When my 1st daughter was born we just thought she was a spitter she always ate well but she spit ALL the time but just not quite throwing up. alot of the times it would be curdled but not always , some symptoms I really don't recall this was 3 years ago and since she was my 1st I didn't know alot about what should be normall. When she was about 10 weeks she started spitting up (especially while she was sleeping it seemed, because I would find it in the morning) but it would be brown, which ,of course I thought was blood. we brought her to the e.r. and I even told them I rember my husband saying he had a surgery when he was about 4 weeks old,For pyloric stenosis, but they wrote it off because she didn't have typical symptoms for it and they seem to have it earlier,symptoms usually are projectile vomiting right after feeding and poor weight gain and sometimes green and brown colored vomit and constipation, and usually starts at2-3 wks. wellshe really had none of those and theysent us home, they ended up wanting us to come back a week later and I pressed for sooner to do an ultrasound which showed the blockage of the overgrowth of the muscle at the exit of the stomach, pyloric stenosis, and she was immediately emmitted to surgery, it is also very rare in girls 1 in 1ooo and for boys 1 in 200. Sometimes it is better to listen to our hearts than doctors when we feel like something is wrong. I just never see any info about it on websites and posts thought I woul share. Sorry I don't know how to tell short stories.