana bread, so that's all Chandler wants right now. She eats a few other items here and there in between slices of "bananana bread"
Banana bread- must get around to makign it again, thanksfro the reminder! DS2 loves it and it's great for puttign the school lunchboxes.
Bernie - maybe things are a bit different in Co Durham? I remember thinking this chippy was a but weird because instead of cooking the fish and chips to order they had "frying times" where they just cooked up batches at certain times of the day and you had to go and buy it then. Or is that nornal too?
Today so far:
B: bacon and eggs ( doesn't normally get this twice a week but was at his grandparents on Thursday), MSPI "milk"
MT: was so hungry he tried to help himself fro mthe fridge! Watermelon, banana, pineapple
L: not hungry after big MT - so strawberries, MSPI "milk" and left over bacon from breakfast
AT: will be fruit puree pot
D: will be chicken noodle soup and bread, MSPI "milk"
Chandler' day so far:
B: Banana bread
S: cereal bar
L: spinach/potato pancake, corn, banana bread
S: 100 calorie pack oreos that she caught DH eating followed by some m&ms she caught DH eating because she stole his snack
D: hopefully will be vegetable egg fu yung at our favorite Vietnamese place. I'm pretty sure they don't serve banana bread there, so she might be forced to eat something else.
Yesterday Callum ate:
B: homemade coconut and vanilla pancake, cheerios with milk, milk to drink
S: Banana, babybel cheese, kinder egg left over from easter
L: Ham sandwich (picked out all ham and left bread), spread a little jam on remaining bread and he ate all that, yogurt, juice
S: Was so distracted at playing in garden in warm weather he wouldn't entertain any snacks!
D: Big portion of pasta with red pesto (ate in garden as a picnic or 'pimco' as he calls it), 2 yogurts, juice
Chandler' day so far:
S: 100 calorie pack oreos that she caught DH eating followed by some m&ms she caught DH eating because she stole his snack
love it!
Chandler' day so far:
S: 100 calorie pack oreos that she caught DH eating followed by some m&ms she caught DH eating because she stole his snack
love it!
Me too ;D
I'm pretty sure they don't serve banana bread there, so she might be forced to eat something else.
And I love this ;)
Lan - maybe Co Durham is a bit different but to charge for scraps is not good in my book! As for 'frying times' am not quite sure how that works. We have 'frying times' in our local chippies but that generally means what time they are open. The one I usually go to you tell the 'fryer' how many fish you want as you walk in, then by the time you've got to the front of the queue and paid for your order you have your freshly-fried fish ready to take away . . . all this talk about fish and chips is making me crave them!!
Here's the w/end - Alice seems to have decided that she doesn't eat tea anymore ('tea' in the North of England generally means your main meal at the end of the day - ie what most folk call dinner - don't ask ::)) - her two new favourite sayings this weekend have been (1) 'pay out' (which means play out - she hasn't mastered the 'l' sound yet) which is great as we've had fairly good weather and (2) no want my tea - which I'm not so keen on :P
B: poached egg & a slice toast (half a slice with marmite as she saw us putting some on ours), small pot of peaches & pears in juice, innocent fruit smoothie
S: yoghurt coated sesame snap after swimming, then went to farmer's market so a few samples of cheese, samosa, choc muffin
L: 1/2 bagel with cream cheese, apple juice
S: 2 yoghurt coated sesame snaps, small ice cream
D: home-made risotto rice patties (parsnip & butterbean) with home-made beetroot chutney and rocket salad - ate ONE bite, warm milk
B: rice crispies and milk, couple of bites of my toast (some honey, some marmite), couple of bites of DH's home-made banana & pear pancakes, some of DH's yoghurt, innocent fruit smoothie (she's big on sharing at the moment - ie having some of everyone esle's food!)
S: humzinger bar
L: picnic in the garden which included bits of the following: oatcakes, salami, olives, cheeses (maasdam, mature cheddar, smoked stilton), organix corn snacks, some of our 'crisps', home-made popcorn 'ball' (with marshmallows & dried apricots), juice
S: home-made savoury muffin, small chocolate egg (still working our way thru the Easter stash - hopefully finish before Christmas!)
D: Sunday Dinner: turkey, roasted veg (pots, carrots & parsnips), peas & sweetcorn, onion gravy - didn't want any but put some turkey in her mouth and then spat it out ::), warm milk
Tried to stay calm about the tea/dinner refusal and explained that there wouldn't be anything else to eat - no yoghurt, no hot choc, no biscuit (which is pretty much what she eats at the end of each day) and she was okay with that. Just gave her a cup of warm milk and she accepted it . . .
ugh just lost my post!
Forgotten what I wrote when site was down...
But basically yes it was a strange chippy ,frying times were 12-2 pm and that was it..
Dinner refusal - had to leave out afternoon tea and have dinner at 5pm if I wanted my kids to eat it. Otherwsie leftover dinner=lunch the next day.
Last night refused to eat dinner because it wasn't "souffle" or "chocolate." Whatevs.
She's doing better tonight:
baked tofu, sugar snap peas, rice with sesame oil, avocado chunks
Frying times of 12-2pm??? What about if you want fish later on? I think you may have found a very strange chippy indeed!!!
Dinner refusal - yes I did think that maybe it was time to drop the afternoon snack, but when she's in child care I don't think it's really possible as it wouldn't be fair when all the other kids are eating to say no to her - or maybe it would ;) Also, on the days she's at home she asks for a snack as soon as she wakes from nap so am thinking she must be hungry . . . will see how we go as she did eat well last night - think it just depends on if she fancies what's put in front of her :P
Ashley - Chandler really does make me laugh. Love the fact that she refused her dinner because it wasn't souffle or chocolate - maybe that was the problem with Alice too, but she just didn't tell me ;)
B: THREE bowls of rice crispies - can't decide if it was because she was hungry or just the fact they're her new fave thing!! Innocent fruit smoothie
S: Toddler group: refused grapes, but had the biscuit, juice
L: baked beans on toast, water
S: (at Grandma's) organix cereal bar, juice
D: maybe one bite of parsnip & butterbean risotto cakes, asked for fruit - ate a banana and and orange, warm milk
B: slice of toast - half with marmite, half with honey, kiwi, OJ
At CM:
S: Biscuit, milk
L: pasta bolognese, yoghurt, water
S: raisins, water
S: chocolate bun, milk
At home:
D: parsnip & chickpea curry with pilau rice (left a few bits of parsnip), yoghurt, small pot of fruit in juice (pears & peaches), hot choc with a few marshmallows, shared a gingerbread man with me
Bernie - they fried up all the fish during frying times so if you wanted it later you had to eat soggy fish from the bain marie - ugh! It wasn't my local one, can't remember exactly where it was but up north somewhere - glad to hear it wasn't normal!
Today Ds2 and I tried t omake muffins - was a mixed succes because he wanted to take charge!
B: boiled egg and toast, apple slices, MSPI milk
MT: fruit puree pot
L: leftover middle eastern beef and rice, pineapple and apple muffin, MSPI milk
AT: another muffin, whole grain "crisps"
D: pasta bows with tomato & chicken, apple slices, MSPI milk
Chandler was hungry when I picked her up from daycare yesterday because all they had for snack was mandarin oranges, so we stopped by one of my favorite pastry shops on the way home. We had homemade chocolate creme sandwich cookies and milk. We were both very happy with our special treat. Chandler would take a bite and say to herself, "delicious," then take another bite and say, "yummy,yummy, yummy," then repeat.
For dinner, she had: spaghetti and meatballs, foccacia dipped in olive oil, strawberries
I think I would have been responding in the same way as Chandler to your treat ;) Yummy and delicious indeed!
Lan - ugh indeed to soggy fish! . . . still when you've had a skinful of beer then anything tastes good :P
B: 2 bowls of rice crispies (addicted or what? :P), OJ
S: fruit toast, half a small bottle of innocent smoothie
L: (at Great Gran's) scrambled egg, bit of toast, bit of salami, other half of smoothie
S: yoghurt coated raisins, half an iced bun/cupcake (my friend's DD picked them out for our playdate!), water
D: chickpea & parsnip curry with pilau rice (again - bad Mummy!), same success as yesterday ie ate all rice and chickpeas, ate a couple of bites of parsnip - but as I'm convinced she really doesn't like parsnip then she's doing well. Home made rice pudding, hot choc with few marshmallows and organix gingerbread man
We went to Ikea yesterday.
B - porridge and honey, humzinger bar, water
S - oatcake, water
L - lots of swedish meatballs and peas, 3 chips, half a yoghurt, watered down apple juice
S - dime bar cake - small piece (Yum...naughty) water
Tea - toast and fruit spread, banana, organix puffs, water
Supper - rice krispies and warm milk
Nell xxx
Ashley - that is so cute! And the cookies DO sound delicious!
Bernie - have to admit I am not a fan of parsnips, the only way I can eat them is in a mash with potato, pumpkin and/or sweet potato -worth a try?
DS2 was at childcare today and DH picked him up so no idea what he ate in the day!
Chandler has pretty much stopped drinking more than a couple of ounces of milk a day and has been turning her nose up at proteins. So, we've started giving her an Odwalla chocolate protein soymilk "shake" in the afternoon instead of her juice. Does anyone think that is a bad idea--to serve grownup drinks to toddlers?
Not sure about the 'grown-up' shake Ashley - TBH I'm not sure about a lot of things :P I don't know when toddlers become old enough to have certain things at all . . . not much help I know - am sure someone else will have a better idea than me.
Lan - I do mash parsnip in with carrot / potato / etc (root veg mash ;)) and A does tend to eat it like that and when I make parsnip crisps too ::) - think she just doesn't like roast parsnip or when it's served 'big'. I'm just a cruel Mummy tho and serve her whatever we're having . . . and as you know DH and I eat pretty much everything and anything!
The rice crispie addiction continues . . .
B: rice crispies, bit of mango, OJ
At CM:
S: raisins, water
L: spaghetti hoops on toast, yoghurt, water
S: bun, milk
S: cheese string, water
At home:
D: SC chicken dish (chicken, salsa, corn, kidney beans, cream cheese, olives) with rice - ate it all ;D, home-made rice pudding with a bit of mango, hot choc and slice of malt loaf
B: THREE bowls of rice crispies, OJ
At Mum's / Great Gran's
S: organix cereal bar
L: home-made soup, bread, muller rice, water
At home:
S: none - went out for early-ish dinner
D: shared starters and main courses with DH and I which included bits of the following: black pudding, scallops, mash, deep fried brie with cranberry sauce, bread, pork, salmon, risotto rice, mixed vegetables (mini corn cobs, green beans, carrots), water with ice cubes - another favourite thing as she likes to crunch them!
Here's the weekend food intake - not particularly healthy or well-balanced as I had to work at an NCT Nearly-New Sale on Saturday (and DH took an extra shift) so A had to come to with me - and yesterday we had a day at the Races so we did a bit of grazing!
B: porridge with dried apples and raisins, OJ
S: humzinger bar, home-made carrot & pineapple muffin (bought at sale - not made by me!)
D: cheese cubes, chunks of salami, black olives, pimento stuffed green olives, few organix corn snacks
S: few more organix corn snacks
D: SC chicken & leek with rice, yoghurt, hot choc & organix gingerbread man
B: poached egg and toast, OJ
S: yoghurt coated fruit flakes
D: cheese cubes, chunks of salami, black olives, pimento stuffed green olives, oatcake, bites of cornish pasty and cheese/potato/onion pasty, few chips in gravy, bit of malt loaf,
S: ice cream
D: few bites of pizza (vegetable one and pepperoni one), hot choc and 3 mini malted milk biscuits
There seems to be a distinct lack of fresh fruit this weekend - despite the fact I've carried it around with me . . . maybe the love affair is over :P
Gonna jump on. Not sure if LO is too young for this board but at 10MO he eats pretty much everything we do but has a Mum who is stuck in a rut and looking for ideas so gonna join in and hope for some inspiration.
B: Semolina cereal with apple and blueberries
L: Pitta and cheesewith cherry tomatoes, blackberries
D: Tomato and pepper sauce on meatball with spaghetti and garlic bread. Strawberries.
B: Porridge with banana and raisins
L: Chicken and french stick and yoghurt.
D: Cold chicken (because it was left from lunch), sweet potatoes, peas and sweetcorn. Custard.
Still working on today.
Welcome Khalam's Mama :)
B: big bowl of rice crispies and milk, slice of toast with honey, satsuma, milk
S: none - late (and big!) breakfast and early-ish lunch
L: cheeses (maasdam, smoked stilton, mature cheddar), salami, black olives, pimento stuffed green olives, gherkin, bit of oatcake, small pot of peaches in juice
S: yoghurt coated raisins, juice
D: SC chicken and leek with mashed potatoes, yoghurt, milk, hot choc and 3 mini malted milk biscuits
So today;
B: museli with raisins (left half)
L: roast turkey, roast potato, sweetcorn, peas, carrots and cauliflower cheese. Custard.
D: Grilled cod, sweet potato pancake. Blueberries.
Snacks all BM and drinks with meal always water.
Dinner tonight: lasagna with meat sauce, blueberries, milk, a few bites of oatmeal raisin cookie
Well, today is the first day that Ben has eaten properly for more than a week...
B - Readybrek, couple of bites of banana, 1 large strawberry, half(ish) a slice of toast and marmite
S - Humzinger bar, 1/2 pack Organix corn snacks
L - Ham, dairylea sandwich, cucumber (yay - first time he has actually eaten this, rather than spat it out, in months!), yoghurt covered raisins
S - most of a clementine
D - chicken and bacon casserole (with mushrooms, broccoli, tomatoes, carrots, courgettes, parsnips), yoghurt
B. Eggy bread
L. Pitta, french stick, starwberries, grapes, tomatoes, cheese, yoghurt
D. Spag.bol. Custard
B. Eggy bread, blackberries and 1/2 blackcurrent milk jelly,
L. sweet potato pancake, blueberries and rest of jelly
D. Spag.bol (left overs)
Yesterday was a Nursery day.
B - toasted hot X bun and fruit spread, humzinger and raisins, water - bit of my toast and peanut butter
S - oatcakes and milk
L - vegetable and chickpea curry and rice, millet cake with jam, water
Tea - fruit spread sandwiches, banana, water
On the way home - marmite breadsticks
Supper - rice krispies and warm milk
Nell xxx
Here's the last few days at our house - seems like A has decided that it's okay to eat dinner again!
B: rice crispies and milk, bit of my honey on toast, kiwi, pear, OJ
At CM:
S: chocolate biscuit, water
L: chicken sandwich, crisps, yoghurt, juice
S: offered raisins and banana but refused - apparently had a meltdown when she wanted a bun like everyone else but CM explained she had to eat her fruit first - she still refused, but got over it ::)
At home:
D: cauliflower, anchovy & garlic pasta dish, topped with sliced olives and grated cheese (cleared her plate!), yoghurt, hot choc and slice of malt loaf
B: rice crispies and milk, slice of toast (half with marmite, half with honey), OJ
S: humzinger bar
L: (out) cheese sandwich, 3 cocktail sausages, fresh fruit salad (ate grapes and honeydew melon - refused watermelon and pineapple, both of which she's eaten loads of before???), juice
S: half a pack of organix corn snacks, mini choc egg and mini choc rabbit (still eating the Easter stash!)
D: pasta (as yesterday - cleared once again!), yoghurt, kiwi, hot choc and 3 mini malted milk biscuits
B: rice crispies and milk, few pieces of mango, home-made smoothie (mango, peaches in juice, yoghurt, OJ)
At CM:
S: biscuit, water
L: spaghetti hoops on toast, sponge and custard, juice
S: raisins, bun, water - and 1 chocolate as another Mum was handing them to her DS when I picked her up
At home:
D: home-made cabbage, bean & potato soup with slice of toast, yoghurt, hot choc and 3 mini malted milk biscuits
Today (Thurs):
B: Raisins, tried cheerios (1st time ever) but didn't seem to like so ate Daddy's onion omlette and toast with butter
L: Gnocchi in broccoli and cheese sauce, blueberries
S: Cheerios!
D: Poached salmon, baked potato, corn on the cob. Declined milk Jelly (I made a big batch so probably sick of it after yesterday x2)
Please can someone kindly tell me what are these humzinger bars I keep seeing?
Yesterday, Chandler was cutting molars, so she ate:
B: home made donut at the cafe with her aunt
L: macaroni and cheese, some kind of canned fruit
s: cereal bar, mango/lime-aid
D: baked teryaki tofu and avocado; refused mixed veg and threw a pint of blueberries across the room
Dessert: time out
Bedtime snack: soft almond butter cookies and milk
B. Blueberry and apple semolina cereal and few bites of Daddy's Toast
Snack. Porridge
L. salmon, grapes, yoghurt with cereal,
Snack. 1/2 hobnob and toast with butter
D. gnocchi in garlic and cheese sauce, peas, blueberries, strawberry.
Dessert: time out
PMSL ;D Did Chandler enjoy her dessert? ;)
B: rice crispies (what else did you think it would be? ;)), kiwi fruit. OJ
S: Not sure (at Grandma's) - probably something from the 'snack tin' - usually an organix cereal bar
L: (At Great-Gran's) some kind of home-made soup and bread for dipping plus a bit of Grandma's cake ::)
S: bit of kabanos (salami)
D: couple of mouthfuls (if that!) of sausage risotto - so just a cup of warm milk afterwards
Please can someone kindly tell me what are these humzinger bars I keep seeing?
You're not the first person to ask this question LOL! If you go back to page 6 of this thread about half way down I answered the question as best I could - and I *think* there were a few explanations . . . in a nutshell they're dried fruit bars!
Ahh thanks for the explanation. I didn't read right back.
I also read dessert time out and wasn't sure if this was the chocolate bar or a punishment?! But now I see probably in response to the blueberries?
Oh yeah - had forgotten about the chocolate bar called Time Out - but I thought it was in response to the blueberries incident! Am sure Ashley will put us straight! ;)
Yes, it was a punishment. She insisted I buy those damn berries for $9 then threw them because I wasn't moving fast enough for her.
No time for BW, 3 weeks back at work now, first weekday off
B- toast with almond butter, shreddies, and yogurt
L - fried egg, peas, some of my yogurt, banana
S - 2 mum-mums
D - homemade veg soup with quinoa and orzo, fish, applesauce
milk in sippy and BF x 2
Today we went to a friends christening and party afterwards. we don't have much luck with "party food" as Bram doesn't do cold food really esp sandwiches!
B - bits of toast and peanut butter, pieces of peach and pear, few spoons of porridge, water
After nap - veggie sausage and peas, bit of homemade sponge cake, water
Party - wotsits (cheesy puffs) refused cold sausages (loves hot ones) refused sandwiches of ham,cheese, egg, few Mummys crisps, rice krispie cake, water
At home - spaghetti, meatballs, tomato sauce and peas, malt loaf, water
Funny food day! At least he had 7 oz of milk first thing and the same before bed!
Nell xxx
Yes, it was a punishment. She insisted I buy those damn berries for $9 then threw them because I wasn't moving fast enough for her.
They have no patience these toddler folk ::)
B: just short of 2 home-made banana pancakes with natural yoghurt, fruit smoothie
S: 2 yoghurt coated sesame snaps, pack of orange-infused raisins, water
L: bit of home-made 'crustless quiche' (filled with grated carrot and zucchini/courgette, bacon bits, chopped leek and onions), small kabanos and mixed olives (black and pimento stuffed green), pot of mixed fruit in juice (peaches and pear)
S: half a pack of organix carrot sticks, pear
D: possibly one mouthful of the sausage risotto - so just a cup of warm milk to follow ::)
Another 2 nights of dinner refusal - but she's eaten quite a bit today anyway and I *think* it's could also be the fact that we're eating a bit earlier as DH is on nightshift - so trying to eat together before he goes . . . don't think it works. OR Alice really doesn't like sausage risotto :P
OR Alice really doesn't like sausage risotto Tongue
:o :o :o :o :o Impossible I say!! ;)
Mashi - it's shocking isn't it!!!! :o
Wouldn't mind but it's the best one I'd made yet - what with those award winning sausages in it ;)
Was just about to sign off but was so excited to see you'd posted on this thread - I was thinking it was going to be a list as long as my arm of what your DS had eaten today!!
PMSL tho - so thanks :-* Just what I needed ;D
It is interesting to see Alice likes olives. I always thought of them as a mature taste. I hated them as a kid, but love them now!
Breakfast: Blueberries (again -the last of the punnett) and few spoons of porridge with pear puree in (made the mistake of giving blueberries first to keep him busy while it cooled and then he wouldn't stop til they were all gone and he was full)
Lunch: Salmon, gnocchi with garlic and cheese sauce, strawberry
Snack; baby corn on the cob
Dinner: Homemade chicken Kiev (dipped with broccoli), sweet potato wedges, sweetcorn.
Am I the only one who seems to give the same food for a few days until it is gone? Is this bad?
It is interesting to see Alice likes olives.
'Likes' is an understatement - she asks for them all the time!! As we went down the BLW route I've always fed her whatever we've been eating (unless it was way too spicy) and she has tried most things - tho she's definitely getting a bit fussier as she gets older :P Her love of olives is always commented on - she didn't like them when she first tried them as (I think) she thought they were her (then) beloved grapes - green and black 'balls' look just the same to a LO I guess. She wasn't impressed - but like everything else we kept on trying - sometimes wish we hadn't as I don't like sharing my olives LOL!!
And as for the same food over and over for a few days . . . I think I'm quite often guilty of that too. I think it's because I don't want to waste food - so would rather eat the same thing a couple of days in a row (ie sausage risotto 2 days on the trot!) than throw it out. Not sure if it's a good thing or a bad thing . . .
I feel like I should mix it up to be sure of getting a mix of vits and minerals but then I don't really like having to freeze anything cos I never remember to get it out early enough to defrost. But I try to make different things over a few weeks so I hope it all balances out. Also alot of the fruit DS likes no one else eats (strawberries and blueberries esp.) so he has to finish the pack before the go off!
DS is having leftovers today from yesterday and I usually add something else to it so its not exactly the same. So we are having the leftover peas, sausages and small amount of pasta and sauce from yesterday but I am adding carrots and couscous stuffing.
And by the way, Khalam's Mama - the food your (v cute) DS eats is great - loads of variety as far as I can see!
Nell xxx
Today's been a bit of a weird day cos I had to work this afternoon - busman's holiday providing entertainment at a joint 2nd birthday party!! DH is on night shift this weekend (so sleeping in the day) and therefore A went to my friends for a couple of hours. But this meant I had to give her an early and short nap - which I thought would be a bit of a mare, but as she woke early this morning and I took her swimming to get her extra tired she went down okay - wasn't overly pleased when I woke her, but she was so excited about going to spend time at my friends' house that she got over her grump quickly!
Anyway (after that ramble!) this meant her meal times were a bit all over the place . . . but this is what she's had.
B: rice crispies and milk, banana, fruit smoothie
S: (after swimming) humzinger bar, snack box of raisins/sultana
S: (at the supermarket straight after swimming!) couple of bites of vegetable bhaji which was much hotter than I'd thought. She said 'Mummy, hot' and when I looked down her face was red!! She didn't seem bothered just asked for the cheese samples instead - so then 3 cubes of cheese
Before nap: half a toasted currant teacake
At my friends: cheese and crackers, biscuit, jelly, orange, juice
D: parsnip and chickpea curry with pilau rice and naan bread (expected refusal as she'd eaten quite a bit in the afternoon and not long before we ate - however she ate most of it :o), shared a bit of DH's yoghurt (muller corner) and then requested one of her own (little pot - so had that too), hot choc and bun from party
B - cheerios and milk, humzinger bar, raisins,water, bit of Daddys toast
S - cheese biscuit
L - pasta and tomato sauce, peas, carrots, sausage, homemade sponge cake, 1 piece of peach, water
S - oatcakes and apple juice
Tea - DH's homemade lamb and pesto burger, 1 piece of burger bun, strawberry jelly and little bit of icecream, water
Supper - 3 of out chips, oatcake
N xx
Today . . .
B: rice crispies and milk, banana, fruit smoothie
S: the 'head' of gingerbread man (we were out and I forgot to take snack and drink - bad Mummy :-[)
L: (out with friend) mixed olives and sourdough bread, bit of fruit scone, water
S: yoghurt coated fruit flakes, water . . . then we did some baking and had to sample our goods! - so a 'cheese nibble' too
D: fish in breadcrumbs with mashed pots, peas & sweetcorn, yoghurt, rest of the gingerbread man, hot choc
B - cheerios and milk, toast and fruit spread, water
S - humzinger and rice cakes, water
L - homemade moussaka (lamb,onion,courgette,peppers,grated carrot,spices,tomatoes,potato and cheese sauce) with sweetcorn, water
S - oatcake, ricecake, choc wafer from Cafe Nero
Tea - pieces of chicken, bit of rice, peas, yoghurt, maltloaf
Supper - weetabix,warm milk and honey
N xxx
B: rice crispies, fruit smoothie
S: fruit toast, apple juice
L: baked beans & cheese on toast (about 1/2 slice)
S: yoghurt coated fruit flakes
D: taco shell, chicken/salsa/bean/corn/olive mix, grated cheese, tomato, yoghurt, hot choc with 2 mini malted milk biscuits, 2 little chocolate animals (yes, still the Easter stash ::))
Thanks Nell (for saying food ok and cute DS - i like him!)
B: Porridge
L: Broccoli Omlette, Cheese wrap and yoghurt
D: Full Roast chicken dinner (chicken, roast pots, carrots, broccoli, parsnip)
B: Museli
L: Broccoli omlette, yoghurt, 3 strawberries
D: Cole and cauliflower cheese
B: Blueberry and apple semolina cereal
L: yoghurt and planned to be a cheese wrap but someone at playgroup ate it when I wasn't looking! so another yoghurt (procured from his 11MO cousin) to tide him over then leftover cole fish and cauliflower in cheese sauce and sweetcorn.
s: Cheerios
D: Spat out mince, veg and rice and baby corn on cob whioch is normally a sure bet to keep him entertained for hrs! (think he is teething so gave the benefit of the doubt and gave supper)
Supper: Mix up cheesy veg pasta (the last of the box from when he was on purees).
i like him!
I should think so too!!! He's a cutie for sure - and you're his Mama so you get to be super-biased ;D
Not a particularly healthy day today - but ate well . . .
B: 2 x home-made banana & pear pancakes, with yoghurt and honey (didn't eat all, left some pancake), fruit smoothie
S: one of the cheese snack things we made yesterday
L: shared bagels with DH and I (probably ate half of one or bit more in total) - some with cream cheese, some with marmite, apple juice
S: yoghurt coated fruit flakes, another cheese snack thing
D: shared pizzas with DH and I - some margharita, some pepperoni, yoghurt, blueberries, hot choc with 2 mini malted milk biscuits and 2 little chocolate animals
B: Multigrain banana porridge and then some porridge with raisins from Daddy
S: Raisins. Cheerios.
L: Cole fish, 2 yoghurts.
D: Stir fry mince beef with onion, tomatoes, green and orange pepper, peas and rice, some chicken off his cousins plate with gravy (agh - the salt!!!).
I like writing on here because it really makes me think about DS's Diet as well as get ideas. I'm looking at lunch and I'm thinking where are the carbs?
Can I join? DS is 11 months and needing more food ideas. He LOVES to self feed the following:
- dry cheerios
- Blueberries (his FAVE)
- whole wheat fusili pasta
- Just Apricots or Just Peaches
- broccoli pancakes
- sweet potato "fries"
- pieces homemade meatball
- pieces homemade turkey patty (with zucchini in there)
- small pieces soft chicken or brisket type meat
He'll also let me feed him (sometimes) baby muesli, yogurt, roasted carrots and bolognese sauce
I'm not complaining about this but would love more ideas for what he can feed himself since he likes to do that. But he refuses tofu, hates peas and beans, won't do toast (though he will do buttered toasted whole wheat bagel), doesn't like pieces of cheese, refuses scrambled egg lately.
Based on the list above of what he does like to feed, any thoughts/ideas? Thanks!
Here's what he ate yesterday and so far today:
B: let me feed him cheerios in milk, fed himself few halved grapes
S: few arrowroot cookies, water
L: let me feed him berry yogurt, fed himself turkey patty (made with applesauce, ground turkey, thyme, onion, whole wheat bread crumbs and zucchini)
S: yogurt melts, water
D: fed himself whole wheat fusili pasta (in a turkey bolognese sauce), let me feed him soft roasted carrots and bit of sauce, finished off meal with some Just Apricots
B: let me feed him baby muesli, fed himself about 10 blueberries and some cheerios
L: Thinking yogurt (standby at lunchtime) and might try strips of red pepper?
D: TBD (rest of us eating miso glazed cod with mashed potatoes and roasted broccoli) - possibly a broccoli pancake with cheese melted on top
hello all. thought i would check in quickly. been like a dead fish. :( survival mode really.
Last few days, DS was eating only reasonably! BUT i noticed that after he had his meals (usually rice with food out of jars :P i'm bad mama) and he wanted our food and he chose to eat very salty stuff, like salami, smoked salmon, cheese. I haven't given him anything I cook that I have put salt in. He's almost 17 mo and the direction here is no added salt?! But there is just SO much salt in salami and smoked salmon. He seemed to really enjoy them. Does it mean he probably finds his food too bland? Is it bad if I start seasoning his food also?
So far today -
B - readybrek, most of a banana, 1/2 toasted hot cross bun
S - 1/2 bag organix corn snacks, date and apple bar (halfish)
L - tuna and mayo sandwich, few strawberries and blueberries, mini caramel rice cake
S - probably be a humzinger or raisins
D - will be Veggie risotto
Question for you - does anyone know if there is a spike in appetite at 18mo? I ask because he was awake every hour after 1am last night - he wasn't hot or cold, it wasn't teething crying, he didn't seem scared, was still lying down with his dummy in his hands..... ??? ??? The only other thing I can think is hunger? Not sure where else I could fit food in during the day though!
Koe - I don't season our food as such (well, I don't add salt), but I give DS everything we're eating now. That said, DS loves salami, olives, marmite, smoked haddock and mackerel etc... all the highly flavoured salty things!!
Karen - will he eat bread? We go through phases here of DS having bread as bread and bread as toast - some days he won't eat toast at all but will happily munch through bread, marge and jam (or similar) an do you make broccoli pancake? I'd love to have the recipe to try with DS! What about a simple omelette? My DS loves them with cheese, mushrooms and a bit of ham.
He just mushes up bread or throws it. I even tried it with some fruit spread this morning. Yet a toasted whole wheat bagel with butter or cream cheese he loves. He doesn't like pancakes (regular ones) either, nor waffles. He used to like omelettes but not lately, grrr. The broccoli pancakes are actually not mine (though I cook most everything else). They are made by Dr. Praeger's (awesome natural brand) and they have other varieties too. Check this out!
Maybe I'll try making some apple banana muffins for breakfast for him? And Trader Joe's sells a more natural version of a Nutrigrain bar - maybe he'd like that?
Karen, DS also doesn't like omelette, scrambled egg nor pancakes. I think it's the texture he doesn't like. Apple banana muffin definitely sounds yummy. Have you tried cream cheese on bread?
Steph thanks. I guess if DS will eat salami, if there's salt in our food, it's NOT big a deal anymore.
Haven't tried that yet (with cream cheese on bread) maybe will do tonight. I only use whole wheat bread (I'm a stickler for that) - should I toast it?
This is the muffin recipe I plan to try (will use whole wheat flour). Will let you know how they come out - will offer one to DS at breakfast tomorrow!
I might also try these chicken/apple "sausages" I bought yesterday. All natural and relatively low sodium - so we'll see...
Karen, you can perhaps try both? half toasted half not and see what he likes? I have never got DS to eat toast at all but apparently he ate at daycare!! That's ok. I would love to be able to bake some goodies. one of these days, I'll do it. I only do bread machine baking now :(
As for salt I would still be careful a sit can still be damaging to the kidneys at that age. Think the limit is still 2g until 2yrs. Have you tried seasoning with herbs and spices instead or mixing flavours together? Meatballs made with meat and finely chopped veggies (mushroom, pepper,tomatoes etc) are good for self feeding.
Today DS ate:
B: Omlette and toast
L: veg casserole with roast chicken
S: Raisins
D: Mince, chopped veggies and rice (though left most as wanted to self feed), grapes.
Made the muffins tonight - and they're not half bad. Definitely should have used half whole wheat flour/half regular though - I used all whole wheat and they are a bit heavy. But still tasty. Hopefully DS eats them - he seemed to like the few bites of "regular" blueberry muffin at the coffeehouse this morning! How best to store them? Keep a few room temp to eat over the next few days and freeze the rest?
Recipe I used is here:
Meatballs are definitely great for self feeding and easy to hide veggies in too if needed! I think I'm going to try making the veggie fritters from Annabel Karmel's book tomorrow.
Today was:
B: ok portion baby muesli, fed self bunch blueberries, dry cheerios
S: organic arrowroot cookies, water
L: about 2/3 apple yogurt, most of a broccoli pancake, few bits roasted red pepper
S: few more cookies, water
D: barley with zucchini, one chicken/apple "sausage"; refused cheese (I seem to have the only toddler who refuses cheese unless pizza LOL), some Just Apricots
B: Multigrain porridge with banana and apple puree, cherrios to top up as still hungry
S: Baby corn on cob.
L: Cauliflower cheese, raw carrot, pitta bread, on the vine tomatoes
S: Raisins and a yoghurt
D: Spag. Bol. with corn and peppers, grapes.
And loads of BM! Think he is teething.
He refused the muffin at breakfast time (though DD, DH and I liked them) but did have a few bites for morning snack.
So today has been:
B: cheerios in milk, Just Apricots, few bites shredded wheat
S: few bites homemade apple/banana muffin
L: refused veggie fritters, ate turkey patty (homemade with turkey, applesauce, whole wheat bread crumbs, onion and zucchini), about 12 blueberries and 5-6 grapes
S: couple arrowroot cookies
D: planning on whole wheat fusili pasta in a homemade carrots/cheese/tomato sauce, one homemade meatball
Going to try this recipe over the weekend:
And still trying to think of other foods DS will take to...
Would love to see your turkey patty recipe Karen.
Super easy. I buy ground turkey (not just the breast meat) and throw it (raw) into the food processor with some sweet onion, thyme, whole wheat bread crumbs, unsweetened applesauce and zucchini (not peeled). After it's well combined I form it into patties and cook them on the stovetop in some olive oil on medium heat until golden brown on each side. I freeze them and then to reheat spray them with a bit of olive oil and bake them at 350 on a piece of foil until warm. Then I break them into pieces for DS to self feed.
I don't do exact amounts but it's generally a pound or so of turkey, about half a medium onion, a few shakes of dried thyme, maybe 1/4-1/3 cup bread crumbs and maybe 1/4 cup applesauce? And maybe half a large zucchini? You can also used ground pork if you prefer and change up the spices and veggies as wanted.
Great thanks. I am totally a guess how much girl so like a nice flexible recipe. Also my scales are broken at the moment so the less measuring the better. I must say though I find it hard to find ground turkey here. Will definitely have a good look around though. that is something I know DS will love.
Where do you live? I definitely think it would work well with ground pork instead. Maybe pork, applesauce and sweet potatoes?
We are in Uk - London. Also we don't eat pork. Maybe if I investigated butchers as opposed to the supermarkets.
Butchers are definitely the way to go (and we don't eat pork either) if no ground turkey in the supermarket. Ground chicken might work too, as long as it's not only chicken breast (too dry).
Khalam's Mama - I'm in the UK and I can get 'ground' turkey in at least a couple of supermarkets without any problems. Ground is the same as minced - I've bought it in both ASDA and Morrisons on a regular basis - pretty sure it's in the turkey section of the meat isles. Am sure they'll sell it at Tesco and Sainsburys too but I don't tend to shop in those as often. HTH.
B: 2 home-made banana & pear pancakes with yoghurt and honey, blueberries, fruit smoothie (left some pancake)
At CM:
S: raisins and milk
L: chicken sandwich, crisps, yoghurt, juice
S: animal biscuits, water
At home:
D: chickpeas in tomato sauce with rice topped with grated cheese, yoghurt, blueberries, hot choc with 2 mini malted milk biscuits, 2 chocolate animals
B: rice crispies and milk, blueberries, fruit smoothie
At Grandma's
S: organix cereal bar, OJ
L: (at Great Gran's) home-made meatball with bit of rice - refused veggies ::), yoghurt, piece of liquorice, water
At home:
S: dried apricots, small jelly
D: bite of venison burger, bite of sweet potato 'chip', one chickpea - asked for a pear (ate all)
Thanks Alice's Mum, we often shop in sainsbury's but I maybe didn't look hard enough (or in the turkey section - didn't know there was one). I can look in asda or morrisons too.
Khalam's Mama - thought of you this morning as I walked down the meat isles in Morrisons and saw a pack of minced turkey ;)
Not sure there's a turkey section as such - more just a couple of shelves where they group turkey products (mince, sausages, breast, diced, etc) kwim?
Hope you manage to find some - if not, you might have to talk your butcher into mincing some for you.
DS doing pretty well today. So far:
B: oatmeal with applesauce, about half a natural cereal bar with Fig puree (Trader Joe's), few bites toasted whole wheat bagel with cream cheese
L: mixed berry yogurt, fed self bunch of pieces of roasted carrot and some cheerios
D: probably pizza and a broccoli pancake OR barley with zucchini
Also - we started giving him a straw cup today as he loves drinking water from it. He's definitely had less than he does from his bottle but isn't doing badly.
Khalam's mama, i will try more varieties but if DS wants our food that's seasoned, I won't hesitate anymore. Just give other foods that aren't seasoned also. thanks :)
Karen, it's a shame that your LO didn't like the muffin, I would have loved them, too :P haha
B: milk, half slice corn bread, 2 slices of cheese
S: fruit
L: pancakes with apple syrup, milk
S: yoghurt, juice
S: breadsticks, rice waffles, water
D: 2 flavours of jarred food, plain rice, 1 pear, 3 pcs of chicken breasts (from our plate) and extra rice
BT: milk
B: milk, bread, cheese (he keeps wanting only cheese!!! almost refused to eat bread)
S: 1 pear, water
L: fried sole, milk
S: those energy cookies, with raisins and wheat, etc in it.
D: 2 flavours of jarred food, plain rice, 1 pear, 4 pcs of chicken breasts and fried rice, egg fritata with tarragon (all from my plate!!), 1/2 pear more!!
BT: milk
Seems like DS is like big people food and he just chewed on meat, i don't need to peel pears anymore. I guess coz he can use his molars now? Do you cut up food for your LO's or just let them bite off them?
B - bit of bagel, humzinger, cheerios and warm milk, water
S - (lots as we were in church and trying to keep him occupied!) raisins, oatcakes, humzinger, pom bears, 3 white choc buttons!!
Late L - lasagne, peas, sweetcorn, broccoli, malt loaf, water
S - 1 sausage
Tea - refused sandwich, refused malt loaf, raisins, watered down apple juice
Supper - weetabix and warm milk
N x
I am still cutting food up mainly but my Lo is only 10.5MO.
B: Apple and blueberry semolina cereal and some of daddy's porridge with raisins
L: Salmon, roast parsnip wedge (didn't like the roast butternut squash), yoghurt
D: 1 Meatball in veg and tomato sauce, spaghetti, garlic bread (end piece). Pieces of apple, pear and strawberry pancakes. 3 strawberries.
Caught him trying to eat some easter chocolate rabbit but stopped him before he had more than a little suck. - his first taste of chocolate!
his first taste of chocolate!
awwww how cute!!! hehe our stash of food is all way beyond reach for DS but occasionally he sees the bread or crackers he dropped earlier and put in his mouth ::)
MY chocolate is out of reach but my neice was here for dinner and had left it half eaten on the coffee table. My nephew (10YO) was supposed to be watching him while I emptied his (DS's not 10YO nephew's) potty but he was distracted with the tv apparently!
hahahaha he's too generous not to share hehe
B: rice crispies and milk, blueberries, pear, milk
S: humzinger bar, snack box or raisins and dried apricots
L: (at Great Gran's) home made veg soup with boiled egg, bread for dipping, yoghurt with prunes, 2 bits of licorice
S: None - had a meltdown because she didn't want what was being offered :o, bit of milk
D: SC lamb with potatoes and peas (ate all pots, couple of bits of lamb, few peas), yoghurt, banana - then wanted to share my pita bread (stuffed with chickpeas, sweet potato, rice and cheese) so had a few bites of that, requested a satsuma when the pita was finished - ate that too! hot choc with 2 mini malted milk biscuits and 2 chocolate animals
B - Readybrek, banana, toast and marmite, bit of DH's hot cross bun
S - yoghurt coated raisins, some organix corn snacks
L - sausage risotto, pear and yogurt pot
S - rice cake
D - BBQ with family so he had some buttered roll, a pork sausage, some chicken from bbq kebabs, picked at a bit of cous cous salad (I cannot get him to eat this properly without gagging) and a yoghurt (what a lot of yoghurt he seems to have had today!!)
Its DH's birthday today - Happy birthday Kie!
So far today...
B - toast and peanut butter, half a yoghurt, few bits of banana, few bits of strawberry, water
S - couple of Daddy's chocolates, humzinger, oatcakes, water
L - Grandma's beef stew, potato, carrot, peas, malt loaf, water
S - oatcake, water
Happy Birthday Nell's DH!!
B - toast and marmite, scrambled egg, banana
S/L - organix corn snacks, few yog coated things, not very much chicken and sweetcorn sandwich on the way back from the supermarket
L/S - bread and jam, few slices of apple, bit of fruit smoothie and an animal biscuit. (so waaay too much sugar ::))
D - Chicken, apple and onion 'sausage', mash and peas, raspberry oat bar.
Happy birthday, too :D It's mother's day here :D Happy Mother's Day to you all :D ;)
B: milk, bread, omelette, cheese
S: 1 pear, 1/3 banana
S: half donut (bad, i know, but we were visiting friends :P), cookies, milk
L: roasted pumpkin soup (homemade super yummy), bread, cheese
S: raisin cookie
D: 2 flavours jarred food again, no rice (forgot to cook rice :P), spag bol' sauce, chicken breast leftovers, raisins, spat out pear because it was too raw lol, spat out strawberries also :P
BT: milk
my lo still cant eat himself. our caregiver refuse to let him feed himself and she insists on feed him with mashed food. i am too upset. i try to teach him at weekends but he does not show interest.
Banu - can you ask your caregiver to make sure he has his own spoon even if he doesn't use it? That's how my DS learnt really, he had his own spoon for every meal and eventually he used it to feed himself. He doesn't do it all the time, he uses his fingers a lot and when he gets bored I take over still!
With him having mashed food - can you introduce finger foods for him to have or provide finger foods for your caregiver to give him at snack time? Then he can get used to some different textures too.
On a different note, so wrong that your caregiver is refusing to do what you ask of her. I'm cross for you!!
Hugs - Steph XXX
Who is your care giver Banu? Surely if you are paying her she should do as you ask in how to feed him?
B: Muesli with apple and pear puree in, raisins
L: Meatball, veggie pasta sauce, pasta, cheese, grapes
D: Roast Duck, sweet pots, potatoes, carrot, spinage, strawberries (really wanted my choc cake but not yet!)
He seems to be getting pickier/having some texture issues. Refused homemade blueberry muffin today and toast with cream cheese tonight. Today had:
B: baby oatmeal with peaches, cheerios (refused blueberry muffin)
L: broccoli pancake with bit of cheese melted on top, few grapes
S: two arrowroot cookies
D: apple yogurt, couple bites chicken/apple "sausage", couple bites turkey patty, few cheerios
I'm running out of ideas of what to give him!
Banu - agree with PPs. Your caregiver should really be following your instructions IMO. My CM followed my BLW rules with DD even tho she was 'different' to all the other LOs. My DD has always fed herself - TBH she quite often reverts to her hands when she can't get enough food on her spoon or fork, or if she can't do it quick enough!
B: Rice crispies, banana, satsuma, OJ
S: home-made cheese snack
L: pita stuffed with chickpeas in tomato sauce, sweet potato (tho picked it out!), rice and cheese
S: yoghurt coated fruit flakes, water
D: (out) loads of olives, bit of bread dipped in balsamic/oil, shared pizza with me (roasted veg & goats cheese - tho picked off the veg!), some bits of salami from my friend's plate. Late home so cup of milk and 2 chocolate animals - no time for hot choc!
B - we tried a new 'Plum' muesli...which he hated, so I tasted, and I have to say it was similar to wallpaper paste!! So he had strawberries and toast with marmalade instead!
S - on and off all morning as I was out shopping with a friend...organix snacks, an apple, an orange oat bar, yog coated raisins, caramel rice cake, cheese and marmite sandwich
S - after nap - cheese biscuits
D - fish fingers, peas and tomatoey pasta, pear and yoghurt fruit pot
Today . . .
B: rice crispies and milk, banana, satsuma, OJ
S: couple of organix 'carrot stick' snacks
L: (at soft play) cheese on toast (dipped in brown sauce!) bit of my tuna melt, juice
S: none as we had early dinner with DH before nightshift
D: on the plate: chicken breast baked with bacon, vine tomatoes and garlic served with boiled baby pots in skins, green beans - DD ate all the pots, couple of bites of chicken and a few of the green beans once she'd removed the 'skins' (so the teeniest bit of bean possible ::)), yoghurt, banana, water, warm milk and biscuit
we tried a new 'Plum' muesli...which he hated, so I tasted, and I have to say it was similar to wallpaper paste!!
hahaha i always taste before giving to DS including his meds :P
B: finally DS ate his normal pb+ honey sandwiches again (after days of raisins only or cheese and salami), he ate so much that he could finish his milk haha too cute
S: fruit at daycare.. usually banana and apples
L: bread.. not sure what with coz DH didn't ask @_@
S: yoghurt and juice
S: bread sticks
D: one whole baby jar, spag bol' from us, wouldn't try orange, not even one piece
BT: milk
MMm wall paper paste - my favourite!
B: Banana porridge and raisins
L: pasta and veg/tomato sauce. Declined apple pancake
S: middle bit of donought on way hope from supermarket (no jam no sugar coating - I kindly ate that bit for him!)
D: mince, veggies, garlic bread, topping of cheese off nana's pizza, yoghurt.
Even asked in sainsbury and somerfield for turkey mince but no one had. will have to venture further afield to morrison or asda
Even asked in sainsbury and somerfield for turkey mince but no one had. will have to venture further afield to morrison or asda
How funny - I assumed as I can buy it in Morrisons or ASDA that it was in all the supermarkets - I just haven't bought it from there iykwim? The only other explanation is that it's a regional thing and they only sell it up north where we are poor ;)
LOL. Maybe. i will let you know! But we are also poor!
Today we did:
B: half a scrambled egg with cheese (yay), some baby muesli with whole milk, few cheerios
S: couple arrowroot cookies while shopping
L: yogurt, small amount whole wheat fusili with carrot/cheese/tomato sauce
D: barley with zucchini, few bites roasted broccoli, fair amount chicken marsala, at least 15 blueberries
Yesterday was:
B: baby oatmeal, Just Apricots, cheerios
L: one salmon stix (with wild salmon, cod, haddock, cauliflower and chickpeas inside), few sweet potato "fries", couple cut up strawberries
S: yogurt melts
D: some whole wheat fusili pasta, homemade meatball, blueberries, dry cheerios
Today is looking like:
B: Had baby oatmeal, few bites homemade whole wheat pancake, few bites TJ's fig cereal bar
L: Thinking berry yogurt, broccoli pancake - will also put down few small pieces cheese but he usually refuses
D: Thinking barley with zucchini, turkey patty, blueberries
Am making the rest of us stir fry tonight. Any way I can alter it so DS can have the chicken from it? There is some reduced sodium soy sauce in the sauce I make for it - so to much sodium, right?
There is some reduced sodium soy sauce in the sauce I make for it - so to much sodium, right?
I'm never really sure how much is too much - however I think if in doubt then probably best to avoid it - better safe than sorry.
B: rice crispies and milk, banana, OJ
S: raisins, cheese cubes, milk
L: chicken sandwich, crisps, grapes, yoghurt, water
S: chocolate bun, water
D: 'crustless' quiche (with courgette, carrot, bacon, onion, potato) - only ate one or two bites, satsuma - didn't offer anything else :-\
B: rice crispies and milk, OJ
S: 'nakd' mixed berry fruit bar
L: WM pita with ham and cheese, satsuma, some gingerbread man, water
S: raisins, water
D: (IKEA) meatballs with boiled potatoes and gravy, mixed fruit juice pouch, biscuit
Nursey day...
B - Cheerios and milk, humzinger, pear fruit pot, water
S - raisins, oatcakes, milk
L - 1 and a half bowls of veg curry and rice, millet cake topped with fruit spread, water
Tea - toast and apricot jam, grapes, apple juice
Humzinger on way home
Supper - weetabix and milk
Khalam's Mama - could you ask a butcher to mince you up some turkey breasts?
Nell xxx
Today ended up:
B: baby oatmeal, few bites pancake (homemade whole grain) with butter, few bites TJ's fig cereal bar
L: most of a strawberry/banana yogurt, about 15 blueberries, good amount roasted carrot pieces, refused cheese (as usual)
S: about 1/4 toasted whole wheat bagel with butter
D: small amount of broccoli pancake, even smaller amount chicken
Think the bagel snack was too late and filled him up too much for dinner! Plus lately he's wanting to self feed less - not sure what's up with that.
B: 1/2 toast and butter, raisins, refused semolina cereal.
S: Blueberries, some of daddy's omlette and beans
L: pitta, houmous, banana bread, slice of cheese
S: Raisins and grapes (4)
D: refused meatballs and pasta in sauce - I think because he needed the loo but wouldn't go back after it either. Yoghurt and few spoons of my custard (but no pie for him!)
Will definitely ask the butchers about mincing some turkey if I have no joy at asda when I shop next time.
Sainsbury's (North Greenwich) and Tesco both sell turkey mince BTW
Hi to all, we are jumping in to join you!
Nathan is not a big eater, and I am starting to wonder if I need to cut his bottles to encourage him to eat more solids. He does eat, mostly feeding himself, but I worry that he is still at about half milk, half solids.
Here is what he ate today, in addition to his bottles...
B: cheese (one of his fave foods), and about 3/4 of a muffin (I make carrot, zuchinni, yogurt, whole wheat muffins)
L: brown rice, peas, and pork tenderloin (leftovers from the dinner he refused last night)
S: raisins
D: bits of DH's pizza (they were out together), applesauce, soda crackers
Hmm, written out it and comparing it to the other LO's, it looks like he is a better eater than I thought. Yay! I also offer a sippy cup with either water or diluted juice with every meal.
yesterday... diarrhea day for DS :( he's down for his 1st nap already only 3h A :(
he ate:
B: milk, bread with pb + banana
S: 1/4 banana... milk
L: won't eat anything.. signed for more milk!!!
S: 1 banana
D: a bit of rice, 1/3 banana
BT: diluted bottle with rice cereal
Chandler is eating very light lately, but is still going crazy for carbs. She's also not crazy about milk. We've been giving her a few ounces of a chocolate protein drink for afternoon snack to help her get some of the nutrients she needs.
Last night, she ate a few bites of the following things:
macaroni and cheese, green peas, avocado chunks, raspberries, a few bites of banana bread
snack: crackers and milk
Visiting my folks today...
B - toast and peanut butter, fruit pot, raisins, water
S - oatcake, humzinger, water
L - Grandma's stew, couple of new potatoes, carrots, half a yoghurt, digestive biscuit, some of Mum's coffee cake, water
S - ricecakes, few pom bears, water
Tea - 3 sausages, toast, fruit pot, water
Supper - few bites of apple, oatcake
Bedtime - 7ozs of Growing Up Milk
We are having problems with wind at night so cutting down on his cereal for supper. Refusing fruit at the mo hence the fruit pots.
N xxxx
Think we might be coming down with something, but not sure what. DS is super miserable and sleeping lots and only really wanting BF and little solids. Fingers x it is only teeth.
B: Decliined banana porridge with apple and pear puree in. 10ish blueberries.
L: 1/4 pitta bread and homous, 4 grapes, middle dough from jam donought (at his auntie's)
D: 1 Meatball (beef/mushroom and onion), 2 pieces garlic baguette, custard and a yoghurt (found the latter in his bag and wanted it)
That is the last of the meatballs for him now he must be getting feed up.
Well I'm hoping some sort of growth spurt happens around 18 months because DS has been whining for food constantly for the past couple of days!!
B - Quaker Oats (tried for the first time - he wasn't too enthralled, but ate a decent amount anyway), banana, whole slice of toast with marmalade.
S - Bag of organix corn snacks, pot of strawberries, humzinger
L - (after nap) smoked mackerel, apple and pear puree pouch, half a hot cross bun
S - raisins
D - huge portion of pasta bolognese, banana muffin with custard
Today was:
B: Wheatabix with milk, Just Apricots
L: raspberry pear yogurt, half a turkey patty, about 15 blueberries
S: 4 arrowroot cookies
D: homemade brisket, barley with zucchini
Today . . .
B: poached egg on WM toast, apple juice (DD wasn't too happy at first about the lack of cereal this morning but once she saw the egg and toast she got over it!)
At CM:
S: raisins, biscuit, milk
L: spaghetti hoops on toast, yoghurt, water
S: banana, juice
S: biscuit, water
At home:
D: baked potato (ate a whole one!), some of the 'crustless' quiche and a bit of sausage, yoghurt, most of an apple, water, hot chocolate and some gingerbread man
I wasn't expecting DD to eat much dinner after 2 PM snacks at the CM but she wolfed it down - you never can tell with these little folk eh? One day they're demolishing anything and everything you put in front of them and the next day they won't touch anything - not even their 'favourite' foods ::) They do like to keep us on our toes!
Amy - would love your muffin recipe if you don't mind sharing :-*
Today Nathan had:
B: 1/4 of a pear, one muffin
S: a few raisins and a child-sized yogurt (Minigo)
L: chicken, green beans, and cherry tomatoes
D: shrimp, carrots, and mushroom-fried rice (brown rice, no soya sauce... I took his serving out before finishing ours)
I am only on here for two days, and I get asked for a recipe... how flattering! Here is the basic recipe:
Multigrain Vegetable Yogurt Muffins:
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
3/4 cup whole wheat flour
3/4 cup oat flour (or wheat germ, oat bran, ground flax seed, etc)
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
2 1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
3 eggs
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce
1 cup plain yogurt
1/3 cup white sugar
3/4 cup honey
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 cup shredded zucchini
1 cup shredded carrots
"extras": a few handfuls of raisins, chocolate chips, sunflower seeds, and/or chopped nuts , etc as you see fit
1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C). Lightly grease or spray 24 muffin cups.
2. In a bowl, sift together the flours, salt, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon, and nutmeg. In a separate bowl, beat together eggs, vegetable oil, applesauce, yogurt, sugar, honey, and vanilla. Mix the flour mixture into the egg mixture. Fold in the zucchini, carrots, and any "extras" you are using. Scoop into the prepared muffin cups.
3. Bake 18 to 20 minutes in the preheated oven, until a toothpick inserted in the center of a muffin comes out clean. Cool 10 minutes before transferring to wire racks to cool completely.
This time, I made them with slivered almonds and a few chocolate chips. Usually, I use raisins and chopped walnuts. They are not very big... a perfect size for DS.
He doesn't have any trouble with the nut pieces?
No problems so far! I make sure they are small; if they look too big, then I put them on my chopping block and bash them with a big knife a few times to make them smaller.
I should also add that you need to squeeze the water from the shredded zucchini or else the batter will be too wet.
I am only on here for two days, and I get asked for a recipe... how flattering!
What did you expect? ;) Not only are your grown-up menus interesting so are your LOs! Thanks for sharing :-*
Not sure if we can get 'applesauce' in the UK tho? I see it quite a lot on these boards but am still not sure what it is!
B: rice crispies and milk, most of an apple, apple juice
S: (at Grandma's) organix cereal bar . . . and some 'lolly' :P (I wasn't happy about that cos I'm not a fan of them)
L: (at Great-Gran's) quiche and (lots of) broccoli, yoghurt, water
S: nakd oat and fruit bar, juice
D: baked potato (a large one) with baked beans and cheese (ate most of it and said 'mmm, it's nice' with every mouthful LOL!), yoghurt, hot choc and some gingerbread man
Applesauce is just apple puree... I didn't know it was a regional thing! If you want to make your own, you can just boil/steam some sliced and cored apples until they are soft, then drain and puree them. You don't even have to peel them, as the peel will seperate and you can just pick it out before pureeing.
Well Ds seems to be boycoting breakie but ate well the rest of the day so who knows what is going on.
B: declined cereal. 15ish blueberries. extra boob.
L: 1/4 pitta, homous, 4 grapes, yoghurt
S: 1/2 yoghurt pot of sweetcorn
D: Grilled red snapper, baked beans, apple and pear semolina pudding
Today was:
B: baby oatmeal with pureed peaches, 1/3 TJ's natural fig cereal bar
L: yogurt, 3/4 small chicken/apple sausage, few sweet potato "fries"
S: Just Apricots, one arrowroot cookie
D: mixed grain cereal with carrot puree, pizza
Nathan refused a lot of food today... I think his teeth are bugging him again. We also have his grandparents visiting for a few days, so he is excited and has been distracted at meals.
B: grapes and plain yogurt
L: oranges, arrowroot cookie
S: extra bottle
D: salmon, rissotto, peas, and cooked cabbage
yesterday DS ate 4.5 or 5 bananas :o and a bit of rice and raisins!! 3-4 times milk!!!
5:30am: milk :o
B: cheese
S: pear
L: 1/4 of my quarter pounder and 1/4 cheese burger (First McD's experience :D)
S: before nap: milk
S: raisins and cookies
D: potatoes, carrots and chicken stew (from a jar)
BT: milk
Hopefully he won't wake up at 5 hungry again :(
B - readybrek, banana, few spoons of my muesli
S - few organix corn snacks, humzinger bar, shared DHs apple
L - cheddar cheese, salami, hot cross bun, apple and pear puree pouch
S - raisins, toddler biscuit
D - (out) melon, breaded mushroom, pieces of flavoured bread, sausage, mash and peas, oat bar, yoghurt snacks
B: Porridge
S: Blueberries x15
L: Cauliflower cheese, pitta
S: 1.5 Yoghurts (child size)
D: Sweetcorn, Cherry Tomato, Chicken and casserole
S: Omlette and toast with Daddy
B: scrambled egg with rice (strange combo, but he liked it... DH made it for him)
S: grapes
L: biscuit, grapes, cherrios, pickle, and a few bites of my cookie at a cafe
S: more cheerios, a baby mummum
D: we offered him bits of pork, whole wheat bun, and roasted carrots, potatoes, and zucchini... but he threw most of it on the floor (I think it was because he had already eaten so much today)
Teeth seem to be a factor here too. Lots of nasal congestion, hand biting and food refusal/throwing so far today. Fun. Yesterday was good:
B: oatmeal with peaches, few bites scrambled egg with cheese, few bites buttered and toasted whole wheat bagel, few bites fresh cantaloupe
L: applesauce, brisket, about 2/3 broccoli potato pancake
D: strawberry/banana yogurt, few bites cheese quesadilla, licked fair amount guacamole off my chips, some dry cheerios (refused whole wheat pasta)
Today so far:
B: oatmeal with mixed berries (threw/refused pancake, watermelon and cereal bar)
b - cheerios and warm milk, humziinger, raisins, water
S - oatcake, ricecake, water
L - homemade lamb and mint burger, sweetcorn, oven chips (had 2) yoghurt, malt loaf
S - dry granola with cranberries, water
D - hot X bun toasted with butter, raisins, fruit pot, yoghurt covered fruit flakes, water
Supper - refused it!
7oz bottle on waking and at bedtime - forget to mention that.
Nell xxx
B: Porridge with apple puree to sweeten, blueberries x15
L: Chips (out at a sunday market), baby corn on the cob, raisins.
D: Roast Chicken, sweet potato pancake, pizza crust, Yoghurt.
B - banana, scrambled egg with cheese and marmite, about 3 bites of toast
S - date and apple bar
L - corn snacks, chicken and apple 'sausage'
S - none!!!! Bad Mummy completely forgot!!!
D - Chicken casserole, banana sponge and custard
S - (only because I felt guilty) - 1/2 a caramel rice cake
S - none!!!! Bad Mummy completely forgot!!!
oh steph, come on!! don't be so harsh on yourself! sometimes there just isn't enough time to fit it in when we're so busy having fun :P about the date and apple bar, is it one thing? or did you give dates? I love dates and I would like DS to like it. Just wondering how to give it to him as it's so chewy and sticky.. should i soak it in hot water first?
B: EW again, milk, then bread + pb +honey (phew back to bread already :D)
S: 2 bites of pear and threw it away @_@, ate a raisin cookie, friends gave him caramel cookie (now addicted :() + cheese and ham pancake (5 bites or so)
L: milk
S: chicken slices, bread, pastry
S: caramel cookie (wouldn't take anything else :()
D: pumpkin, chicken and green beans stew (from jar), fried noodles, 1/4 pear
BT: milk
about the date and apple bar, is it one thing? or did you give dates? I love dates and I would like DS to like it
It is just one thing - but I have given DS dates before - I just cut them up into manageable chunks. TBH he's not terribly keen on them though!!
Today Nathan ate...
B: poached egg with toast and peanut butter
S: grapes
L: bits of my chicken souvlaki and pita, a few french fries, and cheerios (out for lunch)
S: extra bottle
D: sweet potato mash, whole wheat bun, cabbage, rice, bits of pork
Matthew has been quite fussy with meals lately. Hungry but unless it's blueberries (he'd eat a pint at every meal if I let him) he gets upset. And throws food. But if you take him out of his chair yells cause he's hungry. Hoping just teething and a temporary phase.
Today he had:
B: baby oatmeal with mixed berries. All I could get him to eat and even that wasn't easy
L: apple yogurt with one salmon stix (but he had to be distracted playing with spoons) and a bunch of blueberries
D: mixed grain cereal with zucchini, maybe 1/3 hot dog (we had family over for a barbecue), few bites tater tot, few bites sprinkle cookie for dessert (again other than the cookie he had to be distracted with cups to eat well)
Much better day yesterday. He did:
B: Wheatabix with milk, Just Apricots
L: mixed berry yogurt, few bites cheese ravioli, few bites roasted carrot, few bites cut up strawberries
S: yogurt melts
D: Most of a turkey patty (with zucchini), few sweet potato "fries", fair portion of the cowboy spaghetti we were eating
S: half a toasted whole wheat mini bagel with cream cheese
Today was a Nursery Day...
B - cheerios and warm milk, raisins, few pieces of toasted teacake, water
S - oatcakes and cup of milk,
L - barley and vegetable soup and homemade rolls, cake and custard, water
Tea - jam on toast, pieces of pear and plum, water
Supper - half a hot X bun, water
N xxxx
It is just one thing - but I have given DS dates before - I just cut them up into manageable chunks. TBH he's not terribly keen on them though!
steph, so are there bits of date in the date and apple bar? does your DS like raisins?
B: milk, bread with pb +honey
S: fruit at daycare
L: bread (not sure what with)
S: yoghurt
S: breadsticks (apparently a lot and he ate them clean!! :P)
D: pumpkin, green beans, chicken, potatoes, spinach, carrots, beef, chicken and 2 bananas
BT: milk
S: yogurt melts
D: Most of a turkey patty (with zucchini), few sweet potato "fries", fair portion of the cowboy spaghetti we were eating
S: half a toasted whole wheat mini bagel with cream cheese
Karen, what are yoghurt melts? what time do you do D and the last S? I'm hoping to break off the BT bottle because DS associates sleep with his bottle still! Thanks
Nellie, also can you tell me what are your dinner and supper times pls?
What is cowboy spaghetti Karen?
B: Porridge
L: Pasta and tomatoe and veg sauce and cheese
D: Mediterranean veg and rice, sweetcorn and yoghurt
B: Porridge and blueberries
S: Baby corn on the cob
L: Pitta and homous and yoghurt
S: 1/4 slice toast and bread
D: Veggie casserole and roast chicken, sweetcorn and peas and raisins
Cowboy spaghetti is a Rachel Ray recipe linked here - I basically make it as is but i omit the bacon (we don't eat it) and use low sodium tomato sauce, etc. Our whole family LOVES it (though DH and I add extra spice/hot sauce).
Yogurt melts are basically yogurt and fruit in a little dissolvable pellet type shape. I think Gerber makes them though we buy the Happy Baby brand. We don't always do a last snack - usually only on nights he "asks" for one or on nights I'm giving her a bath before DH is home (that way he'll sit in the stroller and eat/watch her take her bath).
Today was:
B: baby oatmeal with mixed berries, few cheerios, few bites french toast casserole
L: broccoli potato pancake, blueberries x15, two arrowroot cookies
S: yogurt melts and cheerios
D: barley with zucchini, few bites chicken/apple "sausage", few bites leftover cowboy spaghetti, two bites big sisters cheese/broccoli ravioli
B: Wheatabix with milk, grapes, few bites toasted whole wheat bagel with butter
L: yogurt, homemade pizza - on whole wheat crust with spinach under the cheese
S: Just Apricots, one arrowroot cookie
D: turkey patty, few sweet potato fries, applesauce
B: Porridge and grapes
L :3/4 cheesey omlette. Apple and pear semolina pudding
D: Chicken and bean curry with hidden veggies. yoghurt
B: Porridge with grapes and banana
S: baby corn on cob and 1/4 rich tea biscuit
L: Chicken and raisins and cheerios (refused rice), yoghurt
D: rice and med veg, 2 cherry tomatoes, few bites beef pattie and bun
Karen, thanks for the info about yoghurt melts.
B: milk, bread + pb + honey
S: fruit
L: not much (apparently fell asleep at the table at daycare haha)
S: yoghurt
D: super hungry, pumpkin, green beans, chicken, turkey, potatoes, carrots, beef. 1 banana
BT: milk
Nathan has been eating up a storm lately...
B: fresh raspberries, blueberries, and chopped cherries, and cheddar cheese
S: almost an entire slice of whole wheat toast with peanut butter
L: bowl of homemade chicken and veggie soup, with barley cereal to thicken the broth
S: arrowroot cookie
D: braised pork with tomatoes and oregano, and roasted potatoes, carrots, and broccoli
You're welcome!
Not a super hungry day here but not too bad:
B: baby oatmeal with tiny bit applesauce, refused raisin toast, few Just Apricots
S: snagged some of my raisin toast with cream cheese
L: large meatball with hidden veggies, yogurt
S: few yogurt melts
D: some of our dinner (whole wheat fusili pasta and cubed chicken in a wine/butter/garlic sauce), couple tiny bites roasted carrots, refused peas and green beans
I haven't been able to post the last few days - every time I tried to post on this thread I kept getting an error message - so am trying again with fingers and toes crossed!
B: rice crispies with milk, 2 satsumas, few dried cranberries, apple juice
S: nakd berry and oat bar, bit of cheese at farmers market
L: 2 slices of cheese on toast topped with green and black olives, fruit pot
S: yoghurt coated raisins, couple of bites of home-made apricot flapjack, juice
D: pasta with 'meatballs' (chopped up burger) and sauce (tinned chopped toms, courgette and olives) topped with grated cheese, yoghurt, hot choc with few mini biscuits
B: rice crispies with milk, bit of fruit toast, mixed dried fruit, apple juice
S: organix cereal bar
L: poached egg and slice of toast, bit of bacon
S: mixed dried berries
D: leftover pasta from Sat, yoghurt, bit of apple, hot choc with few mini biscuits
B: rice crispies and milk, bit of fruit toast, apple juice
S: few dried berries (in car), biscuit, couple of bits of banana, juice (at playgroup)
L: baked beans on toast, half a fruit scone, fruit smoothie
S: home-made savoury flapjack, water
D: refused dinner - 'leftover roast dinner pie' with peas & sweetcorn, onion gravy, - so just had a bit of milk
B: rice crispies and milk, bit of fruit toast, apple juice
At CM:
S: raisins, biscuit, water
L: chicken sandwich, sausage roll, crisps, yoghurt, milk
S: apricots, strawberry, water
S: carrots, cucumber, water
At home
D: home-made cheese & mixed olive quiche, carrots, peas & broccoli, yoghurt, pear, milk and few mini biscuits
B: rice crispies with milk, orange juice
S: mixed dried fruit
L: bread and butter, bit of scrambled egg, mushroom, pear juice
S: savoury flapjack, few corn snacks, half a coconut biscuit
D: half a jacket potato with baked beans and sausage, yoghurt, milk and few biscuits
B: rice crispies and milk, fruit smoothie
S: blueberry muffin, raisins, water
L: chicken sandwich, cocktail sausages, cheese, cucumber, juice
S: ice cream
S: chocolate cake, milk
At home:
D: half a jacked potato with courgette slice (crustless quiche), yoghurt, few strawberries and blueberries, milk and few mini biscuits
Koe2 moe,
Sorry didn't see your question til now...
Our Lo's are the same age I think.
On Nursery days, lunch is at 11.45am, tea at 3.30 and supper at 6.30.
On home days, lunch will be 12.30ish, tea, 4.30/5 and supper 6.30
Nell xxx
b - cheerios and milk, humzinger, bits of bagel and PB, water
S - oatcake, organix cheese puffs, raisins, water
L - at supermarket cafe - 2x sausages, peas, 3 chips, 1 spoon yoghurt, few choc buttons ( distraction while in trolley!)
S - ricecakes and water
T - Bram had a meltdown at the table and refused fruit spread on toast, fruit and yoghurt. Had a marmite ricecake while playing..
Supper - half a toasted teacake and butter, water
Today..( It is VERY hot here today)
B - cheerios and milk, humzinger, bits of bagel and fruit spread, water
S - breadsticks and organix tomato puffs, water
L - chicken tikka masala, eggy rice and sweetcorn, refused yoghurt, organic biscuit
S - visiting work - piece of homemade cake and carrot stick, water
Tea - will offer some toast and peanut butter and a banana and see if we can avoid another teatime meltdown...
Nell xxxx
Today . . .
B: rice crispies and milk, blueberries, fruit smoothie
S: (at Gran's) organix cereal bar
L: (at Great-Grans) home-made chicken and noodle soup, bread and butter for dipping, yoghurt, water
S: mixed dried fruit (dates, raisins, cranberries, apple, pear), water
D: pasta with cauliflower, garlic, anchovies & olives topped with grated cheese, yoghurt, milk, few mini biscuits
Today has been:
B: 2/3 a wheatabix with milk and cinnamon, blueberries x15, few bites french toast casserole
L: broccoli potato pancake with bit of melted cheese on top, grapes, roasted carrot pieces
S: yogurt melts
We have ordered pizza for dinner so DS will have that with us and probably yogurt too. Luckily he already had a good amount veg today!
Also bought Farina to try for him tomorrow morning.
Mumofalice - how do you make that pasta above? Sounds good!
Mumofalice - how do you make that pasta above? Sounds good!
It is good ;) I found the recipe a few weeks ago when looking for a way to use up a whole cauliflower (looking a bit sad in our veg-box) without reverting to soup - again!! I love soup, don't get me wrong, but when I need to use up veg that's always my back up plan. This dish has now become a staple in our house if a cauliflower arrives - because it's simple, tasty and quick ;D
The recipe itself doesn't include the olives or cheese - I just threw them in as we're all addicted to both these ingredients - especially my DD! Have also throw in sun-dried tomatoes and bits of crumbled blue cheese . . .
Here's the 'basic' recipe for you:
penne with cauliflower, garlic & anchovies (serves 4)
1 cauliflower, divided into florets
350g penne, cooked until al dente
4 tbsps olive oil
2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
5 anchovy fillets
a pinch of cayenne pepper
2 tbsps chopped parsley
sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
Allowing anchovies to ‘melt’ into olive oil results in a very mellow flavour, quite different to the overwhelming anchovy experience on pizzas!
Cook the cauliflower in boiling salted water for 5 minutes, drain and set aside.
Meanwhile, heat the oil in a separate pan, add the garlic and cook until softened but not browned. Remove from heat.
Add the anchovies and stir and mash them into the oil until dissolved.
Add the cauliflower and cayenne. Mix well to coat the cauliflower in anchovy oil and return to the heat. Cover and cook for 5 minutes, then mash the cauliflower with a fork.
Drain the pasta and mix with the cauliflower. Season to taste and sprinkle over the chopped parsley.
What is farina Karen?
I saw the recipe for that pasta on another thread I think and it does sound yummy.
B: Blueberry and apple semolina cereal, grapes and a little of Mummy's porridge
L: Tomato, onion and cheese omlette and baked beans
S: 1/2 baby corn on cob, many cheerios, few sips orange and mango juice, bits of sushi roll (all to keep him entertained out shopping)
D: 2 chips, piece sweet potato pancake, poached cole fish, mixed cereal yoghurt, 1/4 banana
DS has taken to wanting everything we drink and when he has a sip he often pulls a face like he has tasted sewage but still whines for more! I will have to start drinking water in front of him as I don't want him getting into bad habits.
DS seems to be under the weather with a low grade fever, tired and quite fussy. Yet he ate a lot today. Not sure if teething, a reaction to his DT shot or what. In addition to what I posted for his day before, he ate almost an entire adult size piece of pizza for dinner, as well as half a yogurt and quite a few bites of bolognese!
Farina is cream of wheat - yummy!
Whew, another big food day here! Might be a GS, but is more likely that he needs more food now that he is so active.
B: 1/4 of a big sausage, a bunch of roasted potatoes, and poached egg on toast (munching off my plate)
S: arrowroot, a bunch of cherries
L: almost an entire slice of whole wheat toast with butter and blueberry jam, and a bunch of fresh raspberries
S: 1 heinz teether biscuit
D: a big bowl full of DH's homemade goat cheese and cheddar mac and cheese, with spinach and mushrooms in it
So is farina like a porridge?
B: Porridge and green grapes
L: Poached cole and root veg casserole
S: Slice of Cheese
D: Garlic bread, sweetcorn and yoghurt. (declined cheese sauce and pasta)
Here's today . . .
B: toasted sweet brioche roll, strawberries, orange & apple juice
S: half a nakd fruit & oat bar
L: potato rosti, scrambled egg with bacon and mushroom, juice
S: other half of nakd bar, jam tart, water
D: picnic food - bit of bagel, cheese cracker, various cheeses, green & black olives, mixed dried fruit, strawberries, blueberries
Treat: went to an ice cream scoop shop - strawberry and vanilla ice cream ;D
Sort of like a porridge, yes. Quite tasty and creamy.
Yesterday was:
B: oatmeal with tiny bit apple sauce, almost 1/4 toasted whole wheat bagel with cream cheese, grapes, blueberries, cantaloupe
L: yogurt, few bites chicken/apple "sausage" (refused rest and refused whole wheat pasta in cheese/carrot sauce)
S: Just Apricots
D: half a homemade meatball with hidden spinach, lo mein, chicken
Would still love that pasta recipe!
DS has taken to wanting everything we drink and when he has a sip he often pulls a face like he has tasted sewage but still whines for more! I will have to start drinking water in front of him as I don't want him getting into bad habits.
Meant to respond to this comment yesterday but forgot :P DD is big on sharing drinks - especially Daddy's pint glass of juice! I kept her on water for as long as I could but once she went to CM she started drinking juice as LOs always want to do what all the other LOs are doing - inc drinking juice ::) However, the CM does give them milk and water too so I just had to 'let it go' and stop being a control freak LOL. However, I do still get a bit miffed that she has so much juice at home - when I'm at home on my own with DD I drink water in front of her and she very rarely asks for juice - don't know why it bothers me so much really, it just does :-[
Today - similar food to yesterday as we were at a kite festival and took a picnic with us.
B: rice crispies and milk, apple juice
S: none - had a late breakfast due as DD slept in til 9am :o :o :o (because she's getting her back teeth and is having rough nights :'()
L: picnic food: various cheeses, green & black olives, bit of salami, couple of bites of bagel and cracker, 2 bananas, bite of cereal bar
S: went to the ice cream scoop shop again - it's very hot here so we're celebrating! so strawberry and vanilla ice cream again
D: leftover cauliflower, anchovy and garlic pasta topped with sliced olives, cheese and a few bits of salami, yoghurt, milk and mini cinnamon pastry
Would still love that pasta recipe!
Just saw this comment as I posted - I put the recipe up a couple of days ago - think it's at the bottom of the previous page ;)
Hot hot hot here...
B - cheerios, half bagel and PB, pieces of peach and pear, water
S - in church - continuous grazing on raisins, dates, marmite rice cakes and humzingers, water
L - homemade pasta bolognaise (big bowl) Grapes, peach and pineapple pieces, digestive biscuit,water
S/T - snack and tea merged together as we had a family barbeque - apple juice,2 herby sausages, sweetcorn, bits of steak, cheese puffs, mandarin orange segments, few mouthfuls of DH's rhubard crumble and custard
Supper - half a toasted cinnamon and raisin bagel and butter, water
plus 7 ozs of cows milk at 7am and 7 ozs of toddler milk at 6.45pm
We seem to be into fruit again now - think its the hot weather and the fact fruit is so refreshing!
Nell xxx
I only worry about DS's teeth having juice and also all the sugar but I guess a little doen't hurt especially if I dilute it with water. He has started asking for DH's coke too which he doesn't get.
B: Porridge and green grapes
L: Tomato and onion omlette, poached cole fish and yoghurt
D: Roast Lamb, peas, corn, chicken
S: 2 strawberries, a kiwi fruit, 1/2 slice toast and butter
I have heard that a bit of juice is good, since it keeps things from sticking up and getting constipational. Nathan is still mostly on bottles for his liquid intake, but he is finally starting to take a few ounces over the day from a sippy cup. I fill it in the morning with cooled boiled water and offer it with every snack and meal, and sometimes offer it throughout the day as well. I offer him diluted juice once in a while as well, but quite honestly I find it hard to waste that much juice (I dump whatever is left by the end of the day down the sink; it is usually 5-6 of the 8 original ounces). I guess I have to get over that.
Here is what he had today:
B: blueberries, a bite or two of saltine cracker, one bite of DH's donut... threw most of his food on the floor (grrrr)
S: grapes, cheese curds, cheerios (cheerios went on floor)
L: more cheerios and blueberries (we were out shopping)
S: (right when we got home) more cheese curds, fresh zuchinni, grapes, whole wheat bread (bread went on floor)
D: garlic bread and whole wheat spagetti with meat sauce, mushrooms, and green peppers; he did pretty well with this independantly using his hands, and I helped using a spoon when he needed it. He ate a lot, then started tossing it on the floor again so I ended dinner whether he was full or not!
Why do you make 8oz if he only drinks 2 or 3? Couldn't you make less?
Eating got better as the day went on here (which isn't totally abnormal for us):
B: refused farina and cereal bar, had tiny bit cheerios and milk, 10 blueberries and 3-4 grapes
L: homemade turkey patty with zucchini, applesauce, sweet potato "fries"
S: 2 arrowroot cookies
D: broccoli potato pancake, few bites shepherd's pie, half an apple cereal bar
Ah he didn't like the Farina? It sounds yummy.
He is still learning to tip the cup to drink out of it, so it helps if it is really full... hopefully once he gets more of a hang of it, we can put less in it!
Thanks for that pasta recipe - do you think it would be good with cubed or shredded chicken in it? We generally like to include a protein at dinner...
Things are not great on the food front. Chandler has had a fever on and off for a week, and it's really cut down on her appetite. When she does eat, it's just simple carbs. The only protein we can get her to eat lately are hot dogs, tofu chunks, and the occasional bite of cheese. I'm going to try making meatloaf with veggies in it again this week and see what happens. Here's yesterday:
B: American biscuit with grape jelly
L: refused cereal bar
S: two bites of strawberry, half a cheese stick, a couple of cheese crackers
D#1: Her grandparents gave her ice cream from a fast food place in lieu of real food
D#2: When DH and I returned home after 7 p.m. and found her unfed: a few bites of Stouffer's spinach souffle--refused avocado and fruit
S: chocolate milk (protein drink)
Unrelated to food, but thought I'd add that said grandparents also took her to the children's museum in her pajamas. It's really a wonder I survived childhood.
Museum in PJ's? Interesting? Dare I ask why?
I finally went to a bigger sainsbury and got some turkey mince so we will be making some patties soon.
B: 3 dessert spn Porridge with 1/2 chopped banana and 5 green grapes
L: few bites cheese wrap, cheerios, raisins, humous with pesto and 1/4 pitta bread and more grapes and 1/2 necterine
D: 1/2 Roast chicken leg, 2 cherry tomatoes and advocado. Declined yoghurt.
Grandparents - the rules are so different for them, eh? And the rules for their grandchildren are so different to the ones they had for their own children . . .
Back to the 'juice debate' - am sure that 'fruit juice' is okay in moderation as I think it can count as one of your five a day. However, it's more the cordial / squash type of juice that bothers me - and that's what DD wants when she sees Daddy drinking it. He's just not a fan of water unless it's mixed with something else ::)
Funny hearing you talk about the sippy cup - I remember being totally stressed about DD and the sippy cup (PMSL at myself now - it was just I always seemed to have one thing to focus my stress on ::)) I thought she would never get the hang of it - she always wanted me to hold it for her even tho she seemed perfectly capable of doing it herself. It's like a catch 22 situation tho - it has to be full for them to get the hang of it (ie so that they don't need to tip it much to get some liquid out) but then it's almost like it's too heavy for them to lift it. One day DD just picked up the sippy (one-handed no less :o) and took a big glug out of it - and then I probably began stressing about something else . . .
Thanks for that pasta recipe - do you think it would be good with cubed or shredded chicken in it? We generally like to include a protein at dinner...
Haven't tried it with chicken - never really thought about the protein (tho I generally include protein, carb and veg in every meal where poss). Not sure if you would count the anchovies as a protein? I generally top it with grated cheese tho - and have added some chopped up salami which seemed to work.
Here's today . . .
B: toasted sweet brioche roll with pear butter, asked for cereal after roll so gave rice crispies and milk (ate half a bowl), apple juice
S: bite of an organix cereal bar, water
L: (out at Pizza Express), shared garlic bread and dough balls with DH and I, had some of DH's four season pizza and some of my La Reine (ham, mushroom and olive), water, bit of Sicilian Lemonade (not the fizzy kind - more like freshly squeezed lemon juice)
S: rest of cereal bar
D: noodles with 'japanese-style' stir fry (haloumi cheese, carrots, purple broccoli, onion) - ate most of the noodles but 'Alice no like' the rest ::) (DD's favourite new phrase is 'Alice no like'!) I wouldn't mind but she actually does like cheese, carrots and broccoli. So I did ask her to try a piece of every thing tho and she obliged by eating 1 cube of haloumi, 2 slices of carrot and 1 piece of broccoli, yoghurt, banana, water, few mini biscuits, couple of mouthfuls of milk
I finally went to a bigger sainsbury and got some turkey mince so we will be making some patties soon.
We posted at the same time - pleased to hear you've tracked down the turkey mince ;D
Wish I could go out in MY pyjamas!! Heaven...
B - cheerios and milk, half a cinnamon and raisin bagel, few grapes, water
S - marmite rice cakes and water
L - shepherds pie (not keen ) peas, pear, pineapple and peach pieces, yoghurt, water
S - organix tomato puffs, raisins, water
Tea - 2x herby sausages, oatcake, couple of mini doughnuts, peach pieces, water
no supper - too tired.
He probably had some white chocolates buttons at some point too as my folks looked after him today!
Nell xxx
What is pear butter ?
I've had apple butter (yum) but never pear butter. Sounds good.
We don't do salami but maybe we could add chicken sausage to the pasta. Or just count the anchovies and cheese as protein and leave it at that. Plus I always do whole wheat pasta.
Today (as usual, DS ate better as day went on - he's just not that hungry in the AM for much more than fruit most days)
B: baby oatmeal with tiny bit unsweetened apple sauce, blueberries x15, grapes x4
L: strawberry/banana yogurt, 1/3-1/2 scrambled egg with cheese and spinach, 1.5 tiny whole wheat stuffed spinach/feta "pizzas"
S: yogurt melts
D: chicken marsala, whole wheat pasta, few animal crackers
S: will see if he wants toasted whole wheat mini bagel with cream cheese to bribe him to stay in stroller while DD in bath!
Ha, we got married in our pj's, so that is not a big deal to me at all!
Today Nathan had:
B: whole wheat taost with peanut butter, and several bites of DH's spagetti and garlic toast (leftovers from last night, because that's all he wanted for breakie)
S: cheerios, cheese cubes
L: zuchinni cubes, blueberries, chocolate cereal cookies (DH fed him, since I was out)
D: shrimp, macaroni salad, and cornbread (on the floor)
I am assuming that it was the pasta, since we also ate it for dinner last night, but Nathan has the *worst* diaper rash today. I am so mad at DH for giving some to him this morning; Nathan has incredibly sensitive skin, and can only handle small amounts of acidic food every few days. Having the spagetti (or more specifically, the tomato sauce) twice in less than 15 hours was too much for his little bum. DH knows this. Grrr...
B: Yogurt, Weetabix
S: Strawberries, watermelon
L: Chicken breast bits, hard boiled egg, cucumber slices w/tzatziki, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries
S: Small croissant, Goldfish crackers, yogurt raisins, half a banana
D: Pizza, orange slices
Poor Nate with the sore bot!
B: Porridge and banana. few bites buttered toast.
S: Grapes and strawberries
L: Pitta and humous. a pizza crust.
S: rest of fruit from S1. Cheerios - lots
D: Breaded Chicken. Declined rice
S: 3/4 weetabix and CM
Hmm now I am thinking no veggies but normally good so will do lots tomorrow. Opps bad mama!
Ouch on the sore tushy!
Today was:
B: wheatabix with leftover formula, cantaloupe and grapes
L: sweet potato pancake with bit of cheese melted on top, yogurt
S: blueberries
D: baby barley with chopped spinach, brisket, animal crackers
The poor little butt is still quite red and sore looking today, although some naked time seemed to help!
Today he ate quite a bit:
B: yogurt and raisins
S: 1/2 slice of whole wheat toast with butter, peanut butter, and raspberry jam, about 1/2 of an arrowroot, cubed cheese, and fresh blueberries
L: zuchinni, peas, and green beans followed by almost 1/3 of my apple since he wasn't full yet
D: a huge serving of quesadilla (filling: cheese, turkey, onions, green pepper, and corn)
Ooooh, my first time to post here!
B: multi-grain cereal with apple/blueberries mixed in; pear juice
L: 1/2 a banana; 1/2 slice of whole wheat bread
D: tried to do ground beef, but that was a no go! So, some cheese, broccoli/carrots in a cheese sauce...and then he only wanted Mum-Mums and yogurt bites ::)
Boy, your LOs are eating a wide variety of things! DS is a bit behind due to gagging/throwing up so easily. But progress is progress, right? Thanks for the ideas!
I'm going to try to post here again - I find it helps me look back over a week and see how DS is doing. He's sort of out of his "phase" of not eating but at the same time seems to be falling back into it again. See if I can remember today...
B: dry cheerios, bowl of cornflakes with milk, 3 large tablespoons of blueberries, soy milk
s: 4-5 ritz crackers and a few animal crackers, banana and water - at playgroup
L: toast with cream cheese, deli ham. not much, but it's a rush when we get in from playgroup to get to nap and he's a bit tired to eat, but i give him a bigger morning snack
s: brotchen (bread roll) at the supermarket, large handful of grapes
D: spag bol, bite of cucumber (spit out), milk, one oatmeal biscuit and some yogurt, few more grapes
overall it's not too bad, really, but this is pretty much what most of our days look like again. not too sure what will happen with dinners this week, as I let DH "plan" and "shop" this week and he bought a whole bunch of nothing that won't make a lot of great dinners (and that is a story for the meal planning thread, stay tuned over there!) and not a lot that DS will eat. I did a wee top-up this afternoon with DS and will take a look again tonight at what we have and perhaps nip into town tomorrow and get a bit more. men. grrr.
I meant to say Amy what is the story behind getting married in the PJ's?
Welcome Sara. My nephew is 1 today and is also not eating somethings because of gaging etc but they all get the hang of it eventually.
Mashi welcome and my DH is totally not trusted to shop alone for the above reasons!
Today is a bit odd because Ds had EW/long day so had an extra mean in there and lots of extra BF maybe because it is so hot.
6am Breakfast: 5 Grapes and 15 cheerios and extra BF. Spat out strawberries on Nanna's white bed spread!
10am Brunch: Weetabix with CM, 3/4 kiwi fruit, bit of rice cake
12.30pm Lunch: Beans and toast. Orange Juice diluted with water
3.30pm Snack: 1/4 grated cheese sandwich, 3 strawberries, some raisins
6pm Dinner: turkey/veg pattie (yes with my turkey mince and loads of hidden veggies!), sweet potato pancake, declined yoghurt. More diluted OJ.
Feel like he ate loads today but he scoffed down the pancake at dinner in about 4 bites so sure he was still hungry.
Am thinking weetabix overload as had 2 poops in his diaper (+ one in potty)today and has been doing almost all poops on the potty for months now and it was not formed like usual (sorry TMI). Anyone else have this problem with weetabix?
Also had a rash after lunch and am wondering if it is kiwi even though it is his 3rd one and the rash has happened before ??? Had gone by the end of the day though. Maybe I will leave it for a while and try again in a week or so keeping a good eye out.
Seems like some bad teething going on here. Did much better as day went on thanks to Motrin. Today was:
B: baby oatmeal, cantaloupe, grapes
L: yogurt, few bites veggie patty
S: baby goldfish crackers
D: veggie lasagna (tons of veggies in there - spinach, zucchini, carrot, mushrooms) - he loved it and ate a ton, blueberries x10, half mini whole wheat bagel toasted with butter (while DD in bath)
Plus while I was loading the dishwasher he got a hold of a spoon that had a bit of Nutella left on it from earlier today. All over his mouth (he sure seemed to enjoy it). Ooops! Hoping no allergy!
Khalam's mama - I would definitely hold off on the kiwi for now and just keep an eye. When DD was much younger she got a facial rash from avocado. We held off for a while and now she eats guacamole with the best of them without any rashes!
Glad you were able to make the turkey patties and that he liked it!
We got married in pj's because we had a themed wedding... it was on a Saturday morning, we all had brunch afterwards, and all the guests also wore pj's. I wore pretty white ones, and DH had a white t-shirt and nice pinstriped pj pants. It was lovely, actually! And very relaxed and fun.
Today Nathan ate:
B: scrambled egg and apple chunks (refused egg, but not surprised since apple is one of his fave foods)
S: he ate that leftover egg happily, as well as some cheese and yogurt
L: split pea soup, which he loves but wanted to feed himself with the spoon (did not go well), whole wheat toast with butter, corn
S: fresh blueberries, cheese, and cheerios
D: flatbread, green beans, turkey, and peas
(Amy, I love your wedding theme :D)
Today wasn't great, but here it is:
B: multi-grain cereal w/ leftover apple/blueberry, finished off some peaches; juice (I mention this bc it counts for a fruit serving--he gets water the rest of the time)
L: spaghetti, avocado, and--of course--bread
D: went out to eat, so he ate what we could give him off our plates: turkey, brisket and bread...refused to eat much at all tonight *sigh* We bribed him with the bread
Tomorrow's another day!
If any of your LOs like pasta/lasagna, the one I made last night (adapted from a few recipes with my own additions) was REALLY yummy. DS wolfed a ton down and it had zucchini, carrots, spinach and mushrooms in there! Can post the recipe later if wanted.
Yes, please! Nathan loves pasta.
Sure thing! Keep in mind some amounts are approximates, I'm not always the best at measuring. Don't forget to squeeze the excess water out of the grated veggies:
8 ounces lasagna noodles (I use oven ready)
4-6 ounces fresh mushrooms, sliced
1/2 cup (or little more) grated carrots
1/2 cup (or little more) grated zucchini
8 ounces frozen chopped spinach (de-thawed and drained)
1 small to medium chopped onion
3 cloves garlic, minced
1-2 tablespoons olive oil
1 (26 ounce) jar pasta sauce (I prefer all natural marina sauce)
1 teaspoon dried basil
1 tsp dried oregano
12 ounces part-skim ricotta cheese
2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese
1 egg
1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
In a large saucepan, cook and stir mushrooms, carrots, zucchini, onion, and garlic in oil. Stir in pasta sauce and oregano and basil; bring to a boil. Reduce heat, and simmer 15 minutes.
Mix together ricotta, 1 cup mozzarella cheese, egg and spinach
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Spread a little tomato sauce into the bottom of a greased 9x13 inch baking dish. Layer lasagna noodles, ricotta mix, sauce, and Parmesan cheese. Repeat layering, and top with remaining 1 cup mozzarella
Bake, uncovered, for 40 minutes. Let stand 15 minutes before serving.
Today was:
B: wheatabix with milk, grapes
L: 1.5 turkey patties (with zucchini), blueberries x25, few dry cheerios
S: goldfish crackers, water
D: scrambled egg with cheese, homemade fries. ate a ton of all that but refused roasted cauliflower
Hi all *waving*
Have been stacked out all week and haven't managed to fit in my 'play' time on BW :P
However, it's now the Bank Holiday weekend (which is why it's raining outside ::)). DD is napping and DH is also in bed as he's on night shift so I thought I'd pop on and try to catch up a bit.
Khalam's Mama - you asked what pear butter was. It's a bit like a smooth jam - we bought it at a farmers market a few weeks ago. The stall sold lots of chutneys and 'butters' - apparently the were all the rage in Victorian times! Not sure if that's the same as the apple butter, Karen?
On the subject of the 'kiwi allergy' - I too would hold off them for a bit. DD went thru a stage where she would react to tomatoes. She totally loved cherry tomatoes and one day she came up in a rash around her mouth and on her face when she'd eaten them. At first I wasn't sure what it was as she hadn't had a problem before - however it happened again when she had them the next time, so I worked out what it was. We stopped having them for a while - but she's okay again with them now. The same thing happened a couple of weeks ago after she'd had lunch - a different type of beans than I would normally buy. Bizarrely enough they were an 'organic' brand that I bought cos they were in those small 'snap pots' - perfect size portion for her. Just wondered if Khalam's rash appeared after he'd eaten the kiwi (whenever we've experienced it the rash tends to appear before the end of the meal as I will notice it when wiping DD's face if not before) - I noticed that he'd had beans for lunch and just wondered if it might be those?
Amy - totally love the PJ-ed themed wedding. I would have LOVED to have been a guest ;) It's right up my street - am all about the comfy clothing ;D Hope Nathan's little bottom is back to it's peachy self :-*
Mashi - welcome back :-* :-* :-*
Looks like DS is doing okay with food (definitely improving ;D) - but am wondering what has happened to his daily intake of dishwasher tablet ;)
Karen - thanks for sharing your lasagne recipe. There's been a bit of a discussion on the meal planning thread (another one I need to catch up with) about the 'white sauce' in a lasagne. I had always thought it was bechamel all the way - but LOVE the sound of the ricotta based one. Found out this week that DD totally loves lasagne so need to find a good recipe so that I can add it to our rotation - I've only recently started eating red meat again (after a lot of years) so I only ever made the veggie option. Totally fell in love with the home-made one that DD and I had the pleasure of sampling this week ;D
Anyway . . . here's what DD has been eating over the past few days.
B: We all had toast with various toppings - DD had some of each: marmite, honey, jam, peanut butter & honey. Shared a banana with DH, apple juice
At CM:
S: cookies, milk
L: spaghetti hoops on toast, yoghurt, water
S: cheese cubes, bread sticks, juice
S: banana, water
At home:
D: leftover noodles with haloumi, broccoli & carrot stir-fry, yoghurt, blueberries, digestive biscuit and bit of milk
B: rice crispies with milk, drink of milk
S: few dried berries
L: (out) half a cheese sandwich - ate all inc crusts (because they were dipped in my vegetable soup!), more of my soup, jelly, bit of banana (wasn't impressed as it was out of a fridge and a bit under-ripe :P), apple juice
S: none - went swimming straight after nap
D: (at friend's house) 2 helpings of home-made lasagne, greek yoghurt with berry puree topped with a bit of crushed meringue, half an organix cereal bar, juice and diluted OJ
B: rice crispies with milk, drink of milk, satsuma
At CM:
S: biscuit, juice
L: beans on toast, yoghurt, milk
S: chocolate animals, water
At home:
D: chicken, tomato & bacon dish with swiss chard gratin (ate a bit of everything inc swiss chard), yoghurt, blueberries - asked for more blueberries (but that was the last helping) so asked for the fruit bowl and took a banana (ate all), then asked for a satsuma as that's all that was left in the fruit bowl - ate that too!! few mini biscuits, bit of milk
B: rice crispies, milk, orange juice
S: (at grandma's) organix cereal bar
L: (at great-gran's) home-made tomato & rice soup, bread for dipping, 1 and 1/2 mini salami, yoghurt
S: yoghurt coated raisins, juice
D: chicken, bacon, mushroom & cheese dish with boiled potatoes and creme fraiche sauce (ate a bit of everything), yoghurt, 2 satsumas, digestive biscuit, bit of milk
Have just realised as I've posted that we've had beans on toast for lunch today - she's already had that at the CM this week as well as spaghetti hoops on toast :P
Holy cow, Bernie... you are a busy lady! And yes, his bottom is perfect again.
Thanks for that pasta recipe, Karen.
Twidling my thumbs here, since Nathan has been refusing to eat the last two days. No fever, no crankiness, no apparent illness at all... just a happy little baby who won't eat. Teeth, maybe? But he is not upset at all, so I dunno. He is taking his bottles and then some extra, so I guess it is ok... as long as he doesn't take too long to get back in the food! I have been weaning him onto whole milk, so his bottles are 1/4 formula and 3/4 milk; since he is not eating, I am today giving him 3/4 formula and 1/4 milk. He is really easygoing, so he isn't balking at the change at all. Phew!
There are lots of wedding picture on my FB... some of you are already friends with me on there, but if you want to add me to see them my name is Amy Baker. I am in Thunder Bay, and my pic is Nathan and I.
Berni I have to ask - do you write down what A eats or are you just able to recall that from memory? !! I am struggling to remember what DS ate today, though weekends are always a bit harder than weekdays as we are on the go and tend to eat on the go a bit, and who knows sometimes what or when DH feeds him!
Today, as best as I can recall....
Breakfast - cheerios and milk, toast with jam
snack - bread roll ::) and some of my cherry pastry (tried to eat it on the sly but got caught!), baby biscuit (still goes nuts for those, even the ones aimed at 4month olds!)
Lunch - baked beans, sliced ham, slice of cheese, strawberries, soy milk
snack - dried fruit bar (like your humzingers in the UK), chugged a good 6 oz of water!
Dinner - we had a picnic on the beach after swimming but I left it to DH to prepare so it was so half-arsed it's not funny!! usually he is good with this but he was in a rush and did not think clearly (he says). DS did not mind, he grabbed at things so randomly and shoved them in his mouth with two hands...though it was more of the same for him - cheese and turkey sandwich (incl crusts), slice of cheese, 3 ritz crackers, entire banana, too many of DH's crisps, two sippy cups of drink - one water, one diluted OJ, 3 baby biscuits, an oat cracker, and more strawberries.
Berni - can I have this tomato bacon and chicken recipe - here, via PM, or on the meal planning thread - did not see it in your recipes for this week though, maybe you have already posted it? Oh, and even better than ricotta cheese in lasagna is cottage cheese (3 cups/750 mls of cottage cheese mixed with 2 beaten eggs, some parsley and a pinch of salt -- my favourite part of the lasagna I think!)
Personally not a fan of cottage cheese either in lasagna or otherwise! But I know others swear by it.
Yesterday was:
B: wheatabix with milk, cantaloupe and grapes
L: leftover veggie lasagna (lots of it), blueberries
D: most of a broccoli pancake with melted cheese, most of a yogurt
Today so far has been:
B: muesli with milk, bit of cantaloupe and grapes, some toasted bagel with cream cheese
L: homemade meatball with spinach hidden inside, sweet potato "fries"
D: probably will be yogurt, spinach/feta "pizza pockets" and maybe few bites DD's chicken fingers (we'll be out for dinner)
Holy cow, Bernie... you are a busy lady! And yes, his bottom is perfect again.
Busy doing nothing most of the time :P I swear that I never pause for breath some days but the list of things to do seems to get longer rather than shorter! Maybe it's because 'my name is Berni and I'm addicted the BW website'! LOL
Pleased to hear that Nathan's bottom is better - now keeping my fingers crossed that he quits the hunger strike soon!
Would love to see your wedding pics but I don't 'do' Facebook - for the simple reason that I spend way too much time on here (not that I'm complaining - LOVE you guys :-*) but I know that if I joined FB too that would be it for me - I'd be addicted to that too and my house would be in an even worse mess than it is (if that's possible :P :-[).
Mashi - I wish I could remember what Alice had eaten all week. But unfortunately I lost part of my memory when I got PG with A and the other part I *think* I gave birth to at the same time as her :P Someone on here asked me before how I remembered (Lan I think) - and I have to admit it's all written down - not that I'm obsessive or anything you understand! When she's at the CM she gives me a sheet at the end of the day with info on (inc what she's eaten, when and how long she slept, etc). I then just try and remember to add to it - and balance out the day (or week). That obviously didn't work this week tho - far too many beans & hoops on toast :P My Mum has her on Friday morning and she always tells me what she's eaten cos I ask when I pick her up (partly because I want to know to balance her day and partly cos I know my Mum and Gran will feed her anything she wants ::)). TBH if I'm trying to remember what she had for breakfast at the end of the day I have trouble - Mumnesia is a cruel disease! At the moment it's generally rice crispies and milk (whatever happened to her love of porridge?). If we ask her what she wants for breakfast she generally replies 'cereal please' (tho cereal has a silent 'L' at the mo!) DH and I were speechless when she replied 'toast please' the other morning - hence the toast fest!
Would love to share the tomato, chicken & bacon dish with you - but you already have it in your rotation ;) It's the Jamie Oliver one you shared with us all on the menu plan thread (first one I think!) many moons ago. Unless you're talking about the second dish (chicken, bacon, mushroom & cheese)? If that's the case you will soon have it as it's in the new compiled doc ;D I really like cottage cheese (am assuming it's all the same?) so am definitely going to try a different take on lasagne.
Today (at long last :P)
B: rice crispies and milk, bit of milk to drink, OJ
S: humzinger bar
D: beans on toast topped with grated cheese, blueberries and creme fraiche, couple of bites of home-made flapjack (with dried apricots, berries) then requested more berries (so had mixed dried berries), water
S: couple of bites of savoury flapjack - would've eaten the lot but she put it down at low level and our springer spaniel finished it off ::), babybel cheese to replace. We then made marshmallow popcorn balls and she had a bit of the mixture and then asked for strawberries when she saw me chopping them up - so a few of those too, water (quite a big snack really!)
D: parnsip and chickpea curry with rice (ate a fair amount), yoghurt with strawberries and blueberries, popcorn ball and bit of milk
Sounds like my kind of wedding Amy.
Lasagne sounds lovely will definitely be giving it a try. Are Lasagne noodles the same as the sheets? We usually use the bechamel sauce but am really looking forward to ricotta one.
The rash was on the legs and body so I only noticed when dressing him later so not sure how quickly they came up. It may not be anything to do with the kiwi but we haven't had either since.
B: Porridge with 3oz CM and 1/2 banana
S: at playgroup slice of apple and 2 slices banana
L: 1/4 Pesto and turkey ham sandwich
S: 1 strawberry, 1/4 butter biscuit
D: Spiced turkey mince and veggies, pasta and cheese sauce (only ate 1/2)
S: Blueberries x10 and 3oz CM with museli
B: 3oz CM with museli
S: grapes x4 and Blueberries x15
L: Chips x5 , 1/4 cheese wrap, 1/4 rice cake
D: Shepherds' pie and custard
B1: Few spoons blueberry and apple semolina cereal and diluted apple juice
B2: lots of DH's porridge and raisins
L: 1/2 slice Toast
S: 2 pomodorino tomatoes, 10 cheerios, raisins. 20ish blueberries
D: Cod, potato, peas, carrots
I really like cottage cheese (am assuming it's all the same?)
Believe it or not....NO! LOL. It's got a different texture and consistency in Europe (incl UK) than in Canada (well, Ontario at least....and possibly the US as our foodstuff tends to be the same). But it's same-same for cooking, really!
LOL that your chicken dish is "mine" - darn, was hoping to get a new one!
Well, hunger strike is over! Yay! He has done it before, so I am glad it didn't last as long as it has other times.
Here is yesterday:
B: refused
S: refused
L: pasta salad with brocolli and cauliflower in it, most of a banana whole wheat muffin
S: cheese cubes and peach
D: turkey, raisins, cherry tomatoes, refused rice
Today he hate nearly an entire apple for breakfast, so we are back on track...
Believe it or not....NO! LOL.
I had a feeling that cottage cheese may be different across the pond - but as long as it's the same-same for cooking that's good as it means I don't have to find a substitute. However am now intrigued to know what your version is like . . .
B: rice crispies and milk, satsuma, OJ
S: rice cakes (not sure how many - gave her a pot in the car to keep her occupied/awake), water
L: (out) cheese sandwich, sausage roll, bit of my lentil and bacon soup, grapes, apple juice
S: popcorn/marshmallow/apricot ball, couple of bites of flapjack, milk
S: dried mixed berries after swimming
D: chicken, bacon, mushroom, cheese dish with chard & potato gratin, yoghurt, blueberries & strawberries, couple of rice cakes (she saw me topping up the pot), digestive biscuit and bit of milk
Today A has completely rediscovered rice cakes. She used to eat them lots when she was younger but hasn't touched them in ages - my Mum had a couple of the organix bags in her snack tin for ages and ended up giving them to me last week to bring home. Wasn't sure that she'd eat them but as my Mum has more-interesting snacks in her tin than rice cakes I knew that DD was unlikely to eat them when she's there once a week as given a choice she will always take the cereal bar option!
We are refusing LOADS of stuff at the mo and I am finding it hard to deal with to be honest!! I put lots of effort into my LO's food (as we all do) and it just gets spat out or thrown on the floor. Not all things but lots! Anyway...
B - refused porridge with honey and dried fruits, ate pieces of bagel and dry cheerios, water
S - humzinger, raisins, pink wafer, water
L - (at my folks barbeque) Grandma's stew (beef, onion, carrot, mushroom, potato in gravy) pecan cheesecake, water
S - oatcake, refused yoghurt, fruit pot and fruit
T - 3 herby sausages and ketchup, oatcake, apple juice
No supper too tired.
Not a good food day for us! Quantity ok but quality could be better...
Nell xxxx
Well, we're back from our trip to New York (which was fab!!) - Ben didn't really eat a whole lot while we were over there - I think it was all just a bit 'wrong' - he is pretty set in his ways when it comes to the food he likes. We did, however, discover 'goldfish', which he loves! and some rice puff things that we brought back with us. Oh, and seriously, Twizzlers!??!?!? Why doesn't someone import those over here!??!??! A few things that I was hoping to hold off on for another few months (years?) snuck onto his menu though and he has now eaten chips and chicken nuggets!! He wasn't too keen on American macaroni cheese until we slathered it in tomato ketchup (the same the world over, right?).
He has eaten like a horse since we got back and today he had,
B - HUGE bowl of ready brek, banana, half a slice of toast and marmalade
L - smoked mackerel, philly on bread, strawberries, cheese, chocolate animals from DH
S - oat bar, humzinger
D - out at restaurant with ILs - corn snacks, goldfish, sausage and beans, yoghurt covered raisins
Weren't turkey twizzlers "featured" in Jamie Oliver's school dinner series?
Weren't turkey twizzlers "featured" in Jamie Oliver's school dinner series?
Different Twizzlers! "Turkey Twizzlers" from Jamie Oliver are a name brand of product in England (perhaps some other places sell them as well) but afaik they don't have them in the States. They are mechanically separated turkey nuggets
Twizzlers are red licorice (don't know if they are allowed to call it licorice any more, prob just called "candy" now but when I was a kid they were called licorice as it comes in red (strawberry) and black (licorice flavour) so was just all considered licorice) - and Steph, I get my dad to send BAGS of them every year. I have NO idea why they have not been taken on in England, all English people I know totally LOVE them. (That and cinnamon as a flavour (gum, candy, etc). )
B: Toast and raisins. Oragne juice (always diluted)
L: Pitta, homous, strawberry, raw carrot, end of french stick, cheerios. water.
D: sweetcorn, sweet potato pancake, 3rd of a chicken breast (grilled), 1 on the vine small tomato. refused boiled potato. Orange juice. Piece of lambs lettuce.
I do remember haiving those long licorice straps as a kid, but they weren't called twizzlers in Australia! Licorice is something you love them or hate - I hated them!
Weren't turkey twizzlers "featured" in Jamie Oliver's school dinner series?
That made me giggle out loud. Turkey candy... mmmm! Mashi is right; they are not called licorice anymore on the bag. They are labelled, 'licorice-like candy confection' or something like that. I love real black licorice, especially the little black Dutch cats, so I have never liked Twizzlers... but now I am curious about what the bag says, so I will have to check next time we are at the store.
Weren't turkey twizzlers "featured" in Jamie Oliver's school dinner series?
That was my first though LOL - I've never seen them but I remember him trying (and succeeding I think?) in getting them banned from school dinners.
I never wanted to try Twizzlers as I was only 'familiar' with the Turkey variety - until now that is. I love liquorice - whenever these love / hate things come up with foods I always seem to be in the love camp! (marmite, olives, now liquorice . . . what will it be next?)
You've now got me thinking about different sweets / candy / chocolate bars that I've managed to have the pleasure of trying when I travelled - cherry ripes and s'mores instantly spring to mind. ;D
Ew - no, not turkey twizzlers :-X :P the red candy variety - I can see where the confusion came from though! If I hadn't scoffed the lot that I brought back with us already then I could look on the bag and tell you what it says!!
Cherry flavour is my favourite - although I didn't try the rainbow bag which looked rather exciting!
I'm so investigating having some shipped here - they're so much better than any of the other red 'bootlace' things you can get here.
Ben was sick last night, so I thought he would be off his food today but he's eaten pretty well.
B - ready brek and a banana
S - humzinger
L - some cheese and ham sandwich, apple, grapes, few yoghurt coated raisins
S - organix corn snacks
D - chicken, bacon and veg casserole and fruit pot.
Here's today:
B: rice crispies and milk, satsuma, orange juice
S: 1 pack (3) yoghurt coated sesame snaps
L: (out with friend) shared hummus and pita, black and green olives with sourdough bread, bit of scone and jam, water
S: organix cereal bar, juice
D: potato rosti, omlette with peas, sweetcorn, tomato & cheese, blueberries & strawberries with small pot fromage frais, bit of gingerbread biscuit with milk
Cherry flavour is my favourite - although I didn't try the rainbow bag which looked rather exciting!
After all this talk about twizzlers I decided to have a look and see what they were . . . google them and found (without looking very far) a website called which sells candy from all over the world - they have a few shops here in the UK too, so Steph you may not have to have them shipped after all ;)
PMSL when I found the rainbow packet - see attached pic with quote underneath . . .
I have to say I love twizzlers, but hate licorice flavor. I only like the fruity flavors.
Anyway, I've disappeared from this thread, but am starting to get into bad food habits with DD and wanted to hop back in so that I can get back on the ball of providing her with better food options. Mostly I'm just being lazy and not planning ahead. Need ideas again.....
So far today:
B-yogurt, granola bar and milk (her requests before we even got downstairs)
L-turkey and cheese sandwich (didn't eat much of it, a few bites or so), cheese crackers, and water.
(we were at the zoo and that's what we had packed)
(that's where we are now...need to go wake her up from her nap and then figure out a snack and dinner.
B - cheerios and milk, raisins, water
S - Organix carrot stix, water
L - 2x fishcakes (FISH yay!!) loads of peas, ketchup, fruit pot, 2x dried prunes, water
S - carrot stix, pink wafer biscuit, water
T - Daddy's home made turkey meatballs and sweetcorn, refused yoghurt, handful of granola, water
Supper - slice of toasted fruit loaf, humzinger, water
I thought he would refuse the fishcakes for sure but decided to try them and he liked them! Had to have ketchup but its the reduced salt and sugar variety so not too bad ; )
Nell xxxx
We started bad today but got better as the day went on.
B: apple and blueberry cereal and 1/4 banana. 4 grapes.
L: Beans and toast and cheese omlette - few bites of each only
D: (out - off our plates) many bites of cod, beef, lamb shank, mashed potatoes, peas. 1/2 a fruit shoot H2O. (he loved the bottle so am thinking to get something similar to have water and milk in as he doesn't drink this much normally).
We finished off the day with:
D-diluted juice with sausage, pierogies, and spinach. Wasn't too good about eating dinner, ah well
Mmmmm...twizzlers... love the red kind!
Let's see for the past few days...
B: wheatabix with milk, blueberries, grapes, cantaloupe
L: veggie lasagna
S: green organic puffs
D: broccoli potato pancake, 1/4 hot dog (shared from big sister)
B: muesli with milk, 1/4 toasted whole wheat bagel with butter
L: most of a yogurt, most of a small turkey patty (with applesauce and zucchini)
S: goldfish crackers
D: pizza (out for dinner after beach)
Mmm licorice twizzlers-
Howdy- I've been MIA. Just checking in and giving you our latest eating trends:
B: banana pancakes with maple syrup, cheese and chive scrambled eggs, juice, milk
L: one hotdog and roll with relish, potato salad, avacado, cheese puffs, milk, carrots.
D: eggplant parmesan sandwich, green beans and carrots, applesauce, angel food cake and blueberries, milk
B: waffle with apple butter, pineapple, banana, blueberries/blackberries, milk.
L: hummus, turkey, mushroom, shredded carrot roll up on lavash bread (great flat bread stuff), banana, juice, brussels sprouts, cookie, milk.
D: beans, tomatoes, chicken sausage, left over chinese lo mein noodles, potato salad, apples, blueberries, milk.
9PM- woke to go potty, smelled cocoa on my breath and asked for hot chocolate- I caved and made him 2 ounces of cocoa. Brushed teeth again and dumped into his little nest. Hopefully he'll not be up early to pee....
Thanks for the photo Bernie, they look a bit like the "musk sticks" we used to get as a kid. Obviously I am not the only one confusiong them with turkey twizzlers!
Today" boiled egg, toast, MSPI "milk"
Snack: banana. Ate some dry rice and a kidney bean he found on the floor - luckily spat the kidney bean out!
Lunch: turkey and avocado sandwich (he pulled the turkey out and ate that, left the bread and avocado!) apple slices
snack: digestive biscuit (dairy and soy free!)
dinner: will be chilli con carne and rice. Not sure what he'll think of that!
Hi Cathie and Nicole - welcome back :-* :-* :-*
B: rice crispies and milk, water
S: oranges, grapes, banana, pear, apple, water (am assuming that was bits of fruit and NOT a whole piece of each!)
L: (school holiday treat) MacDonalds Happy Meal: Burger, chips, fruit shoot - apparently she wolfed it down :P - despite the fact she's never had a burger before!
S: chocolate cake, milk
At Home
D: half a baked potato with cheese, couple of cherry tomatoes, bits of avocado, fromage frais, strawberries and blueberries, biscuit and bit of milk
i too need to jump back on this thread as im struggling for lunch ideas as D will not eat sandwiches/bread that well.i mean she eats a little but not enough to fill her so curious to see some lunch ideas.
Also we have a huge snacking problem..she is asking for food all the time,and by 4pm is screaming for her then looking thru the cupboard trying to find snacks that wont affect her dinner.
Anybody else's lo's wanting snacks so close to dinner?
Today was:
B-porridge with blueberries
S-breadsticks and raisins
L-cheesespread and ham tortilla wrap,(actually went down really well!),yoghurt
S-fairy cake (we had just made them)
S-4pm(screaming for dinner!)cheesey crackers,satsuma
D-chicken,pot wedges,roasted veg,rice pudding
B - readybrek, strawberries
S - humzinger, few left over 'american' snacks
L - chicken, onion and apple 'sausage', cheese, bit of bread and marge, 1/2 an apple, um - and something else but I can't remember what!
S - mini chocolate chip cake made by his aunty
D - vegetable risotto, sponge and custard, few strawberries
.....I've only just noticed how much cake he ate today!!
Lucy, will she take a drink instead of food? It would fill her up just a bit until dinner. Milk or a small yogurt smoothie, especially.
We had another weird food day; he refused half of what I offered him and didn't drain his bottles. He was also a Senior Fussypants. Ahhhh... wheh do they have all their teeth, again? He is getting his first molars now.
B: a few chunks of banana, a few of my multigrain Cheerios, a few raisins, and an entire fresh apricot (he loves it)
S: refused snack of arrowroot
L: a few bites of quasedilla (cheese and turkey) but refused most of it
S: frozen blueberries for the first time, which he *loved* (and tried to feed me half of!)
D: a *huge* portion of pork stew with lots of veggies in it (I ground it up in his food mill, to make it easier for him to eat with his sore gums), plus half a slice of whole wheat bread with butter (in chunks, and dipped in the stew broth from my bowl), plus extra chunks of the soft veggies from DH's bowl... wow! He ate a lot there.
If he refuses food, I don't usually offer something else. I figure at this age he is refusing because he isn't hungry or (like today) because his mouth is too sore to eat. What do you ladies do?
Mmmmm cake...
Today was:
B: oatmeal with applesauce, some dry cheerios
L: two salmon stix with cauliflower and chick peas, blueberries x15
S: goldfish crackers
D: meatball with hidden spinach, cantaloupe, animal crackers (ran out of whole wheat fusili and he wasn't impressed with the linguine replacement)
Berni - think I'm going to make that cauliflower/anchovy pasta later this week!
What is a humzinger?
Adam turns 1 in about 10 days, so marking my spots, as realllllly need some ideas :)
Thanks for the welcome back!!
B-vanilla yogurt with blueberries and Special K cereal (dried strawberries and some plain flakes, bran perhaps?) mixed together. Ate some blueberries out but was otherwise unimpressed. I, on the other hand, enjoyed my bowl of the same --also had diluted juice
S-at my mom's, not sure
L-some fish but not sure what else or how well she ate
S-cheese crackers
D-ham and cheese slices rolled up, broccoli and some milk. DH fed her as I was cooking our delayed stuffed peppers (which she likes but I was behind and it was too late for her to have them) and he says she ate alright...but not great.--had some milk
Lucy-Ava doesn't eat "sandwiches" well. pulls them apart and eats bits of the inside but not much. She does a bit better with peanut butter and jelly, but I am with you there.
Nursery Day...
B - cheerios and milk, raisins, blackcurrant chunks (dried blackcurrant and fruit juice cut into chunks) water
S - animal biscuits and raisins, cup of milk
L - vegetable curry and rice, homemade scone, apple juice
Tea - rice crackers and jam, banana and pear pieces, water
Supper - blackcurrant chunks, oatcake, malt loaf,water
Nell xxx
I'm adapting this recipe to try tonight:
Not doing skewers, subbed in boneless skinless chicken breast (cut into chunks) instead of thighs. Have the chicken marinating in the sauce since this morning and will bake it in the oven (thinking 375 for about 30 minutes), adding in the pineapple and some green pepper strips for the last 10 minutes or so. And then serve over brown rice.
If it comes out good I plan to make some also for guests on Saturday! Hopefully the kiddos eat it as I don't have much else planned for them. Though DS doesn't do rice so maybe I'll make him some sweet potato "fries". Have all the stuff to make that cauliflower penne - plan to try that tomorrow night (though with fusili since DS really prefers it).
Amy if you look back several pages I asked what the humzinger bar was and did get an answer but can't remember exactly what it was!
B: porridge with CM (lots). Refused blueberries (usually a fav)
S: 1/2 Cheese omlette
L: Jersey royal buttered potatoes, mozerella, tomato (out)
S: Cheerios
D: Lasagne and garlic bread
S: wholewheat rusk in milk (as didn't eat much at lunch or dinner)
Today - didn't eat well in the evening maybe because it is very hot here - drank lots of water
B: Few spoons porridge with apple sauce made with CM
L: Lasagne - lots
S: 1/4 turkey ham sandwich at playgroup and loads of water
D: grapes, humous, pitta, mince/tomato/veg mix left over from lasagne making yesterday
S: Apple and blueberry semolina cereal with CM (as ate very little dinner). Few sips of warm CM from sippy cup (as nearly 1!)
Amy - I have been offering something else to eat when DS doesn't eat well but not straight away so he gets into refusing in the hope of something better. e.g. when he ate poorly at dinner at 5pm i offered a supper at 7pm which i don't normally. I also find he will eat more BM if he doesn't eat solids well but my DS is still under 1 (just).
Thanks, I will go and look for that. I am curious. And good for you for still nursing!!!!! I had to qut at 8 months with Nathan because his biting finally drew serious blood. I was heartbroken; I wanted to go until he was at least 1 year old.
Today has been a much better day than yesterday. I actually got more food into him than normal, because he was so distracted/fascinated by the guys working on our house outside that he just kept chewing on whatever I slipped into his open mouth!
B: half a slice of whole wheat toast with butter, peanut butter, and blueberry jam, and an entire fresh apricot
S: the other half of his toast with the same toppings, a few cubes of cheese
L: the rest of his quesadilla from yesterday (cheese and turkey inside), raisins, cherry tomato
S: a handful of dehydrated fruit (banana and strawberry), one organic toddler biscuit (Maple flavour)
D: assorted steamed veggies, wagon wheel pasta with hummus on it
Thanks, Yeah the teeth can be a killer. We went through a phase where he was biting and drew blood once and I thought it might be the beginning of the end for us but thankfully he stopped. Don't know how I will wean him now, he is a boobie addict.
Like the idea of homous on pasta very quick and easy. Do you make the homous yourself?
Nope, I buy it at the grocery store. It is just President's Choice, which is kind of a no-name brand here, but it is the best I have ever had.
I just boiled the pasta, thew in the veggies after I steamed them, and mixed in about a tablespoon of the hummus. It just absorbs into the pasta and adds flavour, which is great because Nathan doesn't like to get his hands all messy when he eats.
The hummus on pasta does sound good!
So exhausted. Got DS to sleep about 7:05 - insanely overtired as he refused PM nap. Working on DD now but she'll be more like 8... DH won't be home from work for a bit still and then we'll eat and I want to exercise and clean the kitchen and make DD's lunch for tomorrow, etc.
Today was:
B: wheatabix with milk, grapes
L: scrambled egg with cheese and spinach, one large cut up strawberry
S: goldfish crackers
D: above mentioned dish - he ate the chicken and a little of the pineapple and also had a few sweet potato "fries" and most of a yogurt
The dish came out quite good - definitely think will be making it for family Saturday (at DS's bday party)
Berni - going to make the cauliflower penne tonight - which grated cheese do you find tastes best? Also going to add olives... Maybe parmesan?
Yesterday Nick ate:
B: fried egg, blueberries, blackberries, oatmeal, milk, juice
S- a bunch of animal crackers at the library
L: lavash bread and hummus and turkey roll up, applesauce, milk
S- shortbread/chocolate cookie
D: penne with tomato and meatballs, zucchini, milk, juice, bread banana
?? what is fairy cake?
Berni - going to make the cauliflower penne tonight - which grated cheese do you find tastes best? Also going to add olives... Maybe parmesan?
Not sure if this reply will be too late now . . . but I've used parmesan, cheddar and even crumbled in blue cheese - IMO all of them work (but then we're cheese-aholics in this house!) Have also added olives (another addiction here LOL!) and sun-dried tomatoes. Totally up to you . . . the dish is lovely by itself, but you can add whatever you want (and I've made it with fusili too - I tend to use whatever pasta is in the cupboard ;))
?? what is fairy cake?
I can't see who posted fairy cake (think I'm a bit blinded by the sun ;)) but to me it means a little 'sponge' cake possibly with icing on the top (or with buttercream and wings!) - a bit like a smaller version of a muffin I s'pose. Attaching a couple of pics to help you visualise them ;) However, they may mean something completely different . . .
Wow! I want one now!!! They look amazing. We would call the 2nd one a Butterfly cake round here...
B - half a bagel and PB, various dried fruits, cheerios and milk, water
S - half a large pear, 1 pink wafer, few Organix puffs, water
L - home made moussaka, dried blackcurrants, apple juice
S - various things during the pm as we had friends over for lunch...another pink wafer, organix puffs, 2 prunes,water
Tea - 1 banana, veg curry (chickpeas, carrots, butternut squash, garlic) and rice, water
No supper and early bed as no pm nap : )
Nell xxx
it was me with the fairy cake,tho mine were made by lo's so they didnt exactly look like that when they were done...but would have tasted the same!!! ;D
yesterday was:
B-toast with butter and an apple
S-a biscuit
L-smoked haddock pasta bake,yoghurt
S-a pear
D-pasta cream bean dream,fruit pot
B-Toast with marmite,an apple
S-a pear
L-macoroni cheese
S-mini milk ice-cream
D-sausage rissoto.
Can I jump on here??!! Having trouble getting my lo to eat anything other than a cooked meal at mealtimes. Ok, not a major issue but I can't be cooking ALL the time! I buy the ready made baby meals for him too which I'd really rather not be giving him but I'm just not able to prepare enough meals for him (sorry, lazy Mummy!) - put a sandwich in front of him and he looks at me like I'm crazy!! Any suggestions appreciated (working on a very tight budget too!!).
Today went like this:-
B - 1 weetabix with milk
S - carrot stick 'crisps'
L - Chicken, mashed potato, veg and gravy and yogurt
S - bread sticks
D - Same as lunch :( and pureed fruit (sandwich refused at both lunch and dinner!)
So, fairy cake = cupcake?
Catherine, as you read everyone's lists of what their LO ate, you will get tons of ideas for your own DS! And you will save money, too... those ready made meals can be expensive.
Welcome Catherine. Does you LO like soup? That is cheap, hot and can be prep'ed in a big batch.
Today was baking hot but we did ok:
B: Porridge
L: 4cm bagette dipped in tomato soup, 1/2 slice of cheddar cheese, 2 strawberries, 4 cherries. Few sips decaf tea.
S: lots of cheerios
D: stewed beef out of a pie, mashed potato, peas, sweetcorn
I've never tried him with soup, I think he would though as he does seem to prefer 'smooth' things! That's a good idea.
Yes, looking over a few posts and seems I will get some ideas. He's not a 'bad' eater as such, he'll eat anything that comes in a jar and has a 'baby food' label on it (!) but can sometimes be picky over other things ::) He also seems to have a very sweet tooth, possibly gets that from me :P
I've made batches of casseroles before that I know he loves, then the next time I try him with it he wont touch it. Doesnt seem to be consistent with things and I think I may have stuck with what I know he will eat and have kind of got stuck in a rut!
Today -
B - strawberries, small amount of readybrek, licked the marmalade of a slice of toast
S - after 'bounce' session - 1/2 my bacon sarnie, some goldfish, corn snacks, fruit puree, humzinger, some banana (so I wasn't too worried about the lack of breakfast!!!!!)
S - in the car on the way home after nipping into Asda - handful of blueberries and grapes
S - after lateish nap - apple, strawberries, blueberries, grapes
S - because he whinged for food about 45 minutes before food and then scoured his bag for something to eat - more goldfish and corn snacks
D - (finally!!) Quorn chilli, rice, and cheese, yoghurt, 2 toddler biscuits
(then he finished the day off with just over 8oz of milk!!)
Cathierine - even now I tend to give Ben the same dinner a couple of times in a row and then again the following week. He seems to eat a little tentatively the first time he has it if it's been a while, but then hoovers it up the next day. Ben loves casserole too. Other staples in our house are; ham, tomato and veg pasta; sweet potato curry with rice; and spag bol which are all great freezer meals. He's pretty good at eating whatever we eat now, but during the week it's easier for me to grab something from the freezer as DH doesn't get in until late so we eat after Ben has gone to bed. As for the sweet tooth, Berni had a great recipe for mini banana muffins that are brill - very easy to make and satisfy Ben's (and my) sweet tooth.
Amy - I would say that fairy cakes and cup cakes are essentially the same thing. Fairy cakes tend to be made of quite light sponge cake - I'm not sure about cupcakes though.
Thanks Steph, I'm going to have a good look back through the thread for some recipes. Have given myself a bit of a kick up the bum as I need to get organised again, I started off well in the early days and I guess work and other things have got in the way since!
Had a great food day today:
B: freeze dried bananas and strawberries (they dissolve in his mouth and he loves them), raisins, toddler biscuit
S: slim whole wheat hamburger bun (they are made by president's choice) with butter and jam, warmed up
L: wagon wheel pasta and green beans with hummus (leftover from dinner last night)
D: roasted chicken, green beans, and roasted potatoes
I am so happy that he will use a plate now without tossing it overboard! It is great.
Thanks again Berni! DS didn't care for the pasta - but he's teething and extra picky lately. But DD, DH and I really enjoyed it. Ended up using the olives and parmesan. Blue cheese might give a good bite though next time.
Today was:
B: baby oatmeal mixed with applesauce, blueberries x20 (he refused fresh apricot)
S: animal crackers in shopping cart
L: small portion veggie lasagna, strawberries
S: teething biscuit, puffs
D: most of a broccoli potato pancake, yogurt, dried peaches. refused the cauliflower pasta
Oh and Catherine - DS won't do sandwiches either - I quite wish he would sometimes!
I'm "missing" DD's eating info. as she is going to the sitter this week and next and I am not sure of how she is eating there or of any snacks. I send lunch but she eats what is there as well if she wants.
Yesterday, what I know she had was:
B-Granola bar and milk (might have had fruit at sitters as I saw the other kids were)
S-not sure
L-I sent 1/2 a stuffed green pepper. The tupperware came back rinsed but I don't know how much she ate
S-I can't remember
D-Toddler meal of spinach and cheese raviolis. Some chicken nuggets and milk (dinner was running too late for her)
Today was:
B-pieces of apple and a blueberry waffle (I toasted it and brought it in the car on the way to sitters--she finished it there so not sure how much again) and milk
S-no idea
L-I sent grilled chicken from DH and I's dinner leftovers --again no idea how much
S-dried fruit mix
D-Italian hoagie and cheeseburger and fries. (we ordered in heh) and milk
Nicole- oh YUM to the italian hoagie! Sounds wicked good! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Let's see, today Nick ate:
B: kashi crunch cereal with blackberries, banana and milk.
L: turkey bologna, cheese, and mayo sandwich on pumpernickel bread with applesauce and tortilla chips.
S: cookie and milk
D: crockpot veggie (onion, mushroom, lima beans, zucchini, broccoli, green beans and tomato) and pasta soup, toast, and milk.
Just realised that I posted those pics and didn't tell you all that they are not 'mine' - don't think mine would look quite so professional :-[ Just wanted to give you a visual reference - so I should have put a disclaimer on LOL!! I guess they are like a cupcake - tho whenever I've had a cupcake the toppings have been much more extravagant - like a HUGE whip of buttercream rather just a bit of icing with a sprinkling of hundreds and thousands!
Now I need to know what an Italian hoagie is?
Karen - pleased you liked the pasta. Am so glad I found the recipe as it's quick and easy and everyone loves it - which is always a bonus!
Cathie - would love the crockpot pasta soup recipe if you get a minute :-* Tho may need an expalanation of lima beans???
Here's the last couple of days . . .
B: 2 x home-made blueberry & banana pancakes with yoghurt and honey, bit of satsuma, OJ
S: none (out with Daddy and apparently she didn't ask for one ::))
L: (still out with DH) adult portion of beans on toast (ie 2 slices and more beans) - apparently she ate the lot . . . maybe cos she hadn't had a snack LOL! apple juice
S: mixed dried berries, bit of licorice, juice
S: smoothie ice lolly, water
D: home-made cabbage, potato and bean soup, bread, smoked stilton cheese, cracker, yoghurt, biscuit, bit of choc (still eating Easter eggs!), milk
B: rice crispies and milk (also a bit of DH's Crunchy Nut Cornflakes and a few of my Shreddies!), apple juice
S: cookies, water
L: Picnic - sandwiches, crisps, sausage roll, ice lolly
S: jam donut, water
S: carrot sticks, juice
At home
D: half a baked potato with tuna mayo, topped with grated cheese, tomato and cucumber pieces, mixed grapes, yoghurt, water, marshmallow / popcorn ball
DD's just recently started to realised that I have a cereal medley / funfetti and she wants the same - hence the mix of cereals for breakfast ;) There comes a point when you just can't hide things anymore LOL
I was wondering what a Hoagie was too!
DS2 was 2 yesterday and sick, poor thing, he was last year too. Since his birthday is in winter I thnk he'll be sick on his birthday next year too!
Breakfast: MSPI "milk", refused all else
MT: dairy free birthday cake
Lunch: chicken & veg soup
AT: rest of cake slice
D: rice with bit of chilli con carne mixed with chicken broth, MSPI "milk"
Mmmmm hoagie.... it's a type of sandwich - a "sub" or "hero" it's also called (we call them subs in North Jersey LOL). The Italian variety would usually have meats like salami, bologna, etc as well as cheese and lettuce/tomato and oil/vinegar...
Needing some more lunch ideas, ladies. DS won't do bread or toast (grr) other than a toasted bagel (not sure why that's OK with him) so sandwiches or beans on toast or the like is out. Here is a list of the foods he likes - any and all ideas appreciated! Oh - he will usually let me spoon or fork feed him BUT only if he has something he likes to finger feed at same time.
- blueberries, cantaloupe, grapes, strawberries (but especially blueberries - his very favorite)
- veggie lasagna
- broccoli potato pancake
- meatball
- pizza
- brisket
- french fries
- toasted whole wheat bagel with butter or cream cheese
- bites of my chicken marsala
- yogurt (I feed it to him)
- dry cheerios
- dried peaches or dried apricots
- egg omelette (usually put cheese and spinach in)
- sweet potato spears (I bake them with olive oil)
- turkey patty (with veggies and applesauce)
- fusili pasta
- diced roasted carrots
- sweet potato pancake
- salmon stix (fish with chickpeas and cauliflower mixed in)
- Wheatabix or baby oatmeal (he'll let me feed it to him while he feeds himself fruit)
Haven't been able to get him to accept lunchmeats yet, he also doesn't like pieces of cheese on their own. Won't do pancakes or muffins. And since he's only a year tomorrow (!) he's not there with self feeding yet other than with fingers (and some textures bother him to pick up)
TIA guys!
we do tortilla wraps here with cream cheese and ham or grated cheese.i cut them into bitesize pieces and D loves them.Lunch is our prob too.
we do:
scrambled egg
macoroni or cauliflower cheese
Ham and cheese muffins
mini pizzas
i do keep offering the sandwiches tho most of it ends up on the floor!
We don't eat ham/pork but I can try that with turkey and cheese or the like? But since he doesn't do bread not sure if he'll do wraps - happy to try though. Do you use flour or corn tortillas? And do you cook them in oven or what? Thanks for the idea!
Yes, I used to live in north jersey and called them "subs", but DH is from PA and we live in south jersey now and it's a "hoagie" on the menu. I've heard them called "heros" as well. Don't forget the raw onions though. I have 1/2 a sandwich left in the fridge. Was going to bring to work for lunch but DD is sick so I am home with her. It will still be my lunch though.
i use flour tortillas.i just take one out of the freezer and give it a quick defrost in the microwave and voila!!! D wont do bread but she will do wraps!!!
And since he's only a year tomorrow (!) he's not there with self feeding yet other than with fingers (and some textures bother him to pick up)
Not to throw this thread off-track, but I was under the impression that self-feeding includes fingers :) I think most babies don't start using utensils consistently until ~18 months, right? I'd say he's doing well and wouldn't necessarily sweat that.
Back to the regularly scheduled programming:
Yesterday, DS ate:
B: multi-grain cereal with applesauce mixed in
S: yogurt melts and a Mum-Mum
L: carrots, bananas, and bread; juice
D: Lasagna and some yogurt for "dessert"
Totally agree Sara and not sweating that at all. Was more just pointing it out as clarification in case it helped anyone with ideas!
LOL would NEVER forget the raw onions... Mmmmm craving a "sub" now. (Sorry just can't bring myself to say hoagie).
Will definitely pick up some tortillas this weekend and give it a go, thanks! So do you keep the insides cold and wrap it up? Or make it more like a quesadilla with melted cheese? How do you serve it?
Yup, it is a "sub" here as well.Now I totally want one! My fave is from Subway (the sandwich shop, not the underground train)... cold cut combo on flatbread with Monteray Jack cheese and all the veggies, but hold the hot peppers. Heaven in a bite, and Nathan likes it too! I just rip off chunks of the flatbread and that's about all he gets. I am avoiding giving him cold cuts until he is older, because of all the hype over lysteria in the last few years. I know, I am paranoid. Only about a few things, though!
I haven't given Nathan wraps yet, but he gets quesadillas frequently. I chop up some meat very finely, and add some very finely chopped veggies. I cook that until done and soft, then put it in the tortilla with a bit of cheese. I let it cool so the cheese isn't super gooey, and then just give him small pieces to feed himself with.
Oh Amy... Nothing against Subway but we need to get you to Jersey to get a "real" sub!!! You'd be in heaven!
Definitely trying quesadillas and/or wraps as soon as I can get to the store. Busy couple days here but definitely by Monday.
B - Shreddies, strawberries, 1/2 piece of toast with marmite, 1/2 with chocolate spread (saw me eating it and there was no way I was getting away with it!!)
L - Chicken, olives, grapes, corn snacks, cucumber - refused bread and butter
S - few goldfish, apple
D - tomato, olive, chicken, mushroom and courgette pasta, rice pudding which he didn't like, strawberries, 2 toddler biscuits.
S - has just scoffed a chunk of my pb and cheese sandwich!!
The wraps sound like a brill idea - I'll get some next time I go shopping.
Also, Berni - do you happen to know which page this recipe is on? It sounds like something we would like!
Karen - pleased you liked the pasta. Am so glad I found the recipe as it's quick and easy and everyone loves it - which is always a bonus!
Definitely trying quesadillas and/or wraps as soon as I can get to the store. Busy couple days here but definitely by Monday
Me too! Bread/toast is an on/off thing with us, sometimes he will have a nibble, other times he wont even try it! I think wraps might go down better though!
B - Weetabix
S - Not certain, with my sister (she childminds for me)
L - Sweet & Sour chicken and rice, yogurt
S - carrot stick 'crisps' and probably the odd other thing here and then that my nephew was munching on!
D - 1/2 a fish cake, peas, a chip or 2, yogurt and a pot of pureed fruit
I have a question on the fishcake - this was an ordinary fishcake, but not homemade, that we were having (by ordinary I mean, not specifically meant for kids, but not a cheap horrible one, a 'nice' one!), what are your thoughts on that for DS? Are there things in ready made foods like that that I should not be giving him? Obviously I know that making it myself would be best but I am no chef :P he loved it!
Karen-no not warm at all,just fillings straight out of the fridge so just like a sandwich but in a wrap!! why she will eat these and not sandwiches i have no clue!!
i do give her Enchilladas tho aswell as a meal which she just loves so thats the wraps with a warm filling and melted cheese like you said!
It was Clare (clazzat) that told me about her girls eating them and since then i have tried all sorts of cold fillings!
Ds likes wraps here too and very good for taking and feeding on the run. He also likes pitta bread much more than regular bread.
Today we were teething so not that keen on chewing.
B: Wholemeal Rusk in 3 oz CM
L: Omlette and toast
S: few bites of turkey sandwich and few bites of apple and some cheerios
D: few bites of chicken and boiled potato but think was hurting teeth. 3 large chunks of fresh pineapple. 2 bites of kiwi fruit (from his cousin's bowl.
S: Apple and blueberry semolina cereal with 3 oz CM. a butter biscuit (snuck to him in his babywalker by his cousin)
Am more convinced about the kiwi allergy now because he had a big hive on his butt about 10mins later.
Today Nathan had...
B: whole wheat toast (1/2 slice) with butter, peanut butter, and raspberry/pomegranate/blueberry jam
L: freeze dried bananas and strawberries, cheddar cheese, and brie cheese, wheat thins
S: cheerios, banana, cucumber chunks
D: asparagus, shrimp, red bell pepper, and whole wheat bread with butter (about 1/3 of a slice)
Well we had a stomach bug over here. SO....
B-scrambled eggs and an english muffin w/ cream cheese (at this point I was hoping the vomit upon waking was a fluke of some sort) at some of the eggs.....subsequently threw them all up.
S-watered down milk
L-watered down milk (she kept asking for milk but I didn't want to overdo it) and she ate some fish sticks I had made for myself that she wanted (poor girl was hungry).....subsequently had diarrhea
S-apple and watered down apple juice
D-saltine crackers and regular milk as had been awhile since any v and d episodes.
We shall see what the night brings.
My DS1 was allergic to kiwi, used to get rashes on his cheeks. we stopped it after about 3/4 times when he was around 18 months, reintroduced at 5 and he is fine now.
DS2 is allergic to mango - much harder for us to avoid as we all love mango!
Nicole - hope you all get over your bug soon.
Lan - hope DS2 is over his sickness too. It sucks being sick on your birthday - like you say, maybe it's due to it being in the winter. DD has been sick for 2 out of 3 Christmases - the first one she was only 3 months so slept through it anyway. The next 2 she slept cos she wall ill :P I've resigned myself to the fact that's probably the way it's going to be . . . although it means we have to go and wake her rather than her coming in at 3am to see if Santa has been ;)
Thanks for the clarification of a hoagie - now I know that it's a 'sub' I totally understand. We have the 'subway' chain here too (shops and underground!) so I've had them on numerous occasions - yum indeed.
Steph - pasta recipe is at the bottom of page 18 (tho I think you may also have seen it before on the menu plan thread?)
B: rice crispies, few shreddies, few Crunchy Nut Cornflakes & milk, OJ
S: (at Grandma's) organix cereal bar, OJ
L: (at Great Gran's) salami, home-made tomato soup with veg & pasta, bread, yoghurt, bit of licorice, water
S: (at friend's) smoothie ice lolly, fig roll biscuit, water
D: 'rice salad' (rice mixed with tuna, chopped up tomato & cucumber, chopped black & green olives), carrot sticks, yoghurt, marshmallow/popcorn ball
Cathie - would love the crockpot pasta soup recipe if you get a minute Tho may need an expalanation of lima beans???
Lima beans are green, soft beans- go nicely with olive oil and rosemary and artichoke hearts sauteed with some garlic and tossed in pasta.
Some people call them butter beans. Many people say kids don't like them, but I think a lot of people have only had canned and not fresh shelled lima beans. They are related to peas and you do eat them shelled. Yum.
My crockpot pasta soup from the other day was litterally left over penne pasta tossed into a crock pot with chopped tomato, oregano, chopped onion, lima beans, broccoli, carrots, and I forget what other veggies sitting in the bin. Add sea salt and pepper and cook on high setting for 6 hours, stirring as needed. Too simple, but the tomato base of the soup makes it taste nice.
Today Nick ate blueberry pancakes and eggs. Seems to be on a pancake kick ATM.
B: few spoons blueberry and apple semolina cereal. 1/4 piece of toast.
L: omlette and toast
S: yoghurt with multigrain cereal
D: Chicken breast, baked beans and a few bites of chips (opps)
We never seem to get a full breakfast in at the moment. Not sure if it is because the milk feed is bigger in the morning. i have played with times but if I leave it longer than 1.5hrs after wakeup/milk he is moody for it. Any ideas?
Khalam's Mama (sorry, I don't know your name), I wouldn't worry about it yet; he is still young and it is just fine for milk to be an important source of his nutrition. Nathan always took his biggest milk feed in the mornings as well (it is still his biggest bottle, too), and then only wanted a light breakfast. It is starting to sort itself out now just naturally, as he is getting older. I usually offer him as much breakfast as he will eat (which isn't much) and then offer a snack about 1.5 hrs later of his leftover food and/or whatever else I want to give him. He is mostly on one nap a day, though, so our routine has enough time for that now.
Today Nathan ate:
B: about 3/4 of an egg, a few bites of toast, and a few handfuls of potato/turnip hashbrowns
S: cheese, pickles, and crackers
L: macaroni and cheese with hot dog chunks
S: whole wheat animal crackers and cereal bar stuffed with yogurt and jam
D: chicken chunks and green beans
Cathie - thanks for explanation of lima beans. Not sure if we have them here (will have to google and see if maybe it's called something else) but one thing I do know is that it's highly likely that A will like them - she loves any kind of beans. DH grew broad beans last year for the first time and she would ask for 'bean snack' which basically meant she would go and pick the pods with DH and they would eat them shelled fresh from the pod ;D (wonder if they are the same thing?? sound very similar).
The soup sounds lovely - great way of just using up some leftover veggies ;)
B: rice crispies, few shreddies, few CN cornflakes & milk, banana, OJ
S: mixed dried berries, water
L: (at Great Gran's) home-made veg & barley soup, bread for dipping, bit of ham, yoghurt, piece of licorice
S: mixed grapes, juice
D: courgette/zucchini slice (crustless quiche), leftover tuna rice salad - tho mainly picked out the olives ::), yoghurt, cherries, water, bit of gingerbread biscuit - didn't want milk, maybe cos it was so hot?
I wouldn't worry about it yet; he is still young and it is just fine for milk to be an important source of his nutrition. Nathan always took his biggest milk feed in the mornings as well (it is still his biggest bottle, too), and then only wanted a light breakfast.
Same here, breakfast was a struggle for a long time. He now eats a good breakfast but seems to be the same everyday!
B - 1 weetabix with 1/2 chopped banana
S - Breadsticks
L - Sweet & sour chicken with rice, pot of pureed fruit
S - Can't actually remember, we were out!
D - Sausage, mashed potato, few baked beans, 2 yogurts
He didnt eat a huge amount of his main meals (other than deserts!), think it might be a teeth issue.
B - cheerios and milk, humzinger, water
S - blueberries, humzinger, oatcake, blackcurrant chunks, water
L - sausages, peas, sweetcorn, pieces of peach, water
S - pink wafer, apple juice
Tea - DH's herby homemade burgers and spicy veggie rice, yoghurt, water
No supper.
I'm happy with todays food! : )
Nell xxx
B - Cheerios, strawberries, blueberries, marmalade on toast
S - corn snacks, some of my apple
Small S - apple
(late) L - sausage, small amount of potato salad, some homemade bread, more blueberries
S - some of my mum's ginger parfait (?)
D - Bread and marmite, cheese, cucumber, fruit puree, humzinger, raisins, goldfish, puffed rice things, yog coated strawberry pieces (not surprised he at what he ate as he would normally have a decent sized cooked meal but we were at a family bbq all afternoon so grabbed what we could)
Same here - breakfast is his lightest meal of the day. Yesterday was:
B: wheatabix and milk, blueberries
L: one egg omelet with cheese and grated zucchini, strawberries
D: most of a yogurt, about 1/2 hot dog, sweet potato "fries"
D: ice cream cake (was his bday), fruit
Today is looking like:
B: muesli, fruit salad, few bites toasted bagel with butter
L: most of a yogurt, broccoli calzone, few fries (at beach)
D: thinking meatball with spinach, bread w butter, fruit salad
Thanks for the reassurance re breakfast.
B: Omlette and toast and baked beans
L: 1/4 cheese sandwich, 1/4 pink lady apple and 1/2 nectarine
At his aunt's
S: few doritos, 1/3 butter biscuit
D: from BBQ, 1/4 beef burger, 1/4 lamb skewer, 2 cherry tomatoes, few bites red pepper, chunk of crusty roll
S: swig of coke (his 1st - helped himself from someone's glass on low table in my absence- opps) prune juice and few Cheerios
Not my proudest day foodwise but it's so hard to say no when it is there and everyone else is eating it!
Yesterday, main meals near enough refused - definitely teeth.
B - 1 weetabix and some of his sister's cornflakes
S - Sweetcorn rings
L - Few mouthfuls of cottage pie, pot of pureed fruit
S - Some of Dh's yogurt, some of his sister's banana, more sweetcorn rings
D - Refused, had pot of fruit, and yogurt
sweetcorn rings?
Not as fantastic as they sound.....baked organic corn snack coated in sweetcorn (in a ring shape!) :)
DD used to love sweetcorn rings - tho she's not so fussed on 'crisp type' snacks anymore - she's got a sweet tooth like Daddy ::)
B: rice crispies, few shreddies, few CN cornflakes & milk, bit of milk to drink, cherries, apple juice
S: pack of yoghurt coated sesame snaps (3), flavoured water
L: courgette / zucchini slice with tuna rice salad (again mainly picked out the olives ::)), grapes, juice
S: mini kabanos (salami), more grapes, water
D: nothing - refused sausage risotto so I explained that there was nothing else on offer and she was happy with that :P
B: rice crispies, few shreddies, few CN cornflakes & milk, mixed dried fruit pieces (large pieces of apple, pear and whole dates - DH got them from M&S - it's the posh-est dried fruit I've ever had ;)), OJ
S: mixed dried berries (the more common variety - cranberries, raisins, apricot, etc) in supermarket, water
L: home-made spicy cabbage, potato & butterbean soup, babybel cheese, bread and garlic soft cheese
S: humzinger, piece of licorice, water
D: few mouthfuls of sausage risotto (still not happy about it tho :P), yoghurt, fruit pot (peaches in juice), bit of gingerbread biscuit, milk
Ah I have seen them in the supermarket actually, the sweetcorn rings.
Today (got better as the day went on):
B: few bites omlette and toast and few spoons weetabix
L: few bites each chicken, lamb kebab, carrot, 1/4 cheese sandwich
D: rest of chicken from lunch, pasta in humous/pesto, peas, sweetcorn, blueberries x10, raspberries x 4, 1/2 a large strawberry. few spoons yoghurt and multigrain cereal
Today wasn't so good, teeth definitely causing some problems!
B - Weetabix (surprise, surprise! Really need to find an alternative here!!)
His snacks, luch and dinner kind of turned into 'bits of food here and there' as he just would not have his main meals, so overall he had:-
Lots of carrot stick crisps (I figured this was better than eating nothing at all!!), some of a banana, a yogurt, pot of pureed fruit, some of a ginger bread man, a bread stick.
The carrot sticks and sweetcorn rings are geat as snacks for DS as he can be fussy about textures, it's the only snack he'll eat plenty of, anything else tends to get a few nibbles but not much more!!
B - cheerios, strawberries, 1/2 bread roll with pb
S - few raisins, few rice snacks
L - shepherd's pie, peas and carrots followed by Eton Mess (!) at great grandma's house
S - corn snacks
D - Sausages and beans on toast, yoghurt
DS used to love those sweetcorn rings too - bizarrely they really do taste like sweetcorn!
DS is also having teething affect his eating - so he's not eating unless he's REALLY hungry. So I didn't give him any afternoon snack and he was starving for dinner. Felt badly and he was clamoring on me while I was cooking but he did eat a really good dinner... Poor guy
B: fruit. really nothing else. and not a lot of that either
S: animal crackers in shopping cart
L: a bit of yogurt, scrambled egg with cheese and spinach (took some distracting though), few pieces cut up strawberry
D: chicken marsala, sweet potato "fries", few multigrain cheerios
Will also see if he wants any toasted whole wheat bagel with butter while big sister takes a bath (so I can keep him in stroller really)
Never heard of sweetcorn rings; they must be a UK thing?
Nathan ate lots today...
B: whole wheat toast with butter, peanut butter, and blueberry jam
S: toddler's cereal bar
L: corn, peas, and sweet potato (which he carefully picked out and refused to eat!)
S: cheese cubes, animal crackers
D: whole wheat penne in pesto with onions, turkey, peas, and red pepper mixed in and extra parmesan on top
Today was a big day for DS--he had his first taste of Chick-fil-A chicken nuggets!
B: mixed-grain cereal with applesauce and strawberries (I have to flavor his cereal with fruit or he just spits it out)
S: yogurt melts
L: chicken nuggets and some french fries...he didn't eat much of it, though he LOOOOOOVED it! He's storing everything in his cheeks, which kind of limits quantity since I don't want him to choke ::)
S: whole grain cheese puffs & a Mum-Mum
D: fettuccine with parmesan marinara; avocado; peaches...and a little taste of my vanilla ice cream
Overall not a very healthy day, but I'm just happy to see him eating different things!
Never heard of sweetcorn rings; they must be a UK thing?
They're from the Organix range of snacks / foods - think they are UK based . . .
DS used to love those sweetcorn rings too - bizarrely they really do taste like sweetcorn!
They do too! I tried one yesterday, and the carrot sticks - they taste of carrots too! I was stuck in traffic and was starving so we shared his carrot sticks! :)
(I have to flavor his cereal with fruit or he just spits it out)
Have you ever tasted the stuff? I did, it is gross! I didn't blame Nathan for spitting it out after that! I can't really spoon feed him anymore anyway, so I am waiting to re-add cereal like that until he can use a spoon himself. He just pushes my hand away or tried to grab the food off the spoon when I try; we are sticking to finger foods for now, with the occassional sneaky help from me.
Thanks for the link, Bernie... I know what you guys mean, now. They have similar stuff here, although not that specific kind (that I have seen). Nathan used to like these little star puffs by Graduates that disintigrated immediately in his mouth; they come in peach, apple cinnamon, and sweet potato flavours.
- we're not doing too great with food still, PLUS I still don't always know what she ate at the sitter's....she usually sends a paper home but sometimes forgets.
Yesterday (what I know if anyway)
B-granola bar and milk (think she had more at sitter's)
L-chicken sticks (shaped like mini hot dogs) (also sent spaghetti o type things but they weren't eaten so maybe she'll eat them today)
D-Gen. Tso's chicken, white rice, broccoli (not fan of the chicken, was a bit spicy), mei fun with pork (liked these noodles better)....kinda picked at DH and I's food and didn't eat much....had diluted juice
Have you ever tasted the stuff? I did, it is gross! I didn't blame Nathan for spitting it out after that!
It is quite vile. I don't even like plain hot cereal now as an adult...can't blame him for not liking it either.
And Aaron likes the little Gerber Graduates star puffs, too; LOVES (and I mean LOOOOVES) the yogurt melts--I eat them, too :D--and the cheese sticks. They're easy snack foods on the go.
Matty (and his big sister) loves the yogurt melts too, though I buy the Happy Baby brand.
So Matty saw me eating soup for lunch and insisted on some and LOVED it. It was Healthy Choice reduced sodium chicken noodle and he had maybe 1/3 of a cup (some chicken, noodles and celery/carrots). Which is great but I'd rather than make soup. What are your favorite soup recipes that aren't too hard?
I am going to have to find these yogurt melts; sounds like they are quite the treat. I did find organic whole wheat animal crackers last week, and Nathan really likes them. I tried one, and they are way better than I remember animal crackers being (and I liked them as a kid!).
I didn't mean to sound all snotty-Starbucks-mom-with-huge-sunglasses-and-high-heels with my organic whole wheat cookies, by the way. It just came out that way.
Karen... I love soup! I make awesome soup, if I do say so myself. I have posted a few on the menu planning board that have been popular with us and DS. I usually start with boiling a meat bone to make stock, but if you don't have that kind of time then just start with water and whatever kind of stock you want (chicken, beef, veggie, etc). I can post a few actual recipes for you when I come back on later. Did you have any particular kinds in mind?
LOL Amy - we do organic whole wheat animal crackers too and I'm so NOT a big sunglasses, high heels Starbucks mom (though I do like a good latte once in a while)!
Would love some soup recipes. Probably won't have time to make my own stock but can try if it tastes much better. As for varieties, not sure. Maybe chicken noodle and/or vegetable? But any favorites welcome, thanks!
I didn't mean to sound all snotty-Starbucks-mom-with-huge-sunglasses-and-high-heels with my organic whole wheat cookies, by the way. It just came out that way.
PMSL at that - I always wonder how you can be a Mum and do the whole heels, sunglasses make up, etc - but maybe that's because I was never like that before :P I'm impressed if I leave the house without snot or food on my clothes (DD's not mine I hasten to add!). I do like a Starbucks cappucino - but I'm the mum with the hair scraped back wearing jeans, hoody and trainers (ie whatever fits me and is comfy) and if I've got sunglasses on it's because it really is sunny (so not that often then!)
B: bowl of cereal & milk (half shreddies half rice crispies - few CN cornflakes on the side), some milk to drink, mixed grapes, OJ
At CM:
S: raisins, water
L: fish fingers, smiley faces, chocolate mousse, juice
S: chocolate bun, water
At Home:
D: on the plate: roast chicken with roast potatoes, glazed roast carrots, peas & sweetcorn, onion gravy - ate 3 roast pots, couple of pieces of carrot, couple of mouthfuls of chicken, spoonful of peas & sweetcorn (not bad), yoghurt, banana, cherries, water, milk & popcorn ball (shared with me)
I've started asking Alice to at least try everything on her plate recently - as she's started saying 'no like it' to lots of things that I'm pretty sure that she does like as she's eaten them a million times before. She always picks out the bits she likes (for instance today she wolfed down the roast pots and said she was finished ::)) but also does seem willing to try at least a bit of everything before I agree that she's finished. I know that she's not had enough to eat as she requests the yoghurt and fruit afterwards and as much as I don't like to 'reward' with food I find myself doing so a bit by saying you can have the yoghurt once you eaten a piece of X, Y and Z. :P The toddler food debate will go on forever won't it? LOL
I didn't mean to sound all snotty-Starbucks-mom-with-huge-sunglasses-and-high-heels with my organic whole wheat cookies, by the way. It just came out that way.
LOL--I am also NOT that mom....Actually I've also wondered how those types can still pull it off with kids. I am always 'thrown together' in whatever I can grab quickly enough. Hardly ever have time for makeup or hair and I misplace things like sunglasses like it's my job. Sheesh.
Nicole - you sound like my kind of Mum-friend :-*
I didn't mean to sound all snotty-Starbucks-mom-with-huge-sunglasses-and-high-heels with my organic whole wheat cookies, by the way. It just came out that way.
LOL--I am also NOT that mom....Actually I've also wondered how those types can still pull it off with kids. I am always 'thrown together' in whatever I can grab quickly enough. Hardly ever have time for makeup or hair and I misplace things like sunglasses like it's my job. Sheesh.
Same here! And I BADLY need a hair cut
Nicole - you sound like my kind of Mum-friend
Thanks :)
Same here! And I BADLY need a hair cut
SO glad that you ladies are here. Makes me feel so normal and sane.
Ha! I am in the right group, then. It is t-shirts and hoodies and ponytails around here, mostly; DH recently requested that I leave the yoga pants for when I am just hanging around the house. Or... not out with him. The nerve! Just because I wore them instead of maternity pants when I was preggo, and then for the first entire year of our son's life...
I'm STILL wearing my maternity goggers and jeans - for comfort I might add, not because I'm still preggo size!! (although, also partly because I havent ever gone back to the skinny me I was before so don't fit in anything else I own!!) ;)
Oh, and back to the matter in hand.....
B - 1 weetabix
S - 1/2 banana
L - cottage pie, pot of pureed fruit
S - ginger bread man and some raisins
D - more cottage pie, yogurt and a breadstick
Ate really well today compared to recent days, hopefully this means the teeth are not causing so much pain and I might actually get some sleep tonight! Goodnight all! :)
Ha, I haven't. I still have a few extra pounds... but it is mostly that I am a different shape now, so my old clothes look funny/don't fit properly. But yeah... the extra pounds don't help.
Not to change the topic (I DO love the side conversations that develop!), but today Nathan ate:
B: whole wheat toast and an entire fried egg (HUGE breakfast for him!)
S: a banana and a few cheerios
L: cheddar cheese, raisins, cheerios, and a toddler biscuit
S: a few more raisins and some more cheese (out)
D: roasted veggies with a bit of olive oil, garlic, and fresh herbs (turnips, carrots, and potatoes)
He ate a huge breakfast, and I think it was due to letting him try ketchup for the first time! I squirted a bit on his plate on a whim, and showed him how to dip his egg and toast chunks in it. Um... huge hit. He would oh-so-carefully dip his bites in and then smack his lips saying "yum" as he ate. It was too, too cute! Too bad ketchup won't be a staple, since it has so much sugar and salt! It can be a treat once in a while, though.
Will be back later with soup recipes.
Ha ha, Catherine, posted at the same time!
He He He - I've not had my hair cut in over a year!! And I'm sat typing this in baggy jeans and DHs t-shirt.
As for those high heeled, sunglass wearing mothers, I have a theory...nannies!!
We bought some of those star puff things when we were on holiday and some yoghurt melts. We all (extended family included) like the puffs - they remind me of Rainbow drops that I used to get from the sweet shop as a child! DS loves the yoghurt melts - me not so much though; I find they dry my mouth out. I should add here that it is of course the law to taste all of the snacks bought for one's son, particularly if they look yummy!
Today for Ben.
B - shreddies, strawberries, toast and marmalade
S - raisins, few corn snacks found in the bottom of my bag ::)
L - pb and cheese sandwich (his latest food 'find'), chicken, blueberries, grapes
S - 1/2 hot x bun, 1/2 an apple
D - Cod fish cake, peas, carrots (most of which he picked out and gave back to me), yoghurt + pear pot, few yog coated raisins, 2 toddler biscuits
Depressingly I was slimmer/a smaller clothes size/lighter the day after I gave birth to Ben than I am did THAT happen????
I am trying to lose about 8-10 more pounds. At least it's not as bad as I was after DD. I was ok right after she was born but then gained a lot - she had bad reflux and I was up with her a lot, meaning eating chocolate in middle of night and not really exercising! I lost 33+ pounds in between having the two kids and gained about 24 pregnant with DS. I've been running 3-4 times a week and walking a lot and doing light weight training - but I'm hungry a lot and have poor metabolism!
Holy teething batman! Biting everything, tantrums over everything, fever... But oddly eating. Today was:
B: cantaloupe and blueberries, half an apple cereal bar
L: homemade whole wheat pizza with cheese and grated carrots, most of a yogurt, some of my soup
D: broccoli potato pancake, more pizza (regular takeout this time) at DD's Hebrew school orientation
I am also not up to doing the whole hair and makeup thing regularly. Though I was too lazy before I had DS too so I can't blame him.
Got back to my prepreg weight by the time DS 5.5MO but would like to be back to my preTTC weight when I was exs 3xweek and not eating rubbish all day.
B: Porridge and 1/2 apricot
S: 1/2 rice cake
L: 1 slice sandwich - cheese and pesto. 1/2 apricot
and then it goes down hill...
D: few pieces corn, 15 blueberries, few bits tuna, a rich tea biscuit. Declined chicken, cauliflower cheese, sweet potato pancake.
S: declined cereal
Decided he needed a poop 1/2 way through dinner which seemed to put him off. Hope he is not up all night.
(although, also partly because I havent ever gone back to the skinny me I was before so don't fit in anything else I own!!)
Same here! My hips and rib cage just ain't the same! Gone are the days of skinny jeans--hello curvy cut! :)
Glad to hear the dress code is jeans and t-shirt. Might I add flip-flops to the attire? ;)
B: yogurt, 1/3 banana
S: (I forgot what he ate...mommy brain)
L: leftover fettuccine, some more banana, yogurt bites (I've created a monster!)
D: turkey, bread, peaches, and some of mine & DH's dinner (tortellinis)
B: 1/2 english muffin with cream cheese and 1 strawberry
S: 1/2 apple, milk
L: yogurt and a cheese sandwich minus the crust
S: crackers, and I shared my ice cream
D: other 1/2 english muffin with tomato sauce spinach and mozzarella cheese on top, pineapple which she apparently loves!!!
had a banana and milk before bed
Does anyone do smoothies? If so do you use milk or juice based?
I haven't done smoothies, mostly because Nathan is terrified of the sound of the blender! I am interested in hearing what other people say, though.
Also, do you guys give your LO's tea? I recently heard of this and was surprised; I had never really heard of this. If so, what kinds?
Glad to hear the dress code is jeans and t-shirt. Might I add flip-flops to the attire? ;)
Definitely!!! LIVE in flip flops!!!
Haven't done tea - really wouldn't occur to me. Keep meaning to try smoothies but only just started the switch to whole milk so maybe in another month or so. Would probably do milk, yogurt and juice. Maybe add in green veggies too.
'm STILL wearing my maternity goggers and jeans - for comfort I might add, not because I'm still preggo size!! (although, also partly because I havent ever gone back to the skinny me I was before so don't fit in anything else I own!!)
Same here :(
So here's what ds had yesterday:
B : oatmeal & apple cereal with half a whole wheat cracker
S : 2 triangles of laughing cow cheese (ds wouldn't mind living on this alone..!) , plus a banana and 1/2 a mango
L : 2 meatballs, plus about 4 tbps of rice and spinach
S : Tried to give him some apples, but he wasn't hungry
D : Yogurt with 2 crackers, tried giving him the apples but he wasn't interested
I'm finding more and more difficult to feed ds with a spoon, he just wants to self feed all the time, which isn't always easy :(
I'm finding more and more difficult to feed ds with a spoon, he just wants to self feed all the time, which isn't always easy Sad
Amy's going through the same thing with Nathan...perhaps she's got some advice? :)
I'm amazed at how much your LOs eat!
We're going through the same thing here too Yazzie. I can "sometimes" spoon or fork feed him while he self feeds something he loves (like blueberries) or if it's something he's really jazzed about like soup or yogurt. But we are also just getting as creative as possible with self feeding.
Who was it that did the hummus pasta? Think am going to try that later today. Do you just cook the pasta as normal and then add a T or so of hummus at the end? Any butter or anything else as well?
You rang? Ok, lots to type here...
Here is one awesome soup recipe. It is adapted from Anna's "Moroccan chicken and chickpeas" recipe from the menu planning thread a while back, and it is lovely! I will add another one in a minute.
Moroccan Chicken and Chickpea Soup
Chicken (2 breasts in cubes, skin off)
Medium onion, small dice
three garlic cloves, minced
olive oil
Low salt chicken stock (4-5 cups, depending on how liquidy you want it)
ground cumin
ground cinnamon
black pepper
1 smallish butternut squash, peeled, deseeded and diced, OR one smallish sweet potato, peeled and cubed
Can of chickpeas, drained and rinsed
Can of chopped tomatoes
a few handfuls (anywhere from 1/2 cup - 1 cup, as you like) of couscous
Pinch of saffron (optional)
a handful of pitted, sliced olives (optional)
- Heat butter and olive oil in a large pot over medium heat; add onion, garlic, 2 tsp ground cumin and 1 tsp ground cinnamon, and season with black pepper. Cook, stir occasionally, until the onions are soft (about 5 mins).
- Add chicken, squash, stock, chickpeas, tomatoes and saffron, if using. Stir well to coat all in the onion/spice mixture. Bring to a boil then reduce heat. Simmer about 15 minutes. Throw in a handful or two of couscous and simmer another 5 minutes or so (check that the chicken is cooked all the way through). Add olives when stew is finished cooking, if you are using them.
I did the hummus pasta; I use wagon wheels, or penne, or macaroni... anything small enough for his little hands to stuff in his mouth. I cook it as usual, then drain it and return it to the hot pot. I then add about a tsp of butter, and about a tbsp of the hummus. You can add more to taste; it absorbs right into the pasta. I also sometimes add some peas or someother type of veggie.
And yes, I am having issues spoon feeding Nathan. 'Issues' = he won't let me. 99% of his food right now is finger food, and I can occassionally sneak in a spoonful of something while he is feeding himself. I can't really give him yogurt, even; I have to give him a spoon and sneak in bites from another spoon, or help him use the spoon to feed himself. Meals take a lot longer now and I sometimes have issues deciding what he will have to eat, but we are managing ok. He is a good eater, as long as he likes what I give him. If he doesn't like it, he carefully spits it out and refuses to eat the rest of the meal! He did that last night, the little bum... I had very carefully de-boned some lovely pike fillet for him and lovingly cut up some roasted potatoes, carrots, and turnips. He took one bite of the turnip and spat it out, then refused to eat anything else and wanted to get down. So much for that!
Thanks Amy! Soup sounds good and will try that with the hummus pasta at dinner tonight.
Yazzie - what do you put the laughing cow triangles on for him?
Gah, I am starting to get fed up with Internal Service Errors, I tell you what!!! I have been trying to post other soup info.
Anyway, most of my other soup recipes aren't so much recipes as 'things thrown in a pot to cook together'.
- For chicken noodle, I would put about 6 cups of chicken stock in a pot on medium high. Throw in a chopped onion, a head or two of garlic, and some chopped up chicken (no skin). It tastes better in the end if you use raw chicken, but cooked is fine and a good way to use up leftover meat. Anyway, then put in a few stalks of chopped celery, a few chopped carrots, about a tsp of ginger, about 1/2 tsp of thyme, and salt and pepper to taste. Cook that for an hour or two on a low simmer, and then put in some pasta (egg noodles, macaroni, or baby shells work best). Cook another 10-15 min until pasta is cooked, and there ya go.
- For a basic veggie soup, I start with about 5 cups of chicken or veggie stock, in a pot on medium high. Add a can of stewed or chopped tomatoes and some chopped onion, carrot, celery, green beans, peas, and zuchinni. Add to that about a 1/2 tsp of rosemary and some salt and pepper to taste. I usually add some lentils or chick peas as well. Towards the end you can add some chopped spinach and/or mushrooms if you like. Just simmer is until everything is cooked (the exact cooking time depends on what you put in; obviously lentil would take longer to cook than chick peas).
I always serve soup with bread or buns. If DS is giving me trouble spoon-feeding him, I just pick out chunks for him to feed himself and then dip pieces of the bread in the broth for him. That way he still gets the nice liquidy broth but I don't have to wrestle him with a spoon.
Loving the 'uniform' on this thread ;D Footwear for me is usually trainers if it's cold and wet outside (like it is today :P) or birkenstocks or crocs if the weather is good - I know that crocs are a love/hate thing but I love 'em (as does DD!) and I wear them a lot because I feel I can only wear my birkenstocks if I've taken care of my feet (or rather my lovely beautician friend has - by giving them a mini pedicure and painted my toenails). Unless I actually make time to go to her house and be 'pampered' for an hour or two (if you call waxing pampering??) then I never end up finding the time to do anything for myself - in need of an appointment to tidy up the toes and the hair right now (sorry :-[) in case we do get a bit of summer . . .
As for pre-pregnancy weight . . . I'm so not there :-[ and my DD will be 3 in Sept. I could probably do with losing about a stone - but even if I do there's no way that I will ever be the same shape - don't think my boobs will ever recover from BF (not that I would change that) but think that if I do lose any more weight then they could disappear forever LOL - and I would definitely be much more pear-shaped than I was before I had DD - the boobs that I had made me much more hourglass.
Anyway . . . back to food. Amy both those soups sound lovely, thanks. The one I tend to make on a regular basis is cabbage, potato and bean soup - because (as you know from the meal planning thread) we quite often get a whole cabbage in our veg box and it's a good way of using up the whole head in one go before it goes sad - plus the soup is lovely (very thick) and we all love it. Made a variation this time with spices (gave it a hint of curry) which was as good if not better - happy to share if anyone wants it. Also done a cauliflower and blue cheese one a few times - again so that I could use up a whole head of cauliflower before it got wasted.
Today - not that great as I don't think DD is quite right (last tooth, bit snotty, bit tired)
B: bowl of cereal (half shreddies half rice crispies) & milk, few CN cornflakes on the side, some large pieces of the posh dried fruit ;) (pear, dates, apple), some smoothie*
S: none - we were at music group and she never bothered
L: slice of toast with garlic cream cheese, mixed green & black olives, few bits of sausage, banana, few blueberries, apple juice
S: scone with butter and jam (a whole one :o) - we were out and called into a farm shop with tea rooms, they had a special offer on where tea and scones were free :o :o :o DH and I don't drink tea so had to pay for coffee but 3 scones for FREE!!!
D: refused bowl of pasta with home-made tomato sauce, chicken, olives and feta - didn't want anything - just had some water
*just remembered as I typed that someone asked about smoothies. As you can see we do give smoothies - today was a bit different as DH brought a banana & wholemeal grains one home from M&S. I usually make my own and do yoghurt, juice and fresh fruit - whatever we have that needs using up at the time - but tend to always put a banana in as it seems to go with everything.
B - 1 weetabix
S - 1/2 banana
L - Cheese and beans on toast, yogurt
S - gingerbread man
D - Generally refused as DH decided to give ANOTHER gingerbread man about 10 mins before dinner!!!! (Arrrgghhh, men!) Had a yogurt though.
Good day for food today.
Can I add tennis shoes to the uniform? I have the T and Jeans as required on right now.
I haven't done smoothies in a while but we love them. We also usually have a banana cos it needs using and cos it makes it thicker.
B: Apriot pieces and few spoons weetabix
L: Pitta dipped in pesto humous, omlette
S: Fruit salad (10 blueberries, 4 raspberries, 1/2 nectarine)
D: 1/3 Unseasoned burrito - cheese and beef with hidden veggies (onions, mushrooms, peppers, tomatoes, carrots, potato)
I see some Lo's are refusing dinner often - is this like our breakfast -just not very hungry- or is it more they don't like what is offered? I get scared when DS doesn't eat a meal and always offer another snack later. I can't help feel it can't be good for him to miss a whole meal esp dinner and I don't want him up early because he is hungry.
I get scared when DS doesn't eat a meal and always offer another snack later. I can't help feel it can't be good for him to miss a whole meal esp dinner and I don't want him up early because he is hungry.
Me too. I think teeth is the main issue with us at the moment. I usually try to make it up with a snack, or if he'll eat an extra yogurt afterwards or something, we do that.
Nathan gets a bottle before bed, and will take at least 8 oz depending on how much he ate that day/for dinner. When he has a small dinner, he makes up for it by wanting more milk.
B: a banana pancake with butter and peanut butter
S: raisins, cheese, animal crackers
L: roasted herbed carrots and potatoes (left over from last night)
D: naan, a few bites of my chilli, and a big bowl of potatoe salad with peas in it
I felt bad because he liked my chilli and kept pointing to it for more, but I wouldn't give him more than a bit. He is so sensitive to acidic food; he gets a wicked diaper rash when he has had more than just a little tomato-ey sauce or any type of citrus. It kind of limits what he can eat, and I really hope he will grow out of it.
Well DS wouldn't eat the hummus pasta. Kept spitting it out. DD had some though and I tried it and thought it was tasty! Today was:
B: muesli with milk, blueberries
L: maybe 1/2 cup organic no salt added chicken noodle soup, about 1/3 quesadilla made with whole wheat tortilla, turkey, cheese and grated zucchini, grapes
D: turkey patty (with applesauce and zucchini), 1/3-1/2 a banana, green puffs
Same here on the milk as what Amy said (though is bottle is usually 6 ounces before bed, though last night he took 7)
I missed a ton! But I am so happy to peruse and find that you mom's are so much like me! I am almost my pre-pg weight. I WAS there but since have gained back about 5 or so lbs. give or take on any given day. BUT my weight is carried terribly boobs and a fatty mid-section. Berni, what is it about the BFing that makes our boobs smaller than before!??
"As for those high heeled, sunglass wearing mothers, I have a theory...nannies!!"---I forget who said this....but I think you're on to something. Seems HIGHLY likely. :)
Okay, food-wise:
B-cheerios and cup of milk (likely had more at sitter's...not sure what)
S-no idea
L-spinach ravioli (toddler meal thing)
S-craisins and juice
S-string cheese (my sister was giving her this before dinner was served while we were visiting there this evening)
D-pierogie (1/2 of one :( ), pulled pork (only a few bites), tomato (again only a bite or so), rice (same deal) and milk
The other thing is, the sitter doesn't tell me how MUCH she eats. She used to when she was younger, but her "toddler" info. paper doesn't indicate amount. She doesn't go often enough to make a big deal about what I don't know....mostly she is with my mom....then I know more what she has. Oh well.
Nathan gets a bottle before bed, and will take at least 8 oz depending on how much he ate that day/for dinner. When he has a small dinner, he makes up for it by wanting more milk.
Same here, Ollie still has 3 bottles a day, currently cutting out the middle one but had a few bouts of illness where he hasnt wanted to eat much so I've wanted to keep the milk up rather than him having nothing.
Bernie - you're a Yorkshirewoman and you don't drink tea? Shock horror!
I've found with both my two that once they reached the age of about 18 mothns they would onyl eat 1 good meal a day and just pick at the rest. Today DS2 ate a HUGE lunch then ate almost no dinner.
As for the uniform - what about the mum on this blog?
SHe always looks so made up but maybe that is because she is photographing herself!
MLK-Definitely think it's because she is photographing herself for the blog. :)
I don't know girls... she looks like exactly the type of mom I was thinking of as 'Starbucks'. Huge sunglasses, sculpted butt, perfect skin, and all. But man... cute kids! I love babies.
She writes so well too!
And I found myself grooving to the music without even realizing that it had started... good taste!
DS has eaten so much today!!
B - refused (!), this was a lovey issue, he still had him in his hands when I put him in the highchair so we then had a meltdown when I took it off of him and breaskfast was a complete 'no'!! So, Mummy's fault! He then had some raisins and half a banana a little later
S - Marmite rice cakes (loads of!) (oh, and yuck!)
L - Sweet and sour chicken with rice, yogurt
S - sweetcorn rings (loads of!)
D - Massive portion of HOMEMADE (!!!) cottage pie, yogurt
So, I made a huge cottage pie, DS loved it, I've never seen him eat such a big meal! AND loads of DS-sized portions ready to go in the freezer - impressed??!! :)
Amy I am at the point where DS is so insistant on eating everything I eat that I have to limit things I don't want him to have to when he isn't around (like sleeping). It can be annoying though.
DS also didn't eat the pasta with humous. I felt like maybe Iput too much. How much pasta do you mix with 1 tsp humous? DS does eat much so maybe it was too strong.
I have let DS have tea a few times but decaf with no sugar. He does really like it though. My BIL says it will makehim short so he doesn't drink it or like his children to have it but he is 5ft 6in and DH is 6ft ad loves tea so I am not convinced.
I can't help but think if the lady in the blog has time to write all that and take all those pics she has time to do make up. I can't quite work out how though! If she has a pool maybe she has money for help?
I was looking at the marmite rice cakes but was scared they had too much salt Cathy -do they? Oh and YUMMM.
Today DS has an upset Tummy so sticking as closely to the brat diet as I could. Had about 10 BF's so not too worried about quantity.
B: Cheerios, 1/2 banana. Declined toast.
L: Toast, few bits pitta and humous (off me), more cheerios. Offered baby rice made with apple puree but didn't even taste.
D: Banana Museli made with water instead of CM, few chips off his Nanna (!!!)
That's what I thought about the woman in the blog too - she must have help!!
Not sure on the marmite rice cakes, they belonged to my friend who was visiting with her DS. I don't buy them for DS as he doesnt cope with them very well, seems to manage to choke on them quite often - coped ok today though!
I also think this about olives and halloumi cheese both of which I love but hide from DS.
Nathan loves olives, and pickles... I figure that high sodium foods are a treat like any other, and should be offered sparingly. That way, Nathan will grow up seeing these foods as ok in moderation.
Good for you Catherine!!! I am impressed.
Today Nathan ate...
B: 1/2 a lentil muffin, a banana
L: a fried egg with fresh parm cheese sprinkled on while it was cooking, some whole wheat toast with butter, and a few chunks of fresh tomato
S: whole wheat animal crackers, cheddar cheese, freeze dried bananas and strawberries, a soda cracker, and a cucumber slice (begged of his friend... he ate it very well considering I have never given it to him as a slice before)
D: a few bites of a salmon sandwich, more cucumber, some grapes, a few little bites of my salad (hard for him to eat)
Not managed to get on the past couple of days so have just been catching up . . .
Berni, what is it about the BFing that makes our boobs smaller than before!??
Wish I knew the answer LOL!! I had quite an ample pair before I had DD and then they just got bigger and bigger during PG - much to the amusement of my male work colleagues at the time - good job they didn't see me a few days after DD was born when my milk arrived. I just remember catching sight of myself in the mirror in the morning - felt like I'd gone to bed as me and woken up as Jordan :o :o :o (I know the UK ladies will know who I mean, not sure if she's made it overseas yet - tho am thinking the world knows her!) However after 13 months of BF all I'm left with is a couple of 'empty bags' - it's not a good look, even the 'scaffolding' (ie underwired bras) that used to work wonders doesn't seem to help - and I know what you mean about any extra weight - it doesn't go on the boobs in fact it goes anywhere but there . . . I know that I need to get back into running to shift these extra pounds (and eat less too :P) I used to run quite a bit before DD - but I also know that weight comes off my boobs first when I run, so there's really no hope for me :-\
I love the fact that we all seem to be from the 'same mould' - I would love to see all the Starbucks Mums faces if a group of BW Mums turned up in Starbucks in our 'uniform' - I know who would be having the most fun tho ;D
Love the theory that they are Nannies rather than Mums - otherwise where on earth do they get their time???
I have read a bit about Kelle Hampton before (someone posted the link about her story a while back) and she is truly stunning - and writes brilliantly. I remember seeing her pics of her just after the birth of her baby and thinking at the time that she didn't look like she'd given birth - maybe it's because she is a photographer that she makes sure that she looks good before she takes the pics - or maybe she spends a lot of time retouching . . . all I know is that I never looked like that before I had DD so it was never going to happen afterwards ::)
Okay and now coming back to food chat . . . as far as salty foods are concerned I'm much more laid back than I used to be. Having said that DD is a lot older now - so it's taken me a while. I never add salt to our food when cooking (unless a recipe specifically asks for it) - the only thing I put salt on is chips when I buy them from a chippy which isn't a regular thing at all. I like to think that DD has a varied diet and that she gets most things in moderation . . . am trying so hard to make sure that she doesn't become fussy eater (my 12 yr old niece is a terrible eater) that I'd rather she had things now (even if they are a tad salty) - kwim?
And as for dinner refusal - again this is something I don't worry about anymore. On the few occasions when it has happened and DD has gone to bed without anything to eat (yes I am a cruel Mummy :-[) she hasn't slept any less or woken from hunger - so I figure that she can't have been that hungry in the first place. Sometimes I think she may not want what is put in front of her but I refuse to get into the habit of making her a different meal (give a toddler an inch and they will take a mile ;)) - nor will I let her go straight to yoghurt/fruit/whatever it is she requests because I think if she is allowed to do this once she will then think she can do it every time she doesn't fancy her tea. All I ask of her now is that she eats a bit of each thing on her plate (ie 1 carrot, 1 potato, 1 piece of meat) or X amount of spoonfuls if it's something like pasta & sauce, curry and rice, etc.
Bernie - you're a Yorkshirewoman and you don't drink tea? Shock horror!
I've found with both my two that once they reached the age of about 18 mothns they would onyl eat 1 good meal a day and just pick at the rest. Today DS2 ate a HUGE lunch then ate almost no dinner.
It is quite shocking isn't it LOL!!
I think the 1 big meal a day thing is quite interesting - I always wonder if DD would be better with her main meal at lunch time, but we've always tended to do a light lunch - think it's probably because that's how we were brought up!
At the end of the day I think that toddlers eat when they want to eat - and we spend too much time worrying about it LOL!!
So here's what Alice has been eating . . .
B: cereal & milk (half shreddies half rice crispies), few CN cornflakes on the side, bit of milk to drink, bit of banana, smoothie
S: biscuit, water
L: noodles, sausages, yoghurt, milk
S: half a banana, water
S: small bun, juice
At home
D: bowl of pasta with home-made tomato sauce, chicken, olives and feta*, yoghurt, blueberries, cherries, biscuit
(*this is the same dinner that she'd refused the previous night - her reaction when she saw the plate today was 'WOW' - PMSL)
B: 2 x home-made banana & blueberry pancakes with yoghurt, honey & more blueberries on the side, smoothie
S: (at Gran's) packet of apple crisps, apple juice
L: (at Great Gran's) small tin of spaghetti and sausages, bit of salami, shared some of Gran's sausage roll & carrots, yoghurt & jelly pudding
S: 3 x yoghurt coated sesame snaps, flavoured water
D: parsnip & chickpea curry with pilau rice, yoghurt, few grapes, biscuit
Nicole - meant to say that although the CM and my Mum do let me know what Alice has eaten (CM fills out a sheet - Mum just tells me) I don't have any idea really of how big the portions are - that's why I don't stress too much if she refuses dinner cos she may have had a huge lunch.
Oh my Gosh, we are on page 31!!!! I feel like we are on the dark side of the moon, or something...
Anyway, yesterday Nathan ate:
B: egg, banana, toast
S: blueberries
L: peas, cheese, cucumber, half of a whole wheat slider bun (mini hamburger bun) with butter and peanut butter
D: homemade mac and cheese with crab in it (DH made it!), and part of my two bite brownie ('num num, mama')
Tonight DH and I are leaving DS with my sister, and going away overnight! I am so, so, so sosososososo nervous. I know that he will be fine with my sister; they have a good relationship, he loves her, and she is a nurse (just in case anything goes wrong, it is so good to know she can handle it!). My brain knows it will be ok, but my heart is just so anxious. DH really needs this, so I am trying to be positive and make myself relax so I can enjoy it. Otherwise we will just fight, I will resent him for this, and the night away will be a waste of time! I want this to go well, so I don't have to do it again anytime soon. Ha!
Amy, have such a fantastic time tonight, and don't worry about your ds (easy for me to say, huh?!) he will be fine. I really hope you enjoy, Im sure you will. Make the most of it and relax!!! xxx
Amy - hope you have a fab time :-* We still haven't left DD overnight with anyone . . . not sure when it will happen TBH, but have to say that I find it much easier to leave DD (in child care - inc with my Mum :-[) than I used to. It's hard so I feel your pain.
Today's intake went like this:
B: bowl of cereal & milk (half shreddies half rice crispies) few CN cornflakes on the side, bit of milk to drink, half a banana, apple juice
S: mixed grapes
L: salami, cheeses (cheddar & emmenthal), mixed green & black olives, bit of gherkin, bit of home-made beetroot chutney, few organix tomato corn snacks, wasn't interested in the dark rye slice of toast (don't think she's had dark bread before), so put some honey on half a slice to see if it made a difference and she ate the half slice!
S: more of the tomato corn snacks
D: 2 slices of pizza (one margherita one ham/salami/mushroom) bit of mayo for dipping. Asked for more when finished :o which I didn't have so ate the rest of the corn snacks and a babybel cheese, little pot of mousse/jelly pudding, biscuit and a bite of both DH's and my cereal bar, milk
Can't believe we're on page 31 . . . hope we don't explode the internet ;)
Hey there Amy, hope you have a good time and agree that since you're leaving, you might as well have a great time :-*
Adam is being really tough with eating, I think I will be posting on that soon :(..anyhow, here's what Adam had today:
B: Cream cheese on a slice of toast & a nice piece of omelet
S: A piece of cheese flapjack with hummus & Water
L : A few pieces of home made chicken nuggets, over roasted and roasted sweet potatoes
S : Dried Raisins & Water
D : 2 mini cheddar cheese sandwiches, plus half a mango & water
We also succeeded to avoid giving ds any of his bday cake, in spite of the ILs arguments :) that Adam is a toddler, I'm thinking I need to have a broader mind as to his food options, he really does love to eat and I'm afraid the fact that we're not a very eating-oriented family would affect him!
We also succeeded to avoid giving ds any of his bday cake, in spite of the ILs arguments that Adam is a toddler, I'm thinking I need to have a broader mind as to his food options, he really does love to eat and I'm afraid the fact that we're not a very eating-oriented family would affect him!
Sometimes I feel really restrictive with Aaron, too. It's hard making the mental shift *hugs* Adam looks like he's eating a lot of different foods--that's great!
B: cereal, yogurt
S: something DH found for him
L: 1/2 grilled cheese sandwich, TONS of blueberries
D: turkey, a couple bites of cottage cheese, and then he didn't want to eat anymore ::) dinner's the worst meal for him
Going to lock this thread and start a fresh one :)